Vegan Neighbors Offended By The Smell Of Cooking Meat

I'm a liberal but not a vegan. I have no sympathy for these vegans, it is their problem to solve, not someone else's problem.

Wow, I just agreed with you for the first time ever,... Did Hell just freeze over?
Wow, I just agreed with you for the first time ever,... Did Hell just freeze over?

Where's that global warming when you need it?
Here's a thought, why don't the snowflakes be the one to shut their window? I think that even USMB's own vegans would find this to be completely ridiculous. 🙄

I can't help but wonder what the vegans do when summer arrives and all of the meat lovers have barbecues and cook outs. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Give in to my "demands"????

Produce the thread. I shared INFORMATION. Just like you SHARE INFORMATION. I care about the 1% who actually care about doing the right thing.

I don't care enough to read your story
Missourian if you insist on calling me a liar in every post like a damn 5 year old, because you're offended, link the post of mine where I made DEMANDS of anyone.

You clearly can't debate the topic do you resort to your childish "fake news" reaction.

If you can't and insist on calling me a liar than there is no reason to continue reading your posts

Edit: don't bother. You're on ignore. Calling me a liar crosses a line
I can't help but wonder what the vegans do when summer arrives and all of the meat lovers have barbecues and cook outs. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


I just bring Beyond burger patties which are really good, and imho taste BETTER than ground up corpse of an abused, sick, tortured cow. Since you asked. :dunno: :)
Just as I suspected there is a more humane way to butcher pigs. Of course PETA won't tell you that. 🙄

First of all, something like 98% of pork comes from factory farms. And the way pigs are treated there is diabolical. So by bringing an example of so-called "humane" slaughter on someone's "homestead", you are trying to use something that just doesn't happen in the overwhelming majority of cases. That's akin to prochoicers bringing up pregnancy by rape as an argument for abortion, when that constitutes less than 1 percent of cases. It's not an intellectually honest way to debate, because it ignores the reality.

Secondly, there's simply NO "humane" way to kill someone who doesn't want to die. So it doesn't matter how they are killed, if you are taking the life of an animal who strongly wants to live, and is no different than your dog... in fact, pigs are ranked even smarter than dogs (I've brought this up so many times, it starts to feel repetitive but it's an important point that needs to be stated) then there's nothing humane about that.

First of all, something like 98% of pork comes from factory farms. And the way pigs are treated there is diabolical. So by bringing an example of so-called "humane" slaughter on someone's "homestead", you are trying to use something that just doesn't happen in the overwhelming majority of cases. That's akin to prochoicers bringing up pregnancy by rape as an argument for abortion, when that constitutes less than 1 percent of cases. It's not an intellectually honest way to debate, because it ignores the reality.

Secondly, there's simply NO "humane" way to kill someone who doesn't want to die. So it doesn't matter how they are killed, if you are taking the life of an animal who strongly wants to live, and is no different than your dog... in fact, pigs are ranked even smarter than dogs (I've brought this up so many times, it starts to feel repetitive but it's an important point that needs to be stated) then there's nothing humane about that.


Buttercup, you know I love you dearly but a pig cannot tell you that it wants to live for one and for two,... If you read the article I posted the pig is unconscious when this is done correctly so they don't feel anything. Barely different than putting a dog or a cat to sleep.
Buttercup, you know I love you dearly but a pig cannot tell you that it wants to live for one and for two,... If you read the article I posted the pig is unconscious when this is done correctly so they don't feel anything. Barely different than putting a dog or a cat to sleep.
I'm sorry, but you could't be more wrong if you tried. OF COURSE a pig or any animal who is about to be killed clearly makes it known they want to live. Just because they don't speak YOUR language of English doesn't mean they don't speak! They cry out, they fight for their lives til the end! I mean, I could post video evidence of that for you, but honestly I'm shocked that you would even make such an ignorant claim, when it's so easily shown to be false.

And you ignored most of what I said in my previous post. You are pointing to something that simply does not happen in 98% of cases. And even there, on some "homestead", it's not humane. Because the word humane has to do with tenderness, compassion, mercy. And there's nothing compassionate about taking someone's life who wants to live, and has done nothing wrong and has just as much right to live as you and I do.

Would you do that to your dog, because you wanted to eat his flesh? Would that be "humane"? It's no different. The only difference is you've been deeply conditioned your entire life to believe one is a "pet" and one is "food." When in reality, they are the same. Read my current sig.
I'm sorry, but you could't be more wrong if you tried. OF COURSE a pig or any animal who is about to be killed clearly makes it known they want to live. Just because they don't speak YOUR language of English doesn't mean they don't speak! They cry out, they fight for their lives til the end! I mean, I could post video evidence of that for you, but honestly I'm shocked that you would even make such an ignorant claim, when it's so easily shown to be false.

And you ignored most of what I said in my previous post. You are pointing to something that simply does not happen in 98% of cases. And even there, on some "homestead", it's not humane. Because the word humane has to do with tenderness, compassion, mercy. And there's nothing compassionate about taking someone's life who wants to live, and has done nothing wrong and has just as much right to live as you and I do.

Would you do that to your dog, because you wanted to eat his flesh? Would that be "humane"? It's no different. The only difference is you've been deeply conditioned your entire life to believe one is a "pet" and one is "food." When in reality, they are the same. Read my current sig.

I can't read signatures right now I'm on my phone and the only pig I know that made it known he wanted to live was Wilbur. Otherwise I never had a pig tell me that. Oh and in some places they do eat cats and dogs. I don't care what they do in those places where it's the norm as long as they don't suffer and expect me to eat them here.

One quick bullet to stun the pig doesn't make them suffer as it is actually pretty humane so they're unconscious when they bleed out. That's the proper way to do it. Isn't that better than them being awake and feeling the suffering?
I'm sorry, but you could't be more wrong if you tried. OF COURSE a pig or any animal who is about to be killed clearly makes it known they want to live. Just because they don't speak YOUR language of English doesn't mean they don't speak! They cry out, they fight for their lives til the end! I mean, I could post video evidence of that for you, but honestly I'm shocked that you would even make such an ignorant claim, when it's so easily shown to be false.

And you ignored most of what I said in my previous post. You are pointing to something that simply does not happen in 98% of cases. And even there, on some "homestead", it's not humane. Because the word humane has to do with tenderness, compassion, mercy. And there's nothing compassionate about taking someone's life who wants to live, and has done nothing wrong and has just as much right to live as you and I do.

Would you do that to your dog, because you wanted to eat his flesh? Would that be "humane"? It's no different. The only difference is you've been deeply conditioned your entire life to believe one is a "pet" and one is "food." When in reality, they are the same. Read my current sig.
Facing what they are a part of is why so many become ANGRY when you post facts.

Everybody wants to think they are decent, kind people. Even serial killers think they are decent human beings. So is every "prochoice person.

People justify anything because they just can't bare seeing who they really are
I can't read signatures right now I'm on my phone and the only pig I know that made it known he wanted to live was Wilbur. Otherwise I never had a pig tell me that. Oh and in some places they do eat cats and dogs. I don't care what they do in those places where it's the norm as long as they don't suffer and expect me to eat them here.

One quick bullet to stun the pig doesn't make them suffer as it is actually pretty humane so they're unconscious when they bleed out. That's the proper way to do it. Isn't that better than them being awake and feeling the suffering?
You could choose not to kill another living creature because you like how they taste. That's the choice a decent human being would make
I can't read signatures right now I'm on my phone and the only pig I know that made it known he wanted to live was Wilbur. Otherwise I never had a pig tell me that. Oh and in some places they do eat cats and dogs. I don't care what they do in those places where it's the norm as long as they don't suffer and expect me to eat them here.

One quick bullet to stun the pig doesn't make them suffer as it is actually pretty humane so they're unconscious when they bleed out. That's the proper way to do it. Isn't that better than them being awake and feeling the suffering?


1) They absolutely DO make it clear they want to live, there is tons of video evidence of that, or better yet go to a slaughterhouse and hear their screams yourself! You are stating something that is not only false and ignorant, but demonstrably false.

2) You keep ignoring my point that you are pointing to something that just doesn't happen in more than 98% of cases. So it's a disingenuous non-argument, when you ignore the reality in 98% of cases.

3) There is no such thing as "humane slaughter." It's an oxymoron, like "humane rape." There's nothing compassionate about stealing someone life, just so you can have a sandwich that will be finished in 5 minutes.

Read this quote again, and let it sink in:


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