Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad


Anyone find anything particularly interesting about this photo?
Sorry, that doesn't suffice.

All you have said is that WTC 7 was not brought down by controlled demolition.

You have yet to offer an alternative explanation for its collapse, in your own words.

What is your problem? You ask the same question over and over when everyone knows that Candy believes that the NIST has all the major points correct.

Just as I do, with the exception that I believe they under estimated the damage done to the building on the south side.

Still waiting on you to provide audio of the controlled demolition which you want to believe in so badly. And maybe you could also show us a video of all these flashes that your eyewitnesses reported that we haven't seen on any videos so far....

You see this isn't like any regular incident, it was all caught on hundreds of audio and video devices. We have the real evidence, we do not have to rely on what people in the heat of the moment say they saw or thought they heard. We can see it all ourselves.
Sorry, that doesn't suffice.

All you have said is that WTC 7 was not brought down by controlled demolition.

You have yet to offer an alternative explanation for its collapse, in your own words.

What is your problem? You ask the same question over and over when everyone knows that Candy believes that the NIST has all the major points correct.

Just as I do, with the exception that I believe they under estimated the damage done to the building on the south side.

Still waiting on you to provide audio of the controlled demolition which you want to believe in so badly. And maybe you could also show us a video of all these flashes that your eyewitnesses reported that we haven't seen on any videos so far....

You see this isn't like any regular incident, it was all caught on hundreds of audio and video devices. We have the real evidence, we do not have to rely on what people in the heat of the moment say they saw or thought they heard. We can see it all ourselves.

Triton logic...

Here are what witnesses said about this past week's tornadoes:

An Altoona native attending law school in Tuscaloosa, Ala., had a close call late Wednesday afternoon as a massive tornado flattened part of the city.

"I was shocked. It was almost as if we had just been bombed," Curt A. Polito said Thursday from Montgomery, Ala.

Obviously, since an ear witness said so; there must have been bombs in the tornado.

Polito, 28, who is scheduled to graduate May 7 from the University of Alabama School of Law, was attending a Chinese class about 4:15 p.m. when the emergency sirens started wailing.

About a half hour later, the tornado started its path of destruction through the city.

"It sounded like a really loud freight train, and then we heard very loud booms," he said.

Same witness; so there must have been not only bombs but trains too.


Idiots like him won't account for people relating uncommon sounds and experiences to less uncommon sounds and experiences; it is the most basic form of communication; known to man.

I wonder if when he reads the paper and someone says "it's as hot as an oven", he thinks the temperature is 300 degrees. His brand of cognitive dissonance to the all-too-clear truth of that day is particularly sad in this context.

As for what I think happened, I published it yesterday; he can read it or he can keep snipping at my heels like a little poodle.
Sorry, that doesn't suffice.

All you have said is that WTC 7 was not brought down by controlled demolition.

You have yet to offer an alternative explanation for its collapse, in your own words.

What is your problem? You ask the same question over and over when everyone knows that Candy believes that the NIST has all the major points correct.

Just as I do, with the exception that I believe they under estimated the damage done to the building on the south side.

Still waiting on you to provide audio of the controlled demolition which you want to believe in so badly. And maybe you could also show us a video of all these flashes that your eyewitnesses reported that we haven't seen on any videos so far....

You see this isn't like any regular incident, it was all caught on hundreds of audio and video devices. We have the real evidence, we do not have to rely on what people in the heat of the moment say they saw or thought they heard. We can see it all ourselves.

Triton logic...

Here are what witnesses said about this past week's tornadoes:

An Altoona native attending law school in Tuscaloosa, Ala., had a close call late Wednesday afternoon as a massive tornado flattened part of the city.

"I was shocked. It was almost as if we had just been bombed," Curt A. Polito said Thursday from Montgomery, Ala.

Obviously, since an ear witness said so; there must have been bombs in the tornado.

Polito, 28, who is scheduled to graduate May 7 from the University of Alabama School of Law, was attending a Chinese class about 4:15 p.m. when the emergency sirens started wailing.

About a half hour later, the tornado started its path of destruction through the city.

"It sounded like a really loud freight train, and then we heard very loud booms," he said.

Same witness; so there must have been not only bombs but trains too.


Idiots like him won't account for people relating uncommon sounds and experiences to less uncommon sounds and experiences; it is the most basic form of communication; known to man.

I wonder if when he reads the paper and someone says "it's as hot as an oven", he thinks the temperature is 300 degrees. His brand of cognitive dissonance to the all-too-clear truth of that day is particularly sad in this context.

As for what I think happened, I published it yesterday; he can read it or he can keep snipping at my heels like a little poodle.

Ask 5 guys what happened during a fire fight that they had been involved in an hour ago and you will get 5 different stories.
We all look at things from our own perspective.
Something Blowing up is not always caused by an explosive device.
Secondary explosions do not sound like a controlled demolition, but some people just cannot understand these simple things.
Norman Mineta's testimony supports that notion.

Bullfuckingshit, you lying fuck! I am willing to bet you haven't even READ Norman Mineta's testimony just like you got everything else wrong. Norman Mineta's entire testimony was based on WHEN THE SHOOTDOWN ORDER WAS GIVEN. Oh sure, if you only look at conspiratard sites and swallow whole what they want gullible sheep like you to believe, one could construe he might have been talking about a stand down order..... if one is completely retarded and has absolutely no brains. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think someone could talk about a stand down order and NOBODY CATCHES IT?!?! :lol:

But hey. Don't take my word for it. Choke on the truth. Taken directly from Mineta's testimony, but including clarification you stupid fucks always omit in order to try and pass off your bullshit as the truth.

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order
given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice
president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" Well, at the time I didn't know what all that meant.

Full Mineta testimony

So what do you have to say for yourself now? Just another mistake in an ever growing list of mistakes? With this many mistakes, isn't it about time for you to take a serious look at the bullshit you're spewing IF you actually believe it to be true?
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SFC Ollie, I have presented you with Video, photographic, and the results of the analysis of physical evidence.

None of you have been able to articulate a semblance of an explanation for its collapse.

You merely state that it was not brought down by controlled demolition.
Norman Mineta's testimony supports that notion.

Bullfuckingshit, you lying fuck! I am willing to bet you haven't even READ Norman Mineta's testimony just like you got everything else wrong. Norman Mineta's entire testimony was based on WHEN THE SHOOTDOWN ORDER WAS GIVEN. Oh sure, if you only look at conspiratard sites and swallow whole what they want gullible sheep like you to believe, one could construe he might have been talking about a stand down order..... if one is completely retarded and has absolutely no brains. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think someone could talk about a stand down order and NOBODY CATCHES IT?!?! :lol:

But hey. Don't take my word for it. Choke on the truth. Taken directly from Mineta's testimony, but including clarification you stupid fucks always omit in order to try and pass off your bullshit as the truth.

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order
given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice
president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" Well, at the time I didn't know what all that meant.

Full Mineta testimony

So what do you have to say for yourself now? Just another mistake in an ever growing list of mistakes? With this many mistakes, isn't it about time for you to take a serious look at the bullshit you're spewing IF you actually believe it to be true?

What exactly, is your point?

Anyone find anything particularly interesting about this photo?

OK, I'm just going to talk to myself since I have time to burn. :lol:

In the center of the above photo there is a steel i-beam that appears to have suffered from super extreme levels of heat and force. Never in all of my years have a seen a beam shrivel, twist and pinch crimp in this fashion.

I can only imagine the level of energy required to make that happen. If someone can find a comparable example, I would love to see it.
Sorry, TASB, this is what happens when one chooses to engage in futile discussion with those who employ "Candycorn Logic"

Quite incredible, then again alot of energy is required to cause a total free fall symmetrical collapse of a steel framed building.

However, the usual suspects will employ "Candycorn Logic" and say fire caused it, and therefore, because they said it, it is true.

I would go out on a limb and say that a comparable photograph could be found at a controlled demolition site, but this is speculation as I have not checked yet.

I just love how there's all the examples of other steel framed buildings burning for several hours and not collapsing, even with greater structural damage and larger fires. But on 9/11 Physics did not apply.
Patriot911, you probably should not harp on my errors, when you made the exact same error regarding the timelapse of Flight 77 veering off course.

When are YOU going to admit to your errors?

I posted the correct times twice. You ignored them. So I posted the incorrect time to see if you would be dishonest enough to use my times when they agreed with your bullshit. I admitted to this before anyone ever pointed it out. :lol: You lose. Again. Your list of lies and "errors" just keeps growing to the point where your credibility is right where it should be. In the toilet with the rest of your shit.
Norman Mineta's testimony supports that notion.

Bullfuckingshit, you lying fuck! I am willing to bet you haven't even READ Norman Mineta's testimony just like you got everything else wrong. Norman Mineta's entire testimony was based on WHEN THE SHOOTDOWN ORDER WAS GIVEN. Oh sure, if you only look at conspiratard sites and swallow whole what they want gullible sheep like you to believe, one could construe he might have been talking about a stand down order..... if one is completely retarded and has absolutely no brains. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think someone could talk about a stand down order and NOBODY CATCHES IT?!?! :lol:

But hey. Don't take my word for it. Choke on the truth. Taken directly from Mineta's testimony, but including clarification you stupid fucks always omit in order to try and pass off your bullshit as the truth.

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order
given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice
president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" Well, at the time I didn't know what all that meant.

Full Mineta testimony

So what do you have to say for yourself now? Just another mistake in an ever growing list of mistakes? With this many mistakes, isn't it about time for you to take a serious look at the bullshit you're spewing IF you actually believe it to be true?

What exactly, is your point?

My point is you're completely full of shit when you claim Mineta's testimony was about the stand down order when, in fact, Mineta was clearly talking about the shoot down order. Or would you care to point out where he is supposedly talking about a stand down order? Remember, we're not just going to read your cherry picked quotes like the truthtard sites post. When it is in context, your bullshit gets exposed for everyone to see just what a dishonest little bitch you are.
SFC Ollie, I have presented you with Video, photographic, and the results of the analysis of physical evidence.

None of you have been able to articulate a semblance of an explanation for its collapse.

You merely state that it was not brought down by controlled demolition.

Why do you continue to lie your ass off like that? I have restated twice what caused the collapse of WTC 7. The fact you are too dishonest to admit this only shows your true, dishonest character.
You posted an incorrect time after I posted an incorrect time.

I took your word for it without verifying assuming you were telling the truth, Which you weren't.

Then, when you finally posted the correct time I admitted to my mistake of agreeing with the incorrect time which you, yourself, posted.

Now you admit you intentionally lied and employ falsehoods to further your "argument".

Still waiting for your explanation of the collapse of WTC7
You posted an incorrect time after I posted an incorrect time.

I took your word for it without verifying assuming you were telling the truth, Which you weren't.

Then, when you finally posted the correct time I admitted to my mistake of agreeing with the incorrect time which you, yourself, posted.

Now you admit you intentionally lied and employ falsehoods to further your "argument".
I stated why I did it. To prove you don't know shit and never did.

Triton said:
Still waiting for your explanation of the collapse of WTC7

I've already posted it. Twice. You refuse to read it, so you lie about it to try and cover how fucking stupid you are. Your loss, not mine. Do I need to post the links and expose your lies yet AGAIN? I can see missing it once. No way you could have missed it twice.
Is it that difficult to copy/paste your own explanation?

That is much easier than having me dig through over 20 pages of your posts to find it.

You are so off base with your points about Mineta's testimony its ridiculous

That shoot down order wasn't very successful was it
Sorry, TASB, this is what happens when one chooses to engage in futile discussion with those who employ "Candycorn Logic"

Quite incredible, then again alot of energy is required to cause a total free fall symmetrical collapse of a steel framed building.

However, the usual suspects will employ "Candycorn Logic" and say fire caused it, and therefore, because they said it, it is true.

I would go out on a limb and say that a comparable photograph could be found at a controlled demolition site, but this is speculation as I have not checked yet.

I just love how there's all the examples of other steel framed buildings burning for several hours and not collapsing, even with greater structural damage and larger fires. But on 9/11 Physics did not apply.

I've searched and searched. I haven't found a single example that can come close to the shrivel, twist, pinch crimp of that I-beam anywhere except at the WTC site on 9/11.
I have that photo hanging in my office framed. My colleagues come in, look at it, look at me and ask where it's from. When I tell them their reaction is quite astounding.
Is it that difficult to copy/paste your own explanation?

That is much easier than having me dig through over 20 pages of your posts to find it.

You are so off base with your points about Mineta's testimony its ridiculous

That shoot down order wasn't very successful was it

Why should I do anything for a lying fuck like you? I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. I think you fail to realize the true level of contempt I have for you shitbags. Everyone else, I am sure, has found the explanations I gave IN RESPONSE TO YOUR REQUEST. Now you keep repeating the same bullshit in a pathetic attempt to try and show nobody can? :lol: Keep it up!

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