Very Thin Crowd - About 500,000 at most on the Mall

Yes, you are correct, Trump will be pouting about this for weeks on end.
No, Trump doesnt pout, as he is not a libtard like you.

All you are doing here is projecting onto Trump how you Snowflakes would react.

We have all witnessed it for the last 2 months.

Trump whines. He whines. And he said this himself, proudly. He whines until he gets what he wants.
From what I saw, if you take away the photographers and videographers there were not too many protestors and they certainly did not disrupt the inauguration or parade. Liberal fail all day.

Well, the plan was to not protest in the mall... because it might inflate trump's dismal showing. We all know cons would have spun a huge mall filled with supporters and protesters, as 100% supporters.

Now, they can't spin shit. Empty is empty.
empty like that presidents office waiting for hillary? that type of empty?

Are you still fucking talking about Hillary? Empty like your head is empty, empty like your thoughts that extend beyond Hillary. Here's a clue, I actively opposed Hillary. That has nothing to do with the fact that Trump's Inauguration was a ghosttown.

We didn't invite illegals cowman.
It tells me that Trump supporters have jobs and can't get off to travel to DC.

Unlike the welfare assholes that flocked in doves to Obama's little hate fest.
The liberals are paid to be there. Trump supporters have to buy their own plane fare.

You lie.

Hey, serious question here. Did those tens of thousands of bikers show up?
Did all the paid to protest and riot looters?

You're gullible, naive, and a bit slow.

Wait until tomorrow...THAT is when there will be real crowds in D.C. and they aren't going to be happy ones.

Dykes united.

Now that'll be a show!
It tells me that Trump supporters have jobs and can't get off to travel to DC.

More likely it's because he's a cocksucking fuckwit and less people like him. His incoming poll numbers bear this out.

You mean the same pollsters that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide? LOL!

He was elected President because Crooked Hillary was a corrupt incompetent dishonest asshole that is a two time loser running for President. She lost to an obscure affirmative action dumbass Negro that never worked a day in his life and she lost to a reality star.

The talking heads for the coverage said this is a typical crowd. Obama got a larger than normal number for his crowd because the welfare queens and unemployed Moon Bats didn't have to go to work.

Glad to see you stupid Libtard Moon Bats so butt hurt today. I love Liberal Tears.

Welfare queens and unemployed Moon Bats wouldn't be able to afford to go to and stay in DC.

They already live there!
From what I saw, if you take away the photographers and videographers there were not too many protestors and they certainly did not disrupt the inauguration or parade. Liberal fail all day.

Well, the plan was to not protest in the mall... because it might inflate trump's dismal showing. We all know cons would have spun a huge mall filled with supporters and protesters, as 100% supporters.

Now, they can't spin shit. Empty is empty.
empty like that presidents office waiting for hillary? that type of empty?

Are you still fucking talking about Hillary? Empty like your head is empty, empty like your thoughts that extend beyond Hillary. Here's a clue, I actively opposed Hillary. That has nothing to do with the fact that Trump's Inauguration was a ghosttown.

Ghost town????????????:bsflag:
The entertainment this year is much better than Obama had. I rather pull my wisdom teeth than listen to the likes of Jay Z Beyoncé And pit bull...
The entertainment this year is much better than Obama had. I rather pull my wisdom teeth than listen to the likes of Jay Z Beyoncé And pit bull...
I hate rap, or anything even close to it but there is something abot Pit Bull that I actually like his music. ( if one can really call it music )
It was raining, I thought those were liberal tears falling from the sky.

I think the crowd mostly was due to conservatives don't really plan vacation time for such things as much as liberals do. Liberals live for government and will do anything to make themselves feel like they are part of that. Conservatives don't. We watch and wish the best for Trump in governing but I'm not wasting any vacation time going there. I'm happy so many did but it wasn't that high on my to do list. What is on my to do list is making sure he and the rest of the repubs do the shit they promised and after his speech today I'm relaxing a bit more.
The National Mall holds 1 million people from the capitol steps past the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and INSIDE the rows of trees that line the park on each side.

All that white space you see in front of the Monument is EMPTY SPACE where people should be standing!
So about 500,000 white people showed up for Trump's inauguration by looking at this photo taken a few minutes ago.

But of course Trump said 10,000,000 are there. What a gasbag.


Here's a comparison shot between Obama's inauguration crowd and Trump's. Bhahahahahaa!


So let me get this straight.

You Haters on the Left threatened violence and disruption to the point where the MSM was spreading a meme that an Obama cabinet member might actually be President after an attack left Trump and Pence dead before they could take the oath of office.

And now you're surprised that some people stayed home instead of subjecting themselves to terrorism.


I didn't feel like running over a gasbag protestor today so I kept my truck in the driveway and just stayed home instead! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

(never mind that its a long commute from Oakland Ca. )
It was raining, I thought those were liberal tears falling from the sky.

I think the crowd mostly was due to conservatives don't really plan vacation time for such things as much as liberals do. Liberals live for government and will do anything to make themselves feel like they are part of that. Conservatives don't. We watch and wish the best for Trump in governing but I'm not wasting any vacation time going there. I'm happy so many did but it wasn't that high on my to do list. What is on my to do list is making sure he and the rest of the repubs do the shit they promised and after his speech today I'm relaxing a bit more.

It was god pissing all over trump. It was mutually beneficial.
Makes sense attendance was light, we are at work...making America Great.

My thoughts, too. If the inauguration had been held after 5:00, might have been different.

Plus, a lot of people were concerned about the intolerant liberal rioters. And there were windows smashed, fires and injured cops. The usual bullshit when that many angry libs gather in one place.

Soros spent good money to organize thugs to keep people away from the ceremony by blocking their way.

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