Vaccine bill defeated in Oklahoma!

It's called public health for a reason. I have to give my dog a rabies vaccine for the same reason.
It's called public health for a reason. I have to give my dog a rabies vaccine for the same reason.
The Problem is vaccines don't stop all diseases, forcing people to take vaccines defeats the purpose. Not everybody can survive being given a vaccine, not everybody can afford vaccines, who are you to say that everyone has to take a vaccine?
Basically you're putting poison in the body with vaccines… Fact

Every time you take a breath or a bite or a drink, you're ingesting poison.
The important thing is the dose. A small enough dose of the worst poison would have no effect.
Leaving your child open to a horrific disease because you don't understand dosage is sad and stupid.
There's no guarantee that vaccines will work, and why force them on people?
The two factors that determine the effectiveness of a vaccine are how effective the vaccine is in building the body's immunity and how many people get the vaccine. Even if a vaccination is not 100% effective in building immunity,
it offers some protection to those who are unable to receive vaccinations including newborns and individuals with chronic illnesses by reducing the likelihood of an outbreak that could expose them to the disease (herd immunity).

However, the effectiveness of vaccines against "childhood" diseases is very high.
measles, mumps and rubella - 99.7%
pollo - 99%
Chickenpox 85% to 90% for all cases and 100% for moderate cases
diphtheria -97%

Vaccines commonalty given to adults are not usually as effective as those for childhood disease, for example:
Hepatitus B 90%
Flu 50% to 60%
Tetanus 70% to 90%
Pneumonia 45% to 75%
Shingles 85% to 90%
Top 20 Questions about Vaccination | History of Vaccines
Vaccine Effectiveness - How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work? | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
Basically you're putting poison in the body with vaccines… Fact

Every time you take a breath or a bite or a drink, you're ingesting poison.
The important thing is the dose. A small enough dose of the worst poison would have no effect.
Leaving your child open to a horrific disease because you don't understand dosage is sad and stupid.
There's no guarantee that vaccines will work, and why force them on people?
The two factors that determine the effectiveness of a vaccine are how effective the vaccine is in building the body's immunity and how many people get the vaccine. Even if a vaccination is not 100% effective in building immunity,
it offers some protection to those who are unable to receive vaccinations including newborns and individuals with chronic illnesses by reducing the likelihood of an outbreak that could expose them to the disease (herd immunity).

However, the effectiveness of vaccines against "childhood" diseases is very high.
measles, mumps and rubella - 99.7%
pollo - 99%
Chickenpox 85% to 90% for all cases and 100% for moderate cases
diphtheria -97%

Vaccines commonalty given to adults are not usually as effective as those for childhood disease, for example:
Hepatitus B 90%
Flu 50% to 60%
Tetanus 70% to 90%
Pneumonia 45% to 75%
Shingles 85% to 90%
Top 20 Questions about Vaccination | History of Vaccines
Vaccine Effectiveness - How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work? | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
What about the people that want nothing to do with vaccines? What about people who can not survive vaccines? What about the people that can't afford vaccines? What about the people that refuse to be forced to take vaccines?
I've never had any of those vaccine you speak of... should I be forced to take them?
Like I said the only vaccine(flu) I've ever taken was in the early 90s and I was sick for two months because of it…
Considering the left wing whackos have no problem letting in unvaccinated individuals from third world countries, they have no right to force vaccinations on any given citizen.

Your reasoning is deeply flawed. And that's just for starters.
I have not been vaccinated except for the flu vaccine in the early 90's, should I be vaccinated?
Millions of Americans do not want vaccines whatsoever and cannot afford them
Since Obamacare was passed health insurance must cover common immunization at no cost. It is not subject to copays or deductibles. This includes both Medicaid and Medicare. So cost should not be consideration.

Most people's argument for choice in vaccinated is based on the erroneous belief that they are not safe, ineffective, or not needed. All of these arguments have been refuted by a huge amount of scientific evidence.

What these people ignore is that vaccinations protect the community not just the individual. If children are not vaccinated they can spread the disease to other children who can not be vaccinated because of various health problems. To irradiate the disease requires a high degree of participation.

National immunization programs for small pox were resisted by a significant segment of the population. Only when it became required did we get the necessary participation to eradicate the disease from the country.
Millions of Americans do not want vaccines whatsoever and cannot afford them
Since Obamacare was passed health insurance must cover common immunization at no cost. It is not subject to copays or deductibles. This includes both Medicaid and Medicare. So cost should not be consideration.

Most people's argument for choice in vaccinated is based on the erroneous belief that they are not safe, ineffective, or not needed. All of these arguments have been refuted by a huge amount of scientific evidence.

What these people ignore is that vaccinations protect the community not just the individual. If children are not vaccinated they can spread the disease to other children who can not be vaccinated because of various health problems. To irradiate the disease requires a high degree of participation.

National immunization programs for small pox were resisted by a significant segment of the population. Only when it became required did we get the necessary participation to eradicate the disease from the country.
What about the people that want nothing to do with Obamacare and Medicaid/Medicare? And what about people that have not had any vaccinations? Like I said I have not had any vaccinations that you speak of.
Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Are vaccines dangerous, or are they placebos?
You obviously don't understand my point, vaccines are only as good as the people "think" they are. And no vaccine should ever be forced on anybody for any reason. I've never had a vaccine Except for a flu shot back in the early 90s...

Are the negative effects of vaccines you have brought up also a placebo effect, then? Vaccines are neither helpful nor harmful, simply a psychological issue? What, are we getting saline injections when we get vaccines or something like that?
It's all about control, there is no reason whatsoever to force vaccines on anybody for any reason. People have died from vaccines, people want vaccines, and people refuse vaccines. Like a said it should be 100% choice… Anything else is evil

Whether it should be a choice or mandated by law is an entirely different question than whether or not vaccines are simply a placebo. You said vaccines are placebos. Was that an error, or can you explain the statement, particularly in relation to you also saying vaccines are dangerous?
Millions of Americans do not want vaccines whatsoever and cannot afford them
Since Obamacare was passed health insurance must cover common immunization at no cost. It is not subject to copays or deductibles. This includes both Medicaid and Medicare. So cost should not be consideration.

Most people's argument for choice in vaccinated is based on the erroneous belief that they are not safe, ineffective, or not needed. All of these arguments have been refuted by a huge amount of scientific evidence.

What these people ignore is that vaccinations protect the community not just the individual. If children are not vaccinated they can spread the disease to other children who can not be vaccinated because of various health problems. To irradiate the disease requires a high degree of participation.

National immunization programs for small pox were resisted by a significant segment of the population. Only when it became required did we get the necessary participation to eradicate the disease from the country.
What about the people that want nothing to do with Obamacare and Medicaid/Medicare? And what about people that have not had any vaccinations? Like I said I have not had any vaccinations that you speak of.

I think he was responding to the idea that millions cannot afford vaccinations.
Bullshit, shit happens.
The last thing we need is big brother controlling every aspect of our lives...

Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Then you should have no issues with people being given placebos.

I remember the Polio outbreak in the 1950's, the fear, not being allowed to go swimming in public pools. watching in horror as previously healthy kids showed up at school with crutches and wearing awful metal braces. I also remember going house hunting while pregnant with my first child, and the homeowner apologizing for the mess but her daughter had German measles, and she'd been caring for her. I got out of the house immediately.

The problem is that most of the diseases that destroyed lives when we were growing up, have been largely irradicated because of these so-called "placebos" so younger people have no memory of what damage these things we can now prevent through vaccination, can cause.
I think the most impressive argument I saw as a kid was the iron lungs operating with real patients. Every year at the state fair they had an area where iron lungs were operating with patients in them. Just the thought of having to live the rest of my life in one of those things scared the shit out of me as it did a lot people. To say I was eager to get the immunization was an understatement.
Vaccines are placebos

Are vaccines dangerous, or are they placebos?
You obviously don't understand my point, vaccines are only as good as the people "think" they are. And no vaccine should ever be forced on anybody for any reason. I've never had a vaccine Except for a flu shot back in the early 90s...

Are the negative effects of vaccines you have brought up also a placebo effect, then? Vaccines are neither helpful nor harmful, simply a psychological issue? What, are we getting saline injections when we get vaccines or something like that?
It's all about control, there is no reason whatsoever to force vaccines on anybody for any reason. People have died from vaccines, people want vaccines, and people refuse vaccines. Like a said it should be 100% choice… Anything else is evil

Whether it should be a choice or mandated by law is an entirely different question than whether or not vaccines are simply a placebo. You said vaccines are placebos. Was that an error, or can you explain the statement, particularly in relation to you also saying vaccines are dangerous?
So what you're saying vaccines kill nobody? Who says the vaccines are infallible? What about when vaccines don't work? There is such a thing as placebo, you know mind over matter.
And you are for forcing vaccines on people that want nothing to do with them?
Eradicating serious diseases is not "controlling every aspect of our lives".
Vaccines don't eradicate shit, they are just placebo

Yeah, placebos helped eliminate smallpox. DERP.
Vaccines are placebos

Then you should have no issues with people being given placebos.

I remember the Polio outbreak in the 1950's, the fear, not being allowed to go swimming in public pools. watching in horror as previously healthy kids showed up at school with crutches and wearing awful metal braces. I also remember going house hunting while pregnant with my first child, and the homeowner apologizing for the mess but her daughter had German measles, and she'd been caring for her. I got out of the house immediately.

The problem is that most of the diseases that destroyed lives when we were growing up, have been largely irradicated because of these so-called "placebos" so younger people have no memory of what damage these things we can now prevent through vaccination, can cause.
I think the most impressive argument I saw as a kid was the iron lungs operating with real patients. Every year at the state fair they had an area where iron lungs were operating with patients in them. Just the thought of having to live the rest of my life in one of those things scared the shit out of me as it did a lot people. To say I was eager to get the immunization was an understatement.
I respect your choice why would you not respect other peoples choice?
Considering the left wing whackos have no problem letting in unvaccinated individuals from third world countries, they have no right to force vaccinations on any given citizen.

Your reasoning is deeply flawed. And that's just for starters.
I have not been vaccinated except for the flu vaccine in the early 90's, should I be vaccinated?

Are you crippled up from polio?
Considering the left wing whackos have no problem letting in unvaccinated individuals from third world countries, they have no right to force vaccinations on any given citizen.

Your reasoning is deeply flawed. And that's just for starters.
I have not been vaccinated except for the flu vaccine in the early 90's, should I be vaccinated?

Are you crippled up from polio?
Of course not, obviously I did/do not need any vaccines…
Considering the left wing whackos have no problem letting in unvaccinated individuals from third world countries, they have no right to force vaccinations on any given citizen.

Your reasoning is deeply flawed. And that's just for starters.
I have not been vaccinated except for the flu vaccine in the early 90's, should I be vaccinated?

Are you crippled up from polio?
Of course not, obviously I did/do not need any vaccines…

Don't waste my time with your lies
Considering the left wing whackos have no problem letting in unvaccinated individuals from third world countries, they have no right to force vaccinations on any given citizen.

Your reasoning is deeply flawed. And that's just for starters.
I have not been vaccinated except for the flu vaccine in the early 90's, should I be vaccinated?

Are you crippled up from polio?
Of course not, obviously I did/do not need any vaccines…

Don't waste my time with your lies
What do you mean? I think I told you I was born on the Indian reservation where there was no hospitals of the time.
It's called public health for a reason. I have to give my dog a rabies vaccine for the same reason.
The Problem is vaccines don't stop all diseases, forcing people to take vaccines defeats the purpose. Not everybody can survive being given a vaccine, not everybody can afford vaccines, who are you to say that everyone has to take a vaccine?

The Problem is vaccines don't stop all diseases,

No. But they help...a lot.

forcing people to take vaccines defeats the purpose.

Stopping most force...defeats the purpose of stopping most disease?
You'll have to help me with your logic.....if you ever find it. Good luck!
Basically you're putting poison in the body with vaccines… Fact

Every time you take a breath or a bite or a drink, you're ingesting poison.
The important thing is the dose. A small enough dose of the worst poison would have no effect.
Leaving your child open to a horrific disease because you don't understand dosage is sad and stupid.
There's no guarantee that vaccines will work, and why force them on people?
The two factors that determine the effectiveness of a vaccine are how effective the vaccine is in building the body's immunity and how many people get the vaccine. Even if a vaccination is not 100% effective in building immunity,
it offers some protection to those who are unable to receive vaccinations including newborns and individuals with chronic illnesses by reducing the likelihood of an outbreak that could expose them to the disease (herd immunity).

However, the effectiveness of vaccines against "childhood" diseases is very high.
measles, mumps and rubella - 99.7%
pollo - 99%
Chickenpox 85% to 90% for all cases and 100% for moderate cases
diphtheria -97%

Vaccines commonalty given to adults are not usually as effective as those for childhood disease, for example:
Hepatitus B 90%
Flu 50% to 60%
Tetanus 70% to 90%
Pneumonia 45% to 75%
Shingles 85% to 90%
Top 20 Questions about Vaccination | History of Vaccines
Vaccine Effectiveness - How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work? | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
What about the people that want nothing to do with vaccines? What about people who can not survive vaccines? What about the people that can't afford vaccines? What about the people that refuse to be forced to take vaccines?
I've never had any of those vaccine you speak of... should I be forced to take them?
Like I said the only vaccine(flu) I've ever taken was in the early 90s and I was sick for two months because of it…
Yes. You should be tied up and held down and given vaccines.
Basically you're putting poison in the body with vaccines… Fact

Every time you take a breath or a bite or a drink, you're ingesting poison.
The important thing is the dose. A small enough dose of the worst poison would have no effect.
Leaving your child open to a horrific disease because you don't understand dosage is sad and stupid.
There's no guarantee that vaccines will work, and why force them on people?
The two factors that determine the effectiveness of a vaccine are how effective the vaccine is in building the body's immunity and how many people get the vaccine. Even if a vaccination is not 100% effective in building immunity,
it offers some protection to those who are unable to receive vaccinations including newborns and individuals with chronic illnesses by reducing the likelihood of an outbreak that could expose them to the disease (herd immunity).

However, the effectiveness of vaccines against "childhood" diseases is very high.
measles, mumps and rubella - 99.7%
pollo - 99%
Chickenpox 85% to 90% for all cases and 100% for moderate cases
diphtheria -97%

Vaccines commonalty given to adults are not usually as effective as those for childhood disease, for example:
Hepatitus B 90%
Flu 50% to 60%
Tetanus 70% to 90%
Pneumonia 45% to 75%
Shingles 85% to 90%
Top 20 Questions about Vaccination | History of Vaccines
Vaccine Effectiveness - How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work? | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
What about the people that want nothing to do with vaccines? What about people who can not survive vaccines? What about the people that can't afford vaccines? What about the people that refuse to be forced to take vaccines?
I've never had any of those vaccine you speak of... should I be forced to take them?
Like I said the only vaccine(flu) I've ever taken was in the early 90s and I was sick for two months because of it…
As I said, vaccines are covered by all insurance and are not subject to deductibles or copays. Public health clinics provide them at no cost.

No one is forced to take a vaccine if they have any health condition that would cause a problem.

You do not have a choice in vaccinating your kids because it puts other kids lives in danger. My youngest daughter could never be vaccinated for most childhood disease because of her health. Thankfully, there were enough kids being vaccinated that she never contracted any of the childhood diseases. If she had, it would have probably killed her.

I really get tired of listening to people like you who believe they should be able to do just as they please with no regard to how it effects others.

As the saying goes, your freedom ends where mine begins. There are some things in life we must do, not because it benefits ourselves but because it benefits all of us.

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