VA is servicing illegals before Vets

The Cretin in Chief and all his gang, including Barack Ovomit, hate America.

Zero surprises there. :mad-61:
One thing Biden has done is prove just how anti-American they are. F'ing illegals over Americans? If the so called news media wasn't 100% in the tank covering this up the American people would be marching on Washington. We the people are getting F'ed over and they are using OUR money to do it.
And then there is the real story...

When an illegal immigrant under ICE detention requires healthcare, they are typically treated on-site by medical professionals. However, if specialist or emergency care is required, they may be transported to an independent private provider.

In such cases, ICE contracts with the VA’s Financial Service Center (VA-FSC) to process reimbursements to those providers. According to a report from July, ICE has hundreds of letters of understanding in which ICE’s Health Service Corps (IHSC) will reimburse providers at Medicare rates. That uses the VA-FSC’s Healthcare Claims Processing System — a portal that allows providers to submit and view claims and access other resources.

The arrangement long predates the Biden administration. It was outlined in a 2020 memo during the Trump administration, and the VA told Fox News Digital that it has an interagency agreement with the IHSC since 2002 to provide processing. The agency stressed that it is not the VA that either provides healthcare or pays for it.

"VA does not provide or fund any health care services to individuals detained in [ICE] custody. At no time are any VA health care professionals or VA funds used for this purpose," VA press secretary Terrence Hayes told Fox News Digital. "[IHSC] provides and pays for all health care services for individuals detained in its custody."

You have been duped again, the VA is not providing any medical services, they are merely processing claims so that private physicians that did work get reimbursed by the Govt

You of course have photographic evidence of this?

They were understaffed under the previous Admin as well. This is not a new problem.

Not really, we keep voting the same two parties back into power, and then think things will change.

It is not possible, it is a lie.

But none of you give a fuck.

This thread is a microcosm of what is wrong with our country today. A tweet (or whatever they are called now) passes false information that has been shown to be false in this very thread and nobody gives a fuck, they just go on pretending it is true.

FoxNews debunked this lie and that is not even good enough for them any longer.

We are so fucked as a country

wrong, it is ignored by the media because it is not true.
Hmmm…you’re always running cover for globalist leftist bullshit….but but but…you swear you are not left as fuck.
Tell us…with thousands of Veterans struggling, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets should ANY effort to help wetbacks be made by the VA? Shouldn’t ALL efforts be focused and exhausted on Veterans?
Are you sure you’re a Vet?
Like White 6 2+2 with you just doesn’t add up with you “VETS” bud.

Why don’t you and White 6 just come clean and tell us that you’re both man gravy gargling pole puffers so your left leaning retardation can then start to make a little sense.
NONE of us know of ANY legitimate Veterans that are left leaning, your shit just doesn’t reconcile.
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One thing Biden has done is prove just how anti-American they are. F'ing illegals over Americans? If the so called news media wasn't 100% in the tank covering this up the American people would be marching on Washington. We the people are getting F'ed over and they are using OUR money to do it.
Biden and the democrats have made it difficult to get care through the VA since he has been in office. They have made the online so convoluted that it is nearly impossible to navigate.
Hmmm…you’re always running cover for globalist leftist bullshit….but but but…you swear you are not left as fuck.
Tell us…with thousands of Veterans struggling, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets should ANY effort to help wetbacks be made by the VA? Shouldn’t ALL efforts be focused and exhausted on Veterans?
Are you sure you’re a Vet?

You sudden and new giving a shit about Vets is very touching.

Had you only cared about the VA doing this when your god was in the White House or during 6 out of 8 years with Bush II in the White House it might even seem sincere.
Biden and the democrats have made it difficult to get care through the VA since he has been in office. They have made the online so convoluted that it is nearly impossible to navigate.

I have not had any trouble getting care through the VA since I started using them a couple years ago.

Perhaps you are doing something wrong.
One thing Biden has done is prove just how anti-American they are. F'ing illegals over Americans? If the so called news media wasn't 100% in the tank covering this up the American people would be marching on Washington. We the people are getting F'ed over and they are using OUR money to do it.

you know, the VA was doing this very same thing when the guy in your avatar was in the White House, right?

Why were you not up in arms about it back then?
And then there is the real story...

When an illegal immigrant under ICE detention requires healthcare, they are typically treated on-site by medical professionals. However, if specialist or emergency care is required, they may be transported to an independent private provider.

In such cases, ICE contracts with the VA’s Financial Service Center (VA-FSC) to process reimbursements to those providers. According to a report from July, ICE has hundreds of letters of understanding in which ICE’s Health Service Corps (IHSC) will reimburse providers at Medicare rates. That uses the VA-FSC’s Healthcare Claims Processing System — a portal that allows providers to submit and view claims and access other resources.

The arrangement long predates the Biden administration. It was outlined in a 2020 memo during the Trump administration, and the VA told Fox News Digital that it has an interagency agreement with the IHSC since 2002 to provide processing. The agency stressed that it is not the VA that either provides healthcare or pays for it.

"VA does not provide or fund any health care services to individuals detained in [ICE] custody. At no time are any VA health care professionals or VA funds used for this purpose," VA press secretary Terrence Hayes told Fox News Digital. "[IHSC] provides and pays for all health care services for individuals detained in its custody."
So this thread is based on bullshit.

What a shock
I have not had any trouble getting care through the VA since I started using them a couple years ago.

Perhaps you are doing something wrong.
Perhaps I don't have a family member running interference for me. When you have to sign into two different websites and deal with two-factor authentication with three different ways to sign in that they've implemented to confuse the issue plus have to deal with the same issues again to be reimbursed for costs--it is an issue. Prior to the democrats taking control, it was simple--user name and password and everything was done. Stop by the travel office on the way out of the facility and done. Try gulping some more democrap gator. You're lying again. BTW, I've been in the system for thirty years and never had problems until Biden and the democrats.
So this thread is based on bullshit.

What a shock


The VA is doing what is has been doing since 2002, processing claims in its processing center. No medical care of any sort is being given out by the VA to illegals
So illegal aliens are more important than Veterans. You are a serious piece of garbage.
So you’re full of shit. As detailed earlier in this thread the VA is processing claims by private providers. Clerical only and it’s been going on for decades

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