Venezuela, Greece, Puerto Rico

Nice dodge, but not fast enough.

You made a prediction and it didn't come true, incontinentia.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Wash the sand out of your mangina, Liberace. My prediction was spot on. Greece defaulted, just as I said. It is only a matter of time before they are kicked out.

No, prick.

Your prediction said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within six months and it wasn't.

Not only that, at this time, Greece is not in default.

The more you lie, the more I am going to bring up your quote EVERYWHERE.

Are you brain-damaged? Do you live in a pink lollipop unicorn world? Or are you just a full-idiot?
Wow what a sore fucking loser. I call it right and you just cant admit it.
Get help, dude. You've got anger issues.
You're the one with issues.
There is no economic/political system more failed than socialism. And you subscribe to it. What does that say about you?
Rabbi, could you define "socialism" for me. If we use your reasoning, it would appear that every single country in existence is "socialist" in some way. That's not true, of course, but if you want to whitewash the history of socialism, that's your own problem. I don't expect anything different from a fucking idiot who thinks the confederate flag is a decent symbol.
What a sad thread, the rampant misunderstanding of socialism..
Socialism IS a misunderstanding.
What the hell are you talking about? You're the dumb ass who has no idea what socialism is.
Remind me what your idiosyncratic version is, again.

The actual history of socialism and the usage of the word does not fit the typical definition put forth by ignorant american fucks.
Not one of these "countries" spent a shit load on infrastructure, science, r&d or education to get into the mess they're in. Why? Simply because they're what is called a INVESTMENT!!!! Such a investment is the life blood of every developed country on earth.

Why did these countries fail?? Corrupt government, hatred of such investments and pure socialism...Yes, I'll say it, nothing pure has ever worked be it capitalism or socialism.
Oh, I'm pretty sure you will make an idiotic prediction, just like you did with Greece, n'est ce pas, Le Buffon?

Looky, looky!

Greece is STILL in the Eurozone today.


But you predicted that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone by July 26th.....

Oh, well, keep on predicting.... it's fun to watch.

This is a thread about Puerto Rico, not Greece. Wash that sand out of your mangina and move along, Herr Klown.

Tell me, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, is Greece currently in default? Why, no, it is not!
And was Greece kicked out of the Eurozone by the end of your six-month prediction, cast on January 26th, 2015 and ended on July 26th, 2015? Why no, Greece was not kicked out!!!

So, now, to your illustrious OP:

Exactly what magical things are you going to predict about Venezuela? Puerto Rico??

Please do let us know!!!


Did Greece default on its debt? Yes.
Is Greece still in danger of getting kicked out, soemthing virtually no one predicted in January? Yes.
Wash the sand out of your mangina and move on, sylvester

As for the thread. There is no prediction here. The facts speak for themselves. Socialism is a total failure every time.
Nice dodge, but not fast enough.

You made a prediction and it didn't come true, incontinentia.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Wash the sand out of your mangina, Liberace. My prediction was spot on. Greece defaulted, just as I said. It is only a matter of time before they are kicked out.

Your economic theory is a crock of shit. If we didn't spend a cent on infrastructure, science, r&d and education...Well, we'd probably wouldn't even be in the top 35 for biggest economies...We'd be a back water hell hole.

Greece's problem is the simple matter of not making anything and being stupid with their money.
What a sad thread, the rampant misunderstanding of socialism..
Socialism IS a misunderstanding.

There's a lot more economic models then just pure capitalism or socialism..I wouldn't expect you to understand this.

America has the highest standards of food, water, air and business treatment because we regulate. The corporations before we did so would never go for it.
What a sad thread, the rampant misunderstanding of socialism..

I actually thought it was a pretty good thread...with the Conservatives kicking ass and the Loons bobbing and weaving as usual.

Having a Marxist come out and be diametrically opposed to me is comforting. I feel validated.

You should realize that its not quite time to officially declare yourself a don't have enough illegal aliens in yet; and not enough are suppose to stay with "Democrat" for now.
What a sad thread, the rampant misunderstanding of socialism..

I actually thought it was a pretty good thread...with the Conservatives kicking ass and the Loons bobbing and weaving as usual.

Having a Marxist come out and be diametrically opposed to me is comforting. I feel validated.

You should realize that its not quite time to officially declare yourself a don't have enough illegal aliens in yet; and not enough are suppose to stay with "Democrat" for now.
What does socialism, collective ownership of the means of production, have to do with illegal immigrants and muslims?
A lot of Puerto Rico's problems can actually be blamed on policies by the U.S. Government, but nonetheless, they haven't helped themselves any.
What a sad thread, the rampant misunderstanding of socialism..

I actually thought it was a pretty good thread...with the Conservatives kicking ass and the Loons bobbing and weaving as usual.

Having a Marxist come out and be diametrically opposed to me is comforting. I feel validated.

You should realize that its not quite time to officially declare yourself a don't have enough illegal aliens in yet; and not enough are suppose to stay with "Democrat" for now.
What does socialism, collective ownership of the means of production, have to do with illegal immigrants and muslims?

I don't usually answer this kind of bullshit, but two different answers occurred to me when I read it, and I can't decide which I like, so here's both:

1) Fuck you, Dumb-ass;

2) Votes, Dumb-ass.
Votes? What makes you think illegal immigrants, not just mexicans by the way, who are generally trying to escape bad economic conditions, and muslims, who are generally nice people, if you've ever talked to a muslim, would want socialism? I'm sure some do, but then again, the right wing echo chamber has no common sense.
Every one of them killed by socialism. Puerto Rico just defaulted on its bonds. This is what happens when you elect socialists/Democrats who promise constant free shit while demonizing business.
Puerto Rico defaults Five things you should know - Yahoo Finance

That is why this country provides a safety net while supporting business and the free market. While there are a few true socialists in the US, most everyone will agree that the free market is the best economic system around. Some of us just feel that there need to be some restraints on that free market, and it has been proven time and again that many of those restraints are necessary.
What a sad thread, the rampant misunderstanding of socialism..
Socialism IS a misunderstanding.
What the hell are you talking about? You're the dumb ass who has no idea what socialism is.
Remind me what your idiosyncratic version is, again.

The actual history of socialism and the usage of the word does not fit the typical definition put forth by ignorant american fucks.

So you actually failed to answer my question in not one but two posts. Congrats!
This is a thread about Puerto Rico, not Greece. Wash that sand out of your mangina and move along, Herr Klown.

Tell me, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, is Greece currently in default? Why, no, it is not!
And was Greece kicked out of the Eurozone by the end of your six-month prediction, cast on January 26th, 2015 and ended on July 26th, 2015? Why no, Greece was not kicked out!!!

So, now, to your illustrious OP:

Exactly what magical things are you going to predict about Venezuela? Puerto Rico??

Please do let us know!!!


Did Greece default on its debt? Yes.
Is Greece still in danger of getting kicked out, soemthing virtually no one predicted in January? Yes.
Wash the sand out of your mangina and move on, sylvester

As for the thread. There is no prediction here. The facts speak for themselves. Socialism is a total failure every time.
Nice dodge, but not fast enough.

You made a prediction and it didn't come true, incontinentia.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Wash the sand out of your mangina, Liberace. My prediction was spot on. Greece defaulted, just as I said. It is only a matter of time before they are kicked out.

Your economic theory is a crock of shit. If we didn't spend a cent on infrastructure, science, r&d and education...Well, we'd probably wouldn't even be in the top 35 for biggest economies...We'd be a back water hell hole.

Greece's problem is the simple matter of not making anything and being stupid with their money.
The Soviet Union spent more money per GDP on infrastructure, science and R&D and look where they are, dumbshit.
What a sad thread, the rampant misunderstanding of socialism..

I actually thought it was a pretty good thread...with the Conservatives kicking ass and the Loons bobbing and weaving as usual.

Having a Marxist come out and be diametrically opposed to me is comforting. I feel validated.

You should realize that its not quite time to officially declare yourself a don't have enough illegal aliens in yet; and not enough are suppose to stay with "Democrat" for now.
What does socialism, collective ownership of the means of production, have to do with illegal immigrants and muslims?
Socialism is not the collective ownership of means of production, dumbass. That's communism, socialism's ugly little sister.
Every one of them killed by socialism. Puerto Rico just defaulted on its bonds. This is what happens when you elect socialists/Democrats who promise constant free shit while demonizing business.
Puerto Rico defaults Five things you should know - Yahoo Finance

That is why this country provides a safety net while supporting business and the free market. While there are a few true socialists in the US, most everyone will agree that the free market is the best economic system around. Some of us just feel that there need to be some restraints on that free market, and it has been proven time and again that many of those restraints are necessary.
How has this been "proven"?
What a sad thread, the rampant misunderstanding of socialism..

I actually thought it was a pretty good thread...with the Conservatives kicking ass and the Loons bobbing and weaving as usual.

Having a Marxist come out and be diametrically opposed to me is comforting. I feel validated.

You should realize that its not quite time to officially declare yourself a don't have enough illegal aliens in yet; and not enough are suppose to stay with "Democrat" for now.
What does socialism, collective ownership of the means of production, have to do with illegal immigrants and muslims?
Socialism is not the collective ownership of means of production, dumbass. That's communism, socialism's ugly little sister.

Actually, that is also socialism. The only difference between socialism and communism is how brutal its supporters intend to be to pursue their ultimate goal.
Wash the sand out of your mangina, Liberace. My prediction was spot on. Greece defaulted, just as I said. It is only a matter of time before they are kicked out.

No, prick.

Your prediction said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within six months and it wasn't.

Not only that, at this time, Greece is not in default.

The more you lie, the more I am going to bring up your quote EVERYWHERE.

Are you brain-damaged? Do you live in a pink lollipop unicorn world? Or are you just a full-idiot?
Wow what a sore fucking loser. I call it right and you just cant admit it.
Get help, dude. You've got anger issues.
You're the one with issues.
There is no economic/political system more failed than socialism. And you subscribe to it. What does that say about you?
Rabbi, could you define "socialism" for me. If we use your reasoning, it would appear that every single country in existence is "socialist" in some way. That's not true, of course, but if you want to whitewash the history of socialism, that's your own problem. I don't expect anything different from a fucking idiot who thinks the confederate flag is a decent symbol.

Actually, it is true. Government is socialism. If you have government, you have socialism, to one extent or another.
No, prick.

Your prediction said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within six months and it wasn't.

Not only that, at this time, Greece is not in default.

The more you lie, the more I am going to bring up your quote EVERYWHERE.

Are you brain-damaged? Do you live in a pink lollipop unicorn world? Or are you just a full-idiot?
Wow what a sore fucking loser. I call it right and you just cant admit it.
Get help, dude. You've got anger issues.
You're the one with issues.
There is no economic/political system more failed than socialism. And you subscribe to it. What does that say about you?
Rabbi, could you define "socialism" for me. If we use your reasoning, it would appear that every single country in existence is "socialist" in some way. That's not true, of course, but if you want to whitewash the history of socialism, that's your own problem. I don't expect anything different from a fucking idiot who thinks the confederate flag is a decent symbol.

Actually, it is true. Government is socialism. If you have government, you have socialism, to one extent or another.
LOL. Who told you this, mccarthy?

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