Vice Presiboob Biden - 9/11 is "Bittersweet?"

Can I educate you further?

: something that is bittersweet; especially : pleasure alloyed with pain

Allow me to educate you:

Bittersweet >tinged with sadness.

Afraid to post the full definition. You're just like the liberal media.. You have to lie, cover up.. not tell the full truth in order to make liberalism seem right.. It never works though, does it?? Would you care to know why Leftist? It's rather simple and something Conservatives stand on.. Values which equals truth and integrity. Lies are always exposed.. You educated no one here.. you just made yourself look painfully disingenous.

You just posted the definition of a conservative, I see deception every night on FAUX News, especially on Hannity!
Here's his entire speech to the families and friends that gathered to honor those that died preventing their airplane from becoming a weapon.

I dare any of you fucktards to walk up to one of those people and criticize Biden's speech.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Superintendent — Jeff, you’ve done a remarkable job here. And the thing I notice when I speak to you about is you’re invested in this place. It sort of has a — sort of stolen a piece of your heart. And that’s why I’m confident that all that you plan will happen.

Patrick, you’re keeping the flame alive, and keeping the families together is — from my experience, I imagine you all find solace in seeing one another. There’s nothing like being able to talk with someone who you know understands.

And it’s an honor — it’s a genuine honor to be back here today. But like all of the families, we wish we weren’t here. We wish we didn’t have to be here. We wish we didn’t have to commemorate any of this. And it’s a bittersweet moment for the entire nation, for all of the country, but particularly for those family members gathered here today.

Last year, the nation and all of your family members that are here commemorated the 10th anniversary of the heroic acts that gave definition to what has made America such a truly exceptional place — the individual acts of heroism of ordinary people in moments that could not have been contemplated, but yet were initiated.

I also know from my own experience that today is just as momentous a day for all of you, just as momentous a day in your life, for each of your families, as every September 11th has been, regardless of the anniversary. For no matter how many anniversaries you experience, for at least an instant, the terror of that moment returns; the lingering echo of that phone call; that sense of total disbelief that envelops you, where you feel like you’re being sucked into a black hole in the middle of your chest.

My hope for you all is that as every year passes, the depth of your pain recedes and you find comfort, as I have, genuine comfort in recalling his smile, her laugh, their touch. And I hope you’re as certain as I am that she can see what a wonderful man her son has turned out to be, grown up to be; that he knows everything that your daughter has achieved, and that he can hear, and she can hear how her mom still talks about her, the day he scored the winning touchdown, how bright and beautiful she was on that graduation day, and know that he knows what a beautiful child the daughter he never got to see has turned out to be, and how much she reminds you of him. For I know you see your wife every time you see her smile on your child’s face. You remember your daughter every time you hear laughter coming from her brother’s lips. And you remember your husband every time your son just touches your hand.

I also hope — I also hope it continues to give you some solace knowing that this nation, all these people gathered here today, who are not family members, all your neighbors, that they’ve not forgotten. They’ve not forgotten the heroism of your husbands, wives, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. And that what they did for this country is still etched in the minds of not only you, but millions of Americans, forever. That’s why it’s so important that this memorial be preserved and go on for our children and our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren, and our great-great-grandchildren — because it is what makes it so exceptional. And I think they all appreciate, as I do, more than they can tell you, the incredible bravery your family members showed on that day.

I said last year my mom used to have an expression. She’d say, Joey, bravery resides in every heart, and someday it will be summoned. It’s remarkable — remarkable — how it was not only summoned, but acted on.

Today we stand on this hallowed ground, a place made sacred by the heroism and sacrifice of the passengers and the crew of Flight 93. And it’s as if the flowers, as I walked here, as if the flowers were giving testament to how sacred this ground is.

My guess — and obviously it’s only a guess; no two losses are the same. But my guess is you’re living this moment that Yeats only wrote about, when he wrote, pray I will and sing I must, but yet I weep. Pray I will, sing I must, but yet I weep.

My personal prayer for all of you is that in every succeeding year, you’re able to sing more than you weep. And may God truly bless you and bless the souls of those 40 incredible people who rest in this ground.

"Today we stand on this hallowed ground, a place made sacred by the heroism and sacrifice of the passengers and the crew of Flight 93"

Pretty much says it all.

"But like all of the families, we wish we weren’t here. We wish we didn’t have to be here. We wish we didn’t have to commemorate any of this. And it’s a bittersweet moment for the entire nation, for all of the country, but particularly for those family members gathered here today."

What the fuck is "bittersweet" about it?
Here's his entire speech to the families and friends that gathered to honor those that died preventing their airplane from becoming a weapon.

I dare any of you fucktards to walk up to one of those people and criticize Biden's speech.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Superintendent — Jeff, you’ve done a remarkable job here. And the thing I notice when I speak to you about is you’re invested in this place. It sort of has a — sort of stolen a piece of your heart. And that’s why I’m confident that all that you plan will happen.

Patrick, you’re keeping the flame alive, and keeping the families together is — from my experience, I imagine you all find solace in seeing one another. There’s nothing like being able to talk with someone who you know understands.

And it’s an honor — it’s a genuine honor to be back here today. But like all of the families, we wish we weren’t here. We wish we didn’t have to be here. We wish we didn’t have to commemorate any of this. And it’s a bittersweet moment for the entire nation, for all of the country, but particularly for those family members gathered here today.

Last year, the nation and all of your family members that are here commemorated the 10th anniversary of the heroic acts that gave definition to what has made America such a truly exceptional place — the individual acts of heroism of ordinary people in moments that could not have been contemplated, but yet were initiated.

I also know from my own experience that today is just as momentous a day for all of you, just as momentous a day in your life, for each of your families, as every September 11th has been, regardless of the anniversary. For no matter how many anniversaries you experience, for at least an instant, the terror of that moment returns; the lingering echo of that phone call; that sense of total disbelief that envelops you, where you feel like you’re being sucked into a black hole in the middle of your chest.

My hope for you all is that as every year passes, the depth of your pain recedes and you find comfort, as I have, genuine comfort in recalling his smile, her laugh, their touch. And I hope you’re as certain as I am that she can see what a wonderful man her son has turned out to be, grown up to be; that he knows everything that your daughter has achieved, and that he can hear, and she can hear how her mom still talks about her, the day he scored the winning touchdown, how bright and beautiful she was on that graduation day, and know that he knows what a beautiful child the daughter he never got to see has turned out to be, and how much she reminds you of him. For I know you see your wife every time you see her smile on your child’s face. You remember your daughter every time you hear laughter coming from her brother’s lips. And you remember your husband every time your son just touches your hand.

I also hope — I also hope it continues to give you some solace knowing that this nation, all these people gathered here today, who are not family members, all your neighbors, that they’ve not forgotten. They’ve not forgotten the heroism of your husbands, wives, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. And that what they did for this country is still etched in the minds of not only you, but millions of Americans, forever. That’s why it’s so important that this memorial be preserved and go on for our children and our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren, and our great-great-grandchildren — because it is what makes it so exceptional. And I think they all appreciate, as I do, more than they can tell you, the incredible bravery your family members showed on that day.

I said last year my mom used to have an expression. She’d say, Joey, bravery resides in every heart, and someday it will be summoned. It’s remarkable — remarkable — how it was not only summoned, but acted on.

Today we stand on this hallowed ground, a place made sacred by the heroism and sacrifice of the passengers and the crew of Flight 93. And it’s as if the flowers, as I walked here, as if the flowers were giving testament to how sacred this ground is.

My guess — and obviously it’s only a guess; no two losses are the same. But my guess is you’re living this moment that Yeats only wrote about, when he wrote, pray I will and sing I must, but yet I weep. Pray I will, sing I must, but yet I weep.

My personal prayer for all of you is that in every succeeding year, you’re able to sing more than you weep. And may God truly bless you and bless the souls of those 40 incredible people who rest in this ground.

"Today we stand on this hallowed ground, a place made sacred by the heroism and sacrifice of the passengers and the crew of Flight 93"

Pretty much says it all.

Yep. Oh well, you can't really stop rightwingloons from being bitter haters. I almost thought they'd not use victims as tools this year. Maybe next year.
"Today we stand on this hallowed ground, a place made sacred by the heroism and sacrifice of the passengers and the crew of Flight 93"

Pretty much says it all.

Another Biden ass-sucking apologist checks aboard.
I already have..

Well , well well.. Upon researching modern era war in Afghanistan I found this:

US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, known for his hardline policies on the Soviet Union, initiated in 1979 a campaign supporting mujaheddin in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which was run by Pakistani security services with financial support from the Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's MI6.[69] This policy had the explicit aim of promoting radical Islamist and anti-Communist forces. Bob Gates, in his book Out Of The Shadows, wrote that Pakistan had been pressuring the United States for arms to aid the rebels for years, but that the Carter administration refused in the hope of finding a diplomatic solution to avoid war.[70] Brzezinski seems to have been in favor of the provision of arms to the rebels, while Cyrus Vance's State Department, seeking a peaceful settlement, publicly accused Brzezinski of seeking to "revive" the Cold War. Brzezinski has stated that the United States provided communications equipment and limited financial aid to the mujahideen prior to the "formal" invasion, but only in response to the Soviet deployment of forces to Afghanistan and the 1978 coup, and with the intention of preventing further Soviet encroachment in the region.[71]

Did someone say Jimmah Cartah??? Arming RADICALL Islamists in Afghanistan

Soooo.. Do me a favor and tie this into how it proves me wrong? If you are assuming that because Carter and his ideology makes me wrong... Well, you see I never said that it was a specific party or ideology that was to blame, it was American policy as a WHOLE.

Maybe you don't understand my argument? Please go back and read it, slowly.

History of Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also in the same article:

The 10-year Soviet occupation resulted in the killings of between 600,000 and two million Afghans, mostly civilian

the Soviets withdrew in 1989. Their withdrawal from Afghanistan was seen as an ideological victory in America, which had backed some Mujahideen factions

We supported Russia's enemy you embecile.. the Afghani Islamists.. Russia slaughtered almost 3 million Afghanis and have NEVER had airplanes slammed in to their homeland through terrorism.. You're like all liberals.. You make shit up, throw some on the wall and hope the stank sticks.. Fucking pathetic.


You have only proven what I said... Thanks!

I said that we supported Afghanistan against the Soviets. The Soviet-Afghan war was considered the Soviet "Vietnam War", it was LARGELY a victory for Afghani rebels.. Afghanistan WON the war against Russia, after all, Afghanistan is knicknamed the "Graveyard of Empires".

It was what happened after our intervention that lead to the anger, it was, our silence and non-action in helping the rebuild their country after we funded their war.

FURTHERMORE, you fell back on that same false argument "Russia slaughtered almost 3 million Afghanis and have NEVER had airplanes slammed in to their homeland through terrorism", that is not a valid argument, seeing as I already agreed with you that they NOW hate us for our freedoms... BUT, the FOUNDATION for the anger began with our intervention in Afghanistan back then, after we helped them win against Russia.

You are soooooo stupid chick.. Please read your post, I almost feel ashamed for you that you posted this.

The only thing stupid here is you and your blame America mentality with nothing but propaganda and conjecture.. It must really suck being so miserable and hating your own nation to blame the worst terrorist attack in history on the foundation of a free United States and those who bled the flag crimson on numerous battlefields far from home for strangers no less. You're scum.. plain and simple.
Here's his entire speech to the families and friends that gathered to honor those that died preventing their airplane from becoming a weapon.

I dare any of you fucktards to walk up to one of those people and criticize Biden's speech.

"Today we stand on this hallowed ground, a place made sacred by the heroism and sacrifice of the passengers and the crew of Flight 93"

Pretty much says it all.

Yep. Oh well, you can't really stop rightwingloons from being bitter haters. I almost thought they'd not use victims as tools this year. Maybe next year.

You left out VP Dumbo stating 9-11 was bittersweet but Frank
corrected it for ya. :) Don't thank him..
Allow me to educate you:

Bittersweet >tinged with sadness.

Afraid to post the full definition. You're just like the liberal media.. You have to lie, cover up.. not tell the full truth in order to make liberalism seem right.. It never works though, does it?? Would you care to know why Leftist? It's rather simple and something Conservatives stand on.. Values which equals truth and integrity. Lies are always exposed.. You educated no one here.. you just made yourself look painfully disingenous.

You just posted the definition of a conservative, I see deception every night on FAUX News, especially on Hannity!

40 posts and you've already turned your rep off... gee, I wonder why :rolleyes:

dumb ass.


You forgot part of that, dumb ass...
bitterness and sweetness combined
pleasure mixed with overtones of sadness

what was sweet about today? What was pleasant?
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Did Ravi come ooooooozing back here because no one gives a shit and posted in her thread?! LOL Here's your chance Libruls... run and make her thread seem important. :)
The only thing stupid here is you and your blame America mentality with nothing but propaganda and conjecture.. It must really suck being so miserable and hating your own nation to blame the worst terrorist attack in history on the foundation of a free United States and those who bled the flag crimson on numerous battlefields far from home for strangers no less. You're scum.. plain and simple.

Good, I am glad that you understand your argument holds no water.. No you get down to the meat and bones of your debate skills: Calling names.

[SARCASM] Yeah, I hate America, I HATE the country that helped me get an amazing education, a great job and my own home.. Yeah. :lol: [/SARCASM]
Well, many on the left believe we deserved 9/11....

We didn't.

But, our world policing brought these terrorists to our front door. Say what you will, but Osama grew his hatred from our meandering in Afghanistan way back.

Wow you're dumb. "Meandering" in Afghanistan by supporting the Afghan Mujahideen and Bin Laden against invading Soviet Army? Get your facts right! They begged for help as the Soviets SLAUGHTERED 2 MILLION AFGANIS (over 10% of their population)!

Liberals always try and Ron Paul supporters always try to rationalize the radical Muslim crusade. Saying we brought it on. Yet, through out the West, China and Russia, radical Muslims are attacking. Esp in countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Spain, that stay out of Muslim lands and don't support Israel, but they get hit will more radical islamic attacks then we do!

See little pussies like you say if we leave them alone, then they will be our friends, but the more and more that immigrate to a country the larger the percentage of Muslims make of the population, the more belligerent they become. The requests are made and the more terrorist attacks are undertaken!
The only thing stupid here is you and your blame America mentality with nothing but propaganda and conjecture.. It must really suck being so miserable and hating your own nation to blame the worst terrorist attack in history on the foundation of a free United States and those who bled the flag crimson on numerous battlefields far from home for strangers no less. You're scum.. plain and simple.

Good, I am glad that you understand your argument holds no water.. No you get down to the meat and bones of your debate skills: Calling names.

[SARCASM] Yeah, I hate America, I HATE the country that helped me get an amazing education, a great job and my own home.. Yeah. :lol: [/SARCASM]

I posted historical relevance with links.. All you did was blame America and accuse Russia of covering up terrorist attacks in their own country. :) You can run, but you can't hide..
Somebody needs to give Rush Limpballs a heads up about this non story, he hasn't mentioned it once today....
Wow you're dumb. "Meandering" in Afghanistan by supporting the Afghan Mujahideen and Bin Laden against invading Soviet Army? Get your facts right! They begged for help as the Soviets SLAUGHTERED 2 MILLION AFGANIS (over 10% of their population)!

Go back and read my posts, it was not our intervention in helping them win against the Soviets that angered them.. It was what happened afterwards, our subsequent silence after funding their war that did (Among many other things).

Liberals always try and Ron Paul supporters always try to rationalize the radical Muslim crusade. Saying we brought it on. Yet, through out the West, China and Russia, radical Muslims are attacking. Esp in countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Spain, that stay out of Muslim lands and don't support Israel, but they get hit will more radical islamic attacks then we do!

I never tried to rationalize the radical Muslims, I have said many times (in the thread alone) that they are "shit bags".

See little pussies like you say if we leave them alone, then they will be our friends, but the more and more that immigrate to a country the larger the percentage of Muslims make of the population, the more belligerent they become. The requests are made and the more terrorist attacks are undertaken!

I never said that they would be our friends.

Calm your reactionary anger.
I posted historical relevance with links.. All you did was blame America and accuse Russia of covering up terrorist attacks in their own country. :) You can run, but you can't hide..

Your historical links only emboldened and proved what I said..

Russia tried to obstruct the Nevsky train bombings.. Remember those? :lol:

Russia is notorious for blocking news and altering news in their country, as I said.

40 posts and you've already turned your rep off... gee, I wonder why :rolleyes:

Really? I had no idea I could do that, try again.

you are completely full of shit. You turned off your rep, as indicated in the attached screenshot of that last post. The ONLY other way for the display to look even remotely like that, would be if the mods turned it off, and they would not do that unless you broke the rep rules.

lying little fuck.


  • $rep.JPG
    115.8 KB · Views: 15
I posted historical relevance with links.. All you did was blame America and accuse Russia of covering up terrorist attacks in their own country. :) You can run, but you can't hide..

Your historical links only emboldened and proved what I said..

Russia tried to obstruct the Nevsky train bombings.. Remember those? :lol:

Russia is notorious for blocking news and altering news in their country, as I said. :lol:

Conjecture, BULLSHIT... GUESSING.. Barack Obama use to be a woman.. See how that works?? Now prove me wrong.. IDIOT!

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