Vanishing Glaciers Of The Greater Himalaya - Photographic evidence

Whoops! Here's another one! But hey it's only Scientific American, tghey don't know anything!

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise

Scientists aim to find out why an Alaska glacier is ignoring all climate signals as it advances to the sea--and what that means for sea levels around the world.

By Nathan Rice and The Daily Climate | January 4, 2011 |7

MYSTERY IN ICE: Whether Alaskan glaciers--and ice sheets the world over--advance to the sea or melt down will help determine sea levels for centuries to come.Image: Frank Kovalchek, courtesy Flickr

ICY BAY, Alaska—The icebergs looked impenetrable. Roman Motyka needed a route through.

"If you see an opening anywhere, let me know," said the University of Alaska Fairbanks glaciologist, at the wheel of a small skiff puttering through the ice-choked bay off the Gulf of Alaska.

Beyond the iceberg maze loomed the nose of a glacier that, contrary to a warming climate, is advancing into the sea. Motyka and his team were here - in one of the most ice-covered regions on the planet - to find out why.

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise: Scientific American

LOL. You senile lying dumb fuck. Let's see a bit more of that article;

The source of the ice - the Yahtse Glacier - is one of five glaciers that empty into Icy Bay beneath the towering Saint Elias Mountains. The Yahtse's rogue advance is one stage in what glaciologists call the "tidewater glacier cycle" – a drama of growth and retreat that unfolds over centuries.

This process of glacial equilibrium can be sparked by changes in climate but then assume a life of its own. It can lead to runaway glacier retreats seen elsewhere in Alaska and Greenland - big contributors to a rising sea.

But as the Yahtse advances, it is also thinning, underscoring the mystery behind exactly how these glaciers change over time. Recent research has fingered the ocean as a trigger for tidewater glacier retreats. Now Bartholomaus and his team are investigating what happens when this advancing glacier meets the ocean in a region where about 54 glaciers empty into the sea.

By anchoring underwater instruments in front of Yahtse Glacier, they hope to see how it melts beneath the surface. Seismometers measure ice quakes; airborne laser surveys show thinning; global-positioning systems and time-lapse photography reveal movement. Never before have so many tools been used on one glacier for a single project. By blending scientific disciplines, the team will paint a picture of the Yahtse's dynamic forces.

Advancing Alaskan Glacier Holds Clues to Global Sea Level Rise: Scientific American

You really didn't think that anyone would actually read the article, did you?

I allways love the cultist reliance on con man language. "Could" means nothing. History tells us that all of the predictions made by your high priests can't happen. Because they didn't happen the first time around. Something they can't or won't get through their pointy little heads.

But, of course, if they admitted that, their gravy train would end.

And there goes some more brain-dead, reality-free, very moronic posts from the walleyedretard, swirling down the poop tubes into the appropriate place for them. Too bad the walleyedretard remains so thoroughly lost in the denier cult fantasyland. So sad his head is wedged so far up his lying ass that he'll never get it out. Fortunately for the truth of the matter, everything he posts gets debunked immediately. Too bad he can never respond with any kind of intelligent or meaningful reply. But then, what else can you expect from such a brainwashed retarded troll.
Here is some more info on the glacial icecap in the Peruvian highlands that is the source of the Qori Kalis Glacier that I referenced in post #226. More evidence of the effects of global warming.

Quelccaya Ice Cap
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quelccaya Ice Cap
Type----------Mountain glacier/Icecap
Area----------44 km² (17 mi²)
Terminus-----Outlet glaciers

The Quelccaya Ice Cap is the largest glaciated area in the tropics. Located in the Cordillera Oriental section of the Andes mountains of Peru, the ice cap is at an average altitude of 5,470 meters (18,600 ft) and spans an area of 44 square kilometers (17 mi²). As with the majority of the Earth's glaciers, the Quelccaya Ice cap has retreated significantly since it was first studied. Since 1978 the icecap has lost approximately 20% of its area,[1] and the rate of retreat is presently increasing.

Comparing pictures taken in 1963 and 1978, an annual retreat rate of 4.7 meters (15.4 ft) was estimated. In the first few years of the 21st century, the annual retreat was measured to be as much as 205 meters (672 ft), more than 40 times as fast.[2] The major outlet glacier from the Quelccaya Ice Cap, the Qori Kalis Glacier, has also retreated significantly since 1963.

Ice core study

Lonnie Thompson and his research team have drilled ice cores from Quelccaya that date back almost 2,000 years and have used them to study changes in atmospheric conditions over this period. In these samples, the oxygen isotope ratio, oxygen-18 to oxygen-16, has risen abruptly in the last 50 years, an indicator of regional warming. As the ice cap is retreating, it is exposing almost perfectly preserved, unfossilized plant specimens that have been dated to 5,200 years before present, indicating that it has been more than 50 centuries since the ice cap was smaller than it is today.[3]

Ice cores taken from Upper Fremont Glacier in the U.S. state of Wyoming show an oxygen isotope profile similar to that of the Quelccaya ice cores at the end of the Little Ice Age, a period of cooler global temperatures between the years 1550 and 1850. The sudden alterations in the oxygen isotope ratio found in ice core samples from these two glaciers, which are at great distance from each other, provide evidence of a sudden global climate change in the mid-latitude regions of the planet at this time.[4]

Here's an interesting and informative pair of photos examining the terminus of the Qori Kalis Glacier in the mountains of southeastern Peru from 1978 to 2004. The retreat is pretty obvious.



Look trollingeunich, you are astroturfing, I find that bothers me... It bothers me alot... You post large fonted scripted propaganda riddled with half truths, using bits of science in very misleading and often outright incorrect ways to make claims the actual science does not prove or make... Like those pics you just posted, what time of year and season where they taken? And was either year particularly colder or warmer regionally or globally? What about precipitation? All of those factors play into it yet your pics do not go into any of it... They show a picture of something that we can't tell anything about...

You do this intentionally and from the looks of yours and a few of your clones/partners posts you are either all the same person, or all posting from the same scripted sources. You think no one has noticed you and your pals crap all looks like a blog page? The same blog page? Thats not a coincidence, and I already know you don't know shit about scripting or HTML.. So that makes it pretty clear....

So in the interest of fairplay I am going to find out whats going on with you and your pals. I don't like people misleading people intentionally, and I especially don't like groups sending web forum trollers out to pretend they are concerned citizens on a cause....So I will get to the bottom of it.. Trust me..

LOL. G-vig, you are going to look like a fool once again.

USGS Repeat Photography Project Documents Retreating Glaciers in Glacier National Park | Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK)

Global glacier retreatådene/Dr_Andres_Rivera_red.pdf

From a Glaciers Perspective

Now G-vig, those are links where you can clearly see what happening worldwide with the glaciers. Of course, an idiot like you is going to deny that anything at all is happening. Of course, here on the West Coast, one can go to the mountains and see for themselves how far the glaciers have melted back.

Yes yes and those tell me what exactly? That a glacier is retreating? Okay and so how many other ones are not retreating? ANd how many are expanding? WHat about the weather that year?

Dumbass, what do all of those tell me about his pic? Do any of them explain that picture? Or answer any of the questions I asked about the glacier in that particular picture?

Socks why don't you ever learn to actually read a post before you run off at the mouth? Is this some kind functional handicap?
Here is some more info on the glacial icecap in the Peruvian highlands that is the source of the Qori Kalis Glacier that I referenced in post #226. More evidence of the effects of global warming.

Quelccaya Ice Cap
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quelccaya Ice Cap
Type----------Mountain glacier/Icecap
Area----------44 km² (17 mi²)
Terminus-----Outlet glaciers

The Quelccaya Ice Cap is the largest glaciated area in the tropics. Located in the Cordillera Oriental section of the Andes mountains of Peru, the ice cap is at an average altitude of 5,470 meters (18,600 ft) and spans an area of 44 square kilometers (17 mi²). As with the majority of the Earth's glaciers, the Quelccaya Ice cap has retreated significantly since it was first studied. Since 1978 the icecap has lost approximately 20% of its area,[1] and the rate of retreat is presently increasing.

Comparing pictures taken in 1963 and 1978, an annual retreat rate of 4.7 meters (15.4 ft) was estimated. In the first few years of the 21st century, the annual retreat was measured to be as much as 205 meters (672 ft), more than 40 times as fast.[2] The major outlet glacier from the Quelccaya Ice Cap, the Qori Kalis Glacier, has also retreated significantly since 1963.

Ice core study

Lonnie Thompson and his research team have drilled ice cores from Quelccaya that date back almost 2,000 years and have used them to study changes in atmospheric conditions over this period. In these samples, the oxygen isotope ratio, oxygen-18 to oxygen-16, has risen abruptly in the last 50 years, an indicator of regional warming. As the ice cap is retreating, it is exposing almost perfectly preserved, unfossilized plant specimens that have been dated to 5,200 years before present, indicating that it has been more than 50 centuries since the ice cap was smaller than it is today.[3]

Ice cores taken from Upper Fremont Glacier in the U.S. state of Wyoming show an oxygen isotope profile similar to that of the Quelccaya ice cores at the end of the Little Ice Age, a period of cooler global temperatures between the years 1550 and 1850. The sudden alterations in the oxygen isotope ratio found in ice core samples from these two glaciers, which are at great distance from each other, provide evidence of a sudden global climate change in the mid-latitude regions of the planet at this time.[4]


And more...

Now G-vig, just because you are too dumb to look a the level of the glacier on the surrounding rocks, and note that there is no snow on the surrounding rocks in either picture does not mean that we all are that stupid. Both pictures were obviously taken in the summer.

As far as what I know about glaciers, we have them in abundance in the Cascades. And used to have them in abundance in the Rockies. In my lifetime. I have walked on, and stood at the terminus of glaciers on Rainier, Hood, and many mountains in the North Cascades. And have seen those glaciers constantly melting and receding for the last 40 years.
Tell me, G-vig, are you a plant, to make all the deniers here look really, really stupid?
Tell me, G-vig, are you a plant, to make all the deniers here look really, really stupid?

The slackjawedidiot is a particularly odious and pathetically insane troll, nothing more. By comparison, he actually makes some of the other denier cult dingbats look somewhat 'smarter', just by being so very retarded and setting the bar so low. Of course, they all still appear extremely retarded to any normal person.
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Now G-vig, just because you are too dumb to look a the level of the glacier on the surrounding rocks, and note that there is no snow on the surrounding rocks in either picture does not mean that we all are that stupid. Both pictures were obviously taken in the summer.

As far as what I know about glaciers, we have them in abundance in the Cascades. And used to have them in abundance in the Rockies. In my lifetime. I have walked on, and stood at the terminus of glaciers on Rainier, Hood, and many mountains in the North Cascades. And have seen those glaciers constantly melting and receding for the last 40 years.

SO then you contend no snow means warm? Seriously socks your deductive reasoning leaves a lot to be desired.. With that kind of logic no wonder you sold out...

Oh yea we can surely accept your word on that.. And your level of scientific study regarding climate and glaciers in particular is?

Fraud, you lie to sell windpower so please spare me...
Tell me, G-vig, are you a plant, to make all the deniers here look really, really stupid?

The slackjawedidiot is a a particularly odious troll, nothing more. By comparison, he actually makes some of the other denier cult dingbats look 'smarter', just by being so very retarded and setting the bar so low. Of course, they all still appear extremely retarded to any normal person.

uh-huh, and I bust you lying, trolling, posting propaganda, and hot-linking.. Oh and lets not forget affiliate link posting, and astroturfing...

Don't worry pal, I am still looking into your scripted posting... Every time I see you do it you get a new spam pic... You want to post PR garbage, you will deal with it...
Tell me, G-vig, are you a plant, to make all the deniers here look really, really stupid?

Nope I am a plant to make you look stupid... I have the easiest job in the world..

Ahh just ignore the trolls slack. You would get better banter on a 3rd grade playground.
Well actually my five year old girl would make these clowns look like baboons so better try kindergarten!
Nope I am a plant to make you look stupid... I have the easiest job in the world..
Ahh just ignore the trolls slack. You would get better banter on a 3rd grade playground.
Well actually my five year old girl would make these clowns look like baboons so better try kindergarten!
LOLOLOLOL.....says the two clueless morons who couldn't muster half a brain between them both. Your pretensions are soooo pathetic.
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Nope I am a plant to make you look stupid... I have the easiest job in the world..
Ahh just ignore the trolls slack. You would get better banter on a 3rd grade playground.
Well actually my five year old girl would make these clowns look like baboons so better try kindergarten!
LOLOLOLOL.....says the two clueless morons who couldn't muster half a brain between them both. Your pretensions are soooo pathetic.

Yeah we know. And yet we never have to resort to grade school name calling to further our arguments. But thanks for playing junior!:lol::lol:
Well no, I regularly resort to the USGS, NASA, NOAA, AGU, GSA, and the AIP. As far as the name calling goes, when you speak to a mule, you use language it understands.
Well no, I regularly resort to the USGS, NASA, NOAA, AGU, GSA, and the AIP. As far as the name calling goes, when you speak to a mule, you use language it understands.

Sure thing shill:lol::lol: Whatever you say!:lol::lol::lol:
Well no, I regularly resort to the USGS, NASA, NOAA, AGU, GSA, and the AIP. As far as the name calling goes, when you speak to a mule, you use language it understands.

No socks you usually resort to greenpeace spin on what the USGS, NASA, NOAA, AGU, GSA, and the AIP says...
Here's some interesting photos of some of the ice loss in the European alps. The article looks at some other places too that we can get to later.

Top seven disappearing glaciers
By Karl Burkart
Feb 11, 2010

7. The Matterhorn

(Photo: c. 1960 & today, Getty Images)

Many often wonder why Europeans get so hot and bothered about climate change. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that they are in direct, daily contact with one very sobering reality — their ice is vanishing.

European glaciers have been some of the hardest hit by climate change. Since the first half of the 19th century, about two-thirds of the ice cover was lost in the Pyrenees with a marked acceleration after 1980 (Chueca et al. 2005 via: UNEP) and in the Alps, home to the world famous Matterhorn, nearly half the glaciers have disappeared since record keeping began.

Often called the "water tower" of Europe, the Alps contain 40 percent of Europe's fresh water supply. The dramatic disappearance of ice on the Matterhorn last year has prompted the need for the border between Switzerland and Italy to be redrawn.

Copyright © 2011 Yahoo! All rights reserved.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
Here's some interesting photos of some of the ice loss in the European alps. The article looks at some other places too that we can get to later.

Top seven disappearing glaciers
By Karl Burkart
Feb 11, 2010

7. The Matterhorn

(Photo: c. 1960 & today, Getty Images)

Many often wonder why Europeans get so hot and bothered about climate change. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that they are in direct, daily contact with one very sobering reality — their ice is vanishing.

European glaciers have been some of the hardest hit by climate change. Since the first half of the 19th century, about two-thirds of the ice cover was lost in the Pyrenees with a marked acceleration after 1980 (Chueca et al. 2005 via: UNEP) and in the Alps, home to the world famous Matterhorn, nearly half the glaciers have disappeared since record keeping began.

Often called the "water tower" of Europe, the Alps contain 40 percent of Europe's fresh water supply. The dramatic disappearance of ice on the Matterhorn last year has prompted the need for the border between Switzerland and Italy to be redrawn.

Copyright © 2011 Yahoo! All rights reserved.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

You know......some people would happlily buy a bag of dog poop for $1,000 a pop if you packaged it just right!!! Like this idiot ^^^

Zermatt Switzerland, where the Matterhorn is located, has a warm and cold season. We are talking the Alps here........not the Himylayan Mountains. After April, the Matterhorn sheds much of its snow cover............EVERY YEAR!!!

Here is a travelers link for those visiting Zermatt Zermatt| Matterhorn| Zermatt Hotels| Zermatt Ski| Swiss Alps


This photo was taken in February 2011....................


link of authenticity.............


Indeed.........if you follow this forum over time, what becomes apparent is that the environmental nutters are a breed apart from the rest of us. They get hysterical about stuff at the drop of a hat.........and its not just climate stuff. If you followed these folks around for a week, you'd see that they over-react to most anything in life that most of us take in stride and say "meh". We all know them. We work with them. Some are our neighbors. They provide us with lots of laughs because its what they do. Think about it...........when you see some of these people on here with hundreds of posts per month, you have to ask yourself, "WTF?". Its no accident they end up getting OCD about shit like climate change...........the legions of the hopelessly duped.
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You know......some people would happlily buy a bag of dog poop for $1,000 a pop if you packaged it just right!!!
Yeah, I suppose you'd be the one to know about that. How did the poop taste, kooker? Was it worth the money you spent? Since you're still "buying dog poop" from the propagandists working for the fossil fuel industry, it seems you didn't learn anything from your experience.

Zermatt Switzerland, where the Matterhorn is located, has a warm and cold season. We are talking the Alps here........not the Himylayan Mountains. After April, the Matterhorn sheds much of its snow cover............EVERY YEAR!!!

Here is a travelers link for those visiting Zermatt Zermatt| Matterhorn| Zermatt Hotels| Zermatt Ski| Swiss Alps
This photo was taken in February 2011....................
LOLOL....I see you're still way too retarded to actually check out the facts.

Swiss Approve Measure to Redraw Italian Border Near Matterhorn
By Jeremy van Loon
August 19, 2009

The Swiss parliament approved a preliminary measure to redraw its border with Italy near the Matterhorn as melting glaciers caused by warmer temperatures marginally shifted a frontier fixed more than a century ago. A two-nation commission agreed that a new border will be formed by ridges in the border region outside Zermatt as melting snow and ice and drainage are dividing the shifting terrain, the Swiss foreign ministry said today on its Web site.

Switzerland and Italy’s borders were first set in 1861 when Italy was still a monarchy. Posts marking the frontier are planted at points in the glaciers in Alps, where ice sheets are disappearing amid global warming at some of the fastest rates in the world. Their meltdown is making identifying the dividing line between Italy and Switzerland more difficult. The Alps have suffered more than other regions with half of the region’s glacial terrain having vanished since the 1850s, according to the World Glacier Monitoring Service in Zurich. Almost 90 percent of Alpine glaciers are now smaller than 1 square kilometer (0.4 square mile).

Matterhorn closed to climbers after rockfall
July 17, 2003

The Matterhorn has been closed to climbers following a huge rock fall, which forced the evacuation of 90 people. The slide is being blamed on the ongoing heatwave, which also caused huge chunks to break off a glacier. Climate specialists said the high temperatures of the past few weeks had probably caused a melting of the permafrost that binds the rocks together, triggering the slide. According to environmental historians, last month was the hottest June in 250 years – six to seven degrees above average. And temperatures have remained high into July.

The heat is also being blamed for causing massive chunks of ice to break away from a glacier above the resort of Grindelwald on Tuesday. The ice fell into a river, causing a two-metre high swell of water to barrel down the mountain.

Wilfried Haeberli, a glaciologist at Zurich University, explained that last winter’s snow had disappeared so fast that the permafrost and glaciers were now being melted. “The Matterhorn relies on permafrost to stay together, just like the north face of the Eiger of the Jungfraujoch,” said Haeberli. The ice specialist says the heat is akin to leaving a fridge door open. “Water starts to flow, and large chunks of rock begin to break away from the mountain,” he added.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
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