Veep Pence Helps States Keep Funds from Planned Parenthood

This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights.....

...and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them.
This is what gets me about ''feminists" and "woman movements"

They demand respect, yet, don't even respect themselves

They walk around in vagina costumes,

They insist they have the right to end a life

They blame men for everything

They will tell you how 'strong' they are but,
can't manage to confront/report, sexual harassment

They will brag about how smart they are but,
they're too stupid to keep from getting pregnant

They will stress the value of a woman but,
they rebel against the traditional role of a woman

They expect to be taken seriously but,
they're walking around, dressed as a giant pussy

I can go on and on but, I won't

Women like you make me sick!
Women like you, are an embarrassment!
Women like you are selfish and shallow!
Women like you do not speak for all women!
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

Maybe in Sweden you have the right to take man's money because you are a slut, that needs an abortion every week.

Not here in America, better start packing.
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights.....

...and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them.
This is what gets me about ''feminists" and "woman movements"

They demand respect, yet, don't even respect themselves

They walk around in vagina costumes,

They insist they have the right to end a life

They blame men for everything

They will tell you how 'strong' they are but,
can't manage to confront/report, sexual harassment

They will brag about how smart they are but,
they're too stupid to keep from getting pregnant

They will stress the value of a woman but,
they rebel against the traditional role of a woman

They expect to be taken seriously but,
they're walking around, dressed as a giant pussy

I can go on and on but, I won't

Women like you make me sick!
Women like you, are an embarrassment!
Women like you are selfish and shallow!
Women like you do not speak for all women!

Women like you make me sick, and you folks certainly do not speak for all women. You don't seem able to respect yourselves.
  • Customs are a publicity stunt, symbolism. Duh. Look the word "symbolism" up. Women don't walk around daily dressed in vagina costumes, even though you mentioned this twice.
  • Abortion is not ending a life.
  • Who "blames men for everything." But if a man does something wrong, and particularly when a man does something wrong and tries to justify it by citing his gender and or his membership in an organization that is male dominated by design, or tries to stick his nose in women's affairs, he can and must be called on the carpet about it.
  • It is women who have finally brought attention to the fact that there have been no official mechanisms in place to report sexual harassment and that when harassment has been reported to officials in whatever organization with which the victim was affiliated, nothing was done, and those who made such reports were laughed at, ostracized, and subject to retribution.
  • It is people like you and your male masters who make every effort to make sure that women do not have access to birth control, and then blame women for getting pregnant. Every woman should have access to birth control.
  • Any woman can pursue "the traditional role of a woman," as long as she is free to choose it, she is not indoctrinated or otherwise coerced into accepting it, and is free to leave it.
You need to develop some self-esteem, some pride in who you are. If you like groveling, honey, that's your thing. Enjoy your BDSM fling, Mrs. Grey. To be frank, no one is stopping you from fucking your brains out if you're in the mood, but this man-snaps-fingers-woman-spreads-legs-thing is disgusting and has gone too far.

Watching you people denigrate yourselves, and the rest of us, in public, time after time has been a truly disgusting experience. It's too bad that you find it embarrassing that "selfish and shallow" women like myself are out fighting for the rights of you and every other women to make their own personal choices free of coercion and restraint.
This is what gets me about these right-wing nuts. They attack women and our rights to our faces, obvious and for who knows what evil motivations, and then act surprised that we don't support them and vote for them, and act against them. While this sort of nonsense appears for the most obvious part to be an offensive against female Americans, I can see the same thing treatment, albeit more subtle, meted out to racial and religious "minorities," as well. I guess they think that everyone whom they openly smack in the face should stand up and applaud them. Quit smokin' that stuff.

One thing that is totally obvious is that these guys have sicko plans for the female half of our population. It's time to force pigpence and the other woman-hating "heterosexuals" out of the closet and into the sunlight. If people like him want to come out of the closet, great. The rest of us don't give a damn about whom he wants to bed. But pigpence and his on-the-fence group have to stop trying to hurt other people.
No, Mikey. I'm not voting for you to turn your psychosis into law and public policy. Please see a shrink and let the rest of us alone.

Maybe in Sweden you have the right to take man's money because you are a slut, that needs an abortion every week.

Not here in America, better start packing.

WTF??? You're turning the U.S. into a theocracy?
You have a very bizarre idea about why people have abortions, and I bet that you don't even know anyone who has had one. You can live your fantasy, you can live your "beliefs," but not at the expense of the liberty of others.
Americans are not giving up our space. It is you who need to start packing. I would recommend that you go to Iran or Guyana.
women like myself are out fighting for the rights of you
Bitch, please

You idiots don't speak for me, let alone, all women...
Women, like myself, have had to make that clear

I'll respond to the rest of your dribble tonight...
I'm going to bed
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.

I am not a pro-lifer either, as many will attest to on here who have engaged in HOURS of argument on the subject (which I thoroughly enjoyed, btw).

But women are not supportive of men in society, so I see no reason why they need or deserve men's support.

It is different on an individual level. Of course I will support/protect family members and women I care about. But some random person? No. Couldn't care less about them.

Why do you say that women are not supportive of men in society?

Because I sincerely don't think they are. Boys have been performing horribly in school for how long now? No one cares, as long as we can get more girls into STEM.

To be fair, men don't support one another either.

Why perceive this as an either/or situation? There is a lot of material on the subject of problems with boys' athletic performance, including such as (to select only one):

How do we help boys close the academic gender gap?

It's a big problem, as it has been with girls and getting them into STEM. Americans have been eschewing the importance of education for decades, unlike countries like Japan and China. Unfortunately, getting boys up to speed is going to require more male participation in education and child-raising, something that women can neither provide nor compel, especially since our society teaches boys from an early age to disrespect and mock women.

This link has a few good pointers. It's fathers who must emphasize to their sons that the value of getting an education means much more than making an athletic team in high school. Fathers must read more to their children, attend school events that do not involve athletics, help their kids with homework (as a former colleague, a refugee from Vietnam, did every night around the family table with his children; thus producing, despite his sometimes faltering English, three graduates from U.Va. in engineering), engage their children as to the kind of grades they are getting, and put more emphasis on academic achievement and much less on their sons going out for football and their daughters getting selected to wiggle their T&A in front of football crowds as "cheerleaders." Women/mothers cannot replace this kind of interaction.

More men must enter the field of education and enter the classroom as teachers. One of my most memorable teachers from so long ago (and I'm female), was a male ex-marine with a sense of humor and a very large ring that he slammed on the blackboard for emphasis at times in our junior high school civics class. If you couldn't produce your homework, he would direct your attention to a little doll he had named "Tuffy" and tell you to "tell it to Tuffy." He wouldn't take any BS. All papers had to be accompanied by footnotes and bibliographies. When we got out of his class, we knew the federal government upside down: the three branches, all cabinet posts, both houses of Congress, including majority whips. This was in 8th or 9th grade! Women cannot do this adequately for boys. Men must. I'm proud to say that my ex-marine male cousin has made his (vastly underpaid) career in the classroom.

Women cannot make up for men's lack of engagement in the process of raising boys into educated adults. While our society has identified the problem of getting girls involved in science, technology, engineering, and math, it has similarly identified the problem with boys' learning, but without active engagement by men, there is no solution. Moreover, the solution does not involve denigrating girls and women. It involves active, positive male participation in the educational process.

Well, at least you put in the time to form a proper response.

Some fair points made. Unfortunately, men as a whole are pretty much just coasting along right now. They don't really know what they are supposed to be doing anymore. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

So I wouldn't expect the active participation of fathers to be skyrocketing anytime soon.

I really think classrooms should be segregated. Research has shown boys and girls perform better in school when they are separated. Put them back together for pottery class or whatever, but math, science, and languages should be separate.

We also need to stop acting like boys and girls learn the same, when we know that's just not true. Boys SUCK at sitting still and sponging material. There need to be some stakes involved. You need to turn it into a game or a competition for them to care. Otherwise, they don't have the patience to recognize "this will matter 8 years from now". They do, however, understand that winning is good and that they want to win. If more competitive learning environments works for girls as well, great, but this shit we have right now is not cutting it for boys.

I am speaking in generalities, of course.
Honestly? I couldn't care less. Maybe it's because I'm a man, but women's problems are not my problems. Women certainly don't concern themselves with men's unique challenges, so I feel it's neither men's place nor responsibility to care about theirs. I would appreciate it if none of my tax deductions went to gender or sex-specific causes.

You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.

I am not a pro-lifer either, as many will attest to on here who have engaged in HOURS of argument on the subject (which I thoroughly enjoyed, btw).

But women are not supportive of men in society, so I see no reason why they need or deserve men's support.

It is different on an individual level. Of course I will support/protect family members and women I care about. But some random person? No. Couldn't care less about them.

Why do you say that women are not supportive of men in society?

Because I sincerely don't think they are. Boys have been performing horribly in school for how long now? No one cares, as long as we can get more girls into STEM.

To be fair, men don't support one another either.

But you’ve just said you don’t support people you don’t care about. Do you not see unless you start supporting others in your community there’s not much point in being part of a civilized society?

When people work together towards a common goal, more is accomplished, and it’s easier and faster to get it done. Arguing over left and right, and opposing everything the other side proposes without considering the merits of the proposal is getting you nowhere.

When you've been fucked over by others as much as I have, you tend to stop believing that society has good intentions toward you. But hey, maybe you're right. It just hasn't worked for me.
You don’t care about issues which affect half the population, including you wife/girlfriend, mother, sisters or female friends? Then stay out of it completely. The laws against women’s reproductive choice were passed by MEN, not women.

I am not a pro-lifer either, as many will attest to on here who have engaged in HOURS of argument on the subject (which I thoroughly enjoyed, btw).

But women are not supportive of men in society, so I see no reason why they need or deserve men's support.

It is different on an individual level. Of course I will support/protect family members and women I care about. But some random person? No. Couldn't care less about them.

Why do you say that women are not supportive of men in society?

Because I sincerely don't think they are. Boys have been performing horribly in school for how long now? No one cares, as long as we can get more girls into STEM.

To be fair, men don't support one another either.

Why perceive this as an either/or situation? There is a lot of material on the subject of problems with boys' athletic performance, including such as (to select only one):

How do we help boys close the academic gender gap?

It's a big problem, as it has been with girls and getting them into STEM. Americans have been eschewing the importance of education for decades, unlike countries like Japan and China. Unfortunately, getting boys up to speed is going to require more male participation in education and child-raising, something that women can neither provide nor compel, especially since our society teaches boys from an early age to disrespect and mock women.

This link has a few good pointers. It's fathers who must emphasize to their sons that the value of getting an education means much more than making an athletic team in high school. Fathers must read more to their children, attend school events that do not involve athletics, help their kids with homework (as a former colleague, a refugee from Vietnam, did every night around the family table with his children; thus producing, despite his sometimes faltering English, three graduates from U.Va. in engineering), engage their children as to the kind of grades they are getting, and put more emphasis on academic achievement and much less on their sons going out for football and their daughters getting selected to wiggle their T&A in front of football crowds as "cheerleaders." Women/mothers cannot replace this kind of interaction.

More men must enter the field of education and enter the classroom as teachers. One of my most memorable teachers from so long ago (and I'm female), was a male ex-marine with a sense of humor and a very large ring that he slammed on the blackboard for emphasis at times in our junior high school civics class. If you couldn't produce your homework, he would direct your attention to a little doll he had named "Tuffy" and tell you to "tell it to Tuffy." He wouldn't take any BS. All papers had to be accompanied by footnotes and bibliographies. When we got out of his class, we knew the federal government upside down: the three branches, all cabinet posts, both houses of Congress, including majority whips. This was in 8th or 9th grade! Women cannot do this adequately for boys. Men must. I'm proud to say that my ex-marine male cousin has made his (vastly underpaid) career in the classroom.

Women cannot make up for men's lack of engagement in the process of raising boys into educated adults. While our society has identified the problem of getting girls involved in science, technology, engineering, and math, it has similarly identified the problem with boys' learning, but without active engagement by men, there is no solution. Moreover, the solution does not involve denigrating girls and women. It involves active, positive male participation in the educational process.

Well, at least you put in the time to form a proper response.

Some fair points made. Unfortunately, men as a whole are pretty much just coasting along right now. They don't really know what they are supposed to be doing anymore. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

So I wouldn't expect the active participation of fathers to be skyrocketing anytime soon.

I really think classrooms should be segregated. Research has shown boys and girls perform better in school when they are separated. Put them back together for pottery class or whatever, but math, science, and languages should be separate.

We also need to stop acting like boys and girls learn the same, when we know that's just not true. Boys SUCK at sitting still and sponging material. There need to be some stakes involved. You need to turn it into a game or a competition for them to care. Otherwise, they don't have the patience to recognize "this will matter 8 years from now". They do, however, understand that winning is good and that they want to win. If more competitive learning environments works for girls as well, great, but this shit we have right now is not cutting it for boys.

I am speaking in generalities, of course.

Generally, I don't disagree with you. I am ambivalent about certain things, however.
The first being classroom segregation. There are proponents of all-female classrooms as well, to improve girls' learning of math and science without being subject to negative influences that they somehow can't, or shouldn't be interested in STEM subjects and can pursue their studies without feeling dominated. I can see their point.

But there are problems with sex segregation. I have heard too many times of men's groups, like the "Promise Keepers," using anti-female rhetoric to motivate boys and men. This group's message, when this group congregated at RFK stadium some years ago, seemed to be "go out there and DOMINATE!," not "go out there and use your talents to make a better world and strengthen your relationships with others." Motivating boys and men by denigrating female people in order to instill a sense of pride in themselves is wrong on so many levels. The message should be, as the Army ad says, "be all that you can be." Tell them to go out and use their talents, rather than telling them that they are are something special, as opposed to THEM! (icky girls).

Same-sex education also worries me in that I'm not sure that males and females will get the all-important opportunity to work together and learn to trust each other. All projects are good, from science projects to sailing. The sexes have to learn to depend on each other. After all, in the heterosexual world, the sexes will always be together creating, birthing, and raising babies, keeping their families and households humming along, working together in all sorts of ways, from walking the floor with a cranky newborn to performing science projects on a space station. So Outward Bound. Together.

This is one of the key problems I have with so-called "conservatives;" this seeming dedication to maintaining this absurd divide and refusing to establish trust. Think of it this way, when a center in American football snaps the ball, the quarterback better damn well be behind him and ready. I want the two sexes to be ready to trust and support each other.

I think that men already know what to do. I don't know why so many don't acknowledge it and get out there. It will take me too long to find a story I read on either CNN, NBC, or BBC a while back that some organization in some predominantly African-American community called for something like 40 male mentors, and got a turnout of several hundred.

Get involved. Volunteer, teach, mentor! Nobody can do it but you guys.
Planned Parenthood has twice the members that the NRA has.

And Planned Parenthood has been the accomplice in a hell of a lot more deaths, where the NRA saves lives...
Ignorance is not bliss, the biggest operation of PP does is STD screenings and treatment, the last is abortions which is 3%..

How much does selling dead baby parts contribute?

Fucking ghouls
Remember how we all found out that that was a the point that the lying liars ended up being the ones in legal trouble?

I remember that. Are those who pass on lying lies considered lying liars?
While the media was focused on their teenage darling, Hogg, the Veep cast the vote to break the tie in the Senate for a law setting aside an Obama rule telling states they couldn't withhold money from PP.

Dims wanted to keep it - Repubs didn't altho Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska broke with their party, voting against the measure.

No surprise. From While You Were Focused on David Hogg Look What VP Pence Just Did

Planned Parenthood doesn't need tax payer money. They make millions in profit each year and also spend millions on political donations. If we cease to fund them, they won't have money to give Democrats. We shouldn't give them a dime. Even without the government stealing from tax payers on their behalf, they would still have a huge profit margin. No reason to keep giving them our hard-earned money when they waste it by supporting leftist politicians.
Do pregnancy crisis centers need tax payer money?

Why is pregnancy the only issue Dems care about? Oh yea, because they want to reduce the population. It's not about choice with the left because they'd rather make choices for people.

Planned Parenthood gives huge donations to political campaigns and openly supported Hillary, things that usually get the non-profit status revoked. PP found a loophole and they spend big money on candidates as well as openly campaign for them. We shouldn't fund them considering they make millions each year. If they want to donate, they should operate like other businesses.

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