Venezuelans who have fled to America describe what is happening there.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Here are some quotes from Venezuelans who have fled to America when asked about socialism.

“I don’t think any Venezuelan can really like socialism because we’ve seen it put in place very well,” another woman replied. Later in the clip she added, “We also thought that this could never happen in our country. We had a balance of powers. We had democracy and we elected our leaders.”

“It doesn’t work the way the book says it works because we’re human and we have imperfections and socialism is too perfect to be true.”

“Bernie Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever get involved with this individual or any of the other socialists,” an older man said."


Bernie is a loser who couldn't land a real job so he went on the public dole conning mush brain Democrats.
Here are some quotes from Venezuelans who have fled to America when asked about socialism.

“I don’t think any Venezuelan can really like socialism because we’ve seen it put in place very well,” another woman replied. Later in the clip she added, “We also thought that this could never happen in our country. We had a balance of powers. We had democracy and we elected our leaders.”

“It doesn’t work the way the book says it works because we’re human and we have imperfections and socialism is too perfect to be true.”

“Bernie Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever get involved with this individual or any of the other socialists,” an older man said."

I am against socialism, but I have never given a shit what 'people on the street' have to say about anything.

You can find people on the street that will agree with almost anything you want if you ask enough people.

It means almost nothing.
Here are some quotes from Venezuelans who have fled to America when asked about socialism.

“I don’t think any Venezuelan can really like socialism because we’ve seen it put in place very well,” another woman replied. Later in the clip she added, “We also thought that this could never happen in our country. We had a balance of powers. We had democracy and we elected our leaders.”

“It doesn’t work the way the book says it works because we’re human and we have imperfections and socialism is too perfect to be true.”

“Bernie Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever get involved with this individual or any of the other socialists,” an older man said."

Yikes, eating trash from the street....although, that may be a step up for some of the folks here that are pro-socialism.
Here are some quotes from Venezuelans who have fled to America when asked about socialism.

“I don’t think any Venezuelan can really like socialism because we’ve seen it put in place very well,” another woman replied. Later in the clip she added, “We also thought that this could never happen in our country. We had a balance of powers. We had democracy and we elected our leaders.”

“It doesn’t work the way the book says it works because we’re human and we have imperfections and socialism is too perfect to be true.”

“Bernie Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever get involved with this individual or any of the other socialists,” an older man said."

I am against socialism, but I have never given a shit what 'people on the street' have to say about anything.

You can find people on the street that will agree with almost anything you want if you ask enough people.

It means almost nothing.

Yup, just wait for them to start dipping into your pocket-book, then we'll find out how much of a shit you give.

Probably because Bernie and his supporters want us to be like Scandinavia, not Venezuela.

Denmark's Prime Minister has told Bernie Sanders to stop insulting his country by calling it socialist. He says they have a free market economy with more generous social welfare programs.

Successful capitalism can pay for social welfare. Social welfare does not generate wealth to pay for anything.
...Probably because Bernie and his supporters want us to be like Scandinavia, not Venezuela.
Scandinavia and much of Europe hid under the American Shield for a half-century or more after WWII.

They would have gone broke if they had to defend themselves, never mind holding a shield over others, thousands of miles away.

Apples and Oranges.

Unless you can find a Sugar Daddy to defend America for 50 years or more so that we can throw our money solely at social programming.
He says they have a free market economy with more generous social welfare programs.

Yeah, I've seen this bad talking point probably a million times. You think that's different from what Bernie wants? He has been advocating for us to emulate them for decades. These labels are abused, misused and misinterpreted all across the political paradigm. Bernie Sanders is not a socialist in the sense that he wants to overthrow the free market and competition. He is a socialist in the sense that he wants social safety nets and welfare programs like Scandinavia.

You people argue in bad faith. In one breath you'll say "Oh Norway isn't socialist, the PM said so." and then in another suggest universal healthcare is socialism. Make up your mind so you can stop defeating your own arguments please.
Scandinavia isn’t socialist

They are just as socialist as Bernie is or isn't. He advocates for us to emulate their way of doing things and has done so for 30+ years. He doesn't want to end the free market and competition. Suggesting that what he wants is more comparable to Venezuela than Scandinavia is completely ridiculous.
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Scandinavia isn’t socialist

They are just as socialist as Bernie is or isn't. He advocates for us to emulate their way of doing things and has done so for 30+ years. He doesn't want to end the free market and competition. Suggesting that what he wants is more comparable to Venezuela than Scandinavia is completely ridiculous.

Bernie Sanders wants nothing to do with free market competition. He never had a full time job until he got into politics.

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