VA is servicing illegals before Vets

You have been duped again, the VA is not providing any medical services, they are merely processing claims so that private physicians that did work get reimbursed by the Govt

Yeah, but not really duped because he/she was posting in response to a poster who was praising the fact that an illegal was seen before a service member. So it doesn’t matter if the story is a lie, the idea behind it is apparently celebrated by the left. Illegals over veterans…hmmm…
Really? What about your own citizens in need of a procedure who gets bumped in line for someone who entered the country illegally? You’re not helping them are you? In fact, you are harming, who should get treatment in that situation? The citizen who pays taxes into your economy, who has worked all their life and paid into the system, the citizen who joined your military and potentially put their life on the line for your country, or someone who crossed your borders illegally last week?
Canada is worse. You might very likely die waiting for care in their overburdened socialist system. But the duck and Turdeau would have you believe it is just hunky dory.
Really? What about your own citizens in need of a procedure who gets bumped in line for someone who entered the country illegally? You’re not helping them are you? In fact, you are harming, who should get treatment in that situation? The citizen who pays taxes into your economy, who has worked all their life and paid into the system, the citizen who joined your military and potentially put their life on the line for your country, or someone who crossed your borders illegally last week?
As noted above several times

That’s not what is happening
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Yeah, but not really duped because he/she was posting in response to a poster who was praising the fact that an illegal was seen before a service member. So it doesn’t matter if the story is a lie, the idea behind it is apparently celebrated by the left. Illegals over veterans…hmmm…
Hey asshole

It DOES matter if the story is a lie
What ever gave you the idea I supported this crap. I am totally opposed to what has happened to the VA since Biden and the democraps took over. I thought that was pretty clear. Now Gulping Gator and White 6 might be happy with it, but they are both drinking the democrap kool aid.
Also as noted… this has been the procedure for 20 years
They are using VA resources to process healthcare claims for illegal aliens while there is an unacceptable back log of Veteran claims.
Document that this supposed backlog has anything to do with lack of clerical staff.

And then tell us why it only matters to you now and not once during the past two decades that it was occurring…
Document that this supposed backlog has anything to do with lack of clerical staff.

And then tell us why it only matters to you now and not once during the past two decades that it was occurring…
You are not getting my point dumb ass and I have been bitching about the state of the VA for the past 20 years moron. I'm a vet and I come from a military family. I'm not a partisan hack like yourself I don't give a shit who is in office when it comes to Veteran care.
And then there is the real story...

When an illegal immigrant under ICE detention requires healthcare, they are typically treated on-site by medical professionals. However, if specialist or emergency care is required, they may be transported to an independent private provider.

In such cases, ICE contracts with the VA’s Financial Service Center (VA-FSC) to process reimbursements to those providers. According to a report from July, ICE has hundreds of letters of understanding in which ICE’s Health Service Corps (IHSC) will reimburse providers at Medicare rates. That uses the VA-FSC’s Healthcare Claims Processing System — a portal that allows providers to submit and view claims and access other resources.

The arrangement long predates the Biden administration. It was outlined in a 2020 memo during the Trump administration, and the VA told Fox News Digital that it has an interagency agreement with the IHSC since 2002 to provide processing. The agency stressed that it is not the VA that either provides healthcare or pays for it.

"VA does not provide or fund any health care services to individuals detained in [ICE] custody. At no time are any VA health care professionals or VA funds used for this purpose," VA press secretary Terrence Hayes told Fox News Digital. "[IHSC] provides and pays for all health care services for individuals detained in its custody."

The VA is not providing such healthcare.

The VA is not paying for such healthcare.


All the VA is doing is helping ICE process reimbursements to independent healthcare providers OUTSIDE the VA.


The money is NOT coming from the VA nor is the modest additional processing workload impacting veteran care in the slightest.

This was an interagency accommodation first set into motion in 2020 by the Trump Administration and is just now coming to light.

Why is ICE leaning on the VA for help with paying independent providers for medical care for detainees?

Because ICE has no large-scale nationwide network of independent healthcare providers nor the claim and payment processing resources.

So the Trump administration decided to use an underutilized resource within the VA to help with that... actually, a good decision for once.

No big deal.


Dog bites Man.
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The VA is not providing such healthcare.

The VA is not paying for such healthcare.


All the VA is doing is helping ICE process reimbursements to independent healthcare providers OUTSIDE the VA.

The money is NOT coming from the VA nor is the modest additional processing workload impacting veteran care in the slightest.

This was an interagency accommodation first set into motion in 2020 by the Trump Administration and is just now coming to light.

Thanks for repeating what was in the post you responded to.

Well except the part you got wrong, it has been going on since 2002 according to the VA
Thanks for repeating what was in the post you responded to.

Well except the part you got wrong, it has been going on since 2002 according to the VA
I made a mistake.

I was responding to the OP.

I have no idea what-the-hell I clicked on to reference your subsequent post.


It's early... I'm still pounding down my first cup of coffee for the morning... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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...Our priorities are to help people, rather than harm them.

Then the US should scoop-up all of the 20,000,000 Illegal Aliens who have crossed our borders lately...

And dump them all on your side of the border...

Like so many Blue (Democratic Party) -run decaying northern American cities that have declared themselves Sanctuaries...

We'll see how "generous" you feel after you're choking on "new arrivals to Canada" for a year or two and your resources are exhausted...
Over 161,000 procedures for illegals last year, not sure about this year so far.

On an emergency basis, they have to see whomever is presented. I’m not sure if the VA’s have emergency care centers though.

At any rate, the story is probably bullshit if they are stating that the VA is seeing patients who are not veterans on a regular basis considering what we had to do to get my father into the VA. They are incredibly thorough and officious.

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