Veteran: God Put Obama 'Here Just Like He Did Moses'

Here's something to chew on:

IF you really believe God appoints rulers and leaders to fulfill HIS will, does it not therefore follow that to resist that leader is to resist the Will of God himself?

Remember, even Jesus Christ himself did not resist the tyranny of Rome. Instead, he willingly submitted to their laws.


There goes every Leftist protester you have ever supported.

Remember that next time you shit on a police car.
Here's something to chew on:

IF you really believe God appoints rulers and leaders to fulfill HIS will, does it not therefore follow that to resist that leader is to resist the Will of God himself?

Remember, even Jesus Christ himself did not resist the tyranny of Rome. Instead, he willingly submitted to their laws.

Are you going to take the Mark of the Beast when told to do so?


LOL. I am beginning to feel sorry for you.

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Here's something to chew on:

IF you really believe God appoints rulers and leaders to fulfill HIS will, does it not therefore follow that to resist that leader is to resist the Will of God himself?

Remember, even Jesus Christ himself did not resist the tyranny of Rome. Instead, he willingly submitted to their laws.

Truly, I think that "God appoints rulers and leaders" is a tenant that was put forward by the Catholic Church "way back when" in much the same manner as the law of "marriage" came about.

I'm no Biblical scholar but simple research shows that in the time of Marcus Aureilieus, marriage became a law to regulate taxes to the Emporer to help finance the government and it's many wars at the time as well as the many infrastructure projects that required financing.

Additionally, Rome (who had a large say in the various translations of the Scriptures) may very well have added their own "version" of "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars" in order to please the then head of the Church - Caesar.

There is a caveat however, that is being left out of your claim. Matthew 22:20 "Therfore, I say unto you that you shall render unto Caesar what is Caesars and unto God what is Gods. If the "rulers" require you pay taxes to them, you pay them, however, you NEVER relinquish your love and obedience to your God. If ANY man-made law requires that (Soviet Union for example) you are to "fall away" from man.

Understand this, Politics (and especially sleazy politicians) are no different now, than they were 2,000 years ago. Always running a game on an unsuspecting and stupid "electorate".
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By Michael McAuliff

WASHINGTON -- It’s still a battle. It’s still a fight. But for the surviving Tuskegee Airmen and other black World War II veterans who journeyed here to witness the second inauguration of President Barack Obama Monday, the struggle is one of love.

They wanted to see the nation’s first African-American commander-in-chief sworn in again, validating the choice America made four years ago, declaring it was no fluke, that someone like them really can rise to lead the country they had to struggle to serve.

"I never expected to live long enough to see a black president," said Stephen Sherman, a 92-year-old who served with the Army’s 308th Combat Engineers in both theaters of the war. He teared up just a little as he stood to roar out “God Bless America” before Obama spoke.

“It breaks my heart. I love my country," said Sherman, who was among about two dozen of his comrades in arms sitting just below the president, many in wheelchairs, on the west front of the Capitol to see Obama take his oath of office, as they did four years ago.

All around Sherman were Tuskegee Airmen, members of the same African-American who paved the way for blacks in the Air Force. They were warriors who had to battle just to win an equal chance to die for their country.

“There's a lot of good people on this earth, a lot of good people of all races,” said Battle, who said he thought Obama is succeeding in moving America toward a more equal society. “He's very special. God put him here just like he did Moses,” Battle said. “I can see progress, but that's not good enough, because I know that we've got more to go.”​

More: Obama Inauguration: Tuskegee Airmen, Black Veterans See President Winning War They Fought
How many white WW II veterens were in attendance?

Seems just a tad racist to me.
By Michael McAuliff

WASHINGTON -- It’s still a battle. It’s still a fight. But for the surviving Tuskegee Airmen and other black World War II veterans who journeyed here to witness the second inauguration of President Barack Obama Monday, the struggle is one of love.

They wanted to see the nation’s first African-American commander-in-chief sworn in again, validating the choice America made four years ago, declaring it was no fluke, that someone like them really can rise to lead the country they had to struggle to serve.

"I never expected to live long enough to see a black president," said Stephen Sherman, a 92-year-old who served with the Army’s 308th Combat Engineers in both theaters of the war. He teared up just a little as he stood to roar out “God Bless America” before Obama spoke.

“It breaks my heart. I love my country," said Sherman, who was among about two dozen of his comrades in arms sitting just below the president, many in wheelchairs, on the west front of the Capitol to see Obama take his oath of office, as they did four years ago.

All around Sherman were Tuskegee Airmen, members of the same African-American who paved the way for blacks in the Air Force. They were warriors who had to battle just to win an equal chance to die for their country.
“There's a lot of good people on this earth, a lot of good people of all races,” said Battle, who said he thought Obama is succeeding in moving America toward a more equal society. “He's very special. God put him here just like he did Moses,” Battle said. “I can see progress, but that's not good enough, because I know that we've got more to go.”​
More: Obama Inauguration: Tuskegee Airmen, Black Veterans See President Winning War They Fought

Proof that being a vet does not make someone intelligent.
Here's something to chew on:

IF you really believe God appoints rulers and leaders to fulfill HIS will, does it not therefore follow that to resist that leader is to resist the Will of God himself?

Remember, even Jesus Christ himself did not resist the tyranny of Rome. Instead, he willingly submitted to their laws.

Truly, I think that "God appoints rulers and leaders" is a tenant that was put forward by the Catholic Church "way back when" in much the same manner as the law of "marriage" came about.

I'm no Biblical scholar but simple research shows that in the time of Marcus Aureilieus, marriage became a law to regulate taxes to the Emporer to help finance the government and it's many wars at the time as well as the many infrastructure projects that required financing.

Additionally, Rome (who had a large say in the various translations of the Scriptures) may very well have added their own "version" of "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars" in order to please the then head of the Church - Caesar.

There is a caveat however, that is being left out of your claim. Matthew 22:20 "Therfore, I say unto you that you shall render unto Caesar what is Caesars and unto God what is Gods. If the "rulers" require you pay taxes to them, you pay them, however, you NEVER relinquish your love and obedience to your God. If ANY man-made law requires that (Soviet Union for example) you are to "fall away" from man.

Understand this, Politics (and especially sleazy politicians) are no different now, than they were 2,000 years ago. Always running a game on an unsuspecting and stupid "electorate".

“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor ” (Romans 13:1–7).

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God. Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king” (1 Peter 2:13–17).

That seems pretty clear to me.

As for the idea that we have an obligation to refuse to obey laws we believe conflict with God's laws? That's not so cut and dried as people think.

In the first place, there are instances of people refusing to obey the law in the Old Testament. That may, or may not, be instructive to believers under the New Covenant if for no other reason than that Jesus didn't tell us to do that. In fact, He told us just the opposite. So did his Disciples and Apostles.

However, there is the recording of an instance in the New Testament where the Disciples Peter and John refused to quit preaching the Gospel. That's a case where the law they disobeyed was one which did not allow them to PRACTICE their faith and, it's important to note that the law was presented to them as compulsory. It's not that the law was un-Godly, but that it directed them to not do the work Christ sent them to do (The Great Commission). There will be a similar situation during the end times concerning the compulsory wearing of the Mark of the Beast (no, Sniper, I won't take it...if I'm still here then). Again, the key element is that it's compulsory and denies those future believers the practice of their faith because it will require them to worship the Man of Sin. Just as with Daniel, that's going too far and we should let nothing come between us and our Lord.

In the end, and this is what I teach my Sunday School class, we are REQUIRED (no, it's not a suggestion) to obey the law, even if it is an un-Godly law, UNLESS it compels us to quit worshipping and serving Christ.

So far as I can see, anything else is rebellion against the authorities God has put over us and, by extension, rebellion against God himself.
Uh who cares what that idiot believes, his military service is no greater than my service and other Vets that loathe obamination.

Someone needs to tell the idiot obamination was POTUS 4 years before yesterday....that is why everything is so fucked up. Maybe the idiot was stuck in some hole in the ground the last 4 years....
By Michael McAuliff

WASHINGTON -- It’s still a battle. It’s still a fight. But for the surviving Tuskegee Airmen and other black World War II veterans who journeyed here to witness the second inauguration of President Barack Obama Monday, the struggle is one of love.

They wanted to see the nation’s first African-American commander-in-chief sworn in again, validating the choice America made four years ago, declaring it was no fluke, that someone like them really can rise to lead the country they had to struggle to serve.

"I never expected to live long enough to see a black president," said Stephen Sherman, a 92-year-old who served with the Army’s 308th Combat Engineers in both theaters of the war. He teared up just a little as he stood to roar out “God Bless America” before Obama spoke.

“It breaks my heart. I love my country," said Sherman, who was among about two dozen of his comrades in arms sitting just below the president, many in wheelchairs, on the west front of the Capitol to see Obama take his oath of office, as they did four years ago.

All around Sherman were Tuskegee Airmen, members of the same African-American who paved the way for blacks in the Air Force. They were warriors who had to battle just to win an equal chance to die for their country.

“There's a lot of good people on this earth, a lot of good people of all races,” said Battle, who said he thought Obama is succeeding in moving America toward a more equal society. “He's very special. God put him here just like he did Moses,” Battle said. “I can see progress, but that's not good enough, because I know that we've got more to go.”​

More: Obama Inauguration: Tuskegee Airmen, Black Veterans See President Winning War They Fought

It's only because they are racists.

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