Veep Pence Helps States Keep Funds from Planned Parenthood

This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.

Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
removing all reproductive choice from female Americans
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.


I love asshats mansplaining reproduction to women and how easy it is to prevent pregnancy.

One in four women have abortions by the time they’re 40. Many women can’t use hormonal birth control. Half of the women who seek abortions used birth control and still got pregnant.

If right wingers really wanted to prevent abortions, they would make sex Ed mandatory - no exceptions. They’d have mandated maternity leave and job security for pregnant women, and geared to income child care.

As long as they scream “personal responsibility then they’d damn well better stay away from women who determine that they can’t afford to have another child at this time and let them make the responsible choice to end that pregnancy.

Yeah, how did mankind ever survive without PP videos on BDSM, anal sex, sexual choking? BTW I don't give a flip what happens in your bedroom, just don't come trying to pick my pocket to pay for the results.

Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.

Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
removing all reproductive choice from female Americans
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.


Oh, boy, are you dumb. PP doesn't provide "handlers" as people walk through its doors of their own accord. Nobody from PP drags them in off the streets. What you are saying is pure fiction.

The folks in my dorm at a Catholic college had already decided what they wanted to do when they boarded the bus to the local PP offices or they wouldn't have done so in the first place. They already chose to go the birth-control route before contacting PP. You've really got the cart and the horse mixed up. Your real problem seems to be that some people choose to have sex. But this is none of your business.

That it was a tie vote would indicate that half didn't want it and that pigpence inserted himself to force this measure on this half. And we are well aware that his primary focus is on his cult membership. He has not been quiet about his theocratic leanings.

Telling me to "just shove it" does absolutely nothing to explain to us taxpayers how and why our money is being spent in this fashion.

Boarding a bus to the local PP? Noooooo, they weren't handled. LMAO BTW any doctor in the country can prescribe birth control and they don't require a half billion a year from taxpayers. You can also see post #17 to see I'm consistent on taxpayer funding unlike you hypocrites.

And just so you know, it's the VPs constitutional duty to preside over the senate for the purpose of breaking ties. Maybe you should go to your local COSCO and stock up on tissues.


Handled? To board a city bus that went close to the PP building??? These people just made a decision to use birth control and called and got an appointment to get it. The insurance provided through the university did not cover birth control. If anyone tried to be a "handler" for these people, it was the university officials, who were Catholic, hated birth control, and propagandized against it. These people evaded being "handled."

$1.5 billion of taxpayer money spent on ineffective "abstinence education," to the delight of the cults.

pigpence did not vote in the best interests of the American people. He abused his power to vote for establishing his cult dogma as law.

Why do you people assert that everyone who doesn't agree with you has a "handler," when the Koch Brothers and the fundie preachers are all over you?
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

Unless you are exclusively gay, you're in it, buster. With the self self-absorption and misogyny I glean from your comment, I hope that you never have a relationship with a woman.
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

Unless you are exclusively gay, you're in it, buster. With the self self-absorption and misogyny I glean from your comment, I hope that you never have a relationship with a woman.

How is it misogyny to not care about women's issues? I guess you don't know what that word means.
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

Unless you are exclusively gay, you're in it, buster. With the self self-absorption and misogyny I glean from your comment, I hope that you never have a relationship with a woman.

How is it misogyny to not care about women's issues? I guess you don't know what that word means.
I do. The disdain in your comment says it all.
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

Unless you are exclusively gay, you're in it, buster. With the self self-absorption and misogyny I glean from your comment, I hope that you never have a relationship with a woman.

How is it misogyny to not care about women's issues? I guess you don't know what that word means.
I do. The disdain in your comment says it all.

What does it say?

You don't know what you're talking about, but by all means, amuse me with your conjecture.
A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.

Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
removing all reproductive choice from female Americans
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.


Oh, boy, are you dumb. PP doesn't provide "handlers" as people walk through its doors of their own accord. Nobody from PP drags them in off the streets. What you are saying is pure fiction.

The folks in my dorm at a Catholic college had already decided what they wanted to do when they boarded the bus to the local PP offices or they wouldn't have done so in the first place. They already chose to go the birth-control route before contacting PP. You've really got the cart and the horse mixed up. Your real problem seems to be that some people choose to have sex. But this is none of your business.

That it was a tie vote would indicate that half didn't want it and that pigpence inserted himself to force this measure on this half. And we are well aware that his primary focus is on his cult membership. He has not been quiet about his theocratic leanings.

Telling me to "just shove it" does absolutely nothing to explain to us taxpayers how and why our money is being spent in this fashion.

Boarding a bus to the local PP? Noooooo, they weren't handled. LMAO BTW any doctor in the country can prescribe birth control and they don't require a half billion a year from taxpayers. You can also see post #17 to see I'm consistent on taxpayer funding unlike you hypocrites.

And just so you know, it's the VPs constitutional duty to preside over the senate for the purpose of breaking ties. Maybe you should go to your local COSCO and stock up on tissues.


Handled? To board a city bus that went close to the PP building??? These people just made a decision to use birth control and called and got an appointment to get it. The insurance provided through the university did not cover birth control. If anyone tried to be a "handler" for these people, it was the university officials, who were Catholic, hated birth control, and propagandized against it. These people evaded being "handled."

Timeline of Abstinence-Only Education in U.S. Classrooms

$1.5 billion of taxpayer money spent on ineffective "abstinence education," to the delight of the cults.

pigpence did not vote in the best interests of the American people. He abused his power to vote for establishing his cult dogma as law.

Why do you people assert that everyone who doesn't agree with you has a "handler," when the Koch Brothers and the fundie preachers are all over you?

What I see here is a ton of projection, everything you disagree with is against the interest of the American people, guess what sweetie, you don't speak for the American people, congress does and they have spoken. Now your little cult of immorality and destruction will take a big financial hit, that's a good thing.

Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.
What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.

Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
removing all reproductive choice from female Americans
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.


Oh, boy, are you dumb. PP doesn't provide "handlers" as people walk through its doors of their own accord. Nobody from PP drags them in off the streets. What you are saying is pure fiction.

The folks in my dorm at a Catholic college had already decided what they wanted to do when they boarded the bus to the local PP offices or they wouldn't have done so in the first place. They already chose to go the birth-control route before contacting PP. You've really got the cart and the horse mixed up. Your real problem seems to be that some people choose to have sex. But this is none of your business.

That it was a tie vote would indicate that half didn't want it and that pigpence inserted himself to force this measure on this half. And we are well aware that his primary focus is on his cult membership. He has not been quiet about his theocratic leanings.

Telling me to "just shove it" does absolutely nothing to explain to us taxpayers how and why our money is being spent in this fashion.

Boarding a bus to the local PP? Noooooo, they weren't handled. LMAO BTW any doctor in the country can prescribe birth control and they don't require a half billion a year from taxpayers. You can also see post #17 to see I'm consistent on taxpayer funding unlike you hypocrites.

And just so you know, it's the VPs constitutional duty to preside over the senate for the purpose of breaking ties. Maybe you should go to your local COSCO and stock up on tissues.


Handled? To board a city bus that went close to the PP building??? These people just made a decision to use birth control and called and got an appointment to get it. The insurance provided through the university did not cover birth control. If anyone tried to be a "handler" for these people, it was the university officials, who were Catholic, hated birth control, and propagandized against it. These people evaded being "handled."

Timeline of Abstinence-Only Education in U.S. Classrooms

$1.5 billion of taxpayer money spent on ineffective "abstinence education," to the delight of the cults.

pigpence did not vote in the best interests of the American people. He abused his power to vote for establishing his cult dogma as law.

Why do you people assert that everyone who doesn't agree with you has a "handler," when the Koch Brothers and the fundie preachers are all over you?

What I see here is a ton of projection, everything you disagree with is against the interest of the American people, guess what sweetie, you don't speak for the American people, congress does and they have spoken. Now your little cult of immorality and destruction will take a big financial hit, that's a good thing.


No, hotochy-coo. At least one half of the American people have and opinions similar to mine. Congress has not spoken for the American people for years. PP is not a cult of "immorality and destruction," it's an organization that helps people make their own personal decisions freely, unlike that piss cult that pigpence belongs to that is obsessively interested in controlling other people's personal lives according to their perverted ideology.

Incidentally, if you are serious about not wanting for the taxpayers to fund anything, I hope that you have contacted the Texas government about spending public money on organizations like the Heidi Group. Seven million dollars???
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.

I am not a pro-lifer either, as many will attest to on here who have engaged in HOURS of argument on the subject (which I thoroughly enjoyed, btw).

But women are not supportive of men in society, so I see no reason why they need or deserve men's support.

It is different on an individual level. Of course I will support/protect family members and women I care about. But some random person? No. Couldn't care less about them.
Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.


Oh, boy, are you dumb. PP doesn't provide "handlers" as people walk through its doors of their own accord. Nobody from PP drags them in off the streets. What you are saying is pure fiction.

The folks in my dorm at a Catholic college had already decided what they wanted to do when they boarded the bus to the local PP offices or they wouldn't have done so in the first place. They already chose to go the birth-control route before contacting PP. You've really got the cart and the horse mixed up. Your real problem seems to be that some people choose to have sex. But this is none of your business.

That it was a tie vote would indicate that half didn't want it and that pigpence inserted himself to force this measure on this half. And we are well aware that his primary focus is on his cult membership. He has not been quiet about his theocratic leanings.

Telling me to "just shove it" does absolutely nothing to explain to us taxpayers how and why our money is being spent in this fashion.

Boarding a bus to the local PP? Noooooo, they weren't handled. LMAO BTW any doctor in the country can prescribe birth control and they don't require a half billion a year from taxpayers. You can also see post #17 to see I'm consistent on taxpayer funding unlike you hypocrites.

And just so you know, it's the VPs constitutional duty to preside over the senate for the purpose of breaking ties. Maybe you should go to your local COSCO and stock up on tissues.


Handled? To board a city bus that went close to the PP building??? These people just made a decision to use birth control and called and got an appointment to get it. The insurance provided through the university did not cover birth control. If anyone tried to be a "handler" for these people, it was the university officials, who were Catholic, hated birth control, and propagandized against it. These people evaded being "handled."

Timeline of Abstinence-Only Education in U.S. Classrooms

$1.5 billion of taxpayer money spent on ineffective "abstinence education," to the delight of the cults.

pigpence did not vote in the best interests of the American people. He abused his power to vote for establishing his cult dogma as law.

Why do you people assert that everyone who doesn't agree with you has a "handler," when the Koch Brothers and the fundie preachers are all over you?

What I see here is a ton of projection, everything you disagree with is against the interest of the American people, guess what sweetie, you don't speak for the American people, congress does and they have spoken. Now your little cult of immorality and destruction will take a big financial hit, that's a good thing.


No, hotochy-coo. At least one half of the American people have and opinions similar to mine. Congress has not spoken for the American people for years. PP is not a cult of "immorality and destruction," it's an organization that helps people make their own personal decisions freely, unlike that piss cult that pigpence belongs to that is obsessively interested in controlling other people's personal lives according to their perverted ideology.

Incidentally, if you are serious about not wanting for the taxpayers to fund anything, I hope that you have contacted the Texas government about spending public money on organizations like the Heidi Group. Seven million dollars???

People that go into grade schools to indoctrinate children in their perverted ways are just evil, so are the schools that allow it. Do what ever you chose in your personal life, just don't expect other people to pay for or encourage it.

Very interesting you find humor in the deaths of aborted babies Lysistrata ...

  • clear.png
    Funny x 1
  • List

What aborted babies?

If you know of anyone murdering babies- please contact local law enforcement.

If you are talking about legal abortions- no one is aborting babies.
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.

I am not a pro-lifer either, as many will attest to on here who have engaged in HOURS of argument on the subject (which I thoroughly enjoyed, btw).

But women are not supportive of men in society, so I see no reason why they need or deserve men's support.

It is different on an individual level. Of course I will support/protect family members and women I care about. But some random person? No. Couldn't care less about them.

Why do you say that women are not supportive of men in society?
Oh, boy, are you dumb. PP doesn't provide "handlers" as people walk through its doors of their own accord. Nobody from PP drags them in off the streets. What you are saying is pure fiction.

The folks in my dorm at a Catholic college had already decided what they wanted to do when they boarded the bus to the local PP offices or they wouldn't have done so in the first place. They already chose to go the birth-control route before contacting PP. You've really got the cart and the horse mixed up. Your real problem seems to be that some people choose to have sex. But this is none of your business.

That it was a tie vote would indicate that half didn't want it and that pigpence inserted himself to force this measure on this half. And we are well aware that his primary focus is on his cult membership. He has not been quiet about his theocratic leanings.

Telling me to "just shove it" does absolutely nothing to explain to us taxpayers how and why our money is being spent in this fashion.

Boarding a bus to the local PP? Noooooo, they weren't handled. LMAO BTW any doctor in the country can prescribe birth control and they don't require a half billion a year from taxpayers. You can also see post #17 to see I'm consistent on taxpayer funding unlike you hypocrites.

And just so you know, it's the VPs constitutional duty to preside over the senate for the purpose of breaking ties. Maybe you should go to your local COSCO and stock up on tissues.


Handled? To board a city bus that went close to the PP building??? These people just made a decision to use birth control and called and got an appointment to get it. The insurance provided through the university did not cover birth control. If anyone tried to be a "handler" for these people, it was the university officials, who were Catholic, hated birth control, and propagandized against it. These people evaded being "handled."

Timeline of Abstinence-Only Education in U.S. Classrooms

$1.5 billion of taxpayer money spent on ineffective "abstinence education," to the delight of the cults.

pigpence did not vote in the best interests of the American people. He abused his power to vote for establishing his cult dogma as law.

Why do you people assert that everyone who doesn't agree with you has a "handler," when the Koch Brothers and the fundie preachers are all over you?

What I see here is a ton of projection, everything you disagree with is against the interest of the American people, guess what sweetie, you don't speak for the American people, congress does and they have spoken. Now your little cult of immorality and destruction will take a big financial hit, that's a good thing.


No, hotochy-coo. At least one half of the American people have and opinions similar to mine. Congress has not spoken for the American people for years. PP is not a cult of "immorality and destruction," it's an organization that helps people make their own personal decisions freely, unlike that piss cult that pigpence belongs to that is obsessively interested in controlling other people's personal lives according to their perverted ideology.

Incidentally, if you are serious about not wanting for the taxpayers to fund anything, I hope that you have contacted the Texas government about spending public money on organizations like the Heidi Group. Seven million dollars???

People that go into grade schools to indoctrinate children in their perverted ways are just evil, so are the schools that allow it. Do what ever you chose in your personal life, just don't expect other people to pay for or encourage it.


How and where is this going on? Who does this?
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.

I am not a pro-lifer either, as many will attest to on here who have engaged in HOURS of argument on the subject (which I thoroughly enjoyed, btw).

But women are not supportive of men in society, so I see no reason why they need or deserve men's support.

It is different on an individual level. Of course I will support/protect family members and women I care about. But some random person? No. Couldn't care less about them.

Why do you say that women are not supportive of men in society?

Because I sincerely don't think they are. Boys have been performing horribly in school for how long now? No one cares, as long as we can get more girls into STEM.

To be fair, men don't support one another either.
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.

I am not a pro-lifer either, as many will attest to on here who have engaged in HOURS of argument on the subject (which I thoroughly enjoyed, btw).

But women are not supportive of men in society, so I see no reason why they need or deserve men's support.

It is different on an individual level. Of course I will support/protect family members and women I care about. But some random person? No. Couldn't care less about them.

Why do you say that women are not supportive of men in society?

Because I sincerely don't think they are. Boys have been performing horribly in school for how long now? No one cares, as long as we can get more girls into STEM.

To be fair, men don't support one another either.

But you’ve just said you don’t support people you don’t care about. Do you not see unless you start supporting others in your community there’s not much point in being part of a civilized society?

When people work together towards a common goal, more is accomplished, and it’s easier and faster to get it done. Arguing over left and right, and opposing everything the other side proposes without considering the merits of the proposal is getting you nowhere.
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.

I am not a pro-lifer either, as many will attest to on here who have engaged in HOURS of argument on the subject (which I thoroughly enjoyed, btw).

But women are not supportive of men in society, so I see no reason why they need or deserve men's support.

It is different on an individual level. Of course I will support/protect family members and women I care about. But some random person? No. Couldn't care less about them.

Why do you say that women are not supportive of men in society?

Because I sincerely don't think they are. Boys have been performing horribly in school for how long now? No one cares, as long as we can get more girls into STEM.

To be fair, men don't support one another either.

Why perceive this as an either/or situation? There is a lot of material on the subject of problems with boys' athletic performance, including such as (to select only one):

How do we help boys close the academic gender gap?

It's a big problem, as it has been with girls and getting them into STEM. Americans have been eschewing the importance of education for decades, unlike countries like Japan and China. Unfortunately, getting boys up to speed is going to require more male participation in education and child-raising, something that women can neither provide nor compel, especially since our society teaches boys from an early age to disrespect and mock women.

This link has a few good pointers. It's fathers who must emphasize to their sons that the value of getting an education means much more than making an athletic team in high school. Fathers must read more to their children, attend school events that do not involve athletics, help their kids with homework (as a former colleague, a refugee from Vietnam, did every night around the family table with his children; thus producing, despite his sometimes faltering English, three graduates from U.Va. in engineering), engage their children as to the kind of grades they are getting, and put more emphasis on academic achievement and much less on their sons going out for football and their daughters getting selected to wiggle their T&A in front of football crowds as "cheerleaders." Women/mothers cannot replace this kind of interaction.

More men must enter the field of education and enter the classroom as teachers. One of my most memorable teachers from so long ago (and I'm female), was a male ex-marine with a sense of humor and a very large ring that he slammed on the blackboard for emphasis at times in our junior high school civics class. If you couldn't produce your homework, he would direct your attention to a little doll he had named "Tuffy" and tell you to "tell it to Tuffy." He wouldn't take any BS. All papers had to be accompanied by footnotes and bibliographies. When we got out of his class, we knew the federal government upside down: the three branches, all cabinet posts, both houses of Congress, including majority whips. This was in 8th or 9th grade! Women cannot do this adequately for boys. Men must. I'm proud to say that my ex-marine male cousin has made his (vastly underpaid) career in the classroom.

Women cannot make up for men's lack of engagement in the process of raising boys into educated adults. While our society has identified the problem of getting girls involved in science, technology, engineering, and math, it has similarly identified the problem with boys' learning, but without active engagement by men, there is no solution. Moreover, the solution does not involve denigrating girls and women. It involves active, positive male participation in the educational process.
In the 80s I was a PP counselor. We were told to push those girls into abortion harassing them and berating them. Some of the younger girls were absolutely terrified. You are going to end up alone. Your friends will leave you and your boyfriend will find a new girl with no big belly.

Then the entire concept of killing babies was too distasteful. It was not something I could support.

Now, I look around and see liberal and minority women having the most abortions. Black women have the most of all. Who could argue with that? Yes it's killing babies and selling their parts. I'm not doing it and those that are, relieve society of a burden. We can certainly do with fewer liberals. If a truly hostile army would take over the nation, the first thing they would do is abort the children and sterilize the women. Who are we to stop the liberal army from growing. The women are doing all the dirty work themselves.

Shut up and let them. Make sure your own family is big.
Boarding a bus to the local PP? Noooooo, they weren't handled. LMAO BTW any doctor in the country can prescribe birth control and they don't require a half billion a year from taxpayers. You can also see post #17 to see I'm consistent on taxpayer funding unlike you hypocrites.

And just so you know, it's the VPs constitutional duty to preside over the senate for the purpose of breaking ties. Maybe you should go to your local COSCO and stock up on tissues.


Handled? To board a city bus that went close to the PP building??? These people just made a decision to use birth control and called and got an appointment to get it. The insurance provided through the university did not cover birth control. If anyone tried to be a "handler" for these people, it was the university officials, who were Catholic, hated birth control, and propagandized against it. These people evaded being "handled."

Timeline of Abstinence-Only Education in U.S. Classrooms

$1.5 billion of taxpayer money spent on ineffective "abstinence education," to the delight of the cults.

pigpence did not vote in the best interests of the American people. He abused his power to vote for establishing his cult dogma as law.

Why do you people assert that everyone who doesn't agree with you has a "handler," when the Koch Brothers and the fundie preachers are all over you?

What I see here is a ton of projection, everything you disagree with is against the interest of the American people, guess what sweetie, you don't speak for the American people, congress does and they have spoken. Now your little cult of immorality and destruction will take a big financial hit, that's a good thing.


No, hotochy-coo. At least one half of the American people have and opinions similar to mine. Congress has not spoken for the American people for years. PP is not a cult of "immorality and destruction," it's an organization that helps people make their own personal decisions freely, unlike that piss cult that pigpence belongs to that is obsessively interested in controlling other people's personal lives according to their perverted ideology.

Incidentally, if you are serious about not wanting for the taxpayers to fund anything, I hope that you have contacted the Texas government about spending public money on organizations like the Heidi Group. Seven million dollars???

People that go into grade schools to indoctrinate children in their perverted ways are just evil, so are the schools that allow it. Do what ever you chose in your personal life, just don't expect other people to pay for or encourage it.


How and where is this going on? Who does this?

Parents Stage Walkout Over Planned Parenthood's Graphic, Violent Sex Ed in Public Schools


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