Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

In the meantime

Here are some photos of the Molten Steel that you claim didn't exist. But you will probably make something up about the pictures that isn't true anyway.


[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Debunked: WTC - No Pools of Molten Steel[/ame]

Gee, there goes your the 2:06 mark. It was a flashlight you lying asshole!

I know, the video you got the picture from is now faked...right. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Sorry Charlie:


I own you; too bad you're not worth a shit.
See, Candycorn states he/she own me, therefore it must be true.

"Candycorn Logic" at its best.

I'm still waiting for your explanation, in your own words, of how WTC 7 collapsed

Keep waiting fag; or you can try reading it; I posted it this afternoon; See you next Tuesday
Well done "Candycorn" That photo is actually a doctored version of this photo


Now I have made two errors in our "debate"

One regarding the time elapsed as the Planes veered off course. (Patriot911 also made the exact same error but did not admit to it)

The other regarding that photo as I did not examine it in enough detail.

BUT IT STILL DOESN'T MEAN THERE WASN'T ANY MOLTEN STEEL or that WTC 1,2, and 7 wasn't brought down by cotrolled demolition,

Are these fakes too?

This is Molten Steel at the WTC after 9/11


This is Molten Aluminum


Now back to more molten steel on 9/11


Well done "Candycorn" That photo is actually a doctored version of this photo


Now I have made two errors in our "debate"
No, you lied twice, were called on it and retreated like the little bitch that you are.

You're forgetting the "15 minute intercept" bullshit you tried to pass off earlier. Massive fail on that part beeotch too.

Metal does not equal steel. Try reading your own lies sometime; they will do wonders in terms of making you look less moronic in the future.
Steel is not an alloy metal, huh.

There's that "Candycorn Logic" again.

You say steel is not metal therefore it is not.

I have kept the focus on WTC 7, the aspect of 9/11 with the least amount of speculation regarding the overwhelming evidence to the contrary of the official government theory.

Other aspects of the events of 9/11 are open to more speculation including the NORAD stand down theory.

But I bet you don't believe there were exercises happening that were simulations similar to the actual events that transpired, (ie planes being hijacked and flown into the Towers, D.C.)

Or that over 2 trillion went missing from the pentagon as stated by Rumsfeld the day before 9/11. Where did all that money go? What was it used for?

Oh wait, not possible, Candycorn said so.
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I have lied twice, okay, but I acknowledged my two errors.

You have made few, if any statements, that bear any resemblance to reality, whatsoever.

Gee, you'll have to live with being a liar and thinking that I am. Sorry Charline


You say you've been investigating this for years and then you post the photo that was debunked 4 or 5 years ago? Lie; pure lie.

Care to try to explain the light poles Sword of Dumbfuck? Or have you ever come up with an explanation for those. Didn't think so.
Well done "Candycorn" That photo is actually a doctored version of this photo


Now I have made two errors in our "debate"
No, you lied twice, were called on it and retreated like the little bitch that you are.

You're forgetting the "15 minute intercept" bullshit you tried to pass off earlier. Massive fail on that part beeotch too.

Metal does not equal steel. Try reading your own lies sometime; they will do wonders in terms of making you look less moronic in the future.

Correct, I was called out on the elapsed time off course error I made regarding Flight 77 by Patriot911, who is guilty of the exact same error in the very same thread.

Yet I ,unlike him, admitted to the error.

What does flight 77 have to do with the collapse of WTC 7 again?

Well done "Candycorn" That photo is actually a doctored version of this photo


Now I have made two errors in our "debate"
No, you lied twice, were called on it and retreated like the little bitch that you are.

You're forgetting the "15 minute intercept" bullshit you tried to pass off earlier. Massive fail on that part beeotch too.

Metal does not equal steel. Try reading your own lies sometime; they will do wonders in terms of making you look less moronic in the future.

Correct, I was called out on the elapsed time off course error I made regarding Flight 77 by Patriot911, who is guilty of the exact same error in the very same thread.

Yet I ,unlike him, admitted to the error.

What does flight 77 have to do with the collapse of WTC 7 again?

No you were called out on your lie about it taking 15 minutes to intercept any aircraft; when I pointed out the sleeping pilots who overshot MSP by an hour your response was "who cares" if I recall.

The light poles disprove any conspiracy.

I guess that's better that biatch fuckwad fag or something of that sort you usually call me.

You are incorrect, I said I hadn't discussed or argued about 9/11 for years. (discussions like ours get tiring over time, people are too emotional when they discuss 9/11, I don't like getting screamed at, in person at least) So my failure is not verifying the validity of that photo.

I was not aware of that particular photo being debunked years ago, I wasn't paying attention, simple. I am now curious as to how that photo got out there, who released it, and why are some people claiming it as real.

Regardless, one doctored photo does not disprove controlled demolition when there is so much other evidence in support of it.

By Light poles, are you referring to the pentagon?

My avatar is a trident, not the Sword of Dumbfuck, show some common decency for your fellow human being.

I guess that's better that biatch fuckwad fag or something of that sort you usually call me.

You are incorrect, I said I hadn't discussed or argued about 9/11 for years. (discussions like ours get tiring over time, people are too emotional when they discuss 9/11, I don't like getting screamed at, in person at least) So my failure is not verifying the validity of that photo.I was not aware of that particular photo being debunked years ago, I wasn't paying attention, simple. I am now curious as to how that photo got out there, who released it, and why are some people claiming it as real.
Yeah, I'm sure you're all over whoever you got the photo from screaming about it....who do you think you're fooling?

Regardless, one doctored photo does not disprove controlled demolition when there is so much other evidence in support of it.
No evidence whatsoever exists to support CD;
No blasting caps, no unexploded ordinance that would have been thrown clear by the impact of the planes (engines went a few blocks--how far do you think the tiny charges would have gone?), no det cord, no staccato of explosions before a collapse, none of that at all. Yet you say there is "so much" evidence; so much for your ability to reason; THAT doesn't exist either.

By Light poles, are you referring to the pentagon?

My avatar is a trident, not the Sword of Dumbfuck, show some common decency for your fellow human being.

Find me one who deserves to be treated decently and I will; you're an obnoxious little pissant who deserves much more than what I have dealt.
No, you lied twice, were called on it and retreated like the little bitch that you are.

You're forgetting the "15 minute intercept" bullshit you tried to pass off earlier. Massive fail on that part beeotch too.

Metal does not equal steel. Try reading your own lies sometime; they will do wonders in terms of making you look less moronic in the future.

Correct, I was called out on the elapsed time off course error I made regarding Flight 77 by Patriot911, who is guilty of the exact same error in the very same thread.

Yet I ,unlike him, admitted to the error.

What does flight 77 have to do with the collapse of WTC 7 again?

No you were called out on your lie about it taking 15 minutes to intercept any aircraft; when I pointed out the sleeping pilots who overshot MSP by an hour your response was "who cares" if I recall.

The light poles disprove any conspiracy.

The most powerful Air Force can't intercept planes in 15 minutes?

I had the elapsed time veered off course by Flight 77 wrong, Not whether planes can or cannot be intercepted in 15 minutes.

The FAA is also to blame for failing to notify Norad in a timely manner.

Now, wheres your WTC 7 explanation? Before you continue to try to avoid the question
No evidence whatsoever exists to support CD;
No blasting caps, no unexploded ordinance that would have been thrown clear by the impact of the planes (engines went a few blocks--how far do you think the tiny charges would have gone?), no det cord, no staccato of explosions before a collapse, none of that at all. Yet you say there is "so much" evidence; so much for your ability to reason; THAT doesn't exist either.

Now now Candycorn, this does not refute the evidence supporting controlled demolition, and it is almost entirely incorrect.

There were explosions and squibs going off, in fact some squibs discharged a little too early, not too mention the CD incision cuts left behind in the wreckage.

Correct, I was called out on the elapsed time off course error I made regarding Flight 77 by Patriot911, who is guilty of the exact same error in the very same thread.

Yet I ,unlike him, admitted to the error.

What does flight 77 have to do with the collapse of WTC 7 again?

No you were called out on your lie about it taking 15 minutes to intercept any aircraft; when I pointed out the sleeping pilots who overshot MSP by an hour your response was "who cares" if I recall.

The light poles disprove any conspiracy.

The most powerful Air Force can't intercept planes in 15 minutes?

I had the elapsed time veered off course by Flight 77 wrong, Not whether planes can or cannot be intercepted in 15 minutes.

The FAA is also to blame for failing to notify Norad in a timely manner.

Now, wheres your WTC 7 explanation? Before you continue to try to avoid the question


Earlier you said NORAD stood down...another lie I suppose?

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