USMB poll who won tonight?

Who won?

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Sadly, Hillary had a better night. The beginning of the debate I felt was good for Trump. He was stealing the show even when she was talking, but she put him on the defensive and he stumbled a few times. I seriously doubt anybodies mind was changed, but Hellary might have got a few more undecided. Orange clown needs a much better performance next time out, or perhaps another Hellary health episode to regain momentum.
As for your "trickle down economics"? Trickle down doesn't exist. It's a liberal talking point and when you accuse someone of proposing that you're simply showing that you know nothing about business or economics. Profits have ALWAYS trickled up in free market economies...they have NEVER trickled down!
Trump is going to slash tax rates across the board and that is not "trickle down" economics in any sense of the term.

You are right, this is just another inane Dimbocrat talking point that they think the rest of America is too stupid to understand.

I am looking forward to keeping more of our family income and not losing it to federali stupidity and inefficiency.
I don't ether of them had a particularly strong performance, but Trump won.

I'd agree on the debate itself. As for the election, neither hurt themselves with their supporters. But with the middle who dislike Hitlary and aren't going to change that view but fear Trump as a loose cannon, Trump won because he didn't do anything to scare them. Trump's got the momentum since he cut the stupid shit. The only way he loses is going back there.

Hillary is unpleasant and arrogant and no one's changing their view of her. Trump's got the negatives, but they aren't so deeply entrenched. Can Trump control himself another month and a half? Don't know. But if he does, he will win

It seemed to hurt his ego more then anything else, as it should. Hillery may have been a bit sloppy, but she controlled the tempo of the debate and was able to unhinge Trump. Donald really needs to focus. work on his jab and quit trying to knock them out in the first round.
Sadly, Hillary had a better night. The beginning of the debate I felt was good for Trump. He was stealing the show even when she was talking, but she put him on the defensive and he stumbled a few times. I seriously doubt anybodies mind was changed, but Hellary might have got a few more undecided. Orange clown needs a much better performance next time out, or perhaps another Hellary health episode to regain momentum.
Bah, you must have seen a different debate than I did. Trump had Hillary on the point of tears by bringing up her own hellaceous record time and time again.

Hillary needed to show America what an Adolf Hitler Trump is as she has been claiming and she failed.

Trump needed to show that he is serious, friendly but tough and had to hammer home his main point that millions have come to realize; the professional political class is advancing itself by selling out the rest of America either by sheer incompetence of corruption. Period.

Trump accomplished his main goal and Hillary completely failed with hers.

Trump won it and the poll numbers next week will show it.
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It seemed to hurt his ego more then anything else, as it should. Hillery may have been a bit sloppy, but she controlled the tempo of the debate and was able to unhinge Trump. Donald really needs to focus. work on his jab and quit trying to knock them out in the first round.

What was Trumps main points he had to make? That he was not Hitler? That he has a serious demeanor? That he is not a racist, homophobe, or misogynist? That he has some serious policies he wants to implement? He did that.

And what were Hillary's goals? All she had to do was to convince America that Trump is all the horrible things she said he is, and she completely failed to do that.

How that works into a win for the harpy is just comical.
Think trump lost his focus in the second half and started to become unhinged a bit, the first half was pretty close.
To undecided votes I might toss it to Hillary, but Trump didn't lose any of his base here I think.
Yeah, that must be why both the Time and MSNBC polls are showing Trump won by a 60% to 40% vote right now.

Online polls don't work.
Except when they support your candidate, dumbass.

The liberal news sites are showing that their readership thinks Trump won.

Now maybe you can figure out why that is relevant to the question.

Sadly, Hillary had a better night. The beginning of the debate I felt was good for Trump. He was stealing the show even when she was talking, but she put him on the defensive and he stumbled a few times. I seriously doubt anybodies mind was changed, but Hellary might have got a few more undecided. Orange clown needs a much better performance next time out, or perhaps another Hellary health episode to regain momentum.
Bah, you must have seen a different debate than I did. Trump had Hillary on the point of tears by bringing up her own hellaceous record time and time again.

Hillary needed to show America what an Adolf Hitler Trump ias as she has been claiming and she failed.

Trump needed to show that he is serious, friendly but tough and had to hammer home his main point that millions have come to realize; the professional political class is advancing itself by selling out the rest of America either by sheer incompetence of corruption. Period.

Trump accomplished his main goal and Hillary completely failed with hers.

Trump won it and the poll numbers next week will show it.

It's just my opinion and the polls could reflect something different. I hope so. My expectations for Hellary having some sort of health episode during the debate were dashed, and perhaps that has skewed my judgment, but most of the "non-partial experts" felt Hellary won too.
It seemed to hurt his ego more then anything else, as it should. Hillery may have been a bit sloppy, but she controlled the tempo of the debate and was able to unhinge Trump. Donald really needs to focus. work on his jab and quit trying to knock them out in the first round.

What was Trumps main points he had to make? That he was not Hitler? That he has a serious demeanor? That he is not a racist, homophobe, or misogynist? That he has some serious policies he wants to implement? He did that.

And what were Hillary's goals? All she had to do was to convince America that Trump is all the horrible things she said he is, and she completely failed to do that.

How that works into a win for the harpy is just comical.

Dude, he shit him self every time she smiled. He was owned. No one I talk to that watched remember anything other then Hillery spit balling him all night and Trump rolling right in to get more. Hilleries goal is to make Trump look bad to those undecided types. the same folks who decided to stick with Barak Obama instead of Mitt Romney because Romney was not far off of Obama on most things and they figured its better to stick with the devil they know. Hillery did not win on substance she won on control. She was in control of the debate, Trump was not. He has work to do. As fo who won ? we will see in a week or two i guess.
How about no one won, but the American people lost?

No offense, but please list your education and medication situation. My gawd. The Donald pwnd Crooked Hillary and that is a WIN for the American people.

"pwnd" means what?

If you were looking for a CEO of the USA, then Hillary won. If you are looking for the next American Idol winner, then Trump won. Simple as.
I don't ether of them had a particularly strong performance, but Trump won.

I'd agree on the debate itself. As for the election, neither hurt themselves with their supporters. But with the middle who dislike Hitlary and aren't going to change that view but fear Trump as a loose cannon, Trump won because he didn't do anything to scare them. Trump's got the momentum since he cut the stupid shit. The only way he loses is going back there.

Hillary is unpleasant and arrogant and no one's changing their view of her. Trump's got the negatives, but they aren't so deeply entrenched. Can Trump control himself another month and a half? Don't know. But if he does, he will win

It seemed to hurt his ego more then anything else, as it should. Hillery may have been a bit sloppy, but she controlled the tempo of the debate and was able to unhinge Trump. Donald really needs to focus. work on his jab and quit trying to knock them out in the first round.

I agree, but remember the measuring stick is where they started.

Hillary is viewed as cold, impersonal, unpleasant and dishonest. It's a deeply held perception and she did nothing to change it.

Trump is viewed as a loose cannon and thin skinned. He didn't break out of that mold, but he did at least stay in the softer end of how he's already perceived.

Leftists want Hitlary and that isn't going to change. The people on the fence are the ones who want an outsider, but not a nut job. Trump was in the range of how he's perceived, but made himself easier to swallow.

Hillary has no up to go. She's not trusted and for good reason and she's been around since DC was formed. No one not supporting her now is suddenly going to say gosh, I want to get me some of that ...
I don't care who won, but Americans certainly lost.

I will say one things, though, and that is that the debate was designed to have Hillary win. The moderator continually held Trump's feet to the fire and tried to stop anything similar when it came to Hillary. If Trumps Birther nonsense is fair game, so should the e-mails and Clinton Foundation.
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I don't ether of them had a particularly strong performance, but Trump won.

I'd agree on the debate itself. As for the election, neither hurt themselves with their supporters. But with the middle who dislike Hitlary and aren't going to change that view but fear Trump as a loose cannon, Trump won because he didn't do anything to scare them. Trump's got the momentum since he cut the stupid shit. The only way he loses is going back there.

Hillary is unpleasant and arrogant and no one's changing their view of her. Trump's got the negatives, but they aren't so deeply entrenched. Can Trump control himself another month and a half? Don't know. But if he does, he will win

It seemed to hurt his ego more then anything else, as it should. Hillery may have been a bit sloppy, but she controlled the tempo of the debate and was able to unhinge Trump. Donald really needs to focus. work on his jab and quit trying to knock them out in the first round.

I agree, but remember the measuring stick is where they started.

Hillary is viewed as cold, impersonal, unpleasant and dishonest. It's a deeply held perception and she did nothing to change it.

Trump is viewed as a loose cannon and thin skinned. He didn't break out of that mold, but he did at least stay in the softer end of how he's already perceived.

Leftists want Hitlary and that isn't going to change. The people on the fence are the ones who want an outsider, but not a nut job. Trump was in the range of how he's perceived, but made himself easier to swallow.

Hillary has no up to go. She's not trusted and for good reason and she's been around since DC was formed. No one not supporting her now is suddenly going to say gosh, I want to get me some of that ...

I think Trump will point out what you mentioned about Hillery not having an "UP" to shoot for in the next debate. I think that debate is a town Hall with questions from the audience and thats where I think you will see Hillery take a beating. I agree with you about the voters though. we just have to wait for the next polls to see.
Dude, he shit him self every time she smiled. He was owned..
Dude, you really need to stop dropping so much acid when you watch debates.

I know that they can get boring to you people when you dont understand all those multi-syllable words being used, but your hallucinations are just making you look droolingly stupid.
I don't care who won, but Americans certainly lost.

I will say one things, though, and that is that the debate was designed to have Hillary win. The moderator continually held Trump's feet to the fire and tried to stop anything similar when it came to Hillary. If Trumps Birther nonsense is fair game, so should the e-mails and Clinton Foundation.

But that would require finding a moderator who is not a Dimbocrat sell out working in journalism today.

Thats a mighty tall order..
I don't ether of them had a particularly strong performance, but Trump won.

I'd agree on the debate itself. As for the election, neither hurt themselves with their supporters. But with the middle who dislike Hitlary and aren't going to change that view but fear Trump as a loose cannon, Trump won because he didn't do anything to scare them. Trump's got the momentum since he cut the stupid shit. The only way he loses is going back there.

Hillary is unpleasant and arrogant and no one's changing their view of her. Trump's got the negatives, but they aren't so deeply entrenched. Can Trump control himself another month and a half? Don't know. But if he does, he will win

It seemed to hurt his ego more then anything else, as it should. Hillery may have been a bit sloppy, but she controlled the tempo of the debate and was able to unhinge Trump. Donald really needs to focus. work on his jab and quit trying to knock them out in the first round.

I agree, but remember the measuring stick is where they started.

Hillary is viewed as cold, impersonal, unpleasant and dishonest. It's a deeply held perception and she did nothing to change it.

Trump is viewed as a loose cannon and thin skinned. He didn't break out of that mold, but he did at least stay in the softer end of how he's already perceived.

Leftists want Hitlary and that isn't going to change. The people on the fence are the ones who want an outsider, but not a nut job. Trump was in the range of how he's perceived, but made himself easier to swallow.

Hillary has no up to go. She's not trusted and for good reason and she's been around since DC was formed. No one not supporting her now is suddenly going to say gosh, I want to get me some of that ...

I think Trump will point out what you mentioned about Hillery not having an "UP" to shoot for in the next debate. I think that debate is a town Hall with questions from the audience and thats where I think you will see Hillery take a beating. I agree with you about the voters though. we just have to wait for the next polls to see.

In these Town Hall debates, the questions they allow people to ask are pre-approved, though. I doubt whether they will even allow anybody to ask questions about the e-mails or Clinton foundation. I hope I'm wrong, but if nobody asks them, it won't be because they didn't find it important, but that they were prevented from doing so.

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