Vegas massacre survivor says she briefly went to Heaven and saw past loved ones

I don't doubt that people think they saw Heaven, but it always seems too much like the generic description of dying and Heaven that has been beat into our psyche for many years. Floating above their body... white light... all their loved ones there...When your brain experiences something so traumatic it's not surprising the images they see would be straight out of a movie or TV show we've all seen a million times.
I have been declared dead twice and never saw anything or heard anything. Just a big blank area of my life.
I have been declared dead twice and never saw anything or heard anything. Just a big blank area of my life.
You have to use your imagination of faith to see Heaven. When I was there it was standing room only..
Very often people near death see loved ones that have passed on. The mother of a very good friend of mine saw Jesus every night for days before she died. She said that he talked with her and prayed with her. It was a nice little delusion but she was an old orthodox Jewish woman. I asked her if she felt that she was a Christian now. No. "Jesus came for the Jews and now he's come for me."

She died shortly afterwards.
"My experience showed me that the death of the body and brain is not the end of consciousness...What happened to me while I was in that coma is the most important story I will ever tell. But it's a tricky story to tell because it is so foreign to ordinary understanding."

from the book "Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife"

I have several books about this topic, all very interesting, this is one of them.

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