Very Bad News for the Hildabeast. :(

Looks worse for Jeb than Hillary. She can bounce back, Jeb has really buried himself. Not sure he can get the momentum back.

Really not a Jeb fan and I have never thought he would get the nomination.

Of course....the lame stream media and liberals pretty much only mention Jeb because of their shared Booooush delusional syndrome. :lol:

Rubio or Walker will probably get the nomination.

I think the interesting thing is how far in the tank the Hildabeast has fallen. Yet....the Dims keep saying Clinton will win in a massive landslide (see my sig).

Delusional thinking is fascinating....isn't it? :D

It is always "interesting" why partisan hacks you.....first deride the "lame-stream-media"...and then rejoice over an ABC poll.....

However, I am glad that you do NOT regard outfits like FOX as really being part of the media...For that, thank you.

Because if the MSM can't save an establishment candidate, no one can (aka ITS REALLY BAD!!!)
Right wingers are so, so, so easily entertained ...I guess that is why their clown posse is so popular with them.
‘Tone-deaf’ Clinton campaign throws kids off playground


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