Valley Of The Insane


Guerrilla a race?

Bring back the Guerrilla. Wait a minute. Didn't that Guerrilla fight in the Civil war on the side of the South? Racist Bastard!
I think this statue needs to take sensitivity classes and teach it not to be "racially insensitive."
If you think this complaining is bad...just wait until Trump
removes the vines that Obama used to get from the Oval Office
to the rest of the West Wing.
Ha HA! From the OP link.


Here is the last photo of me as I was being hauled off. As you can tell by the look on my face.... I was pissed.

Really? REALLY? :lol: Liberals will be wanting to ban gorillas now because they are too offensive to their sensitive little feelings. I don't know whether to laugh or puke.

Think of the statement they are making... they are equating blacks with gorillas. Exactly who are the racists?

The whole situation is just hilarious. I can't even believe it. :cuckoo:

Really? REALLY? :lol: Liberals will be wanting to ban gorillas now because they are too offensive to their sensitive little feelings. I don't know whether to laugh or puke.

Think of the statement they are making... they are equating blacks with gorillas. Exactly who are the racists?

The whole situation is just hilarious. I can't even believe it. :cuckoo:

No kidding... I'm starting to believe most of these folks have mental issues.
Look like one of the characters from the documentaries on Planet of the Apes.

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