VA is servicing illegals before Vets

We need an influx of new people. We don't really reproduce at a high enough rate to pay for all the benefits older people get.

But dimocrap scum are going way beyond that. They're trying to displace the people who made this country -- A Country. Whites.

And, folks...... They ain't shittin' around. They are serious as dogs copulating. They don't just intend to do it, they ARE doing it.

Watcha gonna do about it??

Nothing. As usual
Excuses is all ya got....we gotta destroy society to save it bs
Clueless foreigner chiming in. Will you cheer when Canada services illegals ahead of citizens?

We don't have much of a problem with illegal immigrants in Canada, because you can't get ANYTHING in this country without a valid Social Insurance Card, and every governmentt agency requires your card and will e-verify your number.

Refugee claimants receive access to health care upon entry to Canada, but then there are no special health care services for our veterans. Everyone living in Canada has access to the same level of care - regardless of how long they've lived here. That includes health care. Basically, we greet you at the immigration office with "Hi, welcome to Canada. Here is your health card card.

One of my American friends from New York State, who studied in Toronto in the 1990's said American students living close to the border, kept their OHIP cards and frequently returned to Canada for "free health care".

Employers caught hiring undocumented workers will be fined $10,000 per employee. Canadians won't work under the table, because they can't get unemployment insurance, or government retraining assistance unless they've contributed premiums to the programs for 9 of the last 12 months.
This thread is a microcosm of what is wrong with our country today. A tweet (or whatever they are called now) passes false information that has been shown to be false in this very thread and nobody gives a fuck, they just go on pretending it is true.
How is that possible and why does the media ignore it?

Because Republicans are too focused on defending a lying criminal asshole like Donald Trump who claims he never took an oath to defend the Constitution, than they are about standing up for the real American patriots who have always made America great, BECAUSE they never once failed to live up to their oath to the Constitution.

Trump tried to force veterans to be guinnea pigs for his hydrochlolry-whatever treatment until so many of them died the VA doctors refused to give it any more. Those given HC, or HC in combination, and were more than twice as likely to die as those who didn't receive the drug at all.

"Rates of death in the HC, HC+AZ, and no HC groups were 27.8%, 22.1%, 11.4%, respectively."

That's how Republicans treat vets.
We don't have much of a problem with illegal immigrants in Canada, because you can't get ANYTHING in this country without a valid Social Insurance Card, and every governmentt agency requires your card and will e-verify your number.

Refugee claimants receive access to health care upon entry to Canada, but then there are no special health care services for our veterans. Everyone living in Canada has access to the same level of care - regardless of how long they've lived here. That includes health care. Basically, we greet you at the immigration office with "Hi, welcome to Canada. Here is your health card card.

One of my American friends from New York State, who studied in Toronto in the 1990's said American students living close to the border, kept their OHIP cards and frequently returned to Canada for "free health care".

Employers caught hiring undocumented workers will be fined $10,000 per employee. Canadians won't work under the table, because they can't get unemployment insurance, or government retraining assistance unless they've contributed premiums to the programs for 9 of the last 12 months.
Then why isn't Canada getting 10,000 illegal immigrants a day? We should be bussing them all to the Canadian border.
You have been duped again, the VA is not providing any medical services, they are merely processing claims so that private physicians that did work get reimbursed by the Govt

Private? That’s even more costly you black-tounged cow.
And while Americans pay even higher costs With insurance they must pay for.
This thread is a microcosm of what is wrong with our country today. A tweet (or whatever they are called now) passes false information that has been shown to be false in this very thread and nobody gives a fuck, they just go on pretending it is true.

nice try. You two are full of BS. You know it is true. It got this far without any differing view. Discussed on your MSM channels too. Get a room with Black you pantyliner.
And then there is the real story...

When an illegal immigrant under ICE detention requires healthcare, they are typically treated on-site by medical professionals. However, if specialist or emergency care is required, they may be transported to an independent private provider.

In such cases, ICE contracts with the VA’s Financial Service Center (VA-FSC) to process reimbursements to those providers. According to a report from July, ICE has hundreds of letters of understanding in which ICE’s Health Service Corps (IHSC) will reimburse providers at Medicare rates. That uses the VA-FSC’s Healthcare Claims Processing System — a portal that allows providers to submit and view claims and access other resources.

The arrangement long predates the Biden administration. It was outlined in a 2020 memo during the Trump administration, and the VA told Fox News Digital that it has an interagency agreement with the IHSC since 2002 to provide processing. The agency stressed that it is not the VA that either provides healthcare or pays for it.

"VA does not provide or fund any health care services to individuals detained in [ICE] custody. At no time are any VA health care professionals or VA funds used for this purpose," VA press secretary Terrence Hayes told Fox News Digital. "[IHSC] provides and pays for all health care services for individuals detained in its custody."

That explains why vets are being turned over for collections when they receive services outside the VA. The service center in GA is too busy processing claims for illegals. That almost happened to me a few years back, fortunately I still had Tricare at the time and had the provider file with them. There's no reason veterans credit ratings should be put in jeopardy to process claims for illegals.


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