Vice Presiboob Biden - 9/11 is "Bittersweet?"

Somebody needs to give Rush Limpballs a heads up about this non story, he hasn't mentioned it once today....

I find it interesting that the vast majority of posts that mention that blowhard... are from libtards like yourself... yet most of you claim he is 'our' messiah. :rolleyes:
you are completely full of shit. You turned off your rep, as indicated in the attached screenshot of that last post. The ONLY other way for the display to look even remotely like that, would be if the mods turned it off, and they would not do that unless you broke the rep rules.

lying little fuck.

The mods must have done it then and if I broke a rule it must have been calling you a dickhead or
dipshit. I don't understand how you can get away with disgusting, vile, trollish language and
I can't, please explain.
Pathetic to see the nuts (on both sides) using 9/11 for political leverage on USMB. Just when you think maybe there's a level that the loonies wont stoop to-they prove you wrong.
Pathetic to see the nuts (on both sides) using 9/11 for political leverage on USMB. Just when you think maybe there's a level that the loonies wont stoop to-they prove you wrong.

Pathethic to see Vice President Biden referring to this day as bittersweet.

It isn't.

He owes the families an apology.

Now, put your mouth back on Obama's nutsack and STFU.

I posted historical relevance with links.. All you did was blame America and accuse Russia of covering up terrorist attacks in their own country. :) You can run, but you can't hide..

Your historical links only emboldened and proved what I said..

Russia tried to obstruct the Nevsky train bombings.. Remember those? :lol:

Russia is notorious for blocking news and altering news in their country, as I said. :lol:

Conjecture, BULLSHIT... GUESSING.. Barack Obama use to be a woman.. See how that works?? Now prove me wrong.. IDIOT!

For being of "Russian descent" I figured you would be familiar with the state-run RT?

Pathetic to see the nuts (on both sides) using 9/11 for political leverage on USMB. Just when you think maybe there's a level that the loonies wont stoop to-they prove you wrong.

Pathethic to see Vice President Biden referring to this day as bittersweet.

It isn't.

He owes the families an apology.

Now, put your mouth back on Obama's nutsack and STFU.


-I don't support Obama-and wont be voting for him.

-I never stated that I thought what Biden did was proper (hence BOTH sides comment).

-You're not that intelligent are you? I mean if you're capable to be able to comprehend simple sentences.
40 posts and you've already turned your rep off... gee, I wonder why :rolleyes:

Really? I had no idea I could do that, try again.

you are completely full of shit. You turned off your rep, as indicated in the attached screenshot of that last post. The ONLY other way for the display to look even remotely like that, would be if the mods turned it off, and they would not do that unless you broke the rep rules.

lying little fuck.
You aren't very bright.

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