Veep Pence Helps States Keep Funds from Planned Parenthood

Very interesting you find humor in the deaths of aborted babies Lysistrata ...

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This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.
Very interesting you find humor in the deaths of aborted babies Lysistrata ...

No one aborts babies, except in your addled sectarian head. You seem to know nothing about the human gestational process.

I can't find anything that I wrote that is humorous.

There is no record of all Americans having joined your sect. I know that I didn't. Some Americans are atheists, some are agnostics, some adherents of other faiths, Christian and otherwise. We don't all believe the same thing.
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.

Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
removing all reproductive choice from female Americans
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.

While the media was focused on their teenage darling, Hogg, the Veep cast the vote to break the tie in the Senate for a law setting aside an Obama rule telling states they couldn't withhold money from PP.

Dims wanted to keep it - Repubs didn't altho Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke with their party, voting against the measure.

No surprise. From While You Were Focused on David Hogg Look What VP Pence Just Did

Planned Parenthood doesn't need tax payer money. They make millions in profit each year and also spend millions on political donations. If we cease to fund them, they won't have money to give Democrats. We shouldn't give them a dime. Even without the government stealing from tax payers on their behalf, they would still have a huge profit margin. No reason to keep giving them our hard-earned money when they waste it by supporting leftist politicians.
Do pregnancy crisis centers need tax payer money?

Texas has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on something known as "The Heidi Group," an anti-abortion organization:

Commentary: How did Heidi Group use millions? Texas women need answers


States Fund Pregnancy Centers That Discourage Abortion

There appears to be millions of taxpayer dollars going to fund these political organizations.

Moreover, off topic, I've got to laugh at this crazy woman calling her organization "The Heidi Group." Heidi was a fictional little orphan girl in the Swiss Alps. How this relates to adult women who are experiencing unwanted pregnancies is beyond me, but it is indicative of the ongoing attempts by right-wingers to infantilize adult women. I wonder how adult men would like it if they went through life with people addressing them as if they were still mommy's little boy.
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.

Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
removing all reproductive choice from female Americans
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.


Oh, boy, are you dumb. PP doesn't provide "handlers" as people walk through its doors of their own accord. Nobody from PP drags them in off the streets. What you are saying is pure fiction.

The folks in my dorm at a Catholic college had already decided what they wanted to do when they boarded the bus to the local PP offices or they wouldn't have done so in the first place. They already chose to go the birth-control route before contacting PP. You've really got the cart and the horse mixed up. Your real problem seems to be that some people choose to have sex. But this is none of your business.

That it was a tie vote would indicate that half didn't want it and that pigpence inserted himself to force this measure on this half. And we are well aware that his primary focus is on his cult membership. He has not been quiet about his theocratic leanings.

Telling me to "just shove it" does absolutely nothing to explain to us taxpayers how and why our money is being spent in this fashion.
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.
If you died on a damp cloth or swallowed, we would have all been better off.
While the media was focused on their teenage darling, Hogg, the Veep cast the vote to break the tie in the Senate for a law setting aside an Obama rule telling states they couldn't withhold money from PP.

Dims wanted to keep it - Repubs didn't altho Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke with their party, voting against the measure.

No surprise. From While You Were Focused on David Hogg Look What VP Pence Just Did

Planned Parenthood doesn't need tax payer money. They make millions in profit each year and also spend millions on political donations. If we cease to fund them, they won't have money to give Democrats. We shouldn't give them a dime. Even without the government stealing from tax payers on their behalf, they would still have a huge profit margin. No reason to keep giving them our hard-earned money when they waste it by supporting leftist politicians.
Planned Parenthood is a 501c organization that is non-profit.
Planned Parenthood has twice the members that the NRA has.

And Planned Parenthood has been the accomplice in a hell of a lot more deaths, where the NRA saves lives...
Ignorance is not bliss, the biggest operation of PP does is STD screenings and treatment, the last is abortions which is 3%..

How much does selling dead baby parts contribute?

Fucking ghouls
Ask Mittens he used to own a company that bought the parts..
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.

Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
removing all reproductive choice from female Americans
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.


Oh, boy, are you dumb. PP doesn't provide "handlers" as people walk through its doors of their own accord. Nobody from PP drags them in off the streets. What you are saying is pure fiction.

The folks in my dorm at a Catholic college had already decided what they wanted to do when they boarded the bus to the local PP offices or they wouldn't have done so in the first place. They already chose to go the birth-control route before contacting PP. You've really got the cart and the horse mixed up. Your real problem seems to be that some people choose to have sex. But this is none of your business.

That it was a tie vote would indicate that half didn't want it and that pigpence inserted himself to force this measure on this half. And we are well aware that his primary focus is on his cult membership. He has not been quiet about his theocratic leanings.

Telling me to "just shove it" does absolutely nothing to explain to us taxpayers how and why our money is being spent in this fashion.

Boarding a bus to the local PP? Noooooo, they weren't handled. LMAO BTW any doctor in the country can prescribe birth control and they don't require a half billion a year from taxpayers. You can also see post #17 to see I'm consistent on taxpayer funding unlike you hypocrites.

And just so you know, it's the VPs constitutional duty to preside over the senate for the purpose of breaking ties. Maybe you should go to your local COSCO and stock up on tissues.

This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.
You have Obama care now. No need for planned parenthood, just go see the doctor of your choice. Or are you saying Obama care is a failure?
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

A couple of commiecrats had to vote for the bill too. Tax payers give PP 500 million a year, if they're so great, let them compete on a level playing field. Now they won't be able to launder that money back to the commiecrats, boo freaking hoo.


What "level playing field?" PP has done the most in this country to prevent unwanted pregnancies, yet it has been the target of a ferocious assault by the right-wing morons hell-bent on imposing their cult beliefs on all Americans, removing all reproductive choice from female Americans, keeping them ignorant of sexual matters, and forcing them to live by the diktats of religions they haven't chosen; all to increase the number of unwanted kids in the U.S. and establish an unconstitutional state religion. Remember that the cults who are responsible are tax exempt, so we taxpayers are actually subsidizing them in their aggression toward PP.

Why is the current administration wasting $277 of our tax money on "abstinence education," which is the brainchild of a few religious cults intent on indoctrinating the young in public schools into their cults and controlling and destroying human sexuality, particularly female human sexuality? Why did the whores trump placed at HHS end a successful program to prevent teenage pregnancy (while ignoring the legal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act)? Why are we paying their salaries to spout cult shit and declare grossly sectarian religious beliefs to be U.S. public policy when they are supposed to be tending to the health of the American people?

pigpence is just a worthless punk who makes stupid faces at North Korean guards when he isn't thinking of new ways to fuck up the lives of American women and LGBTs. He's supposed to be working for Americans, but he works only for his cult and his political party.

Pence was simply the tie breaking vote, 50 Senators including at least 2 commiecrats voted with him.

And this has to be the most outlandish thing a woman could say:
removing all reproductive choice from female Americans
Are you seriously saying a woman can't make her own choices without her PP handlers. That is simply the most ignorant statement anyone could make.

As for the rest of your ignorant talking points, just shove it.


I love asshats mansplaining reproduction to women and how easy it is to prevent pregnancy.

One in four women have abortions by the time they’re 40. Many women can’t use hormonal birth control. Half of the women who seek abortions used birth control and still got pregnant.

If right wingers really wanted to prevent abortions, they would make sex Ed mandatory - no exceptions. They’d have mandated maternity leave and job security for pregnant women, and geared to income child care.

As long as they scream “personal responsibility then they’d damn well better stay away from women who determine that they can’t afford to have another child at this time and let them make the responsible choice to end that pregnancy.
PP does great work in health care. And the abortion program gets no fed funds .

PP just needs to realize that until they stop killing unborn children, large portions of the population don't want to see them get ANY Government funding.
While the media was focused on their teenage darling, Hogg, the Veep cast the vote to break the tie in the Senate for a law setting aside an Obama rule telling states they couldn't withhold money from PP.

Dims wanted to keep it - Repubs didn't altho Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke with their party, voting against the measure.

No surprise. From While You Were Focused on David Hogg Look What VP Pence Just Did

Planned Parenthood doesn't need tax payer money. They make millions in profit each year and also spend millions on political donations. If we cease to fund them, they won't have money to give Democrats. We shouldn't give them a dime. Even without the government stealing from tax payers on their behalf, they would still have a huge profit margin. No reason to keep giving them our hard-earned money when they waste it by supporting leftist politicians.

Bullshit. Prove it. PP is a non-profit. Now tell me how many organizations are getting our tax money for "abstinence education" and the like. Why should we give them any money? My money as a taxpayer is going to fund these morons. How come?
Then why do they give democrats millions? Instead of helping women and their health?

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