Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

This ain't football, son. You don't get a point spread. If Romney is behind Obama, as he is in most of the credible polls, then he's behind. If everyone else is behind, that's when you start looking at other people.

We better work harder, JoeB, because NO ONE ELSE can run against BHO and win.

Who's "We", Paleface. I never wanted the Mormon POS to start with, for good reason. YOu guys sandbagged everyone else who might have done better because it was Mitt's "turn" and now you are whining because you can't get Republicans to drink the koolaid in your suicide pact?

Frankly, I think that Perry could beat Obama. So could Newt, so could Santorum. Get a real conservative in there espousing real conservative solutions and not mealy-mouthed me-too liberalism, and you offer a contrast.

Which is what an election is supposed to be, a contrast.

If you have two parties kind of agreeing on everything, all you have is a popularity contest between a kind of hip black guy and a Weird Mormon Robot.

Jake: I think that Ron Paul could beat him if he captures the imagination of enough young people.

JoeB: You're an idiot if you think Newt, Perry or San-fucking-torum stands a snowball's chance in hell of even preventing another Obama landslide.
JoeB: You're an idiot if you think Newt, Perry or San-fucking-torum stands a snowball's chance in hell of even preventing another Obama landslide.

Here's a scenario for you. Perry gets the nomination. Then the economy takes another dip. Oil crisis in HOrmuz, Eurozone collapse. Whatever. Stock market takes a huge dive in let's say September and the companies start doing massive layoffs again like they did in October 2008.

You think Barry is going to get re-elected if that happens?
Americans have harnessed the power of the atom.

Made trips to the moon.

Put two robots on Mars, satellites and telescopes in space.

Developed cures for many diseases and invented all sorts of machines.

But for some reason 5 Republican presidential candidates just couldn't manage to gather enough signatures from registered voters?
We better work harder, JoeB, because NO ONE ELSE can run against BHO and win.
Who's "We", Paleface. I never wanted the Mormon POS to start with, for good reason. YOu guys sandbagged everyone else who might have done better because it was Mitt's "turn" and now you are whining because you can't get Republicans to drink the koolaid in your suicide pact? Frankly, I think that Perry could beat Obama. So could Newt, so could Santorum. Get a real conservative in there espousing real conservative solutions and not mealy-mouthed me-too liberalism, and you offer a contrast. Which is what an election is supposed to be, a contrast. If you have two parties kind of agreeing on everything, all you have is a popularity contest between a kind of hip black guy and a Weird Mormon Robot.

Jake: I think that Ron Paul could beat him if he captures the imagination of enough young people. JoeB: You're an idiot if you think Newt, Perry or San-fucking-torum stands a snowball's chance in hell of even preventing another Obama landslide.

JoeB is a bigoted loony, period. Perry, Newt, Santorum cannot beat Obama now, unless the world faills apart. Ron Paul will never catch the enthusiasm of the young, because he is, in their collective world, far too old to understand them, or so they think.

Romney is the only GOP chance for victory in 2012.
Who's "We", Paleface. I never wanted the Mormon POS to start with, for good reason. YOu guys sandbagged everyone else who might have done better because it was Mitt's "turn" and now you are whining because you can't get Republicans to drink the koolaid in your suicide pact? Frankly, I think that Perry could beat Obama. So could Newt, so could Santorum. Get a real conservative in there espousing real conservative solutions and not mealy-mouthed me-too liberalism, and you offer a contrast. Which is what an election is supposed to be, a contrast. If you have two parties kind of agreeing on everything, all you have is a popularity contest between a kind of hip black guy and a Weird Mormon Robot.

Jake: I think that Ron Paul could beat him if he captures the imagination of enough young people. JoeB: You're an idiot if you think Newt, Perry or San-fucking-torum stands a snowball's chance in hell of even preventing another Obama landslide.

JoeB is a bigoted loony, period. Perry, Newt, Santorum cannot beat Obama now, unless the world faills apart. Ron Paul will never catch the enthusiasm of the young, because he is, in their collective world, far too old to understand them, or so they think.

Romney is the only GOP chance for victory in 2012.
Actually, Ron Paul is very popular with college kids. Of course, the media chalks it all up to his position on drug legalization, but it's also about stopping the wars and U.S. imperialism.
JoeB is a bigoted loony, period. Perry, Newt, Santorum cannot beat Obama now, unless the world faills apart. Ron Paul will never catch the enthusiasm of the young, because he is, in their collective world, far too old to understand them, or so they think.

Romney is the only GOP chance for victory in 2012.

Well, then, honestly, again, if the only way the GOP wins is by nominating a Democrat, why are we bothering to have a party?
JoeB is a bigoted loony, period. Perry, Newt, Santorum cannot beat Obama now, unless the world faills apart. Ron Paul will never catch the enthusiasm of the young, because he is, in their collective world, far too old to understand them, or so they think.

Romney is the only GOP chance for victory in 2012.

Well, then, honestly, again, if the only way the GOP wins is by nominating a Democrat, why are we bothering to have a party?
Again: the GOP hasn't nominated a conservative since Goldwater. Why would they start now?
If you have two parties kind of agreeing on everything, all you have is a popularity contest between a kind of hip black guy and a Weird Mormon Robot.

And that has been the essence of most American presidential elections: voters support the candidate they like and believe will win.

Again: the GOP hasn't nominated a conservative since Goldwater. Why would they start now?

They had a bad experience with that last conservative.

Of course they have no conservatives to nominate, and none are running - Perry, Gingrich, and Santorum are not conservatives.
Americans have harnessed the power of the atom.

Made trips to the moon.

Put two robots on Mars, satellites and telescopes in space.

Developed cures for many diseases and invented all sorts of machines.

But for some reason 5 Republican presidential candidates just couldn't manage to gather enough signatures from registered voters?

And there are currently 3 Attorney Generals (past and present) of Virginia-all stating that the ballot access rules for the state of Virginia are unconstitutional--and are challenging them right now.

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is intervening in his state's presidential primary dispute and plans to file emergency legislation to address the inability of most Republican presidential candidates to get their name on the ballot, Fox News has learned.

Meanwhile, four GOP candidates on Saturday joined fellow candidate Rick Perry's lawsuit against the state, urging the Board of Elections to either allow them on the ballot or at least refrain from taking any action until a Jan. 13 court hearing.

Only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul qualified for the Virginia primary, a contest with 49 delegates up for grabs. Perry and the four candidates joining the lawsuit -- Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman -- did not.

The failure of other candidates to qualify led to complaints that the 10,000-signature requirement is too stringent. Cuccinelli, who is a Republican, shared the concerns and plans to take them to the legislature while the candidates work through the courts.

"Recent events have underscored that our system is deficient," he said in a statement Saturday. "Virginia owes her citizens a better process. We can do it in time for the March primary if we resolve to do so quickly."

Cuccinelli's proposal is expected to state that if the Virginia Board of Elections certifies that a candidate is receiving federal matching funds, or has qualified to receive them, that candidate will upon request be automatically added to the ballot.

Two former Democratic attorneys general are backing the move, along with a former Democratic state party chairman and a former Republican state party chairman.

Former state Attorney General Tony Troy called the Virginia process a "legal and constitutional embarrassment." Fellow former top Virginia prosecutor Steve Rosenthal said: "This is not a Democratic or Republican issue. If it takes emergency legislation, then we need to do it.
Virginia AG Intervenes In GOP Ballot Dispute As Blocked Candidates Join Suit | Fox News

To give everyone an example as to how EXTREME Virginia is: The state of Alabama access ballot rules for presidential primaries are as follows:

Candidacy [§17-13-102, Code of Alabama (1975)]
To qualify for presidential preference primary ballot access, a prospective
candidate must file a petition or petitions with his or her state political
party chairperson no later than December 14, 2011. The political party’s
chairperson may prescribe the petition format.
P A single petition may be filed with not less than 500 signatures of qualified
electors of the state, or
P Separate petitions from each of the seven congressional districts may be
filed, provided that each petition is signed by not less than 50 qualified
electors of the congressional district.

Alabama requires a total of 500 registered voter signatures for a Presidential candidate to obtain primary ballot access. The state of Virginia--requires 10,000 registered voter signatures--plus 400 of them have to be obtained from each of the 11 congressional districts. To add insult to injury--Virginia severely restricts who can submit petitions for presidential candidates.

Furthermore CRISS--if Virginia would have enforced their ballot access rules in 2008--(which they didn't) I would have expected that the Democrat nominees for President--Obama--Clinton--Edwards--along with all GOP nominees--would have had the same problems. Virginia did not enforce their own requirements--until they were sued into it--in October of this year.
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What a pile of crap that is. Virginia ballot laws are not unconstitutional. Hell, If the party decided they could chose their nominee in a smokey backroom, like they used to.

A state gets to decide how they make ballot access rules.

As to your hope about the VA AG --Lookie here:

Virginia’s Cuccinelli Opposes Changes to March Primary Rules

January 01, 2012, 10:33 PM EST

By Tim Higgins and Mike Millard
(Updates with legal challenge in second paragraph.)
Jan. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli opposes changing election rules to allow all Republican candidates on the ballot for the state’s March presidential primary, according to an e-mailed statement

Virginia’s Cuccinelli Opposes Changes to March Primary Rules - Businessweek

Looks like your dude changed his mind.

Oh well.
JoeB is a bigoted loony, period. Perry, Newt, Santorum cannot beat Obama now, unless the world faills apart. Ron Paul will never catch the enthusiasm of the young, because he is, in their collective world, far too old to understand them, or so they think.

Romney is the only GOP chance for victory in 2012.

Well, then, honestly, again, if the only way the GOP wins is by nominating a Democrat, why are we bothering to have a party?
Again: the GOP hasn't nominated a conservative since Goldwater. Why would they start now?

If you are going to live in some fantasy world where Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes (especially the second one) weren't "conservatives", I'm not sure if I should waste my time talking to you.
Well, then, honestly, again, if the only way the GOP wins is by nominating a Democrat, why are we bothering to have a party?
Again: the GOP hasn't nominated a conservative since Goldwater. Why would they start now?

If you are going to live in some fantasy world where Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes (especially the second one) weren't "conservatives", I'm not sure if I should waste my time talking to you.
Nixon created additional cabinet positions and bureacracies, and also instituted wage and price controls.

Reagan raised taxes 6 out of his 8 years and ran up massive debt due to massive spending.

Bush? Created the largest government agency in history, Homeland defense, and spent like a drunken sailor.

And I'M living in a fantasy world? :lol:
Well, then, honestly, again, if the only way the GOP wins is by nominating a Democrat, why are we bothering to have a party?
Again: the GOP hasn't nominated a conservative since Goldwater. Why would they start now?

If you are going to live in some fantasy world where Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes (especially the second one) weren't "conservatives", I'm not sure if I should waste my time talking to you.

Nixon was a huge lib.
Some states are more stringent but where do you draw the line? In Indiana it takes more than 500 per Congressional district which would mean to be safe you need 5000 signatures from all over the state.

The state GOP also sent a packet of information to each campaign explaining Indiana's primary rules and how to be placed on the ballot, along with a copy of the petition.

Candidates must round up 500 signatures of registered voters in each of the nine congressional districts. Those have to be turned in to county voter registration offices for certification by noon Jan. 31, and then to the state Election Division by noon Feb. 10.
Our GOP primary: relevant at last? | The Indianapolis Star |

The rules were set down and delivered to all the candidates. The people to blame are the candidates. You don't change the rules after the fact. That is un-American and sounds like Communist China or Russia. We are a nation of laws and it used to be something we could rely on. Are we now going to start changing laws on a whim or to meet certain circumstances? The process is supposed to take time, time to reflect on the constitutionality and the effects of the laws.
Nixon began very conservative and ended a lib.

Reagan had conservative principles that he was quite willing to forsake and go left when he needed to.

Bush was a right wing progressive who loved big government.

The country as a whole wants philosophically very little from the Tea Party movement or the Ryanistas.
Nixon created additional cabinet positions and bureacracies, and also instituted wage and price controls.

Reagan raised taxes 6 out of his 8 years and ran up massive debt due to massive spending.

Bush? Created the largest government agency in history, Homeland defense, and spent like a drunken sailor.

And I'M living in a fantasy world? :lol:

Yeah, pretty much, since you are pretty much cherry picking your data...

Nixon also ran against the hippies and social liberals, and pretty effectively. He was aggressive on foreign policy and military matters.

While they spent, they were at trying to get spending under control. Which is more than I can say for Obama, who has run up more debt in three years than Any republicans ever has.
Nixon began very conservative and ended a lib.

Reagan had conservative principles that he was quite willing to forsake and go left when he needed to.

Bush was a right wing progressive who loved big government.

The country as a whole wants philosophically very little from the Tea Party movement or the Ryanistas.

What the country wants is a shitload of goodies from the government and they want someone else to pay for it.

So let's call it what it is.

Ryan and the TEA movement are the only ones being realistic enough to say, "Hey, we can't do that, we are broke!"

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