Utah Governor Responds To Constituent Demanding He Change 'Obscene' Last Name

What's making me lmao in this thread is all the Dems who take an anonymous typewritten note as gospel!!

On another note, if the last name Cox is 'outlawed' what names are next?
It sounds like you are trying to disrespect me as a heterosexual because I am female. Both sexes are subject to the same moral values, if they actually exist. The only thing that I have ever done in a bedroom has been to to unite with and bring joy to my partner. I hope that this is your history, too.

In the wider note, stay the fuck out of Americans' bedrooms.

Ugh. You're too stupid to talk to.

Fuck off.
What's making me lmao in this thread is all the Dems who take an anonymous typewritten note as gospel!!

On another note, if the last name Cox is 'outlawed' what names are next?

What do you expect? Half of them link to tweets for proof of their claims. :)
This is actually real. When I read the headline I thought it was satire and a joke.

It's not.

Or maybe the letter itself is a joke and satire. It sure is full of conservative stereotype rhetoric.

I mean no conservative is stupid enough to think that him not changing his name is a "communist dictatorship." I mean that has to be one of the more ridiculous parts of the letter.

The governor's constituent affairs director thinks it's serious.

I don't know if I agree.

Haha! :lol: Colbert covered this one. Can’t make it up!
Sick, but not surprising. There is a segment of the U.S. population that is really into some sexual thing. It seems to be originating with some religious cults, who are obsessed with invading Americans' bedrooms. These people are are to be ignored.
They call ‘em MORMONS :D

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The letter was probably written by a bored recently retired guy using the name of David Dennison again. The reference to "sitting" is a dead giveaway.
Now if his first name was Mike, I could understand the concern
They call ‘em MORMONS :D

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hilarious, but I don't think that it is just the Mormons. There is a whole whole host of cult groups that are obsessed with what heterosexual women do, what LGBTQ's do, what men who are not white do sexually. Texas fuhrer abbott can't keep his fingers out of Texans' vaginas just to "check." Some states require "counseling" for people who are seeking an abortion, as if these people did not have their own confidants from whom they might seek advice if they feel that they want it, and no one knows what happens in this "counseling" and what happens to the personal information these "counselors" gather.

This all is highly offensive to me. I was brought up to respect the privacy of others. One didn't inquire about the personal aspects of another person's life, sex, religion, finances, religious beliefs. If a person wishes to share, s/he may do so. This simply is a matter of what was instilled in me as a child. Some things are personal and intimate. Right-wingers seem to have no boundaries, which is disrespect.

For example, I have had people who I've known only as casual acquaintances in a writing class I took, confront me as to my religious beliefs when we decided to continue after the class ended and help each other with our creative efforts. One night I went to a meeting and only two other people showed up. We were accustomed to reading people's papers out loud, and one asked me to read a piece she wrote, which was religious in nature. I did so, and then they both took out bibles from their bags and started questioning me about my religious thoughts. This was just plain rude. I excused myself and never went back. One of these people was a rich local celebrity, who at one point asked me to edit her autobiography. Forget that. I never had anything to do with her again.

It's not just a matter of politics, people have political differences all the time. It's a matter of boundaries.
The collective IQ of this place is even lower than I could have imagined.

Really? After seven years you've reached this conclusion? It took me less than a week. Either you haven't been paying attention or you lack imagination...
The article notes it was a "constituent". He then goes on to blame "constituents".

He should have chucked and tossed the letter.
The letter says thousands of people are ready to protest. I think it's a joke.

He should have tweeted that he changed his last name to "Roosterz".
The e-mail reminded me of the Lazlo Letters published back in 1977. Don Novello as Lazlo Toth wrote short idiotic letters to celebrities and companies then published them along with the replies.


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