USMC vet claims PTSD and demands "right" to have pet dog with him at work.

Has war ever been any different? Wars have always been overwhelming. The incidence of people unable to cope has increased. There is a difference in the people. The men are not as strong nor are they capable of doing what they have historically been able to do.

PTSD has always existed, just not always named or diagnosed.
-------------------------------------------- and not ever been able to be PROVED RC .

What mental health disorder has ever been able to be proved?
--------------------------------------- thats why i call BS , its just employment for 'head doktors' RC .

So you deny the existence all forms of mental illness?
MENTAL ILLNESS doesn't really matter does it . The only problem with those that are sometimes said to be mentally ill is only when they Violently attack , rape , murder . And then they should be locked up same as any violent attacker , rapist , murderer . Otherwise , if they are peaceable i don't care if they are said to be mentally ill RC.
MENTAL ILLNESS doesn't really matter does it . The only problem with those that are sometimes said to be mentally ill is only when they Violently attack , rape , murder . And then they should be locked up same as any violent attacker , rapist , murderer . Otherwise , if they are peaceable i don't care if they are said to be mentally ill RC.

But you do care, because if a dog is considered treatment for PTSD, you have a problem with that.
2 reasons , 1 , taxpayers pay for the dog . And 2 , the bigger reason is that this guy wants to FORCE his new employer to accept his dog at his private business RC.
2 reasons , 1 , taxpayers pay for the dog . And 2 , the bigger reason is that this guy wants to FORCE his new employer to accept his dog at his private business RC.

Bit you want to deny that there's an illness at all.
I don't care about the bogus , made up illness of 'ptsd' one way or the other . But hey , i think i made myself clear in my previous post and other posts RC.
I don't care about the bogus , made up illness of 'ptsd' one way or the other . But hey , i think i made myself clear in my previous post and other posts RC.

Ohhhhh. You care.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- i care enough to discuss but thats about it RC. Its you and your kids that will live your lives in the country that you create but there will be oppostion [see Trump] .
I can't say that I agree with that approach. At the very least, it's simply consigning the sufferer to being a cripple who is unable to live a functional life. If there's a way to allow people with illnesses to live normal lives, or at least closer to normal, then I consider that an advance that needs to be reasonably accommodated, just like requirements to have wheelchair ramps and elevators for those who can't walk.

Yes, I think it needs to follow the same legitimate, medically-approved practices observed with seeing-eye dogs, rather than simply letting people take pets with them willy-nilly, but I think it's a lot more reasonable than simply expecting someone to give up on living productively.
There's nothing functional about forcing yourself and your dog upon others.
People who can't function without a therapy dog aren't actually functioning. And why should an employer be forced to take that on?

We're not talking about a therapy dog. We're talking about a service dog. Please note that I did already post about the training the dogs receive, and the functions they perform.
Oh puhleeze. You want your dog to be a service dog. Here you go.

US Service Dogs | Service Dog Registration and Products | Get your dog registered as a service dog!

For $69.00 your dog is a service dog. A little bit extra and they will send you a vest too. This is one of dozens of places that do the same thing. By the magic of the internet, your Fido is a service dog.

Let the dogs in. Everywhere. And tell these PTSD excuse buckets to grow a spine.

Grow a brain.
And don't pickle it drunk cat lover.
Brilliant and sooooo mature for a person of your emotional age.

Have you sent in for your service kit yet?

I'd rather be me than a hateful bitch like you, you shit.
People like you disgust me.
It's all well and good to send these military men and women off to protect us all and ensure we continue to enjoy the freedoms we all take for granted. But hey... let that man or woman come back damaged and it's Betty bar the door, isn't it? And that guy better come back bitching about a REAL injury, like both legs blown off gawdamit or you're just a snivelling shit.
They go where we send them. They protect those we tell them to protect. They kill those we tell them to kill. Until we have a mass military of robotics, there is human nature and psychology involved and it's ghastly and unfair to dismiss those that come home with I juries you cannot see.
Your very ability to besmirch our military counts on them fighting for the right for you to do so.
The two biggest scumbags on this message board:

PIssmoe and Tipsycunt.

Go fuck yourselves, both of you.
You know, people like you, with your sadly archaic ignorance and idealized blanket view of the world are the reason that medical science, and particularly psychiatric medicine, have such difficulty advancing sometimes.

Amazingly enough, there were a lot more veterans of WW2 than just your dad and his buddies that you knew, and anecdotal "evidence" isn't evidence. The fact is, there have been a lot of men who returned from every war in history who were so psychologically damaged that they were never able to function again. They wound up institutionalized or as a burden on their families or even homeless.

This is in no way to belittle the sacrifices and accomplishments of any generation that shouldered the responsibility of fighting for their country. But this rosy-glasses view you have of them just "manning up and handling it" is utter crap.
------------------------------------------- flotsam , maybe they shouldn't have survived . Course since they did survive they should perhaps be helped but not catered to and held up as heros Cecille.

I think you should take your abysmal, juvenile stupidity somewhere it will be appreciated. I'm sure there are still some Justin Bieber boards out there somewhere. And be sure not to EVER take advantage of any advances in medical treatment developed after 1960, since you obviously believe that all truth and wisdom was known at that time, and will be true forever.

Meanwhile, piss off. I'd rather hear from serious adults.
So you really think that it's a better idea for people to simply succumb to their illnesses and become unproductive burdens on their families and the state, rather than finding ways to deal with their problems and do something useful with themselves?

No if the employer is willing to accommodate, that's great. But the dogs themselves place a burden on the state, iand everybody else, f the state is paying for them (and they do) and forcing employers to accommodate them.

I really don't have a problem with therapy dogs that are real service dogs for vets with ptsd. I do have a problem with unstable people forcing employers to hire them and accommodate their instability. People with ptsd, if they require a dog to be with them, probably shouldn't be spending 8 hours out in public if the only way they can keep from nutting out is if they have their dog. They need to be focusing on getting better, or get into some other line of work. And I've been sitting at a desk and had people ushered back to me with mangy, twitchy dogs just like I described, who obviously are not doing anything for their lunatic owners that can't be forsworn or a few minutes, and I've had their fleas jump on me...and there were children in the lobby, and no leashes in sight.

Not only that, the ones with these *therapy dogs* will always choose to foist themselves upon everybody..they use these poor animals as attention getters and conversation starters. It's about attention, for most of them. Not for the vets, but for the majority.

I'm frankly disturbed by your blase assumptions here. First of all, you say "I don't have a problem with real service dogs for vets with PTSD", but then go on to basically lump everyone into the "weirdos with mangy pets" category. And then there's the "stay home until you're perfectly healthy" mentality you seem to be ascribing to, as though going out and getting a job, albeit with a service dog, wouldn't be one of the stages of getting better.

Please make up your mind. Are all service dogs - with the presumed exception of seeing-eye dogs - "mangy attention-getters", or are there distinctions? Are veterans with PTSD legitimately ill and thus qualified for accommodations for the disabled, as the blind are, or are they "unstable people foisting themselves on others"? I've already drawn the distinction of a medically-legitimate diagnosis and prescription, and extensive training for the dog. Do you recognize these distinctions, or do you not?

I recognize the distinctions, and I addressed them. I also addressed the fact that if you can't function without a dog to keep you from spraying the lobby with bullets, you probably should spend a couple more years working on your issues, instead of trying to force people to hire, and accommodate, your crazy ass.

Why the anger toward our military folks that come back less than perfect?
-------------------------------------------------------- no ANGER , military Volunteers volunteer for their jobs for money , healthcare , wages , education so pay them what they are due . Also take care of their broken and missing bones and fund their disabilities that are service related and which can be PROVEN !! Problem is that PTSD is an unprovable malady . Plus this particular guy is trying to force his possible new employer to accept his dog even if the employer doesn't want the dog Deane .

I see a LOT of anger underlying a lot of the responses here. As well as an almost sociopathic level of a lack of empathy.
We owe all our military men and women a modicum of respect and a large amount of gratitude.
I don't know if this particular guy is shamming or not. Neither do you. But if it's true and that dog helps him get through his days just now... I can't imagine a reason to not grant what is really, a very small thing.
------------------------------------------- flotsam , maybe they shouldn't have survived . Course since they did survive they should perhaps be helped but not catered to and held up as heros Cecille.

I think you should take your abysmal, juvenile stupidity somewhere it will be appreciated. I'm sure there are still some Justin Bieber boards out there somewhere. And be sure not to EVER take advantage of any advances in medical treatment developed after 1960, since you obviously believe that all truth and wisdom was known at that time, and will be true forever.

Meanwhile, piss off. I'd rather hear from serious adults.
No if the employer is willing to accommodate, that's great. But the dogs themselves place a burden on the state, iand everybody else, f the state is paying for them (and they do) and forcing employers to accommodate them.

I really don't have a problem with therapy dogs that are real service dogs for vets with ptsd. I do have a problem with unstable people forcing employers to hire them and accommodate their instability. People with ptsd, if they require a dog to be with them, probably shouldn't be spending 8 hours out in public if the only way they can keep from nutting out is if they have their dog. They need to be focusing on getting better, or get into some other line of work. And I've been sitting at a desk and had people ushered back to me with mangy, twitchy dogs just like I described, who obviously are not doing anything for their lunatic owners that can't be forsworn or a few minutes, and I've had their fleas jump on me...and there were children in the lobby, and no leashes in sight.

Not only that, the ones with these *therapy dogs* will always choose to foist themselves upon everybody..they use these poor animals as attention getters and conversation starters. It's about attention, for most of them. Not for the vets, but for the majority.

I'm frankly disturbed by your blase assumptions here. First of all, you say "I don't have a problem with real service dogs for vets with PTSD", but then go on to basically lump everyone into the "weirdos with mangy pets" category. And then there's the "stay home until you're perfectly healthy" mentality you seem to be ascribing to, as though going out and getting a job, albeit with a service dog, wouldn't be one of the stages of getting better.

Please make up your mind. Are all service dogs - with the presumed exception of seeing-eye dogs - "mangy attention-getters", or are there distinctions? Are veterans with PTSD legitimately ill and thus qualified for accommodations for the disabled, as the blind are, or are they "unstable people foisting themselves on others"? I've already drawn the distinction of a medically-legitimate diagnosis and prescription, and extensive training for the dog. Do you recognize these distinctions, or do you not?

I recognize the distinctions, and I addressed them. I also addressed the fact that if you can't function without a dog to keep you from spraying the lobby with bullets, you probably should spend a couple more years working on your issues, instead of trying to force people to hire, and accommodate, your crazy ass.

Why the anger toward our military folks that come back less than perfect?
-------------------------------------------------------- no ANGER , military Volunteers volunteer for their jobs for money , healthcare , wages , education so pay them what they are due . Also take care of their broken and missing bones and fund their disabilities that are service related and which can be PROVEN !! Problem is that PTSD is an unprovable malady . Plus this particular guy is trying to force his possible new employer to accept his dog even if the employer doesn't want the dog Deane .

I see a LOT of anger underlying a lot of the responses here. As well as an almost sociopathic level of a lack of empathy.
We owe all our military men and women a modicum of respect and a large amount of gratitude.
I don't know if this particular guy is shamming or not. Neither do you. But if it's true and that dog helps him get through his days just now... I can't imagine a reason to not grant what is really, a very small thing.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- well , if this guy is forcing his employer in HIS business to do what he doesn't want to do then thats the PROBLEM . -------------------------- thing is that emotional people , usually dems and liberals make bad decisions based on EMOTION Deane .
------------------------------------------- flotsam , maybe they shouldn't have survived . Course since they did survive they should perhaps be helped but not catered to and held up as heros Cecille.

I think you should take your abysmal, juvenile stupidity somewhere it will be appreciated. I'm sure there are still some Justin Bieber boards out there somewhere. And be sure not to EVER take advantage of any advances in medical treatment developed after 1960, since you obviously believe that all truth and wisdom was known at that time, and will be true forever.

Meanwhile, piss off. I'd rather hear from serious adults.
No if the employer is willing to accommodate, that's great. But the dogs themselves place a burden on the state, iand everybody else, f the state is paying for them (and they do) and forcing employers to accommodate them.

I really don't have a problem with therapy dogs that are real service dogs for vets with ptsd. I do have a problem with unstable people forcing employers to hire them and accommodate their instability. People with ptsd, if they require a dog to be with them, probably shouldn't be spending 8 hours out in public if the only way they can keep from nutting out is if they have their dog. They need to be focusing on getting better, or get into some other line of work. And I've been sitting at a desk and had people ushered back to me with mangy, twitchy dogs just like I described, who obviously are not doing anything for their lunatic owners that can't be forsworn or a few minutes, and I've had their fleas jump on me...and there were children in the lobby, and no leashes in sight.

Not only that, the ones with these *therapy dogs* will always choose to foist themselves upon everybody..they use these poor animals as attention getters and conversation starters. It's about attention, for most of them. Not for the vets, but for the majority.

I'm frankly disturbed by your blase assumptions here. First of all, you say "I don't have a problem with real service dogs for vets with PTSD", but then go on to basically lump everyone into the "weirdos with mangy pets" category. And then there's the "stay home until you're perfectly healthy" mentality you seem to be ascribing to, as though going out and getting a job, albeit with a service dog, wouldn't be one of the stages of getting better.

Please make up your mind. Are all service dogs - with the presumed exception of seeing-eye dogs - "mangy attention-getters", or are there distinctions? Are veterans with PTSD legitimately ill and thus qualified for accommodations for the disabled, as the blind are, or are they "unstable people foisting themselves on others"? I've already drawn the distinction of a medically-legitimate diagnosis and prescription, and extensive training for the dog. Do you recognize these distinctions, or do you not?

I recognize the distinctions, and I addressed them. I also addressed the fact that if you can't function without a dog to keep you from spraying the lobby with bullets, you probably should spend a couple more years working on your issues, instead of trying to force people to hire, and accommodate, your crazy ass.

Why the anger toward our military folks that come back less than perfect?
-------------------------------------------------------- no ANGER , military Volunteers volunteer for their jobs for money , healthcare , wages , education so pay them what they are due . Also take care of their broken and missing bones and fund their disabilities that are service related and which can be PROVEN !! Problem is that PTSD is an unprovable malady . Plus this particular guy is trying to force his possible new employer to accept his dog even if the employer doesn't want the dog Deane .

I see a LOT of anger underlying a lot of the responses here. As well as an almost sociopathic level of a lack of empathy.
We owe all our military men and women a modicum of respect and a large amount of gratitude.
I don't know if this particular guy is shamming or not. Neither do you. But if it's true and that dog helps him get through his days just now... I can't imagine a reason to not grant what is really, a very small thing.
------------------------------------------------------------ 'doktor' Deane the perfessional says that he see Anger and a Sociopathic level of lack of empathy . All my empathy goes to the private business owner that this 'ptsd'er' / possible scammer is in the process of hurting doktor Deane . [chuckle]
I think you should take your abysmal, juvenile stupidity somewhere it will be appreciated. I'm sure there are still some Justin Bieber boards out there somewhere. And be sure not to EVER take advantage of any advances in medical treatment developed after 1960, since you obviously believe that all truth and wisdom was known at that time, and will be true forever.

Meanwhile, piss off. I'd rather hear from serious adults.
I'm frankly disturbed by your blase assumptions here. First of all, you say "I don't have a problem with real service dogs for vets with PTSD", but then go on to basically lump everyone into the "weirdos with mangy pets" category. And then there's the "stay home until you're perfectly healthy" mentality you seem to be ascribing to, as though going out and getting a job, albeit with a service dog, wouldn't be one of the stages of getting better.

Please make up your mind. Are all service dogs - with the presumed exception of seeing-eye dogs - "mangy attention-getters", or are there distinctions? Are veterans with PTSD legitimately ill and thus qualified for accommodations for the disabled, as the blind are, or are they "unstable people foisting themselves on others"? I've already drawn the distinction of a medically-legitimate diagnosis and prescription, and extensive training for the dog. Do you recognize these distinctions, or do you not?

I recognize the distinctions, and I addressed them. I also addressed the fact that if you can't function without a dog to keep you from spraying the lobby with bullets, you probably should spend a couple more years working on your issues, instead of trying to force people to hire, and accommodate, your crazy ass.

Why the anger toward our military folks that come back less than perfect?
-------------------------------------------------------- no ANGER , military Volunteers volunteer for their jobs for money , healthcare , wages , education so pay them what they are due . Also take care of their broken and missing bones and fund their disabilities that are service related and which can be PROVEN !! Problem is that PTSD is an unprovable malady . Plus this particular guy is trying to force his possible new employer to accept his dog even if the employer doesn't want the dog Deane .

I see a LOT of anger underlying a lot of the responses here. As well as an almost sociopathic level of a lack of empathy.
We owe all our military men and women a modicum of respect and a large amount of gratitude.
I don't know if this particular guy is shamming or not. Neither do you. But if it's true and that dog helps him get through his days just now... I can't imagine a reason to not grant what is really, a very small thing.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- well , if this guy is forcing his employer in HIS business to do what he doesn't want to do then thats the PROBLEM . -------------------------- thing is that emotional people , usually dems and liberals make bad decisions based on EMOTION Deane .

Pismoe... The nation is filled with broken people. Broken in one way or another and they try to be as normal as they can. There will always be the percentage of fakers and whiners so long as there are humans, but I'm talking generally... the majority.
Everywhere you look, there are blind people, deaf people, people in wheelchairs all going to work. Doing their part for them, their families and their country. And do we make accommodations for them to be able to work? You bet. And in the end, it's a win win for all because we have people that are happier, healthier and more productive than those we are unwilling or unable to help or accomodate and they end up a drain on society.
Look... I'm no bleeding liberal trying to make folks accept gays, trannys, safe spots or Maxine Waters. I'm pro-life, pro-gun and pro-mindyourownfuckinbusiness.
But PTSD is real. It's a huge problem. It's part of the large numbers surrounding suicide in returning vets. It's playing a role in things like domestic violence and alcoholism. You seem to feel going for a drink to get a guy by a tough spot is just the way to go and it used to be, but it's not now. Alcoholism destroys more people and families than anything else. It's no answer.
only comment i have is that someones elses alcohol consuption is none of my business doktor Deane .
only comment i have is that someones elses alcohol consuption is none of my business doktor Deane .

It is in certain instances. Like if you have an alcoholic employee.

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