Vance wants to know why the left aren't focusing on the issues

You think the constitution is something it’s not. It does not permit the massive authoritarianism you seek.

That’s the problem. You can’t understand that your view of the constitution is just an opinion informed by your own bias and prejudice.

It would be great if you could back that up.

I have.

Not sorry about that.

You seem pretty clueless.
It would be great if you could back that up.

I have.

Not sorry about that.

You seem pretty clueless.
Right to privacy is pretty inherent to the idea of a nation founded on liberty.

Sorry that you can’t see that but you’re an authoritarian and privacy doesn’t exist to you.
Right to privacy is pretty inherent to the idea of a nation founded on liberty.
It's unfortunate that Douglas chose this crappy reasoning in Griswold and somehow found rights hiding in the shadows (penumbras...which is really saying the SCOTUS can do anything it wants....which it can't...ethically).

There were several other lines of reasoning he could have used and those who concurred in Griswold were much more direct.

Douglas dumbassed approach found it's way into roe an that is why it got overturned.

So sad
To bad.
It's unfortunate that Douglas chose this crappy reasoning in Griswold and somehow found rights hiding in the shadows (penumbras...which is really saying the SCOTUS can do anything it wants....which it can't...ethically).

There were several other lines of reasoning he could have used and those who concurred in Griswold were much more direct.

Douglas dumbassed approach found it's way into roe an that is why it got overturned.

So sad
To bad.
Authoritarians think the constitution permits a majority to legally enforce their moral code on the population.

So much for freedom and liberty. I guess those are just buzzwords that have no meaning to anyone of you.
Authoritarians think the constitution permits a majority to legally enforce their moral code on the population.

So much for freedom and liberty. I guess those are just buzzwords that have no meaning to anyone of you.
They are just buzzwords because you have no idea what they mean.

What moral code is any majority enforcing.

Those who are pro-life are losing battles all over the place....they should be the ones complaining.

After all.....who likes choice.

When Roe was decided.....tens of millions lost their chance to express their views through the votes and elected representatives as to whether abortion should be legal or not.

I get that you don't care about the child. I don't argue over it. But apparently Blackmun did because he littered his asswipe decision with "science" that has since been modifed (and renders his reasoning invalid) in a LEGAL DOCUMENT.

How stupid is that ?

Climb off your upside down barstool and get in line with what liberty really means. Now all those fatties who live in more than 30 states don't have to march on the SCOTUS anymore to tell them not to overturn ROE (and, in which they obviously failed). Because their states have made it legal (and in some cases have ammended their constitutions).

You want it nationwide....pass and amendment. You SHOULD HAVE NO PROBLEM doing that since you have EVERYONE on your side except one or two of us. What's stopping you ? I'd like to know.
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When Roe was decided.....tens of millions lost their chance to express their views through the votes and elected representatives as to whether abortion should be legal or not.
What you’re saying is that the majority they lost their ability to use government to enforce their moral code on the minority.

Which is consistent with my criticism of you authoritarians.

Liberty doesn’t mean having the right to force others to follow your morality.
What you’re saying is that the majority they lost their ability to use government to enforce their moral code on the minority.

Which is consistent with my criticism of you authoritarians.

Liberty doesn’t mean having the right to force others to follow your morality.
It's a legal standard.

Just like murder or theft.

You want to call that a moral code ?

But while you slobbering all over yourself, you might consider this:

John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.

Now, you don't have to buy into morality, but that doesn't change his perspective (which is weightier than yours).

And it is also very arguable. But not here as it would go miles over you tiny little head.

I am not arguing abortion as morality. I don't get into that. I am arguing the process whereby the Constitution is followed and the processes it outlines. That you don't like that isn't my issue.

Piss and moan all you want. Call people all the names you want.

The state bans on abortion had been in place for almost 200 years before Blackmunn and Co stuck their noses where they didn't belong. Abortion was legal in five states at the time.

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