Vaccination opt outs on the rise

It is too bad there isn't a vaccine for profound stupidity so children don't have to pay the ultimate penalty for their parents' idiotic anti-vax decisions.

U.S. whooping cough outbreak could be worst in half century

The number of U.S. whooping cough cases has risen to around 18,000 in an outbreak that is on track to become the most severe in over a half century and could in part stem from possible waning vaccine protection, health officials said on Thursday.

Well done, assholes. Hope you are proud of yourselves.


There have been outbreaks of whooping cough among the vaccinated leading some to question the effectiveness of this particular vaccine.
You are already basically forced to vaccinate. You can't enroll your child in most daycare or any schools without proof of vaccination as its considered a public health risk.
2 of my 3 kids are in public school and all we did was sign a paper that says we opt out of the vaccines.

It is too bad there isn't a vaccine for profound stupidity so children don't have to pay the ultimate penalty for their parents' idiotic anti-vax decisions.

U.S. whooping cough outbreak could be worst in half century

Well done, assholes. Hope you are proud of yourselves.


:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo: Let me play a sad song for you on my small violin. Oh and yes I am very proud I don't fall for every damn thing the government tells me especially when it comes to my kids.
Have your children had any vaccinations?
My oldest had them until she was 18 months and none since then my younger 2 have never had any..and 1 of those is in school.

Non-medical Vaccination Opt-Outs on the Rise - ABC News

Good news...less poison the more healthy the children. Anyone know how hard it is in Kentucky and North Carolina to opt out? Here in Ga its fairly easy.

Kids who are not vaccinated are walking time bombs. They have the potential to infect dozens of people with a disease because their retarded parents refuse to protect them.

Always depend on the statist's to come out in force especially when it comes to parents having the choice to raise their kids as they see fit.
It seems to me that all the "opt-outers" benefit greatly from all the rest of the families who choose to vaccinate their children. What happens when all of the rest of the kids start showing up with no vaccines?

The kids whose idiotic parents don't have them vaccinated are protected by what is known as herd immunity.

When the number of opt outs increase, the herd immunity is compromised and you get measles outbreaks and whooping cough epidemics.


But only the UN-immunized die. That's part of 'culling the herd", isn't it?

True, the stupid who don't get their children vaccinated will ultimately become evolutionary dead ends.
It is too bad there isn't a vaccine for profound stupidity so children don't have to pay the ultimate penalty for their parents' idiotic anti-vax decisions.

U.S. whooping cough outbreak could be worst in half century

The number of U.S. whooping cough cases has risen to around 18,000 in an outbreak that is on track to become the most severe in over a half century and could in part stem from possible waning vaccine protection, health officials said on Thursday.
Well done, assholes. Hope you are proud of yourselves.


There have been outbreaks of whooping cough among the vaccinated leading some to question the effectiveness of this particular vaccine.

I didn't know it was among the vaccinated...

but anything viral changes over time. Everything I've heard about the upswing in pertussis says that lax immunization is the reason.
Granny says, "Momma's to be - lissen up so's yer babies don't get the whoopin' cough...
Panel: Pregnant women, get whooping cough shot
24 Oct.`12 — An expert panel is urging every expecting mother to get a shot preventing whooping cough, preferably in the last three months of her pregnancy to help protect her baby.
The advice follows a frightening resurgence of the dreaded childhood disease. More than 32,000 cases, including 16 deaths, have been reported so far this year, and 2012 is on track to be the nation's worst year for whooping cough since 1959. It's only the second time a vaccine has been advised for all women during pregnancy. Flu shots were first recommended for them in the 1990s.

The new advice was approved in a vote Wednesday by the government's vaccine advisory panel. Federal health officials usually adopt the group's guidance and promote it to doctors and the public. Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious disease. Its name comes from the sound children make as they gasp for breath.

Despite long-standing childhood immunizations, cases have been climbing in the past decade. Most are infants two months and younger — too young to be vaccinated because their immune systems are too immature. Health officials increasingly have pushed to get older children and adults vaccinated, to reduce the number of carriers who might infect vulnerable infants. An estimated 30 to 40 percent of infected newborns got the disease from their mothers.

In recent years, a combination vaccine — that included protection against pertussis— was offered to women immediately after they gave birth. Then after a whooping cough epidemic in California, the panel last year recommended a one-time dose of a combination vaccine for expectant mothers, either before or during pregnancy.
More Panel: Pregnant women, get whooping cough shot - Yahoo! News

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