Vegan Neighbors Offended By The Smell Of Cooking Meat

Yes, we all have free will. But since you brought up having freedom to do it... let me ask you something. Would you be happy in a world where humans did not eat animals and even animals did not eat other animals?

If that was the world then yes, but since we have the freedom to do it (or at least in this lifetime since I know what you're on about) then it's irrelevant.

Where are my proud PETA members? :D
I'm right here. This is who I see in you when I read your mocking posts. This is YOUR soul. This is who YOU really are, deep down pretty damn UGLY

Did you not hear the part about how most places stun the animals like they're supposed to do before they kill them? As if I would treat animals like this or advocate for them to be. Now you're just acting delusional. 🙄

There's a place in this world for all G-d's creatures...

...right next to the mashed potatoes.

Well,... All the edible ones anyways. ;)
Vicious Elitists Growling About Nonsense

The two self-righteous wackos here are not extreme cases; they're just more open about their feelings of superiority to normal and sane people.

I still say whatever floats your boat just don't sink mine. I don't preach to them to eat meat and dairy products, so why do they keep preaching to me to stop it? I only retaliate to try to get them to leave me alone.
Man, all I have to say is that between Johova witnesses and vegans, I'll take my chances with the first option.
I think the appropriate response to anybody complianing about what I cook in my own home is something along the lines of "go fuck yourself".
The Sage of Main Street What's wrong with agreeing to disagree? I don't have any problems with buttercup OR CarlinAnnArbor even though he has a problem with me. I like to eat meat, they don't. Sure they might be explaining to me why they don't and gathering my POV from it, but so far neither one of them have told me that I must turn vegan, they just think I should,.. which I won't,.. but still. Wilbur would have been in trouble if he was on my farm is all I can say. XD
Tolerance Is Surrender

They are part of a vicious movement that must be stamped out totally. Letting them babble on will eventually give them the power to emasculate our diet or make it cost more.

You invited two nasties onto the thread because of your foolish expectation of a rational dialogue.
Here's a thought, why don't the snowflakes be the one to shut their window? I think that even USMB's own vegans would find this to be completely ridiculous. 🙄

This over the line.

I am 100% plant based and would never even think about trying to tell other people what to eat or cook in in their own home
Tolerance Is Surrender

They are part of a vicious movement that must be stamped out totally. Letting them babble on will eventually give them the power to emasculate our diet or make it cost more.

You invited two nasties onto the thread because of your foolish expectation of a rational dialogue.
FYI it is actually cheaper to eat plant based than it is to eat animal products.

And a diet isn't "masculine" so it can't be emasculated.
I still say whatever floats your boat just don't sink mine. I don't preach to them to eat meat and dairy products, so why do they keep preaching to me to stop it? I only retaliate to try to get them to leave me alone.
All wacko Dims do this....its not enough for you to accept what they do, you have to bow down and kiss the ring and do it too!
If they lived next to me, they would have to move

I use my outdoor grill all year long
Once a month I use my smoker with
40-50 lbs of meat for 4-10 hours.
The whole neighborhood can smell it
You invited two nasties onto the thread because of your foolish expectation of a rational dialogue.

They're not nasty, they just get carried away is all.

This over the line.

I am 100% plant based and would never even think about trying to tell other people what to eat or cook in in their own home

Thank you! buttercup and CarlinAnnArbor should follow your example.

All wacko Dims do this....its not enough for you to accept what they do, you have to bow down and kiss the ring and do it too!

Actually I think that they're both conservative.

Lol I was being sarcastic because they follow their eating habits religiously.

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