Vegan Neighbors Offended By The Smell Of Cooking Meat

You could choose not to kill another living creature because you like how they taste.

I don't kill them, I just eat them.


1) They absolutely DO make it clear they want to live, there is tons of video evidence of that, or better yet go to a slaughterhouse and hear their screams yourself! You are stating something that is not only false and ignorant, but demonstrably false.

2) You keep ignoring my point that you are pointing to something that just doesn't happen in more than 98% of cases. So it's a disingenuous non-argument, when you ignore the reality in 98% of cases.

3) There is no such thing as "humane slaughter." It's an oxymoron, like "humane rape." There's nothing compassionate about stealing someone life, just so you can have a sandwich that will be finished in 5 minutes.

Read this quote again, and let it sink in:


I don't believe that number and why would I go to a slaughterhouse? I'm not that interested. I'm part of a different kind of PETA where people eat tasty animals. I'm not completely heartless though, I felt sorry for the poor pigs in CarlinAnnArbor's video because they actually were suffering.
I don't kill them, I just eat them.

You pay someone to kill them. You do that when you purchase "meat." I put that in quotes because in reality it's a dead animal. You may not be the one slitting their throat, but if you pay someone to do it, you might as well be.

In fact, I have more respect for people who at least can do it themselves than the self-professed "animal lovers" who could never actually kill the animals they eat if they had to. (I'm not talking about you, just anyone in that category in general, but I can think of a few here on this site.) :rolleyes: And when I say they can't do it, I don't mean because they don't have the "skill" to do it, but because they simply couldn't look the animal in the eye and then kill him.

I don't believe that number and why would I go to a slaughterhouse? I'm not that interested. I'm part of a different kind of PETA where people eat tasty animals. I'm not completely heartless though, I felt sorry for the poor pigs in CarlinAnnArbor's video because they actually were suffering.

Look it up yourself. The meat you buy at the store in the overwhelming majority of cases did not come from some small little idyllic farm with the animals running around freely in the sunshine. And if that's what the label shows, it's a lie to sell products, and to make consumers feel better about it.

And the reason I said go to a slaughterhouse is because YOU claimed you never had a pig tell you he wanted to live. Do you actually believe that because you haven't personally seen it that it isn't true? If you don't want to go to a slaughterhouse yourself, you can go to YouTube and there are TONS of videos on abuses and cruelty in factory farms, and you can see for yourself that they DO make it very clear they want to live. To claim otherwise is absurd.... or just plain dishonest. In your case I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Shall we examine your many anti-homo threads?

Let's try this knowing your demands that homos not offend you with their public displays of affection

You wouldn't make demand of these lovers would would you

View attachment 784950
Why Hindu Caste-Tyranny Condemned Meat-Eating

Disgust is part of the Survival Instinct; Gayism is part of the Death Wish.
But disgust by Veganists is part of the Death Wish, too. Carnivores will conquer.

Meat-eating creates courage. Who is threatened by that? The ruling class promotes Veganism in order to turn the 99% into low-energy cowards.
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buttercup I could do it myself if I was a farmer and knew what to do and was raising my animals for slaughter instead of companion animal, but I don't live on a farm and lack the skill. It's no different than hunting to me. I could choose to hunt for my food, but I don't and lack the skill. Above all though I would never let any animal suffer.
buttercup I could do it myself if I was a farmer and knew what to do and was raising my animals for slaughter instead of companion animal, but I don't live on a farm and lack the skill. It's no different than hunting to me. I could choose to hunt for my food, but I don't and lack the skill. Above all though I would never let any animal suffer.

So you would have no problem killing an animal who is smarter than a dog, and is said to be as smart as a 3 year old human child? You could put a knife to this pig's throat and slit it, for no reason other than wanting to eat his body?

So you would have no problem killing an animal who is smarter than a dog, and is said to be as smart as a 3 year old human child? You could put a knife to this pig's throat and slit it, for no reason other than wanting to eat his body?

If I was a butcher then yes. Not saying they don't make cute pets, but I wouldn't have any issues with it if that was my job and knew how to do it properly.
3) There is no such thing as "humane slaughter." It's an oxymoron, like "humane rape."

Bad Grammar Does Matter. It Indicates Further Stupidity.

The actual meaning of oxymoron is the opposite of what the On-Air Airheads tell you it means. It is a clever phrase that would only be a contradiction if other meanings of the words were being used, which they obviously aren't, such as "boneless ribs."

When the media were truly educated instead of these Diploma Dumbos who took over that language-influencing power, the phrase these photogenic frauds today think "oxymoron" means was "a contradiction in terms."
I don't think so, but still I'm sick and tired of people who believe that the world revolves around them and other people should appease to them. 🙄
That is the major pitfall which is imploding America. Politicians promote it amongst the citizenry to get votes.
The Sage of Main Street What's wrong with agreeing to disagree? I don't have any problems with buttercup OR CarlinAnnArbor even though he has a problem with me. I like to eat meat, they don't. Sure they might be explaining to me why they don't and gathering my POV from it, but so far neither one of them have told me that I must turn vegan, they just think I should,.. which I won't,.. but still. Wilbur would have been in trouble if he was on my farm is all I can say. XD
Yeah, having mercy on innocent, defenseless beings is SO crazy!!! But needless killing and violence? Now that's sane and right. :rolleyes:

You are right about one thing. Your statement is true in this upside-down, messed up world. I for one am glad to not fit in to this corrupt world.

For the record I don't think you're crazy. You just have an opinion. You're free to be a vegan and I'm free not to be. No hard feelings. :)
If I was a butcher then yes. Not saying they don't make cute pets, but I wouldn't have any issues with it if that was my job and knew how to do it properly.

I didn't say "If you were a butcher." I asked if you could kill him yourself just for a snack. An animal who is no different than your dog, and is as smart as a 3 year old child.
Yeah, having mercy on innocent, defenseless beings is SO crazy!!! But needless killing and violence? Now that's sane and right. :rolleyes:

You are right about one thing. Your statement is true in this upside-down, messed up world. I for one am glad to not fit in to this corrupt world.
hate to be the one to break it to you but animals are not humans so cant be murdered
I asked if you could kill him yourself just for a snack.

Yes if I knew how, but it's a whole lot easier going to the grocery store for ham, pork, and bacon that I really wouldn't want to waste time and do it the hard way.
For the record I don't think you're crazy. You just have an opinion. You're free to be a vegan and I'm free not to be. No hard feelings. :)

Yes, we all have free will. But since you brought up having freedom to do it... let me ask you something. Would you be happy in a world where humans did not eat animals and even animals did not eat other animals?

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