Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

Hey, whatever floats your boat, Triton. I am far too busy to engage that level of stupid. I'm all for intelligent discourse though....
I'm keeping Patriot911 off my ignore list just so I can tally how many times he types the word "truthtard"

Awww.... is the poor widdle truthtard upset by the truth again? Get use to it junior. With all the bullshit lies you've been spewing, it is no wonder you have an inferiority complex. :lol: Care to go to the other thread and try to salvage whatever is left of your dignity and credibility?
I'm keeping Patriot911 off my ignore list just so I can tally how many times he types the word "truthtard"

Awww.... is the poor widdle truthtard upset by the truth again? Get use to it junior. With all the bullshit lies you've been spewing, it is no wonder you have an inferiority complex. :lol: Care to go to the other thread and try to salvage whatever is left of your dignity and credibility?

Trinton has no credibility to salvage.
I'm keeping Patriot911 off my ignore list just so I can tally how many times he types the word "truthtard"

Awww.... is the poor widdle truthtard upset by the truth again? Get use to it junior. With all the bullshit lies you've been spewing, it is no wonder you have an inferiority complex. :lol: Care to go to the other thread and try to salvage whatever is left of your dignity and credibility?

Trinton has no credibility to salvage.

Even truthtards with no credibility can dream! :lol: The fact he is running from my debunkings of his shit is proof he's nothing but a pretty pathetic pretender who is running on nothing but soundbites from the conspiratard sites.
conspiratard, did you come up with that one yourself too?

What can I say. Ignorant fucks like you who like to lie to push an agenda inspire me. Why is it you only focus on the words I use instead of addressing the lies of yours I exposed?

Care to explain how PSA 1771 looks almost exactly like Flight 93 including the 8 mile debris field despite your claim it couldn't happen?

Care to explain how you claim the planes were off course for an hour and a half when none of them were off course more than 45 minutes?

No? I didn't think so. Now run along, junior. You've been exposed as a piece of shit liar of the worst kind.
So, Jones, when you have time, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the anomalies involving spontaneous combustion as the eye witness testimonies presented above indicate.

Next time I have time to kill, I'd like to talk about hurricane Erin and her lack of being reported in NYC news/weather on 9/11 even though she was of concern due to proximity and route.
conspiratard, did you come up with that one yourself too?

What can I say. Ignorant fucks like you who like to lie to push an agenda inspire me. Why is it you only focus on the words I use instead of addressing the lies of yours I exposed?

Care to explain how PSA 1771 looks almost exactly like Flight 93 including the 8 mile debris field despite your claim it couldn't happen?

Care to explain how you claim the planes were off course for an hour and a half when none of them were off course more than 45 minutes?

No? I didn't think so. Now run along, junior. You've been exposed as a piece of shit liar of the worst kind.

Flight 77 impacted 83 minutes after veering off course hitting the most secure airspace in the world.

Where was NORAD?

Can you provide more than one single crash that looks comparitively to 93? Most others show a fuselage and some semblance of a crashed plane. Your example does not disprove that the plane was shot down with its unusually scattered debris field as supporting evidence

And you do nothing to address the controlled demolition of the towers.

Why? Because you are full of what I like to call BULLSHIT
conspiratard, did you come up with that one yourself too?

What can I say. Ignorant fucks like you who like to lie to push an agenda inspire me. Why is it you only focus on the words I use instead of addressing the lies of yours I exposed?

Care to explain how PSA 1771 looks almost exactly like Flight 93 including the 8 mile debris field despite your claim it couldn't happen?

Care to explain how you claim the planes were off course for an hour and a half when none of them were off course more than 45 minutes?

No? I didn't think so. Now run along, junior. You've been exposed as a piece of shit liar of the worst kind.

Flight 77 impacted 83 minutes after veering off course hitting the most secure airspace in the world.

As has already been shown to you, YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT! Flight 77 first deviated from it's course at 8:54. It crashed into the Pentagon at 9:57. Now, I know you're a fucking idiot and all, but seriously.... how do you get 83 minutes out of that? When are you going to grow a pair of balls and man up that you don't know this shit and you're lying your truthtard ass off?

Triton said:
Where was NORAD?
Seriously? You don't know? I thought you were some kind of expert! First off, Flight 77 was thought to have CRASHED. Nobody even knew it had been hijacked because Indianapolis ATC was unaware of what was going on in NYC. All they saw was Flight 77 drop off their radar when the transponders were turned off. They even reported Flight 77 as a possible crash and started a search for the crash.

In the meantime, NORAD received a report from the FAA that Flight 11 was approaching Washington from the North. Fighters were launched to intercept. When Dulles discovered Flight 77 inbound to Washington airspace, the fighters were revectored to intercept. There wasn't enough time.

Those are the facts. No amount of pretending by a piece of shit like you is going to change that.

Triton said:
Can you provide more than one single crash that looks comparitively to 93?
Why? You didn't like the one I showed you that was almost identical? :lol: So if I showed you TWO, would you then demand THREE? :lol: You piece of shits are all alike! You get your ass handed to you and you pretend like nothing happened. Think anyone else is fooled? I don't think so. So how do you explain PSA 1771 looking almost identical to Flight 93? Even your bullshit about no other crash having an 8 mile debris field was proven as a lie.

Triton said:
Most others show a fuselage and some semblance of a crashed plane.
Do you even read what you write? MOST others. So why is it so hard for you to believe this one didn't have large pieces?

Triton said:
Your example does not disprove that the plane was shot down with its unusually scattered debris field as supporting evidence
Your "proof" that Flight 93 was shot down was that there was no other example. I gave you one almost EXACTLY like Flight 93 INCLUDING the "unusually scattered debris field". You did watch the video where the Sheriff said there was debris eight miles away, right? :lol:

Triton said:
And you do nothing to address the controlled demolition of the towers.
There is absolutely no evidence of controlled demolition. No explosives. No detonators. No wiring. No cut beams. No seismic evidence of the charges going off.

Not to mention several studies of the collapse that proved the collapse was not only possible, but would have happened with fire alone in those circumstances. So again, who are we to believe? The experts or proven liars like you?

Triton said:
Why? Because you are full of what I like to call BULLSHIT
You call the truth bullshit? No wonder you're so fucked up! :lol:
I will concede my error in the Flight 77 time delay as 63 minutes (don't worry this error does nothing to support your "arguments")

Regardless, it is still an hour off course with no interception. It does not change the fact that NORAD did not respond to it at all and it hit the most secure and heavily defended airspace on earth leaving only a 15 ft hole.

Yet, nobody can see the footage from all the surveillance cameras confiscated by the FBI surrounding the most heavily defended land area in the U.S. But you won't explain the reason for that, you will type some obcene thing like "Fuckwad" to clutter the rest of your ranting.

Wasn't enough time?

NORAD says the FAA notified them at 9:24, 21 minutes after Flight 175 collided with the South Tower.

It took the FAA 34 minutes to report to NORAD and so it took more than a half hour to scramble jets near Washington D.C. even after Flights 175 and 11 had already struck the Towers? Yea, there wasn't enough time you're right.


Wheres the Plane?


I haven't watched your video yet so I will address PSA 1771 compared to Flight 93 on the other thread. In the meantime feel free to examine for yourself the numerous photographs of other commercial airliners crashing on land, perhaps you will notice a difference.

Controlled Demolition not possible?

Yes, in the imaginary world of the repulsive Patriot911 maybe, but symmetrical near free fall collapses of steel framed buildings not hit by any planes into their own footprint that leave behind molten steel with residue from Thermite reactions being found in dust samples suggest Controlled Demolition.

But those aren't real either right? Yep, just made up claims by truth/conspiratards.

I bet you think that sporadic fires melted the steel and caused a total collapse, don't you.

Don't worry, Patriot911, you're still my bitch.
I will concede my error in the Flight 77 time delay as 63 minutes (don't worry this error does nothing to support your "arguments")

Regardless, it is still an hour off course with no interception. It does not change the fact that NORAD did not respond to it at all and it hit the most secure and heavily defended airspace on earth leaving only a 15 ft hole.

Yet, nobody can see the footage from all the surveillance cameras confiscated by the FBI surrounding the most heavily defended land area in the U.S. But you won't explain the reason for that, you will type some obcene thing like "Fuckwad" to clutter the rest of your ranting.

Wasn't enough time?

NORAD says the FAA notified them at 9:24, 21 minutes after Flight 175 collided with the South Tower.

It took the FAA 34 minutes to report to NORAD and so it took more than a half hour to scramble jets near Washington D.C. even after Flights 175 and 11 had already struck the Towers? Yea, there wasn't enough time you're right.


Wheres the Plane?


I haven't watched your video yet so I will address PSA 1771 compared to Flight 93 on the other thread. In the meantime feel free to examine for yourself the numerous photographs of other commercial airliners crashing on land, perhaps you will notice a difference.

Controlled Demolition not possible?

Yes, in the imaginary world of the repulsive Patriot911 maybe, but symmetrical near free fall collapses of steel framed buildings not hit by any planes into their own footprint that leave behind molten steel with residue from Thermite reactions being found in dust samples suggest Controlled Demolition.

But those aren't real either right? Yep, just made up claims by truth/conspiratards.

I bet you think that sporadic fires melted the steel and caused a total collapse, don't you.

Don't worry, Patriot911, you're still my bitch.

I want to know more about " the most secure and heavily defended airspace on earth", you know the area the one that is almost a mile from the main runway of an international airport...

Please explain what makes you think that airspace is so heavily guarded....
I will concede my error in the Flight 77 time delay as 63 minutes (don't worry this error does nothing to support your "arguments")
:lol: You know what? You're a piece of shit pretender. You don't know the facts. Not even close. Everyone knows that flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37, not 9:57. So they had 41 minutes to react IF NORAD had been notified right when Indianapolis ATC noticed Flight 77 go off their scopes. They didn't even see Flight 77 deviate. The hijackers turned AFTER they had turned off their transponder.

Triton said:
Regardless, it is still an hour off course with no interception. It does not change the fact that NORAD did not respond to it at all and it hit the most secure and heavily defended airspace on earth leaving only a 15 ft hole.
More bullshit from you. Most heavily defended airspace on Earth?!? :lol: Are you fucking kidding me? The Pentagon is less than a mile from the end of an international airport, and you're trying to convince everyone that it is the most secure and heavily defended airspace? Hell, Frank Corder crashed a plane into the Whitehouse LAWN in 1994! :lol: Keep up with the bullshit lies. The truth is making a complete mockery of you.

Triton said:
Yet, nobody can see the footage from all the surveillance cameras confiscated by the FBI surrounding the most heavily defended land area in the U.S. But you won't explain the reason for that, you will type some obcene thing like "Fuckwad" to clutter the rest of your ranting.
Wrong yet again, fuckwad. The FBI released all relevant footage. Just as the FBI claimed, the footage didn't show anything other than the explosion.

Wasn't enough time?

Triton said:
NORAD says the FAA notified them at 9:24, 21 minutes after Flight 175 collided with the South Tower.

It took the FAA 34 minutes to report to NORAD and so it took more than a half hour to scramble jets near Washington D.C. even after Flights 175 and 11 had already struck the Towers? Yea, there wasn't enough time you're right.

So NORAD had from 9:24 to 9:37. 13 minutes. And you expect fighter jets to intercept and shoot it down over a major metropolitan area? :lol: Keep going, shithead! This is GREAT!

Triton said:

Wheres the Plane?

All over the place according to everyone who was there. Or was the coroner of Shanksville in on the conspiracy? And all the volunteers who helped collect debris and body parts from the surrounding area? And the people who dug the plane parts out of the ground? Why don't you call United? The parts were returned to United. Surely they would know their own plane, right? Or is that too much trouble for you to go through as you ask people to believe something that would demand the LIVES of other people? You little fucks don't even know what it is you're demanding people to do.

Triton said:
I haven't watched your video yet so I will address PSA 1771 compared to Flight 93 on the other thread. In the meantime feel free to examine for yourself the numerous photographs of other commercial airliners crashing on land, perhaps you will notice a difference.
So, just like buildings, this stupid fuck wants everyone to believe every plane crash should look the same regardless of type of plane, circumstances surrounding the crash, or what it crashed into. :lol: Well, at least these shits are consistant!

Triton said:
Controlled Demolition not possible?
Where did I state it was not possible? Is that the only way you can make a point? Put words in people's mouths? Sure it is possible. But don't you agree there would be evidence? Not to mention the logistics of wiring a building for demolition while it is occupied without ANYONE noticing what is going on.

Triton said:
Yes, in the imaginary world of the repulsive Patriot911 maybe, but symmetrical near free fall collapses of steel framed buildings not hit by any planes into their own footprint that leave behind molten steel with residue from Thermite reactions being found in dust samples suggest Controlled Demolition.
There are so many lies in that sentence that it is amazing you can still consider yourself a viable human being.

Triton said:
But those aren't real either right? Yep, just made up claims by truth/conspiratards.
You got it! Know what the residue from a thermite reaction is? Aluminum oxide and iron. WOW! Like there isn't any aluminum oxide or iron anywhere. :lol:

BTW, there was only one building that collapsed that wasn't hit by a plane. More lies from you.

BTW, it didn't fall into it's own footprint. It damaged other buildings. If it fell within its own footprint, it wouldn't have hit anything else.

BTW, WTC 7 didn't have a plane hit it, but it DID have a 110 story building collapse nearby which caused undeniable damage and fires. Hmmm. Which is worse? A 110 story building or a plane?

Triton said:
I bet you think that sporadic fires melted the steel and caused a total collapse, don't you.
Well, the theory of "sporadic fires" is bullshit put forth by you. According to the firefighters it wasn't a "sporadic fire". Apparently you stupid fucks think a fire can burn for eight hours in one little place and not run out of fuel or spread. :lol: You should join us here in the real world some time!

Triton said:
Don't worry, Patriot911, you're still my bitch.
:lol: In your dreams, beotch! You couldn't own a kindergartener with your lameassed lies. In the meantime, have fun trying to run away from the truth yet again!
I will concede my error in the Flight 77 time delay as 63 minutes (don't worry this error does nothing to support your "arguments")
:lol: You know what? You're a piece of shit pretender. You don't know the facts. Not even close. Everyone knows that flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37, not 9:57. So they had 41 minutes to react IF NORAD had been notified right when Indianapolis ATC noticed Flight 77 go off their scopes. They didn't even see Flight 77 deviate. The hijackers turned AFTER they had turned off their transponder.

Triton said:
Regardless, it is still an hour off course with no interception. It does not change the fact that NORAD did not respond to it at all and it hit the most secure and heavily defended airspace on earth leaving only a 15 ft hole.
More bullshit from you. Most heavily defended airspace on Earth?!? :lol: Are you fucking kidding me? The Pentagon is less than a mile from the end of an international airport, and you're trying to convince everyone that it is the most secure and heavily defended airspace? Hell, Frank Corder crashed a plane into the Whitehouse LAWN in 1994! :lol: Keep up with the bullshit lies. The truth is making a complete mockery of you.

Wrong yet again, fuckwad. The FBI released all relevant footage. Just as the FBI claimed, the footage didn't show anything other than the explosion.

Wasn't enough time?

So NORAD had from 9:24 to 9:37. 13 minutes. And you expect fighter jets to intercept and shoot it down over a major metropolitan area? :lol: Keep going, shithead! This is GREAT!

All over the place according to everyone who was there. Or was the coroner of Shanksville in on the conspiracy? And all the volunteers who helped collect debris and body parts from the surrounding area? And the people who dug the plane parts out of the ground? Why don't you call United? The parts were returned to United. Surely they would know their own plane, right? Or is that too much trouble for you to go through as you ask people to believe something that would demand the LIVES of other people? You little fucks don't even know what it is you're demanding people to do.

So, just like buildings, this stupid fuck wants everyone to believe every plane crash should look the same regardless of type of plane, circumstances surrounding the crash, or what it crashed into. :lol: Well, at least these shits are consistant!

Where did I state it was not possible? Is that the only way you can make a point? Put words in people's mouths? Sure it is possible. But don't you agree there would be evidence? Not to mention the logistics of wiring a building for demolition while it is occupied without ANYONE noticing what is going on.

There are so many lies in that sentence that it is amazing you can still consider yourself a viable human being.

You got it! Know what the residue from a thermite reaction is? Aluminum oxide and iron. WOW! Like there isn't any aluminum oxide or iron anywhere. :lol:

BTW, there was only one building that collapsed that wasn't hit by a plane. More lies from you.

BTW, it didn't fall into it's own footprint. It damaged other buildings. If it fell within its own footprint, it wouldn't have hit anything else.

BTW, WTC 7 didn't have a plane hit it, but it DID have a 110 story building collapse nearby which caused undeniable damage and fires. Hmmm. Which is worse? A 110 story building or a plane?

Triton said:
I bet you think that sporadic fires melted the steel and caused a total collapse, don't you.
Well, the theory of "sporadic fires" is bullshit put forth by you. According to the firefighters it wasn't a "sporadic fire". Apparently you stupid fucks think a fire can burn for eight hours in one little place and not run out of fuel or spread. :lol: You should join us here in the real world some time!

Triton said:
Don't worry, Patriot911, you're still my bitch.
:lol: In your dreams, beotch! You couldn't own a kindergartener with your lameassed lies. In the meantime, have fun trying to run away from the truth yet again!

I will concede to your statement on the time of impact Patriot911, I was incorrect about the time differential on Flight 77. This comes from not having gone through the 9/11 material for quite sometime, thankfully this humorous exchange (hint, YOUR the humorous part) is leading me to recheck over the evidence.

So the Pentagon, the Capitol, and the White house are not the most heavily defended airspace, I guess they are simply facades of government because if they are that vulnerable that is very sad.

Still doesn't explain the 15 ft hole and the lack of footage confiscated by the FBI, only thing released is the video with a handful of frames which isn't very conclusive at all. Why are they hiding the other videos? Is it because the Pentagon lacks sufficient surveillance because its not heavily defended as Ollie suggests (at least he is not as obscene as you)

You're statements on Shanksville mean nothing;

All over the place according to everyone who was there. Or was the coroner of Shanksville in on the conspiracy? And all the volunteers who helped collect debris and body parts from the surrounding area? And the people who dug the plane parts out of the ground? Why don't you call United? The parts were returned to United. Surely they would know their own plane, right? Or is that too much trouble for you to go through as you ask people to believe something that would demand the LIVES of other people? You little fucks don't even know what it is you're demanding people to do.

So, just like buildings, this stupid fuck wants everyone to believe every plane crash should look the same regardless of type of plane, circumstances surrounding the crash, or what it crashed into. Well, at least these shits are consistant!

So you can provide one similar crash as evidence, big deal.

Yet if I provide evidence to the contrary with other land based commercial airplane crashes, which a simple google image search will reveal, it doesn't count?

Call United? WTF "Has Flight 93 been destroyed and did the passengers died?" "Yes Patriot911, it did and they did"

The evidence suggests the plane was shot down. There's barely a plane at the crash site, just a hole, the debris was scattered everywhere which suggests it was shot while in the air. Is this not the truth?

Again, wheres the plane? Your little paragraph rant concluding with "you little fucks" amounts to nothing.

You are one silly little creature to say I am making blatant lies after I acknowledge my errors and when you say things like:

BTW, it didn't fall into it's own footprint. It damaged other buildings. If it fell within its own footprint, it wouldn't have hit anything else.

That is a lie, it fell into its own foundation, these are large buildings and despite their symmetrical collapses they still are going to cause damage to the surrounding buildings. Yes, other buildings were damaged as a result of WTC 1,2,7's total collapse yet, despite suffering far greater structural damage did not have a total collapse, look at at WTC 3 with its huge gash cutting tdown the middle, didn't have a total collapse

BTW, WTC 7 didn't have a plane hit it, but it DID have a 110 story building collapse nearby which caused undeniable damage and fires. Hmmm. Which is worse? A 110 story building or a plane?

It did have undeniable damage. 7-8 floors with sporadic, yes sporadic, fires and a gash on the south side, still utterly insufficient to cause a total near free fall symmetrical collapse, (that means no resistance:razz:) etc.


BTW, there was only one building that collapsed that wasn't hit by a plane. More lies from you.

Yes, the other WTC buildings suffered far greater structural damage yet didn't have a total collapse like WTC 7 did, which had very little structural damage. :cuckoo:

You got it! Know what the residue from a thermite reaction is? Aluminum oxide and iron. WOW! Like there isn't any aluminum oxide or iron anywhere

Then explain how there was molten steel. If a thermite, or nano-thermite reaction didn't melt the steel, what did, Jet fuel? You saying there was no molten steel doesn't cut it pinocchio :eusa_liar:

You continue to claim WTC 7 was not brought down by controlled demolition.

Please, in your own words, as I have repeatedly explained in detail and to which there is legitimate observable video evidence (yes, that counts as evidence whether you say so or not) explain to us "Truth/Conspiratards" how building WTC 7 fell.
Then explain how there was molten steel. If a thermite, or nano-thermite reaction didn't melt the steel, what did, Jet fuel? You saying there was no molten steel doesn't cut it pinocchio

Please provide proof of there being molten steel.....
I will concede to your statement on the time of impact Patriot911, I was incorrect about the time differential on Flight 77. This comes from not having gone through the 9/11 material for quite sometime, thankfully this humorous exchange (hint, YOUR the humorous part) is leading me to recheck over the evidence.
So you're shooting blanks and pretending they are real facts. Thanks for the confession.

Triton said:
So the Pentagon, the Capitol, and the White house are not the most heavily defended airspace, I guess they are simply facades of government because if they are that vulnerable that is very sad.
Ah, the typical truthtard tactic of pretending if it isn't what they pretend then it is the exact opposite. :lol: What a fucking loser! Apparently truthtards are so stupid things are either black or they are white. The airspace is either the most defended or it is completely vulnerable. :lol:

Triton said:
Still doesn't explain the 15 ft hole and the lack of footage confiscated by the FBI, only thing released is the video with a handful of frames which isn't very conclusive at all.
And again you expose your extreme ignorance for everyone to see. The FBI released the rest of the footage YEARS ago. :lol: Try to keep up, loser.

Triton said:
Why are they hiding the other videos? Is it because the Pentagon lacks sufficient surveillance because its not heavily defended as Ollie suggests (at least he is not as obscene as you)
So why do you think it would have video cameras pointing up into the sky on a side of the Pentagon that isn't used by people? You stupid shits seem to think there should have been video cameras every five feet pointed every direction. Hate to break it to you, chuckles, but life and budgets often times get in the way of silly dreams like yours.

Triton said:
You're statements on Shanksville mean nothing;

All over the place according to everyone who was there. Or was the coroner of Shanksville in on the conspiracy? And all the volunteers who helped collect debris and body parts from the surrounding area? And the people who dug the plane parts out of the ground? Why don't you call United? The parts were returned to United. Surely they would know their own plane, right? Or is that too much trouble for you to go through as you ask people to believe something that would demand the LIVES of other people? You little fucks don't even know what it is you're demanding people to do.
So you're too stupid to understand simple words? You claim there were no plane parts. So everyone who was actually there and EXPERIENCED the crime scene was lying and there wasn't anything there? Get real, retard!

Triton said:
So, just like buildings, this stupid fuck wants everyone to believe every plane crash should look the same regardless of type of plane, circumstances surrounding the crash, or what it crashed into. Well, at least these shits are consistant!

So you can provide one similar crash as evidence, big deal.
Yes, it IS a big deal. Your whole argument is based on the claim it never happened before so it was all fake. Now you've been presented with the fact it CAN happen like that and now you're claiming it is no big deal? Damn! If someone just showed me I was wrong in the extreme I would at least re-examine the facts and see where the flaws are. Then again, I am a far better person than a piece of shit like you who lies just to push an anti-American agenda.

Triton said:
Yet if I provide evidence to the contrary with other land based commercial airplane crashes, which a simple google image search will reveal, it doesn't count?
You got it! Wow! Unfortunately, I am sure you're far too stupid to understand the significance. Plane crashes can happen all kinds of different ways. You claim it was all faked because it NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Yet it did. So therefore it COULD have happened that way. Every other example is moot. BTW, you might want to check out the recent crash in Iran. Another plane that went in at high speed. Little left bit itty bitty pieces.

Triton said:
Call United? WTF "Has Flight 93 been destroyed and did the passengers died?" "Yes Patriot911, it did and they did"
So you think the airline would cover for the government? Why are you so afraid to stand up for what you supposedly believe in? I've done it. Why can't you? I've contacted people personally to get through all the bullshit and find out the truth.

Triton said:
The evidence suggests the plane was shot down.
WHAT evidence? Making the claim and then running away doesn't cut it. You have numerous witnesses that said the plane went down in one piece and no smoke. You have a flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder that don't show any explosion or concern over the plane being shot down.

More importantly, WHY would the government shoot down the plane and then pretend they hadn't? Why go through all the bullshit of covering up a crash scene? Think the US public would be mad that the government had shot down a hijacked plane given everything that happened? My God, man! Use your brain for once! Your shit makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. For what reason would the government shoot down a plane and then have everything in place to fake a crash scene with the plane being whole?

Triton said:
There's barely a plane at the crash site, just a hole, the debris was scattered everywhere which suggests it was shot while in the air. Is this not the truth?
No, that is just your retarded opinion. Everyone who was actually THERE disagrees with your lying ass.

Triton said:
Again, wheres the plane? Your little paragraph rant concluding with "you little fucks" amounts to nothing.
Sure it does. It amounts to the truth. It is a shame you are far too ignorant or far too dishonest to acknowledge the truth. The people who were there found the plane. Can you find ANYONE who was there who says there was no plane? No. Why?

Triton said:
You are one silly little creature to say I am making blatant lies after I acknowledge my errors and when you say things like:

BTW, it didn't fall into it's own footprint. It damaged other buildings. If it fell within its own footprint, it wouldn't have hit anything else.

That is a lie, it fell into its own foundation, these are large buildings and despite their symmetrical collapses they still are going to cause damage to the surrounding buildings.
Then they, by definition, did NOT fall into their own footprint. A controlled demolition makes a building fall truly within its own footprint so it DOESN'T damage buildings around it. That is the whole PURPOSE of a controlled demolition. Somehow that simple fact has escaped you.

Triton said:
Yes, other buildings were damaged as a result of WTC 1,2,7's total collapse yet, despite suffering far greater structural damage did not have a total collapse, look at at WTC 3 with its huge gash cutting tdown the middle, didn't have a total collapse
To have a collapse, you need a huge amount of weight bearing down on a relatively small footprint. It is simple physics. When you have something spread out, it exerts a lot less pressure. When you have something vertical with a small footprint it exerts a huge amount of pressure that can cause issues not found in a large footprint.

Triton said:
BTW, WTC 7 didn't have a plane hit it, but it DID have a 110 story building collapse nearby which caused undeniable damage and fires. Hmmm. Which is worse? A 110 story building or a plane?

It did have undeniable damage. 7-8 floors with sporadic, yes sporadic, fires and a gash on the south side, still utterly insufficient to cause a total near free fall symmetrical collapse, (that means no resistance:razz:) etc.
Where do you get off saying 7-8 floors of sporadic damage? According to the firefighters that were there along with all the video footage, you're talking out your ass once again.

Triton said:

BTW, there was only one building that collapsed that wasn't hit by a plane. More lies from you.

Yes, the other WTC buildings suffered far greater structural damage yet didn't have a total collapse like WTC 7 did, which had very little structural damage. :cuckoo:
Yup. Once again we have a stupid fuck truthtard who thinks every building should react the same way regardless of construction, material and circumstances. We all know you are a very simple person who can't understand anything more complex than a yes or no answer, but real life is far more complex than you imagine. It is a shame life doesn't fit into your bullshit theories of how it SHOULD fit, but hey.... that's life.

Triton said:
You got it! Know what the residue from a thermite reaction is? Aluminum oxide and iron. WOW! Like there isn't any aluminum oxide or iron anywhere

Then explain how there was molten steel. If a thermite, or nano-thermite reaction didn't melt the steel, what did, Jet fuel? You saying there was no molten steel doesn't cut it pinocchio :eusa_liar:
You have yet to prove there was molten steel. You forget. You're the proven liar. You have to prove there was molten steel. Did you test it? Did the people there test it? Were they metalurgists able to determine the mineral content of a molten substance? No? Then you haven't proven dick.

Triton said:
You continue to claim WTC 7 was not brought down by controlled demolition.

Please, in your own words, as I have repeatedly explained in detail and to which there is legitimate observable video evidence (yes, that counts as evidence whether you say so or not) explain to us "Truth/Conspiratards" how building WTC 7 fell.
Read the NIST report, shithead! As for the video evidence, it is your retarded OPINION of what the video evidence shows that is not evidence. The video evidence is relevant. Unfortunately for your lying ass, the video evidence shows an internal collapse before an external collapse and shows no explosives being used as clearly demonstrated by the audio tracks.

Once again, you lose. Yes. That's right. You're still my bitch! :lol:
Then explain how there was molten steel. If a thermite, or nano-thermite reaction didn't melt the steel, what did, Jet fuel? You saying there was no molten steel doesn't cut it pinocchio

Please provide proof of there being molten steel.....

He can't. He knows it. I know it. You know it. Everyone else knows it. He will continue to pretend though. After all.... ignorance is bliss and truthtards are very VERY blissful!
I want your explanation in your own words, Patriot911. I haven't said "Read professor Jone's studies" I've articulated my explanation coherently, you divert the argument with your vile insults.

Everything you quoted is out of context, you did not quote my explanations, and again you just insult me without producing anything of substance. Way to capitalize on my time errors too. We're going to stick with WTC7's collapse because it is painfully obvious you have no argument except, "Read the NIST report"

If I can offer my explanation for WTC 7's collapse in my own words, which the evidence supports, than you should be able to do the same if its so obvious and simple, Patriot911.

In the meantime

Here are some photos of the Molten Steel that you claim didn't exist. But you will probably make something up about the pictures that isn't true anyway.








If you'd like, have a look at some of this:

Workers Reported Molten Metal in Ground Zero Rubble
Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11
KMPH Fresno
Thermitic Pyrotechnics in the WTC Made Simple
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

And per the FEMA report

"Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intragranular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure. A liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel. This sulfur-rich liquid penetrated preferentially down grain boundaries of the steel, severely weakening the beam and making it susceptible to erosion. The eutectic temperature for this mixture strongly suggests that the temperatures in this region of the steel beam approached 1,000 °C (1,800 °F), which is substantially lower than would be expected for melting this steel.

How about a firefighters first hand account? "Molten Steel" "Flowing...Like Lava"

Molten Metal Flows at Ground Zero

There is no way you can argue with a straight face that there was no molten steel. The above video says it all despite everything else. Or were the firefighters making it up?
I want your explanation in your own words, Patriot911. I haven't said "Read professor Jone's studies" I've articulated my explanation coherently, you divert the argument with your vile insults.
Yet you constantly misquote Professor Jones' study. Why haven't you read it? You pretend you know what it states, yet you have it completely wrong.

Triton said:
Everything you quoted is out of context, you did not quote my explanations, and again you just insult me without producing anything of substance. Way to capitalize on my time errors too. We're going to stick with WTC7's collapse because it is painfully obvious you have no argument except, "Read the NIST report"
Wrong yet again you piece of shit! I can't help it you are incapable of refuting what I write so have to run to your "safe haven" of WTC 7. That is your own shortcomings, not mine. Quit whining about it like the little bitch you are.

Triton said:
If I can offer my explanation for WTC 7's collapse in my own words, which the evidence supports, than you should be able to do the same if its so obvious and simple, Patriot911.
It is neither obvious, nor simple. Which, of course, is why you're nothing but an ignorant fucktard and I am an educated individual. You see a collapse and your little peabrain goes "It HAS to be a controlled demolition! There is no other explanation!" Have you read the NIST report? Obviously not. Are you capable of understanding it? Highly doubtful.

The WTC 7 had a unique construction due to it being built over the Con Ed Substation. That put a majority of the weight of the structure on a relatively small number of main supports. One of these supports failed which caused a vertical progression up the building. This is evidenced by the collapse of the Penthouse before the collapse of the rest of the building. The collapse started to progress horizontally through the building until there wasn't enough support left to keep the building up, which caused the global collapse of the building. There it is in a nutshell. Now what are you going to do about it?

Triton said:
In the meantime

Here are some photos of the Molten Steel that you claim didn't exist. But you will probably make something up about the pictures that isn't true anyway.

Really? A beam I've already shown you was cut by a plasma cutter and clearly was cut by neither high explosives nor thermite is your evidence? You couldn't refute it then (you ran like the little bitch you are, remember?) and you can't refute it now.

Triton said:
Really? Construction workers standing around what you claim is molten steel just hanging there in mid air? :lol: Come on, ya fucking retard! Use your brain for once in your life!

Triton said:
Ah yes. The picture of the rescue workers huddled around people working below. :lol: You fucktards pretend there was molten steel down below and people were just "looking down on it". :lol: The problem with that is those people would be fried if they were truly looking down on molten steel. Do you even think about the plausibility of these pictures before posting them? It sure doesn't seem like it!

Triton said:

Wow! Supposed molten steel that holds its shape! A MIRACLE!!!! Better yet, care to explain how a claw can hold molten steel that would melt the claw and blow the hydraulics? :lol:

Triton said:
And you can tell this is molten metal, much less molten steel, HOW?

Triton said:
Ah yes. The molten metal coming from the south tower. So tell us again how you know this is molten steel instead of say.... molten aluminum from all the airplane parts that were in a fire hot enough to melt aluminum.

Triton said:
Same picture you showed before. Try to answer those questions. :lol:

Triton said:
If you'd like, have a look at some of this:

Workers Reported Molten Metal in Ground Zero Rubble
Molten metal isn't molten steel, is it.

Triton said:
Same video as above. What... you're just cutting and pasting because you have nothing else? :lol:

Triton said:
Richard Gage is not a "top architect". He is a fucktard who is making a living off of gullible people like you because he couldn't cut it as a real architect. Want me to post the writings of Leslie Robertson who was the lead structural engineer of the twin towers and how he knows it was due to fire? You DO know the difference between an architect and a structural engineer, right? And you DO understand the difference between some fucking liar and the guy who actually designed the buildings, right?

Triton said:
Look at the first fucking sentence. They claim the presence of thermitics proves explosives. You stupid fucks don't even understand the difference!!! Explosives work through a high pressure wave generated by the speed with which the explosive burns. Thermitics work through heat. They are mutually exclusive. The presence of a thermitic proves NOTHING, ESPECIALLY not the presence of explosives.

Triton said:
Active thermitic material. It's what I've been trying to explain to your ignorant ass all along! Thermitic material is any material that gives off heat! They couldn't actually identify the thermitic material, nor could they prove it was responsible for anything. It "reacted" at a temperature far too low for thermite or any other thermite derivative, and didn't produce nearly enough energy to be a thermite reaction. In other words, through a lot of processing of the dust, they got some of it to ignite. Big fucking whoop de doo.

Triton said:
And per the FEMA report

"Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intragranular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure. A liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel. This sulfur-rich liquid penetrated preferentially down grain boundaries of the steel, severely weakening the beam and making it susceptible to erosion. The eutectic temperature for this mixture strongly suggests that the temperatures in this region of the steel beam approached 1,000 °C (1,800 °F), which is substantially lower than would be expected for melting this steel.
And? So now you're claiming the buildings were brought down through an acid attack? :lol: FEMA saw some unusual corrosion on a very small sample of the steel. They couldn't explain it, but it wasn't the steel that failed. If it was the steel that failed you might have a point. But it wasn't and you don't.

Triton said:
How about a firefighters first hand account? "Molten Steel" "Flowing...Like Lava"

Molten Metal Flows at Ground Zero
So this firefighter is a metalurgist able to tell it is steel just by looking at it? WOW!

BTW, this is the THIRD time in one post you've posted the same video of the same firefighter. You reek of desperation and ignorance.

Triton said:
There is no way you can argue with a straight face that there was no molten steel. The above video says it all despite everything else. Or were the firefighters making it up?
Sure I can. I am not denying molten metal. Many metals have a lower melting point than a standard office fire. What I am denying is that you or anyone else knows for a fact it was steel.

Here is something else for you to chew on. There is no substance known to man that can heat steel to the melting point and keep it there for weeks. PERIOD. Therefore there HAS to be something wrong with your bullshit. Either it wasn't molten steel but some other red hot metal kept hot by the known subterranian fires that burned, or it was molten steel and you've broken all the laws of thermodynamics. Take your pick.

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