Vaccine bill defeated in Oklahoma!

There's no guarantee that vaccines will work

Correct. That's why the more people who get them, the better protected are those few who can't take them or for whom they are ineffective, will be. It's called herd immunity.

and why force them on people?

It's a public health issue.
Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.

Wow! Lots of baloney there. I'm trying to cut back.
There's no guarantee that vaccines will work

Correct. That's why the more people who get them, the better protected are those few who can't take them or for whom they are ineffective, will be. It's called herd immunity.

and why force them on people?

It's a public health issue.
Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

placebo: a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.

Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Discover The Many Dangers Of Vaccines and Vaccination

Wow! Lots of baloney there. I'm trying to cut back.
Fact: Vaccinations are Killing Our Kids –

What makes you so perfect that you think you can force that shit on people, millions of people want nothing to do with vaccines they would not want to waste their money on such crap.
Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

placebo: a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.

Like I said, it should be a choice. Forcing that shit on people Is as immoral as it gets.
There's no guarantee that vaccines will work

Correct. That's why the more people who get them, the better protected are those few who can't take them or for whom they are ineffective, will be. It's called herd immunity.

and why force them on people?

It's a public health issue.
Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Then you should have no issues with people being given placebos.

I remember the Polio outbreak in the 1950's, the fear, not being allowed to go swimming in public pools. watching in horror as previously healthy kids showed up at school with crutches and wearing awful metal braces. I also remember going house hunting while pregnant with my first child, and the homeowner apologizing for the mess but her daughter had German measles, and she'd been caring for her. I got out of the house immediately.

The problem is that most of the diseases that destroyed lives when we were growing up, have been largely irradicated because of these so-called "placebos" so younger people have no memory of what damage these things we can now prevent through vaccination, can cause.
Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Then you should have no issues with people being given placebos.

I remember the Polio outbreak in the 1950's, the fear, not being allowed to go swimming in public pools. watching in horror as previously healthy kids showed up at school with crutches and wearing awful metal braces. I also remember going house hunting while pregnant with my first child, and the homeowner apologizing for the mess but her daughter had German measles, and she'd been caring for her. I got out of the house immediately.

The problem is that most of the diseases that destroyed lives when we were growing up, have been largely irradicated because of these so-called "placebos" so younger people have no memory of what damage these things we can now prevent through vaccination, can cause.
No one should be forced any sort of vaccine whatsoever, that's nazi shit....
Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Discover The Many Dangers Of Vaccines and Vaccination

Wow! Lots of baloney there. I'm trying to cut back.
Fact: Vaccinations are Killing Our Kids –

What makes you so perfect that you think you can force that shit on people, millions of people want nothing to do with vaccines they would not want to waste their money on such crap.

What makes you so perfect

Never said I was perfect.

that you think you can force that shit on people

Public health. It's not all about you.

millions of people want nothing to do with vaccines

Yes. Lots of bad information has been swallowed by people.
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Discover The Many Dangers Of Vaccines and Vaccination

Wow! Lots of baloney there. I'm trying to cut back.
Fact: Vaccinations are Killing Our Kids –

What makes you so perfect that you think you can force that shit on people, millions of people want nothing to do with vaccines they would not want to waste their money on such crap.

What makes you so perfect

Never said I was perfect.

that you think you can force that shit on people

Public health. It's not all about you.

millions of people want nothing to do with vaccines

Yes. Lots of bad information has been swallowed by people.
Take as many vaccines if you want I don't give two shits. I would not waste my money on the shit.
It amazes me how perfect progressives think they are, thinking they can control all things…
There's no guarantee that vaccines will work

Correct. That's why the more people who get them, the better protected are those few who can't take them or for whom they are ineffective, will be. It's called herd immunity.

and why force them on people?

It's a public health issue.
Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Are vaccines dangerous, or are they placebos?
BREAKING: Oklahoma Vaccine Bill JUST Defeated

Power Hungry politicians never stop trying to control people's lives. Glad this was defeated!

Vaccines are why nobody gets Polio and Smallpox anymore, you tard. When I was a kid I barely remember hearing about anyone getting the Measles, but now it's coming back because of clowns like you.
When I was young most people got the measles with no real long lasting effect.

When I was young I knew of no one who got polio, we all played in the dirt. But we all stood in line and got our sugar cube of polio vaccine.

What is your point, exactly?

Lack of sanitation in the form of human waste, where Polio originates.

Too much sanitation in the obsession for children not to get dirty and thus not pick up natural immunity to polio. Which that latter may have been taken care of by using vaccines.

"Natural immunity to polio." I'm curious, if people should be developing a natural immunity, why were there so many cases of polio before the development of the vaccine? If your answer is poor sanitation, that would seem to indicate people were not developing a natural immunity.
Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Are vaccines dangerous, or are they placebos?
You obviously don't understand my point, vaccines are only as good as the people "think" they are. And no vaccine should ever be forced on anybody for any reason. I've never had a vaccine Except for a flu shot back in the early 90s...
When Polio outbreaks were happening in the late 50’s and early 60’s, many of the adverse effects were due to the lack of clean conditions. The truth is over 90% of the cases where people contracted Polio, the symptoms experienced were very minute. Most symptoms included a slight fever, headache, sore throat, and vomiting. The recovery time was 24 – 72 hrs. Once recovered, the person now has a life time immunity to Polio. 5% of people who contracted Polio had less symptoms and recovery time was much less. They would see some sore throat and possibly a fever. Rare cases saw diarrhea. Then we get to 3% of people who had a bit more extreme cases where they may have seen some limb weakness and partial paralysis that would be experienced for 2 – 10 days. This only happened when areas of the brain that controlled limbs were irritated by a form of viral meningitis. All cases saw a complete recovery and life long immunity. Now we get to the worst cases of them all. Less than 2% of cases saw some form of more serious paralysis. Of that 2% though 50% saw complete recovery over time from the paralysis.

The Polio Vaccine Myth: “The Vaccine Stopped Polio”
This is so totally untrue, it defies even the imagination.

I remember Polio. I had kids in my class in wheel chairs. I remember the iron lung for polio victims that could no longer breathe on their own.
Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Are vaccines dangerous, or are they placebos?
You obviously don't understand my point, vaccines are only as good as the people "think" they are. And no vaccine should ever be forced on anybody for any reason. I've never had a vaccine Except for a flu shot back in the early 90s...

Are the negative effects of vaccines you have brought up also a placebo effect, then? Vaccines are neither helpful nor harmful, simply a psychological issue? What, are we getting saline injections when we get vaccines or something like that?
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Are vaccines dangerous, or are they placebos?
You obviously don't understand my point, vaccines are only as good as the people "think" they are. And no vaccine should ever be forced on anybody for any reason. I've never had a vaccine Except for a flu shot back in the early 90s...

Are the negative effects of vaccines you have brought up also a placebo effect, then? Vaccines are neither helpful nor harmful, simply a psychological issue? What, are we getting saline injections when we get vaccines or something like that?
It's all about control, there is no reason whatsoever to force vaccines on anybody for any reason. People have died from vaccines, people want vaccines, and people refuse vaccines. Like a said it should be 100% choice… Anything else is evil
It amazes me how perfect progressives think they are, thinking they can control all things…

You don't want to force people to have life-saving vaccines, but you do want to ban abortions, and force women to continue pregnancies. That is the ultimate control.

Since 2007, over 9000 deaths have occurred and over 150,000 children who could have been spared illnesses with potential life-altering complications, became sick because they weren't vaccinated.

Vaccines save lives, save children from life-long complications from diseases like mumps and measles, and polio. Yes, they should be mandatory.
It amazes me how perfect progressives think they are, thinking they can control all things…

You don't want to force people to have life-saving vaccines, but you do want to ban abortions, and force women to continue pregnancies. That is the ultimate control.

Since 2007, over 9000 deaths have occurred and over 150,000 children who could have been spared illnesses with potential life-altering complications, became sick because they weren't vaccinated.

Vaccines save lives, save children from life-long complications from diseases like mumps and measles, and polio. Yes, they should be mandatory.
First of all abortions should be a states issue…
Until vaccines are 100% affective and 100% safe then maybe consider them, even then it should be 100% choice.
I had a flu shot back in the early 90s and I was sick for two months because of it… I have not had one since. Will never get another one
Wow, now we have real evidence that flu shots don't work.:cuckoo:
What I'm saying there's no guarantee that vaccines work, and it should be a choice anyway no one should be forced to put that fucking shit in their body. Fucking control freaks
If vaccinations were a choice, we would still have small pox and polio in this country, not a lot because most parents are not that stupid and care about their kids.
I had a flu shot back in the early 90s and I was sick for two months because of it… I have not had one since. Will never get another one
Wow, now we have real evidence that flu shots don't work.:cuckoo:
What I'm saying there's no guarantee that vaccines work, and it should be a choice anyway no one should be forced to put that fucking shit in their body. Fucking control freaks
If vaccinations were a choice, we would still have small pox and polio in this country, not a lot because most parents are not that stupid and care about their kids.
Vaccinations do not work all the time... there is nothing to right about forced vaccinations just ask Indians about that.
I was not born in a hospital growing up on the Indian reservation there were no hospitals to be had…

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