Who will you vote for in November

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You're quite mad. Getting health costs under control with the PUB plan is not communism ferchrissake. Change the channel.

Actually, it is - because it is not the governments job to control healthcare costs or any other costs.

But then, why would you know that since you've never taken the time to actually read the U.S. Constitution. So much easier to have government just take care of you than to read, uh?
If you register as a Republican, they will quit calling since you don't give them the poll results they expect from Democraps and Indpendents.

I don't give a shit whose "winning". I'm sick of polls.

You know that you're full of shit. Numbers are dialed randomly.

They maybe dialed randomly but that doesn't alter the FACTS that in these two specific polls more Democrats were polled then GOP and more Leaning Independents were called.

Second.. Explain how CBS/USATODAY poll that has (and I usually go to their sampling methodology) can NOT be biased when this occurs:
CBS News State of the Union Poll - CBS News

The above CBS poll of 659 people.

44% or 290 were Democrats almost 43% more Democrats were asked then GOP!
31% or 204 were Independent
25% or 165 were GOP

Now of the 204 Independents how many leaned more Democrat the GOP???

Almost two-thirds of those who call themselves independent lean to either the Democratic or Republican Party.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

Conclusions then IF 47% of the Independents LEAN or are STrong democrat
AND if 34% lean or are strong GOP...

The CBS poll therefore had 44% Democrats..
The CBS poll had at least 13% of Independents that lean or strong Democrats or
an additional 27 Independents LEANING DEMOCRAT..
That meant in this ONE CBS POLL there were
317 of the people polled that leaned or were Democrats.. or ONLY 138 of 659 polled
were GOP!

As a result.. BIASED reporting of a POLL by supposedly "Objective" MSM!!!

This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone September 7-9, 2012, among a random national sample of 1,002 adults, including landline and cell phone-only respondents. Results for the full sample have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 percentage points. The error margin is four points for the sample of 826 registered voters, and 4.5 points for the sample of 710 likely voters. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt-SRBI of New York.

Results 50% Obama Romney 44%

Democrats 32% of the 1,002 or 320 GOP 26% or 260 polled Independents 37% or 370

Studies show 47% of Independents lean Democrat so that meant 174 of Independents favor Democrat favor Obama or total OBAMA
combining Demo/Independent of 494 votes for Obama.

Total GOP/Independents or 386 Romney.

Washington Post-ABC News Poll (

Two POLLs showing More Democrats and more Leaning Democrat Independents then GOP and GOP leaning Independents!

All probably randomly dialed UNTIL there were MORE Democrats then GOP!
At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 22% of the population are radicals communists, 22% are radical anarchists, and 56% are rational, Constitutional American's.

Let's try that again. At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 44% of the population are free thinking, constitutional americans, and 56% are radical right wing, freedom hating, neo-nazi extremists.
You're quite mad. Getting health costs under control with the PUB plan is not communism ferchrissake. Change the channel.

Actually, it is - because it is not the governments job to control healthcare costs or any other costs.

But then, why would you know that since you've never taken the time to actually read the U.S. Constitution. So much easier to have government just take care of you than to read, uh?

They didn't even have health care in 1787. The consitution has moved on. idiot.
You're quite mad. Getting health costs under control with the PUB plan is not communism ferchrissake. Change the channel.

Actually, it is - because it is not the governments job to control healthcare costs or any other costs.

But then, why would you know that since you've never taken the time to actually read the U.S. Constitution. So much easier to have government just take care of you than to read, uh?

They didn't even have health care in 1787. The consitution has moved on. idiot.

It's not the governments job to control healthcare.
Those "other" voters are wasting their ain't going to happen so you might as well go for one other top dogs.
  • Thanks
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For those who are listening to the liberals constantly screaming that everything is “Bush's fault”, ON THAT DAY, JANUARY 3, 2007:

The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The unemployment rate was 4.6% and
George Bush's economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS of JOB GROWTH.

But it was the day that the U.S. Economy died.

Great cronyism and corruption bubble! How'd that work out?
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At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 22% of the population are radicals communists, 22% are radical anarchists, and 56% are rational, Constitutional American's.

Let's try that again. At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 44% of the population are free thinking, constitutional americans, and 56% are radical right wing, freedom hating, neo-nazi extremists.

You really want to align yourself with the Ron Paul kook's like Dissent in attempt to improve your numbers? Holy shit is that the funniest fucking thing ever! The radical left-wing communist Black_Label now thinks he is on the same side as the radical-right wing anarchist Dissent... :rofl:

Hey stupid, if Dissent had his way, there would be no government at all and no laws at all. Total freedom, maaaaan! Somehow, I think you'd have a fucking aneurysm under Dissent's idea of "governing" this nation.

Considering that 21% of the population is a registered Democrat, I'd way we have a fairly accurate representation of America here on USMB, with 22% voting for Obama right now.
At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 22% of the population are radicals communists, 22% are radical anarchists, and 56% are rational, Constitutional American's.

Let's try that again. At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 44% of the population are free thinking, constitutional americans, and 56% are radical right wing, freedom hating, neo-nazi extremists.

You really want to align yourself with the Ron Paul kook's like Dissent in attempt to improve your numbers? Holy shit is that the funniest fucking thing ever! The radical left-wing communist Black_Label now thinks he is on the same side as the radical-right wing anarchist Dissent... :rofl:

Hey stupid, if Dissent had his way, there would be no government at all and no laws at all. Total freedom, maaaaan! Somehow, I think you'd have a fucking aneurysm under Dissent's idea of "governing" this nation.

Considering that 21% of the population is a registered Democrat, I'd way we have a fairly accurate representation of America here on USMB, with 22% voting for Obama right now.

Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance of anarcho-capitalism.
Those "other" voters are wasting their ain't going to happen so you might as well go for one other top dogs.

That's the entire point that the radical anarchist Ron Paul worshippers simply do not get. When your candidate fails, you don't just vote for a party (like I've been falsely accused of doing). You vote for the candidate that most aligns with your values and who is closest to the candidate you want.

Only someone lying just to be a fucking asshole (like the Ron Paul assholes have done) would claim that Romney is no closer to Ron Paul than Obama. Paul and Obama are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum. Obama is a full-fledged marxist/communist/socialist, Paul is a full-fledged anarchist. So between Obama and Romney, the person closest to the Ron Paul ideology is Mitt Romney.

They know that GJ isn't winning, but they think by helping Obama they will "teach the GOP a lesson" and get their way in the future. Sorry, the GOP will never roll out a radical anarchist candidate. It's not going to happen, no matter how much they lose. It's just astounding what a bunch of babies the Ron Paul crowd is. I've never seen a bigger bunch of sore losers and crying bitches.
Let's try that again. At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 44% of the population are free thinking, constitutional americans, and 56% are radical right wing, freedom hating, neo-nazi extremists.

You really want to align yourself with the Ron Paul kook's like Dissent in attempt to improve your numbers? Holy shit is that the funniest fucking thing ever! The radical left-wing communist Black_Label now thinks he is on the same side as the radical-right wing anarchist Dissent... :rofl:

Hey stupid, if Dissent had his way, there would be no government at all and no laws at all. Total freedom, maaaaan! Somehow, I think you'd have a fucking aneurysm under Dissent's idea of "governing" this nation.

Considering that 21% of the population is a registered Democrat, I'd way we have a fairly accurate representation of America here on USMB, with 22% voting for Obama right now.

Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance of anarcho-capitalism.

The only ignorance is from you Ron Paul anarchists who think we should have no speed limits, that cops are Nazi's who should be killed, and that having any laws to create a civil nation is an outrage.

You guys are fucking tools and no amount of trying to change the conversation will cover the facts about you and your "anarcho-capitalism" :)lol:)
On a side note, even without the Ron Paul anarchists, this micro-poll is showing the epict beat down of Barack that most people with an ounce of common sense fully expect come November.

Can you just imagine what the beat down would be if the Ron Paul anarchists weren't a bunch of bitches who are taking their ball and going home because they didn't win? Man what a message would be sent if they just would have realized that it is what it is, and you might as well get on board with the next best option available.
You really want to align yourself with the Ron Paul kook's like Dissent in attempt to improve your numbers? Holy shit is that the funniest fucking thing ever! The radical left-wing communist Black_Label now thinks he is on the same side as the radical-right wing anarchist Dissent... :rofl:

Hey stupid, if Dissent had his way, there would be no government at all and no laws at all. Total freedom, maaaaan! Somehow, I think you'd have a fucking aneurysm under Dissent's idea of "governing" this nation.

Considering that 21% of the population is a registered Democrat, I'd way we have a fairly accurate representation of America here on USMB, with 22% voting for Obama right now.

Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance of anarcho-capitalism.

The only ignorance is from you Ron Paul anarchists who think we should have no speed limits, that cops are Nazi's who should be killed, and that having any laws to create a civil nation is an outrage.

You guys are fucking tools and no amount of trying to change the conversation will cover the facts about you and your "anarcho-capitalism" :)lol:)

No amount of you making things up and saying that this is what we are or what we believe will make up for the fact that everybody here knows that you're simply a clown who has no idea what he's talking about.
No amount of you making things up and saying that this is what we are or what we believe will make up for the fact that everybody here knows that you're simply a clown who has no idea what he's talking about.

That's the beauty of it - your ignorant words are immoratlized in black & white on this board. Anyone can go back and see your ignorant posts for themselves.

"Fuck the establishment maaaaan. Light up a fat one and blow the smoke in the face of those PIGS, maaaan". Yeah, there's no stoping you rebels! :rofl:
No amount of you making things up and saying that this is what we are or what we believe will make up for the fact that everybody here knows that you're simply a clown who has no idea what he's talking about.

That's the beauty of it - your ignorant words are immoratlized in black & white on this board. Anyone can go back and see your ignorant posts for themselves.

"Fuck the establishment maaaaan. Light up a fat one and blow the smoke in the face of those PIGS, maaaan". Yeah, there's no stoping you rebels! :rofl:

See, now you're not even making sense. You're just rambling and falling back on your little hippie meme hoping it will cover up your intellectual inadequacies.
At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 22% of the population are radicals communists, 22% are radical anarchists, and 56% are rational, Constitutional American's.

Let's try that again. At this point, it would appear the numbers indicate that 44% of the population are free thinking, constitutional americans, and 56% are radical right wing, freedom hating, neo-nazi extremists.

You really want to align yourself with the Ron Paul kook's like Dissent in attempt to improve your numbers? Holy shit is that the funniest fucking thing ever! The radical left-wing communist Black_Label now thinks he is on the same side as the radical-right wing anarchist Dissent... :rofl:

Hey stupid, if Dissent had his way, there would be no government at all and no laws at all. Total freedom, maaaaan! Somehow, I think you'd have a fucking aneurysm under Dissent's idea of "governing" this nation.

Considering that 21% of the population is a registered Democrat, I'd way we have a fairly accurate representation of America here on USMB, with 22% voting for Obama right now.

Are you mentally ill, extremely stupid, or both? :eusa_think:

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