USSC Rules On Obamacare - Poll

Predict How the USSC Will Rule On Obamacare

  • It stays completely intact - Obama Wins Big

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Only the individual mandate is struck down - Tie

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Obamacare is declared unconstitutional - GOP Wins Big

    Votes: 18 51.4%

  • Total voters
5-4 America wins...

Meaning it gets overturned.

What Is the Individual Mandate and What If It's Declared Unconstitutional? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS[/url]

"Just 7.3 million people -- 2 percent of the total population -- will have to newly buy coverage under the ACA and won't receive any federal assistance to pay for it."

In other words, the vast majority of people crying that they will be forced to buy something, won't be forced to buy anything.

Not that I buy your numbers, but if one person is being forced to buy something they don't want, then that is unconstitutional.

Also, government is trying to squeeze money out of people by being in healthcare. They're basically the equivalent of the mob. You pay the mob before anything else gets done. They can get the f out.
If the individual mandate is struck down, the whole thing is in the toilet. It all hinges on the individual mandate and if that doesn't hold up, it all falls apart.

I think the individual mandate is indeed unconstitutional and if the judges do their job instead of legislate from the bench, they'll shoot it down.

If they do the right thing, America wins.
I would be amazed if they voted 9-0 against the mandate. I bet a few of thos lib judges are just pretending to be concerned about it but in the end they will vote the party line.
Meaning it gets overturned.

What Is the Individual Mandate and What If It's Declared Unconstitutional? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS[/url]

"Just 7.3 million people -- 2 percent of the total population -- will have to newly buy coverage under the ACA and won't receive any federal assistance to pay for it."

In other words, the vast majority of people crying that they will be forced to buy something, won't be forced to buy anything.

Not that I buy your numbers, but if one person is being forced to buy something they don't want, then that is unconstitutional.

Also, government is trying to squeeze money out of people by being in healthcare. They're basically the equivalent of the mob. You pay the mob before anything else gets done. They can get the f out.

"My" numbers? I didn't make these up. I quoted the source and provided a link. The numbers are from a study by the Urban Institute. I would think it's safe to say the numbers are "their's".

And you didn't address my point. The majority of people complaining about this mandate and how it will force them to buy something, are not going to be forced to buy anything.
If the individual mandate is struck down, the whole thing is in the toilet. It all hinges on the individual mandate and if that doesn't hold up, it all falls apart.

I think the individual mandate is indeed unconstitutional and if the judges do their job instead of legislate from the bench, they'll shoot it down.

If they do the right thing, America wins.

I agree the Mandate ties this all together. What I don't understand is how people think having millions lose their coverage over night is "America wins".

This is why the GOP will lose in November.
If the individual mandate is struck down, the whole thing is in the toilet. It all hinges on the individual mandate and if that doesn't hold up, it all falls apart.

I think the individual mandate is indeed unconstitutional and if the judges do their job instead of legislate from the bench, they'll shoot it down.

If they do the right thing, America wins.

That's the hope, but I don't think so. There's a lot of stuff in that bill. Even w/o the individual mandate, government has taken a primary role in healthcare. I think we'll find a lot more unfair realities due to this law.
If the mandate is found to be unconstitutional then the whole law is worthless. It will prove that Obama is a loser who spent all of his political capital on an worthless piece of shit that not even one Republican voted for. It will be an absolutely HUGE win for the GOP and for the America people.

Until the insurance companies then tell Americans that they will now have to raise rates even higher since they will be losing 30 million customers. I predict a change of heart among Americans as soon as they find out that striking down Obamacare will actually cost us even more.
If this is struck down, then I foresee the push toward, and passage of Universal Health Care funded with an income tax. Especially after the Insurance companies raise their rates another 30% and deny those that have paid in for years the care they have paid for.
If the mandate is found to be unconstitutional then the whole law is worthless. It will prove that Obama is a loser who spent all of his political capital on an worthless piece of shit that not even one Republican voted for. It will be an absolutely HUGE win for the GOP and for the America people.

Huge loss for the GOP you mean. You have lol... wait for it... lol.. here it comes.. Mitt Romney!!! LOLZZ! What will he run off if there is no Obamacare? Mitt already can't get people to just be "ok" with him as the Republican nominee and his biggest issue is to repeal Obamacare, the Bill he once supported.

Sorry that you are so dull. Allow me to help.

Individual States have the ability to do things that the Federal government cannot do. Read the Constitution. Pay close attention to Article I, section 8. Then read the 10th Amendment which states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Mitt supported his Health care on a Federal level... If you spent more than five seconds looking at your candidate you would know this being it's everywhere with video these days. Also Mitt's HC system for his state has to use massive federal dollars to keep the state from running massive deficits.

Why argue with me when you know you will lose? I never said states can't do their own HC, so why did you bring it up? Oh, because without that you got nothin.

And for the record, Mitt is one of the more progressive Governors that we as a nation have had, in fact Mitt called himself Progressive, do you want me to get that video for you too? What’s it like supporting a massive government, giant entitlement creating, deficit running big spender like Mitt when one of your biggest issues with Obama is whelp, his program that happens to be Romneycare on federal level and Obama’s spending?

That's what you get when you're an "anyone but Obama" fool.
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If the mandate is found to be unconstitutional then the whole law is worthless. It will prove that Obama is a loser who spent all of his political capital on an worthless piece of shit that not even one Republican voted for. It will be an absolutely HUGE win for the GOP and for the America people.

Until the insurance companies then tell Americans that they will now have to raise rates even higher since they will be losing 30 million customers. I predict a change of heart among Americans as soon as they find out that striking down Obamacare will actually cost us even more.

Or COngress will go back and change the existing mandates on pre-existing conditions and adult children. Allowing companies to charge the actuarally correct amount for pre-existings would be a good idea.
I hope that the mandate goes 9-0.
At best maybe 6-3.

It seems that the Democrats really need a slap in the face, that our Constitution limits the Federal Government.
Did you listen the the Federal Lawyer on the first day say that the Feds have no limitations? He got shot down by that comment.

We do need to get health care for those that are uninsured, but Federal Government is not the answer.
Why are we disrupting the Majority who have insurance for the few (30 or 40 million)?
If we get more of the free clinics that are working, and costing less per patient, than government run health care, for those who don't have insurance, all of our premiums would go down. This bill does not do that.
The clinics that are working where each patient that uses it, they pay what they can for the services.
You can't take away 500 billion from Medicare and add 30 or 40 million more people to it and expect it to work.
We said that the cost would be higher than 900 billion and we were right, It will cost 1.75 trillion. Governments own numbers.
Forcing Americans to do things is not the American way.
Not looking good for Obamacare...
Justices poised to strike down entire healthcare law -

The Supreme Court's conservative justices said Wednesday they are prepared to strike down President Obama’s healthcare law entirely.

Picking up where they left off Tuesday, the conservatives said they thought a decision striking down the law's controversial individual mandate to purchase health insurance means the whole statute should fall with it.

The court’s conservatives sounded as though they had determined for themselves that the 2,700-page measure must be declared unconstitutional.

"One way or another, Congress will have to revisit it in toto," said Justice Antonin Scalia.

Agreeing, Justice Anthony Kennedy said it would be an "extreme proposition" to allow the various insurance regulations to stand after the mandate was struck down.

Meanwhile, the court's liberal justices argued for restraint. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the court should do a "salvage job," not undertake a “wrecking operation." But she looked to be out-voted.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said they shared the view of Scalia and Kennedy that the law should stand or fall in total. Along with Justice Clarence Thomas, they would have a majority to strike down the entire statute as unconstitutional.
I couldn't answer the poll because the stated meaning of each possible ruling ("Obama wins big," "tie," or "GOP wins big") don't follow from those rulings.
As most of the law hasn't taken effect yet, there won't be a huge fallout. The parts of the law that have taken effect will merely go back to whatever they did before the two year old law.

obama was counting on obamacare as an issue for his campaign. Unless he has a plan B, he's in big trouble. One of the main reasons he was desperate for a republican vote to pass it was because if it failed he could say it was a bipartisan vote. He was denied that. It's an entirely democratic boondoggle.
D. USSC busts the law and the republicans are forced to reveal their vision of a replacement before the election.

Obama wins big.

Why exactly do you think we need a replacement? Did you ever think that we just want to be free to take care of our own responsibilities our own way?

Ya....that has been working so well. :hmpf:

6-3 that the law is Constitutional.
You're tone deaf....

Justices poised to strike down entire healthcare law -
5-4 America wins...

Meaning it gets overturned.

What Is the Individual Mandate and What If It's Declared Unconstitutional? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

"Just 7.3 million people -- 2 percent of the total population -- will have to newly buy coverage under the ACA and won't receive any federal assistance to pay for it."

In other words, the vast majority of people crying that they will be forced to buy something, won't be forced to buy anything.

Whether they, as individuals, will be 'forced' is not the issue. The concept of a Government being able to force anyone - that is the issue. Twit.
What's the difference between...

making citizens pay for insurance on their own


TAXING them and then providing the insurance?

Of course, having people pay for their insurance is what CONZ have been advocating for awhile, making the costs of medical care less opaque. But what can one expect from CONZ? Logical consistence? HA!

Maybe this CON tactic will backfire and democrats will tax the rich to pay for everyone else's healthcare AND mandate that employers have to give what they WERE paying in insurance premiums to their workers ?

How about that?
Somewhere between option 2 and 3, maybe.

If they rule the mandate is unconstitutional, they COULD go all the way by saying the Act cannot be saved on the basis of non-severability.

Then it would be the 3rd option. :D

I harbor some hope for the 3rd option.

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