Vanishing Glaciers Of The Greater Himalaya - Photographic evidence

Oh looky here, not all glaciers are retreating! Who woulda thunk it! Of course the source is the USGS so it's automatically suspect.'re giving yourself away again, walleyed. "Who woulda thunk it"???? Well, just about anyone who had actually read anything about this issue instead of just parroting silly propaganda. Everyone who does actually look into this issue will find that while most glaciers are retreating and shrinking, a few in certain select locations are still advancing and/or growing. It is a standard denier cult tactic when debating the world's shrinking glaciers to cherry-pick the few that are growing and say: "see, glaciers are not shrinking because here's one that is growing". LOLOL. Once again you reveal yourself to be one of those denier cult cherry-pickers who tries to obscure the long term trends. You ignore the findings of the actual scientific studies of the glaciers that are advancing which say that it is mostly due to the increased precipitation due to global warming increasing the snowfall amounts in a few select regions.

I started this thread talking about the vanishing glaciers of the Himalayas and you just responded with some links to three articles about advancing tidewater glaciers in Alaska. Aside from cherry-picking a few glaciers that are advancing out of the many tens of thousands worldwide that are shrinking, you cherry-picked only select parts of the article from Scientific American (you probably don't even read the articles you cite, you just parrot quotes off some denier cult blog). From the one from SA on the Yahtse glacier - "But as the Yahtse advances, it is also thinning..."

The vast majority of the world's glaciers are losing ice mass through shrinking and thinning. Some glaciers are sliding into the oceans more rapidly because the melt water passes to the bottom of the glacier and lubricates it.

Here's the real story on the shrinkage of the world's glaciers in these graphs.


Long term changes in glacier volume adapted from Cogley 2009.


The World Glacier Monitoring Service tracks mass balance
measurements for a sample of glaciers from around the world.
The table above shows the glacier mass balance over 2002
and 2003 (negative values indicate shrinkage)

Don't forget the glacier that used to cover Chicago.
It melted all up and now we only have the Great Lakes.
I blame GM.
Here's some recent news from scientists in China about the melting of the glaciers in Tibet.

Glaciers in Tibet melting due to global warming: Researchers
October 24, 2011

Glaciers in southwest China’s Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, a key source of major rivers in this country and those in the Indian subcontinent, are melting “faster than ever” under the influence of global warming, Chinese researchers have warned. Results from the study show that a large area of the glaciers has melted in the 2,400-square-kilometre region. Glaciers are the largest source of fresh water on the planet. They are also a reliable indicator of climate change, and easy for scientists to observe.

An expert with Qinghai’s Three-River Headwaters Office said the cluster of some 80 glaciers around the Aemye Ma-chhen Range, the source of the Yellow River headwaters, is shrinking especially fast. Cheng Haining, a senior engineer with the provincial surveying and mapping bureau, said about 5.3 per cent, or 70 square kilometres, of the glaciers in Yangtze headwaters had melted away over the past three decades. Cheng said that “the melting of glaciers is closely connected with climate change.” He said the data collected by three meteorological stations over the past 50 years show a continued rise in the average temperature of the three-river headwaters area. The winter of 2009, for example, was the warmest in 15 years, according to the provincial climate centre. Last year the average temperature there hit a five-decade record high. Local residents in Yushu Tibet Autonomous Prefecture said Lancang River froze in November in the 1970s, but it did not freeze at all in 1999. It is estimated that 70 per cent of the glaciers in Lancang River headwaters have disappeared due to the warm weather, researchers said.

Xin Yuanhong, a senior engineer with the Qinghai Hydrography and Geology Study Centre, said the melting of the glaciers could lead to a water shortage and even a dry-up of rivers in the long run, and consequent ecological disasters like wetland retreat and desertification. “The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is among the regions worst hit by global warming. Consequently, this will have a deleterious effect on the global climate as well as the livelihood of Asian people,” Qin Dahe, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.

Copyright © 2011. Corporate Press Releases (India). All Rights Reserved.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

Here some more interesting graphic data from the World Glacier Monitoring Service showing the decline of glaciers worldwide.

Glacier mass balance data - 2008 and 2009
World Glacier Monitoring Service


Table 2: Reference glaciers with continuous long-term observation series.

Mountain range----------Glaciers
Cascade Mtns.-----------Place, South Cascade
Svalbard------------------Austre Broeggerbreen, Midtre Lovénbreen
Andes---------------------Echaurren Norte
Alaska---------------------Gulkana, Wolverine
Scandinavia---------------Engabreen, Alfotbreen, Nigardsbreen, Grasubreen, Storbreen, Hellstugubreen, Hardangerjoekulen, Storglaciaeren
Alps------------------------Saint Sorlin, Sarennes, Silvretta, Gries, Sonnblickkees, Vernagtferner, Kesselwandferner, Hintereisferner, Careser
Altai------------------------No. 125 (Vodopadniy), Maliy Aktru, Leviy Aktru
Tien Shan-----------------Ts. Tuyuksuyskiy, Urumqihe S.No.1

The corresponding annual and cumulative mass balance results of this data set from glaciers in the Americas and Eurasia are visualized in the following two figures:

Figure 1: Mean annual mass balance of reference glaciers. pdf


Figure 2: Mean cumulative mass balance of all reported glaciers (black line) and the reference glaciers (red line). pdf

Spam spam spam!
It is not really necessary to remind everyone that you only post spam, slackjawedidiot, we are all quite aware of that fact after all this time. Too bad you never managed to grow a brain.
Here's an interesting and informative pair of photos examining the terminus of the Qori Kalis Glacier in the mountains of southeastern Peru from 1978 to 2004. The retreat is pretty obvious.

Here's an interesting and informative pair of photos examining the terminus of the Qori Kalis Glacier in the mountains of southeastern Peru from 1978 to 2004. The retreat is pretty obvious.



Look trollingeunich, you are astroturfing, I find that bothers me... It bothers me alot... You post large fonted scripted propaganda riddled with half truths, using bits of science in very misleading and often outright incorrect ways to make claims the actual science does not prove or make... Like those pics you just posted, what time of year and season where they taken? And was either year particularly colder or warmer regionally or globally? What about precipitation? All of those factors play into it yet your pics do not go into any of it... They show a picture of something that we can't tell anything about...

You do this intentionally and from the looks of yours and a few of your clones/partners posts you are either all the same person, or all posting from the same scripted sources. You think no one has noticed you and your pals crap all looks like a blog page? The same blog page? Thats not a coincidence, and I already know you don't know shit about scripting or HTML.. So that makes it pretty clear....

So in the interest of fairplay I am going to find out whats going on with you and your pals. I don't like people misleading people intentionally, and I especially don't like groups sending web forum trollers out to pretend they are concerned citizens on a cause....So I will get to the bottom of it.. Trust me..
Here's an interesting and informative pair of photos examining the terminus of the Qori Kalis Glacier in the mountains of southeastern Peru from 1978 to 2004. The retreat is pretty obvious.



Look trollingeunich, you are astroturfing, I find that bothers me... It bothers me alot... You post large fonted scripted propaganda riddled with half truths, using bits of science in very misleading and often outright incorrect ways to make claims the actual science does not prove or make... Like those pics you just posted, what time of year and season where they taken? And was either year particularly colder or warmer regionally or globally? What about precipitation? All of those factors play into it yet your pics do not go into any of it... They show a picture of something that we can't tell anything about...

You do this intentionally and from the looks of yours and a few of your clones/partners posts you are either all the same person, or all posting from the same scripted sources. You think no one has noticed you and your pals crap all looks like a blog page? The same blog page? Thats not a coincidence, and I already know you don't know shit about scripting or HTML.. So that makes it pretty clear....

So in the interest of fairplay I am going to find out whats going on with you and your pals. I don't like people misleading people intentionally, and I especially don't like groups sending web forum trollers out to pretend they are concerned citizens on a cause....So I will get to the bottom of it.. Trust me..

LOL. G-vig, you are going to look like a fool once again.

USGS Repeat Photography Project Documents Retreating Glaciers in Glacier National Park | Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK)

Global glacier retreatådene/Dr_Andres_Rivera_red.pdf

From a Glaciers Perspective

Now G-vig, those are links where you can clearly see what happening worldwide with the glaciers. Of course, an idiot like you is going to deny that anything at all is happening. Of course, here on the West Coast, one can go to the mountains and see for themselves how far the glaciers have melted back.
Here's an interesting and informative pair of photos examining the terminus of the Qori Kalis Glacier in the mountains of southeastern Peru from 1978 to 2004. The retreat is pretty obvious.



Look trollingeunich, you are astroturfing, I find that bothers me... It bothers me alot... You post large fonted scripted propaganda riddled with half truths, using bits of science in very misleading and often outright incorrect ways to make claims the actual science does not prove or make... Like those pics you just posted, what time of year and season where they taken? And was either year particularly colder or warmer regionally or globally? What about precipitation? All of those factors play into it yet your pics do not go into any of it... They show a picture of something that we can't tell anything about...

You do this intentionally and from the looks of yours and a few of your clones/partners posts you are either all the same person, or all posting from the same scripted sources. You think no one has noticed you and your pals crap all looks like a blog page? The same blog page? Thats not a coincidence, and I already know you don't know shit about scripting or HTML.. So that makes it pretty clear....

So in the interest of fairplay I am going to find out whats going on with you and your pals. I don't like people misleading people intentionally, and I especially don't like groups sending web forum trollers out to pretend they are concerned citizens on a cause....So I will get to the bottom of it.. Trust me..

LOL. G-vig, you are going to look like a fool once again.

USGS Repeat Photography Project Documents Retreating Glaciers in Glacier National Park | Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK)

Global glacier retreatådene/Dr_Andres_Rivera_red.pdf

From a Glaciers Perspective

Now G-vig, those are links where you can clearly see what happening worldwide with the glaciers. Of course, an idiot like you is going to deny that anything at all is happening. Of course, here on the West Coast, one can go to the mountains and see for themselves how far the glaciers have melted back.

That's awful. I'd prefer warmer myself.
Here's an interesting and informative pair of photos examining the terminus of the Qori Kalis Glacier in the mountains of southeastern Peru from 1978 to 2004. The retreat is pretty obvious.



This is a picture of evidence of glacier retreat, not too far from where I live.

OK, you show glacial retreat from the Milankovic Cycles that occured 14,000 years ago. Here is glacial retreat from AGW occurring right now. Not that far from where I live.

North Cascade Glacier Retreat

And, by the Milankovic Cycles we should be slowly descending into another ice age over the next 20 thousand years.

Look trollingeunich, you are astroturfing, I find that bothers me... It bothers me alot... You post large fonted scripted propaganda riddled with half truths, using bits of science in very misleading and often outright incorrect ways to make claims the actual science does not prove or make... Like those pics you just posted, what time of year and season where they taken? And was either year particularly colder or warmer regionally or globally? What about precipitation? All of those factors play into it yet your pics do not go into any of it... They show a picture of something that we can't tell anything about...

You do this intentionally and from the looks of yours and a few of your clones/partners posts you are either all the same person, or all posting from the same scripted sources. You think no one has noticed you and your pals crap all looks like a blog page? The same blog page? Thats not a coincidence, and I already know you don't know shit about scripting or HTML.. So that makes it pretty clear....

So in the interest of fairplay I am going to find out whats going on with you and your pals. I don't like people misleading people intentionally, and I especially don't like groups sending web forum trollers out to pretend they are concerned citizens on a cause....So I will get to the bottom of it.. Trust me..

LOL. G-vig, you are going to look like a fool once again.

USGS Repeat Photography Project Documents Retreating Glaciers in Glacier National Park | Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK)

Global glacier retreatådene/Dr_Andres_Rivera_red.pdf

From a Glaciers Perspective

Now G-vig, those are links where you can clearly see what happening worldwide with the glaciers. Of course, an idiot like you is going to deny that anything at all is happening. Of course, here on the West Coast, one can go to the mountains and see for themselves how far the glaciers have melted back.

That's awful. I'd prefer warmer myself.

You will get your wish.
Whoops! Here's another one! But hey it's only Scientific American, tghey don't know anything!

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise

Scientists aim to find out why an Alaska glacier is ignoring all climate signals as it advances to the sea--and what that means for sea levels around the world.

By Nathan Rice and The Daily Climate | January 4, 2011 |7

MYSTERY IN ICE: Whether Alaskan glaciers--and ice sheets the world over--advance to the sea or melt down will help determine sea levels for centuries to come.Image: Frank Kovalchek, courtesy Flickr

ICY BAY, Alaska—The icebergs looked impenetrable. Roman Motyka needed a route through.

"If you see an opening anywhere, let me know," said the University of Alaska Fairbanks glaciologist, at the wheel of a small skiff puttering through the ice-choked bay off the Gulf of Alaska.

Beyond the iceberg maze loomed the nose of a glacier that, contrary to a warming climate, is advancing into the sea. Motyka and his team were here - in one of the most ice-covered regions on the planet - to find out why.

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise: Scientific American

LOL. You senile lying dumb fuck. Let's see a bit more of that article;

The source of the ice - the Yahtse Glacier - is one of five glaciers that empty into Icy Bay beneath the towering Saint Elias Mountains. The Yahtse's rogue advance is one stage in what glaciologists call the "tidewater glacier cycle" – a drama of growth and retreat that unfolds over centuries.

This process of glacial equilibrium can be sparked by changes in climate but then assume a life of its own. It can lead to runaway glacier retreats seen elsewhere in Alaska and Greenland - big contributors to a rising sea.

But as the Yahtse advances, it is also thinning, underscoring the mystery behind exactly how these glaciers change over time. Recent research has fingered the ocean as a trigger for tidewater glacier retreats. Now Bartholomaus and his team are investigating what happens when this advancing glacier meets the ocean in a region where about 54 glaciers empty into the sea.

By anchoring underwater instruments in front of Yahtse Glacier, they hope to see how it melts beneath the surface. Seismometers measure ice quakes; airborne laser surveys show thinning; global-positioning systems and time-lapse photography reveal movement. Never before have so many tools been used on one glacier for a single project. By blending scientific disciplines, the team will paint a picture of the Yahtse's dynamic forces.

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise: Scientific American

You really didn't think that anyone would actually read the article, did you?
Here's an interesting and informative pair of photos examining the terminus of the Qori Kalis Glacier in the mountains of southeastern Peru from 1978 to 2004. The retreat is pretty obvious.



This is a picture of evidence of glacier retreat, not too far from where I live.

OK, you show glacial retreat from the Milankovic Cycles that occured 14,000 years ago. Here is glacial retreat from AGW occurring right now. Not that far from where I live.

North Cascade Glacier Retreat

And, by the Milankovic Cycles we should be slowly descending into another ice age over the next 20 thousand years.

Then we should be pumping more CO2 into the air, to prevent a new ice age.
Warmer is better than colder.
LOL. G-vig, you are going to look like a fool once again.

USGS Repeat Photography Project Documents Retreating Glaciers in Glacier National Park | Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK)

Global glacier retreatådene/Dr_Andres_Rivera_red.pdf

From a Glaciers Perspective

Now G-vig, those are links where you can clearly see what happening worldwide with the glaciers. Of course, an idiot like you is going to deny that anything at all is happening. Of course, here on the West Coast, one can go to the mountains and see for themselves how far the glaciers have melted back.

That's awful. I'd prefer warmer myself.

You will get your wish.

Excellent! Stop the ice age, for the children!
LOL. G-vig, you are going to look like a fool once again.

USGS Repeat Photography Project Documents Retreating Glaciers in Glacier National Park | Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK)

Global glacier retreatådene/Dr_Andres_Rivera_red.pdf

From a Glaciers Perspective

Now G-vig, those are links where you can clearly see what happening worldwide with the glaciers. Of course, an idiot like you is going to deny that anything at all is happening. Of course, here on the West Coast, one can go to the mountains and see for themselves how far the glaciers have melted back.

That's awful. I'd prefer warmer myself.

You will get your wish.

Good! Warmer is a HELL of a lot better than colder! The 6th Century Climate Catastrophe brought on the Dark Ages. The MWP ended them. Smart people (well at least minimally intelligent people) can figure out that cold sucks and warm is better.

Only fools and cultists think cold is good.

This is a picture of evidence of glacier retreat, not too far from where I live.

OK, you show glacial retreat from the Milankovic Cycles that occured 14,000 years ago. Here is glacial retreat from AGW occurring right now. Not that far from where I live.

North Cascade Glacier Retreat

And, by the Milankovic Cycles we should be slowly descending into another ice age over the next 20 thousand years.

Then we should be pumping more CO2 into the air, to prevent a new ice age.
Warmer is better than colder.

Yes it is!
Whoops! Here's another one! But hey it's only Scientific American, tghey don't know anything!

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise

Scientists aim to find out why an Alaska glacier is ignoring all climate signals as it advances to the sea--and what that means for sea levels around the world.

By Nathan Rice and The Daily Climate | January 4, 2011 |7

MYSTERY IN ICE: Whether Alaskan glaciers--and ice sheets the world over--advance to the sea or melt down will help determine sea levels for centuries to come.Image: Frank Kovalchek, courtesy Flickr

ICY BAY, Alaska—The icebergs looked impenetrable. Roman Motyka needed a route through.

"If you see an opening anywhere, let me know," said the University of Alaska Fairbanks glaciologist, at the wheel of a small skiff puttering through the ice-choked bay off the Gulf of Alaska.

Beyond the iceberg maze loomed the nose of a glacier that, contrary to a warming climate, is advancing into the sea. Motyka and his team were here - in one of the most ice-covered regions on the planet - to find out why.

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise: Scientific American

LOL. You senile lying dumb fuck. Let's see a bit more of that article;

The source of the ice - the Yahtse Glacier - is one of five glaciers that empty into Icy Bay beneath the towering Saint Elias Mountains. The Yahtse's rogue advance is one stage in what glaciologists call the "tidewater glacier cycle" – a drama of growth and retreat that unfolds over centuries.

This process of glacial equilibrium can be sparked by changes in climate but then assume a life of its own. It can lead to runaway glacier retreats seen elsewhere in Alaska and Greenland - big contributors to a rising sea.

But as the Yahtse advances, it is also thinning, underscoring the mystery behind exactly how these glaciers change over time. Recent research has fingered the ocean as a trigger for tidewater glacier retreats. Now Bartholomaus and his team are investigating what happens when this advancing glacier meets the ocean in a region where about 54 glaciers empty into the sea.

By anchoring underwater instruments in front of Yahtse Glacier, they hope to see how it melts beneath the surface. Seismometers measure ice quakes; airborne laser surveys show thinning; global-positioning systems and time-lapse photography reveal movement. Never before have so many tools been used on one glacier for a single project. By blending scientific disciplines, the team will paint a picture of the Yahtse's dynamic forces.

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise: Scientific American

You really didn't think that anyone would actually read the article, did you?

I allways love the cultist reliance on con man language. "Could" means nothing. History tells us that all of the predictions made by your high priests can't happen. Because they didn't happen the first time around. Something they can't or won't get through their pointy little heads.

But, of course, if they admitted that, their gravy train would end.

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