Venture a guess: Will a Trump subpoena come before or after the midterms?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
WAY before. However, the actual visit to the Grand Jury could be well after, if the Pres stalls.
I’d guess September timeframe
Trump should push to get it in by the summer
Have the questioning on TV, then we all can assess if its fair or not. Also what to him would be a "fair" hearing?
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?
After because these dumbass investigators want to avoid “impacting the election.” Except for when Comey stuck the dagger in the Hillary campaign. They thought that was fine for some reason :rolleyes:
My guess is that Mueller is Apolitical enough to not want to directly interfere with the midterms, lest his investigation be labeled (even MORE) partisan ....which would be strange since Mueller and Rosenstein are republican.

Nonetheless, with idiots like Giuliani around to muddy up the waters even more and with a segment of the do-nothing congress acting like "chumps for trump"......Mueller may be forced to hand over a subpoena fairly soon to allow the SCOTUS to decide whether compliance by the executive office is constitutional.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?

My bet is LONG before the midterms. Probably within the next month. Second bet is that Trump will take the 5th. Third bet is that we're about to see a fresh buttload of indictments :)
My guess is that Mueller is Apolitical enough to not want to directly interfere with the midterms, lest his investigation be labeled (even MORE) partisan ....which would be strange since Mueller and Rosenstein are republican.

Nonetheless, with idiots like Giuliani around to muddy up the waters even more and with a segment of the do-nothing congress acting like "chumps for trump"......Mueller may be forced to hand over a subpoena fairly soon to allow the SCOTUS to decide whether compliance by the executive office is constitutional.
For Mueller to even consider the impact on the elections would be political. He just needs to chug along like the Little Engine that Could.
Except for when Comey stuck the dagger in the Hillary campaign. They thought that was fine for some reason

I agree that rather than vilifying Comey, Trump cult members should be calling for a statue to be erected in his honor for handing over the election to this buffoon.
Have the questioning on TV, then we all can assess if its fair or not. Also what to him would be a "fair" hearing?
That'll be the day, it's on tv. You are joking, right?

Make it a pay-per-view event with the money going directly to paying down the 1.5 trillion dollar cost of the GOP tax cuts for Paris Hilton.
Third bet is that we're about to see a fresh buttload of indictments :)

Fully agree with the last part.....

As someone stated yesterday, FOUR years of Benghazi investigations, ZERO indictments.

But, 14 months of Mueller's investigation, 16 indictments.
"Venture a guess". That seems to be the concept Mueller is operating on.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?

I'm guessing it will come over the summer.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?

Probably after. They won't want to give Trump too much ammo to fire around aimlessly. Also, they'll be building up to the 2020 election.
The popular stipulation (and greatest fear of Trump's so-called legal team) is that a subpoena will be rendered by Mueller IF Trump refuses to voluntarily testify before Mueller's team.

We are at the crossroads of a constitutional challenge, and I'm fairly sure that the SCOTUS is preparing to adjudicate on the issue of the powers of the executive branch.......BUT, the question boils down to whether Mueller will cast the challenge BEFORE or AFTER the midterms?

no subpoena because there is no basis for one. there is no evidence of any illegal acts by Trump or his campaign. the witch hunt failed. Time to move on and stop wasting taxpayer money. These partisan assholes will not remove Trump from office. Its over, Hillary lost, get the fuck over it.
Third bet is that we're about to see a fresh buttload of indictments :)

Fully agree with the last part.....

As someone stated yesterday, FOUR years of Benghazi investigations, ZERO indictments.

But, 14 months of Mueller's investigation, 16 indictments.

dream on gnat. keep wishing in front of your Obama shrine and kissing your Hillary doll. nothing will come of this witch hunt except that the dems will lose what little credibility they had left.
"Venture a guess". That seems to be the concept Mueller is operating on.

Hey, nitwit, those 16 indictments handed out by Muller should offer you a bit of hesitation in spewing your bullshit, don't you think?

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