VA Republican Governor Will Be Indicted on Corruption Charges

There's dirty politicians on the left and right.

Always has been, always will be.

The best thing either party can do is NOT circle the wagons and protect the bad apples.

you should know better than that, democRATS will cover, hide, protect and do what ever it takes to make sure their "Boy" escapes any and all prosecution..........., remember that murdering son-of-a-bitch Teddy Kennedy anyone ??

i guess it's OK to kill, just don't take money and expensive gifts :up: ... :lmao:

Really? You have to go all the way back to 1969 and a dead Kennedy? :lol:

The Right has been circling the wagons around McDonnell for months. Some just did it right here in this topic!!!

isn't that what you liarberal dimowits do ? i recall one of your own here a day or so ago dissing Nixon, but.., if you want something more recent......, there is an illegal alien muslime mulatto in the white house who has committed more crimes against our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America than ANY 25 Republican presidents. :up:
you should know better than that, democRATS will cover, hide, protect and do what ever it takes to make sure their "Boy" escapes any and all prosecution..........., remember that murdering son-of-a-bitch Teddy Kennedy anyone ??

i guess it's OK to kill, just don't take money and expensive gifts :up: ... :lmao:

Really? You have to go all the way back to 1969 and a dead Kennedy? :lol:

The Right has been circling the wagons around McDonnell for months. Some just did it right here in this topic!!!

isn't that what you liarberal dimowits do ?

See that? You are too foolish to realize you aren't talking to a liberal. You simply made an assumption.

i recall one of your own here a day or so ago dissing Nixon, but.., if you want something more recent......, there is an illegal alien muslime mulatto in the white house who has committed more crimes against our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America than ANY 25 Republican presidents. :up:

Just because your favorite chain emails says it doesn't make it so.

"Illegal alien muslime (sic) mulatto". Wow. Two out of three completely wrong. Combine that with calling me a liberal, and you're out!

Bigoted assholes like you are trashing the Right. Do you even realize you are slurring all Muslims by trying to not only make Obama a Muslim, but making that out to be a BAD thing?
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VA governor and his wife are quite the grifters. A Rolex watch, designer clothes, contributor paid for their daughter's wedding.
This is very disturbing. Will bob get his disability pension if he goes to Jesse jr??? I' m going back to sleep now. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
If he guilty, send him to jail.

It's really that simple.Molon Labe
"A free people ought to be armed."- George Washington
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."- Thomas Jefferson
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." - Thomas Jefferson
If you get to control my guns, do I get to control your abortions?
Yes, I will use my guns to defend your right to tell me I shouldn't have any guns.

and shoot anyone who tries to stop any womens ability to have
and abortion Billye E Rock

RIGHT !!!!!
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I heard that if he doesn't go to jail, Barack Hussein Sombrero will send him to jail with an Executive Order and appoint Joseph Stalin as his replacement.

Glenn Beck said it, so its true. But don't just take my word for it. Research it yourself.

Whose Barack Hussein Sombrero ??? and why would he appoint a dead person ???? as for Glen Beck .. why would we want to research a liar we already know he's a liar and anything he says is not worth the time of day ... you seem to be really messed up
Here is a fairly key part the OP did not bother to cut and paste.

While McDonnell has not been charged with any wrongdoing, it will be up to prosecutors to determine if there is enough evidence to go forward with any charges against him.

In fact at this time there is nothing in the article to indicate he will be charged.

In fact at this time there is nothing in the article to indicate he won't be charged.

I sure he will have a tuff time on the campaign trail trying to defend against these allegations
Here is a fairly key part the OP did not bother to cut and paste.

While McDonnell has not been charged with any wrongdoing, it will be up to prosecutors to determine if there is enough evidence to go forward with any charges against him.

In fact at this time there is nothing in the article to indicate he will be charged.

If there is a chance that the Democrats can put a Republican Governor on trial for corruption, and have that trial last until November 2014, you know it's gonna happen.

suck to be a repub-lie-tard these days huh !!!
If there is a chance that the Democrats can put a Republican Governor on trial for corruption, and have that trial last until November 2014, you know it's gonna happen.

Can they keep a investigation on going yes but the longer you do so with charging the person the less credible you look.

All they have to do is charge him, but not start the trial until Sept or October of next year.

sounds even better ... nothing like putting a republican out of office ... life is good !!!!
There's dirty politicians on the left and right.

Always has been, always will be.

The best thing either party can do is NOT circle the wagons and protect the bad apples.

you should know better than that, democRATS will cover, hide, protect and do what ever it takes to make sure their "Boy" escapes any and all prosecution..........., remember that murdering son-of-a-bitch Teddy Kennedy anyone ??

i guess it's OK to kill, just don't take money and expensive gifts :up: ... :lmao:

just like Jessie Jackson Jr. did huh !!!! he had along drawn out trial right !!!! he didn't.... he confessed to the same thing McDonald is accused of .... now isn't that special ... unlike "Duke" Cunningham he went kicking and screaming all the way for taking all the bribe money huh !!! he should be getting out here in 2014 right??? ps ted kennedy didn't kill anyone
you should know better than that, democRATS will cover, hide, protect and do what ever it takes to make sure their "Boy" escapes any and all prosecution..........., remember that murdering son-of-a-bitch Teddy Kennedy anyone ??

i guess it's OK to kill, just don't take money and expensive gifts :up: ... :lmao:

Really? You have to go all the way back to 1969 and a dead Kennedy? :lol:

The Right has been circling the wagons around McDonnell for months. Some just did it right here in this topic!!!

isn't that what you liarberal dimowits do ? i recall one of your own here a day or so ago dissing Nixon, but.., if you want something more recent......, there is an illegal alien muslime mulatto in the white house who has committed more crimes against our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America than ANY 25 Republican presidents. :up:

sucks to be you huh !!!!
he's nothing compaired to that lying treasoness son of a bitch who was in office right before him who has committed more crimes against our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America too !!!!
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This is very disturbing. Will bob get his disability pension if he goes to Jesse jr??? I' m going back to sleep now. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
oh well !!! if you worked for a company that gives you a retirement ... where you have worked the 20 years that is required to get the retirement and you are convicted of a crime, does that person lose their retirement ????
so why would a congressmen lose his if he did what was required to get it ...
Here is a fairly key part the OP did not bother to cut and paste.

While McDonnell has not been charged with any wrongdoing, it will be up to prosecutors to determine if there is enough evidence to go forward with any charges against him.

In fact at this time there is nothing in the article to indicate he will be charged.

If there is a chance that the Democrats can put a Republican Governor on trial for corruption, and have that trial last until November 2014, you know it's gonna happen.

suck to be a repub-lie-tard these days huh !!!

Sucks to be a stupid out of work sucking the taxpayer tit redneck.
Really? You have to go all the way back to 1969 and a dead Kennedy? :lol:

The Right has been circling the wagons around McDonnell for months. Some just did it right here in this topic!!!

isn't that what you liarberal dimowits do ? i recall one of your own here a day or so ago dissing Nixon, but.., if you want something more recent......, there is an illegal alien muslime mulatto in the white house who has committed more crimes against our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America than ANY 25 Republican presidents. :up:

sucks to be you huh !!!!
he's nothing compaired to that lying treasoness son of a bitch who was in office right before him who has committed more crimes against our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America too !!!!

So two wrongs make a right?
If there is a chance that the Democrats can put a Republican Governor on trial for corruption, and have that trial last until November 2014, you know it's gonna happen.

suck to be a repub-lie-tard these days huh !!!

Sucks to be a stupid out of work sucking the taxpayer tit redneck.
you shouldn't be degrading yourself like this .... I realize the trailer park you live in gives you a low self esteem, but I guess working at Walmart says it all HUH ....

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