Very Dumb ConJob Tried To Shop Fake News To Rachel Maddow


Dec 5, 2011
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.

Please, calling that dumb c*nt "doctor" isn't fooling anyone. She has a doctorate of philosophy in politics, of which she's proven to be completely wrong on everything in politics.

Professor Rachel "Madcow" Medwedof isn't running any new Trump-Russia story because it has all been exposed as a completely fake story.
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.

Please, calling that dumb c*nt "doctor" isn't fooling anyone. She has a doctorate of philosophy in politics, of which she's proven to be completely wrong on everything in politics.

Professor Rachel "Madcow" Medwedof isn't running any new Trump-Russia story because it has all been exposed as a completely fake story.

Attacking the messenger is only tactic you've got right now. She earned her Doctorate. She is Rhodes Scholar and you are dead from the neck ass hat con.
My favorite part is when he said this snowflake, who got her job because she's a lesbian, is "wicked smart"

Other than that, all I got out of the OP is Maddow realizes liberal media has been exposed as a fraud, so she at least has the horse sense to prevent more damage.

OP, if you don't mind me saying so, you're a dumb ass and have low standards. I'm amazed you give credit to Maddow for due diligence, as if nobody else does the same. You have VERY LOW expectations.
Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Not the most rational of OP's is it. :cuckoo: Its dripping with hate and rage, typical of a triggered liberal.
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.

Yep, I watched her show last night. It was brilliant. Dr. Maddow is a very smart cookie. Actually, the originator of the fake document was pretty clever - but not clever enough for Maddow to unmask.


You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.
Does she have anymore tax returns??? LOL
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.
Madcow is the poster-girl of brain-addled dykes.
She is so smart and does her due diligence so well that she produced Trumps Tax returns that showed he paid more than his fair share.

She's a left wing idiot of the first order.
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.

Cons are in full tilt assault to try to undermine the real news. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, this is where you find real news. Always has been and always will be.

Cons look to the fake news sites like Faux News, con-talk-radio, conservative fake websites like NotSoBreitBart and Alex Jones. Conservatives actually believe that because orange-turd likes to vomit out his hatred of real news that they have a chance to make their fake bullshit legitimate. Laughable.

Conservatives, you have only lies to sell. You can put icing on them or garnish them with parsley but they are lies. Always and forever. You live in a fake world and you are demanding everyone acknowledge that fake world. We can't, the rest of us live in reality and see through your propaganda bullshit immediately. Fox News is fake news, Breitbart is fake news, Alex Jones is mentally ill, Donald Trump is mentally ill.

Those are facts.
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.

Cons are in full tilt assault to try to undermine the real news. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, this is where you find real news. Always has been and always will be.

Cons look to the fake news sites like Faux News, con-talk-radio, conservative fake websites like NotSoBreitBart and Alex Jones. Conservatives actually believe that because orange-turd likes to vomit out his hatred of real news that they have a chance to make their fake bullshit legitimate. Laughable.

Conservatives, you have only lies to sell. You can put icing on them or garnish them with parsley but they are lies. Always and forever. You live in a fake world and you are demanding everyone acknowledge that fake world. We can't, the rest of us live in reality and see through your propaganda bullshit immediately. Fox News is fake news, Breitbart is fake news, Alex Jones is mentally ill, Donald Trump is mentally ill.

Those are facts.
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.

Cons are in full tilt assault to try to undermine the real news. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, this is where you find real news. Always has been and always will be.

Cons look to the fake news sites like Faux News, con-talk-radio, conservative fake websites like NotSoBreitBart and Alex Jones. Conservatives actually believe that because orange-turd likes to vomit out his hatred of real news that they have a chance to make their fake bullshit legitimate. Laughable.

Conservatives, you have only lies to sell. You can put icing on them or garnish them with parsley but they are lies. Always and forever. You live in a fake world and you are demanding everyone acknowledge that fake world. We can't, the rest of us live in reality and see through your propaganda bullshit immediately. Fox News is fake news, Breitbart is fake news, Alex Jones is mentally ill, Donald Trump is mentally ill.

Those are facts.

If they manage to taint the story, it will be tainted from that point on no matter what ends up being truth or not. That is their end goal.

Trump over country.
You Cons are so fucking predictable. You have spent thread after thread bitching .about "Fake News".

I post a thread about "Fake News", GroppenFuhrer supporting "Fake News" and you people attack the person who uncovered it.

A glaring and very failed attempt at discrediting Dr. Rachel Maddow, Graduate of Stanford and Rhodes Scholar.

She caught it and outed it. You dumb, dead from the neck fuck wad Cons attack her.

You people are all about how "Fake News" is wrong and it must end, except of course when YOU are the assholes trying and failing to pass off "Fake News."

Like I said, totally fucking predictable.
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.

Cons are in full tilt assault to try to undermine the real news. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, this is where you find real news. Always has been and always will be.

Cons look to the fake news sites like Faux News, con-talk-radio, conservative fake websites like NotSoBreitBart and Alex Jones. Conservatives actually believe that because orange-turd likes to vomit out his hatred of real news that they have a chance to make their fake bullshit legitimate. Laughable.

Conservatives, you have only lies to sell. You can put icing on them or garnish them with parsley but they are lies. Always and forever. You live in a fake world and you are demanding everyone acknowledge that fake world. We can't, the rest of us live in reality and see through your propaganda bullshit immediately. Fox News is fake news, Breitbart is fake news, Alex Jones is mentally ill, Donald Trump is mentally ill.

Those are facts.

Their precious "Fox News" is dead last in cable news. Maddow owns her time slot and MSNBC is number one over all. Here is a very good example of "Fake News" and they attack the messenger. It's not that they do not like "Fake News", they do not like "Fake News" that attacks their Fascist Draft Dodging GroppenFuhrer.
You people the "Duh" in Dumb. You do not have the intelligence of dried up dog turd sitting on a Mississippi Sidewalk at High Noon In August.

Apparently one or more of the Seig Heil, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers out there actually trying to shop around a Fake NSA document that names a member of the Cheeto-Lini's Administration as being actively involved with Russia Collusion in the Presidential Election.

Rachel Maddow Warns News Orgs: Beware Of Forged Documents Connecting Trump To Russia.

The highly questionable document(s) were sent to Dr. Maddow through a website set up by her program for viewers to use as a means to send her and her program on political activity that might be of interest.

It should be noted that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and attended Stanford University. She is in a word, Wicked Smart.

Her Program, the Rachel Maddow Show is now Number One Cable News Program. Faux Snooze is a very distant third behind CNN.

She and her staff did something that Cons are not known for doing. Due Diligence. They did the research needed to determine the document(s) sent to them were in fact fake. Members of Dr. Maddow's staff contacted sources at the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) who told them that the document(s) in question were not real. If for no other reason than such document(s) would never have had included names of individual(s). There was a ham handed attempt to doctor up the identifiers on the paper used to print the document(s) that proved to highly questionable.

Attention All Dead From The Neck Up Cons.

Unlike James "Pimp Boy" O'Keefe, who is as phony as the day is long. Dr. Rachel Maddow is a respected, knowledgeable and very well informed news reporter who does the heavy lifting in her reporting.

And last, but by no means least.

Do not Bitch, Do Not Whine, Do Not Moan about "Fake News" while trying to shop forged document(s). All you are doing is destroying your own argument.

Epic Fail. The Most Epic of Epic Fails. As usual Cons are caught lying. They want to lied to, they love to be lied to, they need to be lied to. All you dead from the neck up Cons have are lies.
Madcow is the poster-girl of brain-addled dykes.

In other words you ain't got nothing. You attack her sexual identity. Let me guess, your one of them so-called "Christians" ain't ya?

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