Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

In the meantime

Here are some photos of the Molten Steel that you claim didn't exist. But you will probably make something up about the pictures that isn't true anyway.


[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Debunked: WTC - No Pools of Molten Steel[/ame]

Gee, there goes your the 2:06 mark. It was a flashlight you lying asshole!

I know, the video you got the picture from is now faked...right. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

The two photos above are of much interest.
The first one, when the entire photo is visible, shows a hydraulic bucket grappler holding what appears to be a hunk of almost liquid metal. Who cares? Well, If a grappler had been digging around in a hot rubble pile, the cylinder would have been heated to the point of seizing up.

Hydraulic Equipment Reliability: Beyond Contamination Control

....Hydraulic fluid temperatures above 82°C (180ºF) damage most seal compounds and accelerate oil degradation. A single overtemperature event of sufficient magnitude can permanently damage all the seals in an entire hydraulic system, resulting in numerous leaks. The by-products of thermal degradation of the oil (soft particles) can cause reliability problems such as valve-spool stiction and filter clogging.....

I believe the photo to be misleading. The photo shows construction equipment removing debris that appears to be red hot. An optical camera photo shows us color, while a thermal imaging device would show us temperature.

The second photo offers us another interesting anomaly involving heat/flame/temperature.

Here we have a piece of aluminum cladding that is red/white glowing hot. Again by optical image, not thermal.


Going roughly off this chart, the flames would indicate a temperature around 1050 C and 1200 C... ~
Aluminum however, melts at 660 C. Also, why hasn't all that surrounding paper ignited?
In the meantime

Here are some photos of the Molten Steel that you claim didn't exist. But you will probably make something up about the pictures that isn't true anyway.


[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Debunked: WTC - No Pools of Molten Steel[/ame]

Gee, there goes your the 2:06 mark. It was a flashlight you lying asshole!

I know, the video you got the picture from is now faked...right. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Gee, whats the matter trite....running from your statements from earlier? Typical twoofer; when called out and proven to be a fucking liar, you turn tail and run for the hills.

This is why your movement has gone nowhere for 9 years; losers like you who swear they have evidence and then are so easily debunked, I didn't finish my coffee before I had blown your ass out of the water this morning.

All too easy.

Check Please!
Very well SFC Ollie.

We will agree to disagree and that is all.

This messageboard is whats great about America, we can completely disagree with each other and throw insults at each other without retribution because the constitution is still the law of the land

Thank you for your service as well. As a person who has many family members who have served in the various branches including combat veterans it is the boy on the ground with the rifle who is the true protector and warrior of our society regardless of the misguidings of the government.

I also thank you for your candor throughout this heated debate. Maybe we will agree on another topics on the board and maybe not.

Even you Patriot911, and Candycorn. You've insulted me and i've insulted you but I do respect your persistence in continuing to further your arguments and not backing down.

I'm sure we will be at each others proverbial throats soon enough. Even though we completely disagree about the events of 9/11 as I have told Ollie, perhaps we will find agreement on other topics on the board. I do hope so, as you both would be pretty powerful allies in another debate.
Very well SFC Ollie.

We will agree to disagree and that is all.

This messageboard is whats great about America, we can completely disagree with each other and throw insults at each other without retribution because the constitution is still the law of the land

Thank you for your service as well. As a person who has many family members who have served in the various branches including combat veterans it is the boy on the ground with the rifle who is the true protector and warrior of our society regardless of the misguidings of the government.

I also thank you for your candor throughout this heated debate. Maybe we will agree on another topics on the board and maybe not.

Even you Patriot911, and Candycorn. You've insulted me and i've insulted you but I do respect your persistence in continuing to further your arguments and not backing down.

I'm sure we will be at each others proverbial throats soon enough. Even though we completely disagree about the events of 9/11 as I have told Ollie, perhaps we will find agreement on other topics on the board. I do hope so, as you both would be pretty powerful allies in another debate.

Just let us know when you start blaming the Jews...any thoughts on why you lied about the thermite? Hmm? Didn't think so beeotch!

I own you.
I hope they get the new investigation and get everything out in the open, and if anyone is found at fualt I hope the full extent of the law comes down on them

wont happen,not as long as we have this corrupt two partysystem of the republicrats and demopublicans sleeping in bed together and without a third party president which will never happen.the american sheepie just dont want to fight for it.
I hope they get the new investigation and get everything out in the open, and if anyone is found at fualt I hope the full extent of the law comes down on them

wont happen,not as long as we have this corrupt two partysystem of the republicrats and demopublicans sleeping in bed together and without a third party president which will never happen.the american sheepie just dont want to fight for it.

This is the truth.

My only concern relating to the anomalies surrounding 9/11 fall into the category of the sciences Im involved in. So when people start utilizing faux science based on blatant lies, it can effect the outcomes of said science.

Thankfully, no real structural code changes have ever happened. Most of the changes involve fire safety code and EAP.
In the meantime

Here are some photos of the Molten Steel that you claim didn't exist. But you will probably make something up about the pictures that isn't true anyway.


[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Debunked: WTC - No Pools of Molten Steel[/ame]

Gee, there goes your the 2:06 mark. It was a flashlight you lying asshole!

I know, the video you got the picture from is now faked...right. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Why are you running from your "proof" bitch?

Im surprised no one was willing to address the eye witness accounts involving spontaneous combustion of vehicles and persons. Apparently it is easy to just ignore something that doesnt fall in line with ones preferred theory on what happened.

Oh well.

"Even if you are a minority of one the truth is still the truth."
I would like to highlight what I like to call "Candycorn Logic"

Basically, what "Candycorn Logic" entails is:

Candycorn states something doesn't exist, therefore it doesn't exist.

For example:

Suppose Candycorn and I enter into a debate about the existence of the Moon.

I make the claim that "The moon exists"


“See, that's the Moon.”

Candycorn, using “Candycorn Logic” replies with "No, the moon doesn't exist, go fuck yourself!"

Then, I respond to Candycorn by providing observable video, photographic, and physical evidence of the existence of the Moon to support my claim that the Moon does indeed exist.

Then Candycorn, continuing to use “Candycorn Logic”, states “That's not the Moon, fuckwad!”

After successfully stating that the Moon doesn't exist Candycorn is likely to reinforce his/her successful argument through the use of “Candycorn Logic” with a resounding

“I own you biatch!”

This is how using “Candycorn Logic” Candycorn can simply state that molten steel did not exist at ground zero during 9/11 and therefore didn't exist despite the presentation of easily accessed video, photographic, and physical evidence supporting the claim that there was in fact molten steel found at ground zero.


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