Very Bad News for the Hildabeast. :(

New polling data is out today from ABC News. Poor, poor Hillary. :( Among other facts....these are the key conclusions. Her favorability has fallen 22 points since her tenure as Secretary of State.

Key Quote: "Perhaps most alarmingly for her campaign, the number who see Clinton as honest and trustworthy has dropped from 53 percent a year ago, then 46 percent two months ago, to 41 percent now. Fifty two percent now don’t see her as honest and trustworthy, the most, again, since April 2008."

Only 31% of Americans agree with how she's handled questions about her personal e-mail.

Only 33% agree with how she handled Benghazi.

Meanwhile, the only candidate of either party that is not underwater with favorability is Marco Rubio.

Link to the story: Poll Hillary Clinton Weakens on Trustworthiness While Jeb Bush Slides Into GOP Free-For-All - ABC News

Note: Please look at the quote in my sig if you need a laugh. :D
That quote is awesome. It will go down in history with the 2 in my sig.
Rubio or Walker will probably get the nomination.

Some people never learn...

Take a look at this December 2007 poll result. Look who's at the very bottom of the pile:

Election predictions this far out are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink.
Looks worse for Jeb than Hillary. She can bounce back, Jeb has really buried himself. Not sure he can get the momentum back.

Really not a Jeb fan and I have never thought he would get the nomination.

Of course....the lame stream media and liberals pretty much only mention Jeb because of their shared Booooush delusional syndrome. :lol:

Rubio or Walker will probably get the nomination.

I think the interesting thing is how far in the tank the Hildabeast has fallen. Yet....the Dims keep saying Clinton will win in a massive landslide (see my sig).

Delusional thinking is fascinating....isn't it? :D

It is always "interesting" why partisan hacks you.....first deride the "lame-stream-media"...and then rejoice over an ABC poll.....

However, I am glad that you do NOT regard outfits like FOX as really being part of the media...For that, thank you.

I think this post deserves to be high-lighted as the typical progresso-socialist-loon response. Its a dodge of the issue of course, that's expected.

But it is characteristically stupid, as well.

It is true that no rational person trusts ABC News to be anything but flaming liberal--so when they put out a poll that shows one of their own crashing out--it is rational to assume it has some truth to it. If liberals give out bad news to liberals---it must be really bad.

Bill Clinton's bogus corrupt dumb-ass of a wife is dropping like stone in a pond. Why don't you sack up and address that issue? Its what the O. P. was about.

She tried to have a Women Only Fund New York...but they had to hurriedly invite men...because they had only sold half the tickets.

She's she should be. If she hadn't married Bill Clinton, she might have risen on her own to night court judge in some sequestered borough of a rotting northern city. Or been disbarred.


Not being a Hillary fan, I DO hope that she's dropping in the polls....Now, be honest (a futile request, no doubt) which of the clowns on your side of the aisle stands ANY chance of cornering the requisite electoral votes? Cruz, Huckabee, Carson???
Looks worse for Jeb than Hillary. She can bounce back, Jeb has really buried himself. Not sure he can get the momentum back.

Really not a Jeb fan and I have never thought he would get the nomination.

Of course....the lame stream media and liberals pretty much only mention Jeb because of their shared Booooush delusional syndrome. :lol:

Rubio or Walker will probably get the nomination.

I think the interesting thing is how far in the tank the Hildabeast has fallen. Yet....the Dims keep saying Clinton will win in a massive landslide (see my sig).

Delusional thinking is fascinating....isn't it? :D

It is always "interesting" why partisan hacks you.....first deride the "lame-stream-media"...and then rejoice over an ABC poll.....

However, I am glad that you do NOT regard outfits like FOX as really being part of the media...For that, thank you.

I think this post deserves to be high-lighted as the typical progresso-socialist-loon response. Its a dodge of the issue of course, that's expected.

But it is characteristically stupid, as well.

It is true that no rational person trusts ABC News to be anything but flaming liberal--so when they put out a poll that shows one of their own crashing out--it is rational to assume it has some truth to it. If liberals give out bad news to liberals---it must be really bad.

Bill Clinton's bogus corrupt dumb-ass of a wife is dropping like stone in a pond. Why don't you sack up and address that issue? Its what the O. P. was about.

She tried to have a Women Only Fund New York...but they had to hurriedly invite men...because they had only sold half the tickets.

She's she should be. If she hadn't married Bill Clinton, she might have risen on her own to night court judge in some sequestered borough of a rotting northern city. Or been disbarred.


Not being a Hillary fan, I DO hope that she's dropping in the polls....Now, be honest (a futile request, no doubt) which of the clowns on your side of the aisle stands ANY chance of cornering the requisite electoral votes? Cruz, Huckabee, Carson???


And I find it fascinating that folks on the left seem to be afraid to even mention his name. Come can do it.....Rubio. :) Walker would do very well in a general election. But there is a deep bench of very viable GOP candidates.

The nothing but the Hildabeast. :(
Looks worse for Jeb than Hillary. She can bounce back, Jeb has really buried himself. Not sure he can get the momentum back.

Really not a Jeb fan and I have never thought he would get the nomination.

Of course....the lame stream media and liberals pretty much only mention Jeb because of their shared Booooush delusional syndrome. :lol:

Rubio or Walker will probably get the nomination.

I think the interesting thing is how far in the tank the Hildabeast has fallen. Yet....the Dims keep saying Clinton will win in a massive landslide (see my sig).

Delusional thinking is fascinating....isn't it? :D

It is always "interesting" why partisan hacks you.....first deride the "lame-stream-media"...and then rejoice over an ABC poll.....

However, I am glad that you do NOT regard outfits like FOX as really being part of the media...For that, thank you.

I think this post deserves to be high-lighted as the typical progresso-socialist-loon response. Its a dodge of the issue of course, that's expected.

But it is characteristically stupid, as well.

It is true that no rational person trusts ABC News to be anything but flaming liberal--so when they put out a poll that shows one of their own crashing out--it is rational to assume it has some truth to it. If liberals give out bad news to liberals---it must be really bad.

Bill Clinton's bogus corrupt dumb-ass of a wife is dropping like stone in a pond. Why don't you sack up and address that issue? Its what the O. P. was about.

She tried to have a Women Only Fund New York...but they had to hurriedly invite men...because they had only sold half the tickets.

She's she should be. If she hadn't married Bill Clinton, she might have risen on her own to night court judge in some sequestered borough of a rotting northern city. Or been disbarred.


Not being a Hillary fan, I DO hope that she's dropping in the polls....Now, be honest (a futile request, no doubt) which of the clowns on your side of the aisle stands ANY chance of cornering the requisite electoral votes? Cruz, Huckabee, Carson???
So, who do you support for the Democrat nomination?
Looks worse for Jeb than Hillary. She can bounce back, Jeb has really buried himself. Not sure he can get the momentum back.

Really not a Jeb fan and I have never thought he would get the nomination.

Of course....the lame stream media and liberals pretty much only mention Jeb because of their shared Booooush delusional syndrome. :lol:

Rubio or Walker will probably get the nomination.

I think the interesting thing is how far in the tank the Hildabeast has fallen. Yet....the Dims keep saying Clinton will win in a massive landslide (see my sig).

Delusional thinking is fascinating....isn't it? :D

It is always "interesting" why partisan hacks you.....first deride the "lame-stream-media"...and then rejoice over an ABC poll.....

However, I am glad that you do NOT regard outfits like FOX as really being part of the media...For that, thank you.

I think this post deserves to be high-lighted as the typical progresso-socialist-loon response. Its a dodge of the issue of course, that's expected.

But it is characteristically stupid, as well.

It is true that no rational person trusts ABC News to be anything but flaming liberal--so when they put out a poll that shows one of their own crashing out--it is rational to assume it has some truth to it. If liberals give out bad news to liberals---it must be really bad.

Bill Clinton's bogus corrupt dumb-ass of a wife is dropping like stone in a pond. Why don't you sack up and address that issue? Its what the O. P. was about.

She tried to have a Women Only Fund New York...but they had to hurriedly invite men...because they had only sold half the tickets.

She's she should be. If she hadn't married Bill Clinton, she might have risen on her own to night court judge in some sequestered borough of a rotting northern city. Or been disbarred.


Not being a Hillary fan, I DO hope that she's dropping in the polls....Now, be honest (a futile request, no doubt) which of the clowns on your side of the aisle stands ANY chance of cornering the requisite electoral votes? Cruz, Huckabee, Carson???

I like Cruz as the Attorney General. He is a little too snake-oily/preacher-like to get nominated, but he is very bright, honest, smart, and all that is going to be needed to clean up that cesspool Eric Holder has left behind.

Huckabee will have to go back to T.V. Ben Carson, who is also obviously brilliant, he should be in charge of Health.

You named your own candidates from a very strong field to cast aspersions on the field, I guess, but Walker is a fine man, and can lay claim to being a hero for being hated passionately by Public Employee Unions---who are nothing but blood-suckers.

Rubio is my current favorite. But, I would take Walker... and in either case, Fiorina should be vice-president. If she doesn't win the nomination outright. She's sharp. Bill Clinton's bogus corrupt wife has nightmares about dealing with her and Trey Gowdy.

I like the field. It opposes the grossly over-rated wife of an ex-president who is a liar and a crook, or Pocahontas, or a loon so looney he freely admits he is a Socialist.

Thanks for asking.
I can't believe 41% of the people think she is trustworthy. A reasonable number ought to be about zero point zero.
The IRS is losing our private information and the idiots at the airports couldn't stop a guy with a bomb if it smacked them in the face. These are all government employees and their boss is Obama. He is a jackass and a waste of time....Hillary would just be more of the same. The rich politicians and their friends get richer and the rest of us get poorer.
I could beat Clinton in a presidential race...I can't believe the left has not asked her to withdraw.
This is funny, two months ago the loons on the left were confident in Hitlery steam rolling her way to the WH and now she's dropping like a stone dropped from a tall building

Isn't it marvelous, watching the position continue to erode even as we watch?

Smug, arrogant people, aren't they?

With any luck, they'll continue in just that vein, and won't change a bit, between now and Show Time.

Should they be foolish enough to take it for granted, they're gonna lose the only platform they still have left, on the national level.

That's the price of smug arrogance, I suppose.

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