Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

Anyone who insist that thermitic cutting charges are not reliable or insist that the possibility of them being used is remote, doesn't know about it or is lying.
Thermite self-consuming cutter charge casings have been around since first patented back in 1984.

:lol: Wrong again! You got suckered into blindly believing everything AE911 tells you. They CLAIMED there was a patent for a self contained thermite cutter charge, yet never actually produced the patent. You ignorantly pretend they are right without ever actually verifying the truth.

In fact, when AE-911 was pressed to clarify their patent claim, it turns out their "patent" was for a thermite charge that would ignite other, larger charges. :lol: Once again you've been caught with your pants down around your ankles looking like a complete buffoon!

Ignorant liars at AE-911 said:
We incorrectly identified the thermite device illustrated in this article as a "cutter charge.” But, the device as described in the patent is only an igniter heat source only used to ignite larger charges. It does not in and of itself have the capability of cutting structural steel.


So once again the jackass (that would be you, Mr. Jones) going around calling other people liars turns out to be lying once again. :lol: Oh the irony!!
I don't even engage in the debate of WTC 7 collapse anymore.

Presenting the obvious truth to some people that the building was brought down by controlled demolition when they believe otherwise is akin to convincing someone the sky is blue when they believe otherwise.

No amount of evidence nor reason can be used with them
Yeah they ignore the obvious that something other then hydrocarbon fires had to be present to produce the molten metal under all 3 buildings. They insist that the fires were hot and intense enough to weaken all the major support columns at the same time to produce a 2.25 sec. free fall collapse but ignore the the molten metal. They also ignore the outward explosive ejections of material, and the fact that the buildings fell down in such a uniform manner, that contradicts the sporadic damage.

Independent scientist using advanced techniques led to the discovery of nano thermite particles in the WTC dust, they also found iron, sulfur, manganese which is characteristic of a variation of thermite which is used to cut through steel which is called thermate.
Thermite incendiary cutter charges do in fact exist, and are what is speculated to have caused the extreme heat that produced the molten metal that lasted for 3 months under the rubble, despite the attempts to extinguish it, even using a chemical known as Pyrocool.

There is solid physical evidence that points to thermitic reactions at the WTC. The video evidence of a thermitic action dripping from the S tower, and the underground fires, as well as the iron spheres that scientists have found, as well as the evidence of it in the dust.

[ame=]YouTube - Debunking 9/11 Debunking: Controlled Demolition IS Possible[/ame]
Anyone who insist that thermitic cutting charges are not reliable or insist that the possibility of them being used is remote, doesn't know about it or is lying.
Thermite self-consuming cutter charge casings have been around since first patented back in 1984.

The so called thermitic reaction has been shown to be from a UPS. If you don't know what that is please look it up.

And underground fires? Really? How long does thermite burn?
The so called thermitic reaction has been shown to be from a UPS. If you don't know what that is please look it up.

And underground fires? Really? How long does thermite burn?

I've yet to find a truthtard who can explain how thermite is suppose to contain enough energy to keep steel molten for weeks at a time when it burns itself out in seconds.

I've yet to find a truthtard who can explain how there was so much molten iron from cutting the core that it was able to flow like a river all the way from the core to the outer edge and drip out.
I don't even engage in the debate of WTC 7 collapse anymore.

Presenting the obvious truth to some people that the building was brought down by controlled demolition when they believe otherwise is akin to convincing someone the sky is blue when they believe otherwise.

No amount of evidence nor reason can be used with them
Yeah they ignore the obvious that something other then hydrocarbon fires had to be present to produce the molten metal under all 3 buildings. They insist that the fires were hot and intense enough to weaken all the major support columns at the same time to produce a 2.25 sec. free fall collapse but ignore the the molten metal. They also ignore the outward explosive ejections of material, and the fact that the buildings fell down in such a uniform manner, that contradicts the sporadic damage.

Independent scientist using advanced techniques led to the discovery of nano thermite particles in the WTC dust, they also found iron, sulfur, manganese which is characteristic of a variation of thermite which is used to cut through steel which is called thermate.
Thermite incendiary cutter charges do in fact exist, and are what is speculated to have caused the extreme heat that produced the molten metal that lasted for 3 months under the rubble, despite the attempts to extinguish it, even using a chemical known as Pyrocool.

There is solid physical evidence that points to thermitic reactions at the WTC. The video evidence of a thermitic action dripping from the S tower, and the underground fires, as well as the iron spheres that scientists have found, as well as the evidence of it in the dust.

[ame=]YouTube - Debunking 9/11 Debunking: Controlled Demolition IS Possible[/ame]
Anyone who insist that thermitic cutting charges are not reliable or insist that the possibility of them being used is remote, doesn't know about it or is lying.
Thermite self-consuming cutter charge casings have been around since first patented back in 1984.

The so called thermitic reaction has been shown to be from a UPS. If you don't know what that is please look it up.

And underground fires? Really? How long does thermite burn?
UPS HUH? Interesting how the planes managed to hit the UPS/computer room floors of both towers.

No it hasn't been shown to be from UPS, it is just another guess, and a counter to the thermite theory. However the theory for thermite/mate is more of a solid theory as there is more scientific evidence to back it up.
UPS/Batteries creating the flow? No mention of this being made by NIST or anybody immediately after this was seen. NIST didn't even mention what was on the 81st floor until the final report I believe.

The floors where they were installed were reinforced, lots of work being done there the summer before 9-11, lots of wiring too.
Strange how the planes hit the floors these systems were in, possibly guided.
What was seen pouring out was yellow and almost white molten metal that only a very hot source could produce.
The facts are that in all of the buildings rubble, there was molten metal that some described as blast furnaces they were so intense that lasted for 99 days, and the fires from the jet fuel could not have caused this, and when you realize that Thermite/mate contains its own supply of oxygen, and does not require any external source such as air. It makes for a solid theory.
Consequently, it cannot be smothered and may ignite in any environment, given sufficient initial heat. It will burn just as well while underwater, for example, and cannot even be extinguished with water, as water sprayed on a thermite reaction will instantly be boiled into steam.
Thermit: Definition from
This could explain why the 'fires" burned (thermite reaction) for so long, and one could surmise, there had to be a shit load of it.
You have been presented solid evidence of the rubble fires, don't go pretending it doesn't exist, you will look foolish again.

Next to the discovery of Nano-thermite in the WTC dust, the question of whether such thermite-based devices were used is a side issue -- merely one possible technology that could account for the dozens of observations of molten iron or steel in the debris pile.

In the debate about what brought down the World Trade Center, providing the grand "problem-reaction" for which the War on Terror is the alleged "solution," our position is solid on every important point. This is underscored by our critics' noisy attention to small errors such as this. The promoters of, and believers in, the official government conspiracy have always ignored or misrepresented the gross features of the three WTC towers' destruction. Those features -- the speed, symmetry, thoroughness, completeness -- have always pointed unequivocally to surreptitious demolition with explosives as the cause of that destruction. The details of how the demolitions were accomplished are largely irrelevant at this point in time, except that al Qaeda clearly lacked the access to accomplish any variant of them.

Correction and Clarification: Article: Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee

A 9/11 Challenge/Experiment
UPS HUH? Interesting how the planes managed to hit the UPS/computer room floors of both towers.
Really? Now you're going to try and pretend you saw thermite from BOTH towers!?! What a fucking liar!

Mr. Jones said:
No it hasn't been shown to be from UPS, it is just another guess, and a counter to the thermite theory. However the theory for thermite/mate is more of a solid theory as there is more scientific evidence to back it up.
Wrong again, fuckface! Your claim that thermite is a "more solid theory" is just wishful thinking on your part.

Mr. Jones said:
UPS/Batteries creating the flow? No mention of this being made by NIST or anybody immediately after this was seen. NIST didn't even mention what was on the 81st floor until the final report I believe.
So, unlike fucking liar truthtards like you, the NIST didn't state a guess as fact. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
The floors where they were installed were reinforced, lots of work being done there the summer before 9-11, lots of wiring too.
Strange how the planes hit the floors these systems were in, possibly guided.
What was seen pouring out was yellow and almost white molten metal that only a very hot source could produce.
More bullshit guessing from the king of liars. Care to back up your bullshit? Oh wait. I forgot. You're a bullshit artist. A bullshit artist doesn't back anything up!

Mr. Jones said:
The facts are that in all of the buildings rubble, there was molten metal that some described as blast furnaces they were so intense that lasted for 99 days, and the fires from the jet fuel could not have caused this, and when you realize that Thermite/mate contains its own supply of oxygen, and does not require any external source such as air. It makes for a solid theory.
BULLFUCKINGSHIT!!!! Thermite burns out in SECONDS you fucking moron! Even if you had a MOUNTAIN of thermite it wouldn't last a day, much less 99! This is a fact you refuse to address!

Mr. Jones said:
Consequently, it cannot be smothered and may ignite in any environment, given sufficient initial heat. It will burn just as well while underwater, for example, and cannot even be extinguished with water, as water sprayed on a thermite reaction will instantly be boiled into steam.
Thermit: Definition from
This could explain why the 'fires" burned (thermite reaction) for so long, and one could surmise, there had to be a shit load of it.
The entire tower being made out of thermite wouldn't last 99 days.

Mr. Jones said:
You have been presented solid evidence of the rubble fires, don't go pretending it doesn't exist, you will look foolish again.
Nobody has denied the fires. We're all denying your bullshit that it had to be from thermite.

Mr. Jones said:
Next to the discovery of Nano-thermite in the WTC dust, the question of whether such thermite-based devices were used is a side issue -- merely one possible technology that could account for the dozens of observations of molten iron or steel in the debris pile.

So even your own source doesn't claim as fact what you do. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
In the debate about what brought down the World Trade Center, providing the grand "problem-reaction" for which the War on Terror is the alleged "solution," our position is solid on every important point. This is underscored by our critics' noisy attention to small errors such as this. The promoters of, and believers in, the official government conspiracy have always ignored or misrepresented the gross features of the three WTC towers' destruction. Those features -- the speed, symmetry, thoroughness, completeness -- have always pointed unequivocally to surreptitious demolition with explosives as the cause of that destruction. The details of how the demolitions were accomplished are largely irrelevant at this point in time, except that al Qaeda clearly lacked the access to accomplish any variant of them.
Mr. Jones said:
How utterly ironic that you post the exact same thread I did, yet supposedly I am on ignore. :lol: I TOLD everyone that these fucktards don't really have me on ignore! :lol: Funny how a fucking liar like Jones doesn't admit he got it wrong about the 1984 patent even when he posts the evidence he blatantly lied about it.
Yeah they ignore the obvious that something other then hydrocarbon fires had to be present to produce the molten metal under all 3 buildings. They insist that the fires were hot and intense enough to weaken all the major support columns at the same time to produce a 2.25 sec. free fall collapse but ignore the the molten metal. They also ignore the outward explosive ejections of material, and the fact that the buildings fell down in such a uniform manner, that contradicts the sporadic damage.

Independent scientist using advanced techniques led to the discovery of nano thermite particles in the WTC dust, they also found iron, sulfur, manganese which is characteristic of a variation of thermite which is used to cut through steel which is called thermate.
Thermite incendiary cutter charges do in fact exist, and are what is speculated to have caused the extreme heat that produced the molten metal that lasted for 3 months under the rubble, despite the attempts to extinguish it, even using a chemical known as Pyrocool.

There is solid physical evidence that points to thermitic reactions at the WTC. The video evidence of a thermitic action dripping from the S tower, and the underground fires, as well as the iron spheres that scientists have found, as well as the evidence of it in the dust.

YouTube - Debunking 9/11 Debunking: Controlled Demolition IS Possible
Anyone who insist that thermitic cutting charges are not reliable or insist that the possibility of them being used is remote, doesn't know about it or is lying.
Thermite self-consuming cutter charge casings have been around since first patented back in 1984.

The so called thermitic reaction has been shown to be from a UPS. If you don't know what that is please look it up.

And underground fires? Really? How long does thermite burn?
UPS HUH? Interesting how the planes managed to hit the UPS/computer room floors of both towers.

No it hasn't been shown to be from UPS, it is just another guess, and a counter to the thermite theory. However the theory for thermite/mate is more of a solid theory as there is more scientific evidence to back it up.
UPS/Batteries creating the flow? No mention of this being made by NIST or anybody immediately after this was seen. NIST didn't even mention what was on the 81st floor until the final report I believe.

The floors where they were installed were reinforced, lots of work being done there the summer before 9-11, lots of wiring too.
Strange how the planes hit the floors these systems were in, possibly guided.
What was seen pouring out was yellow and almost white molten metal that only a very hot source could produce.
The facts are that in all of the buildings rubble, there was molten metal that some described as blast furnaces they were so intense that lasted for 99 days, and the fires from the jet fuel could not have caused this, and when you realize that Thermite/mate contains its own supply of oxygen, and does not require any external source such as air. It makes for a solid theory.
Consequently, it cannot be smothered and may ignite in any environment, given sufficient initial heat. It will burn just as well while underwater, for example, and cannot even be extinguished with water, as water sprayed on a thermite reaction will instantly be boiled into steam.
Thermit: Definition from
This could explain why the 'fires" burned (thermite reaction) for so long, and one could surmise, there had to be a shit load of it.
You have been presented solid evidence of the rubble fires, don't go pretending it doesn't exist, you will look foolish again.

Next to the discovery of Nano-thermite in the WTC dust, the question of whether such thermite-based devices were used is a side issue -- merely one possible technology that could account for the dozens of observations of molten iron or steel in the debris pile.

In the debate about what brought down the World Trade Center, providing the grand "problem-reaction" for which the War on Terror is the alleged "solution," our position is solid on every important point. This is underscored by our critics' noisy attention to small errors such as this. The promoters of, and believers in, the official government conspiracy have always ignored or misrepresented the gross features of the three WTC towers' destruction. Those features -- the speed, symmetry, thoroughness, completeness -- have always pointed unequivocally to surreptitious demolition with explosives as the cause of that destruction. The details of how the demolitions were accomplished are largely irrelevant at this point in time, except that al Qaeda clearly lacked the access to accomplish any variant of them.

Correction and Clarification: Article: Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee

A 9/11 Challenge/Experiment

OK I think you've drank enough of the Kool-aide.....
Yeah they ignore the obvious that something other then hydrocarbon fires had to be present to produce the molten metal under all 3 buildings. They insist that the fires were hot and intense enough to weaken all the major support columns at the same time to produce a 2.25 sec. free fall collapse but ignore the the molten metal. They also ignore the outward explosive ejections of material, and the fact that the buildings fell down in such a uniform manner, that contradicts the sporadic damage.

Independent scientist using advanced techniques led to the discovery of nano thermite particles in the WTC dust, they also found iron, sulfur, manganese which is characteristic of a variation of thermite which is used to cut through steel which is called thermate.
Thermite incendiary cutter charges do in fact exist, and are what is speculated to have caused the extreme heat that produced the molten metal that lasted for 3 months under the rubble, despite the attempts to extinguish it, even using a chemical known as Pyrocool.

There is solid physical evidence that points to thermitic reactions at the WTC. The video evidence of a thermitic action dripping from the S tower, and the underground fires, as well as the iron spheres that scientists have found, as well as the evidence of it in the dust.

YouTube - Debunking 9/11 Debunking: Controlled Demolition IS Possible
Anyone who insist that thermitic cutting charges are not reliable or insist that the possibility of them being used is remote, doesn't know about it or is lying.
Thermite self-consuming cutter charge casings have been around since first patented back in 1984.

The so called thermitic reaction has been shown to be from a UPS. If you don't know what that is please look it up.

And underground fires? Really? How long does thermite burn?
UPS HUH? Interesting how the planes managed to hit the UPS/computer room floors of both towers.

No it hasn't been shown to be from UPS, it is just another guess, and a counter to the thermite theory. However the theory for thermite/mate is more of a solid theory as there is more scientific evidence to back it up.
UPS/Batteries creating the flow? No mention of this being made by NIST or anybody immediately after this was seen. NIST didn't even mention what was on the 81st floor until the final report I believe.

The floors where they were installed were reinforced, lots of work being done there the summer before 9-11, lots of wiring too.
Strange how the planes hit the floors these systems were in, possibly guided.
What was seen pouring out was yellow and almost white molten metal that only a very hot source could produce.
The facts are that in all of the buildings rubble, there was molten metal that some described as blast furnaces they were so intense that lasted for 99 days, and the fires from the jet fuel could not have caused this, and when you realize that Thermite/mate contains its own supply of oxygen, and does not require any external source such as air. It makes for a solid theory.
Consequently, it cannot be smothered and may ignite in any environment, given sufficient initial heat. It will burn just as well while underwater, for example, and cannot even be extinguished with water, as water sprayed on a thermite reaction will instantly be boiled into steam.
Thermit: Definition from
This could explain why the 'fires" burned (thermite reaction) for so long, and one could surmise, there had to be a shit load of it.You have been presented solid evidence of the rubble fires, don't go pretending it doesn't exist, you will look foolish again.

Next to the discovery of Nano-thermite in the WTC dust, the question of whether such thermite-based devices were used is a side issue -- merely one possible technology that could account for the dozens of observations of molten iron or steel in the debris pile.

In the debate about what brought down the World Trade Center, providing the grand "problem-reaction" for which the War on Terror is the alleged "solution," our position is solid on every important point. This is underscored by our critics' noisy attention to small errors such as this. The promoters of, and believers in, the official government conspiracy have always ignored or misrepresented the gross features of the three WTC towers' destruction. Those features -- the speed, symmetry, thoroughness, completeness -- have always pointed unequivocally to surreptitious demolition with explosives as the cause of that destruction. The details of how the demolitions were accomplished are largely irrelevant at this point in time, except that al Qaeda clearly lacked the access to accomplish any variant of them.

Correction and Clarification: Article: Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee

A 9/11 Challenge/Experiment

This is one of the things that makes me look beyond thermite/thermate as a culprit.
In my research folder at home, I have doen the calculations on the amount of explosive material needed in order to bring the towers down symetrically. The number is in the tons (I'll check what I came out with when time permits). With so many potential errors involved in the use of explosives, I can't get my head around how those two buildings could have been wired. Cell phone signal interference, among other needed control to make that possible just isnt there. It could very well have been a version of nantechnology that we aren't currently aware of, so I wont completely rule it out.
What thermite does NOT have the ability to do is create the level of pulverization seen in the destruction.

Another profound item to consider is the bathtub. Which kept the Hudson from flooding the PATH and other underground infrastructure. 1 million tons of building material crashing down onto the tub and it remained almost completely intact?? :eusa_eh:
Given all of the other anomalies I'd say, sure. fine.
Looking more deeply into it, the fact is most of the material was turned to dust and blew away rather than crashing down.

I've yet to see any technology that can accomplish this fantastic level of energy. Just a thought.

It also does not make clear how the parking lot, which is quite a ways away from the site, managed to catch so many cars on fire and turn them into warped hunks of metal. There are plenty of first responder and fire fighter testimony of spontaneous combustion of vehicles at the ground level. From Manhattan bridge, to FDR, to the parking lot. Some testimony even claimed people were being spontaneously ignited. What could cause this?
The so called thermitic reaction has been shown to be from a UPS. If you don't know what that is please look it up.

And underground fires? Really? How long does thermite burn?
UPS HUH? Interesting how the planes managed to hit the UPS/computer room floors of both towers.

No it hasn't been shown to be from UPS, it is just another guess, and a counter to the thermite theory. However the theory for thermite/mate is more of a solid theory as there is more scientific evidence to back it up.
UPS/Batteries creating the flow? No mention of this being made by NIST or anybody immediately after this was seen. NIST didn't even mention what was on the 81st floor until the final report I believe.

The floors where they were installed were reinforced, lots of work being done there the summer before 9-11, lots of wiring too.
Strange how the planes hit the floors these systems were in, possibly guided.
What was seen pouring out was yellow and almost white molten metal that only a very hot source could produce.
The facts are that in all of the buildings rubble, there was molten metal that some described as blast furnaces they were so intense that lasted for 99 days, and the fires from the jet fuel could not have caused this, and when you realize that Thermite/mate contains its own supply of oxygen, and does not require any external source such as air. It makes for a solid theory.
Consequently, it cannot be smothered and may ignite in any environment, given sufficient initial heat. It will burn just as well while underwater, for example, and cannot even be extinguished with water, as water sprayed on a thermite reaction will instantly be boiled into steam.
Thermit: Definition from
This could explain why the 'fires" burned (thermite reaction) for so long, and one could surmise, there had to be a shit load of it.You have been presented solid evidence of the rubble fires, don't go pretending it doesn't exist, you will look foolish again.

Next to the discovery of Nano-thermite in the WTC dust, the question of whether such thermite-based devices were used is a side issue -- merely one possible technology that could account for the dozens of observations of molten iron or steel in the debris pile.

In the debate about what brought down the World Trade Center, providing the grand "problem-reaction" for which the War on Terror is the alleged "solution," our position is solid on every important point. This is underscored by our critics' noisy attention to small errors such as this. The promoters of, and believers in, the official government conspiracy have always ignored or misrepresented the gross features of the three WTC towers' destruction. Those features -- the speed, symmetry, thoroughness, completeness -- have always pointed unequivocally to surreptitious demolition with explosives as the cause of that destruction. The details of how the demolitions were accomplished are largely irrelevant at this point in time, except that al Qaeda clearly lacked the access to accomplish any variant of them.

Correction and Clarification: Article: Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee

A 9/11 Challenge/Experiment

This is one of the things that makes me look beyond thermite/thermate as a culprit.
In my research folder at home, I have doen the calculations on the amount of explosive material needed in order to bring the towers down symetrically. The number is in the tons (I'll check what I came out with when time permits). With so many potential errors involved in the use of explosives, I can't get my head around how those two buildings could have been wired. Cell phone signal interference, among other needed control to make that possible just isnt there. It could very well have been a version of nantechnology that we aren't currently aware of, so I wont completely rule it out.
What thermite does NOT have the ability to do is create the level of pulverization seen in the destruction.
Yes very good points indeed, however one has to take into consideration what the scientists like Jones and others found and collaborated , and put out for review. The # 1 fact in all of this is that these massive structures came down in a most peculiar fashion, also the stonewalling and cover ups immediately after including the hauling away of the evidence. One would think that they would have wanted to know every little thing they could from the pile, to learn of any new techniques, or means the "enemy" had used.

Another profound item to consider is the bathtub. Which kept the Hudson from flooding the PATH and other underground infrastructure. 1 million tons of building material crashing down onto the tub and it remained almost completely intact?? :eusa_eh:
Given all of the other anomalies I'd say, sure. fine.
Looking more deeply into it, the fact is most of the material was turned to dust and blew away rather than crashing down.
I ran into an article the other day that was interesting to me about the WTC buildings and what they had in common with the Statue of Liberty, check it out when you have time, it's a way of trying to explain this pulverization that was witnessed.

An architects' two cents worth:
What do the Statue of Liberty and WTC Towers have in common? |

I've yet to see any technology that can accomplish this fantastic level of energy. Just a thought.
Obtaining knowledge comes from "just a thought", and is better then excepting ridiculous non provable theories like those in the OCTASSes arsenal.

It also does not make clear how the parking lot, which is quite a ways away from the site, managed to catch so many cars on fire and turn them into warped hunks of metal. There are plenty of first responder and fire fighter testimony of spontaneous combustion of vehicles at the ground level. From Manhattan bridge, to FDR, to the parking lot. Some testimony even claimed people were being spontaneously ignited. What could cause this?
Link us to any articles you have about this, though I do remember seeing and reading about the cars and other vehicles catching fire and only parts of many of them burning..strange indeed. Perhaps there was more then one method of destruction used, which is why the need for a real evaluation of events has to take place.
It also does not make clear how the parking lot, which is quite a ways away from the site, managed to catch so many cars on fire and turn them into warped hunks of metal. There are plenty of first responder and fire fighter testimony of spontaneous combustion of vehicles at the ground level. From Manhattan bridge, to FDR, to the parking lot. Some testimony even claimed people were being spontaneously ignited. What could cause this?
Link us to any articles you have about this, though I do remember seeing and reading about the cars and other vehicles catching fire and only parts of many of them burning..strange indeed. Perhaps there was more then one method of destruction used, which is why the need for a real evaluation of events has to take place.

Oral testimony of EMT Alan Cooke:

....We got to the beginning of the FDR Drive, by the ferry, and i guess because of the way the streets channeled everything, one of the fire balls or whatever, had to have made it as far as south street seaport, because what happened at the time, it seemed like an explosion was coming from there...........
........Now we had everybody running [to] us from the seaport and running to us from the west side, so we couldnt go either way. That's when all the ash and everything started coming. We had a couple of people stop us because they were complaining of chest pains......
....Nobody could breathe and everybody was trying to climb up on to the wall of the FDR Drive.....

Testimony from Firefighter Todd Heaney:
....When I got to the front of the building, it tossed rigs down the street like it was--like they were toys. They were upside down on fire.

Firefighter Patrick Connolly:
The only thing I knew, that I wanted to do was
I wanted to go back out the door that we came in and
make a left turn and walk straight up West Broadway
out to safety. They were a little bit more
controlled. They decided to stay put about five
minutes. And think things through and they were
gonna go down. There were some interior stairs and
they were gonna go down to probably more like a bomb

shelter area an d I think when Joe looked, it looked
like it was destroyed. So we decided that we would
tie the search rope off to the doorway and the three
of us hand in hand decided that we would walk out.
And as we came out we started to walk north and
slowly but surely and up and over and under steel
and cars were -- cars with tires and cars were
popping and they were just starting to light up
and there was near zero visibility at
this stage.

I'll PM you a list of the testimonies that are particularly noteworthy....the list goes on and on and on......
Last edited:
Testimony from Lieutenant Rene Davila

....But we were there. Vehicle 219 was
Q. Was it on fire?
A. What?
Q. Was it on fire?
A. Fire? We saw the sucker blow up. We
heard "Boom!" We were walking up Fulton Street.
I don't know how far we made it up when someone
says, "The building's coming down." By the time
I realized, it's a repeat. .....
Emergency Medical Technician, Renae O'Carroll"

....... We went down Atlantic Avenue going
towards the Manhattan Bridge, and the heat was so
intense, so intense, you could actually feel it
while you were up on the bridge. I mean that
intense you could feel the heat. Cars were
coming this way, and we were driving that way.
They assigned us to go to Church and
Vesey. We were going towards that area. The
cars are coming this way. People are screaming
and running, and we're going the opposite
direction into the mess, into the belly of the
beast of this thing. I still can't believe I had
the nerve to do that to this day.......

There is quite a distance between the Manhattan bridge and WTC.....

Q. The building actually came down at that
A. The building wasn't down yet. I was
getting ready to pull out, and the transportation
officer waved me over. He wanted to tell me what
hospital to go to.......

It was just basically dark. I had
never been through anything -- I thought I was
dying. The only thing I could see was balls of
fire, just balls of fire. At one point I thought
I was on fire because it was that close to me. I
could feel the heat. I said to myself, wow, I'm
on fire. This is what it feels like to be on
I ran into an article the other day that was interesting to me about the WTC buildings and what they had in common with the Statue of Liberty, check it out when you have time, it's a way of trying to explain this pulverization that was witnessed.

An architects' two cents worth:
What do the Statue of Liberty and WTC Towers have in common? |

That's an interesting read. I Will take some time out in the future to learn a bit more on Galvanic corrosion. But I have to say, my initial reaction to his 30 year replacement assessment makes me chuckle.

Also the Statue of liberty sits in the middle of a salt water body and has stood there, thick and thin, since 1870 or so.....hmmmmmm
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Ahhhh, truthtard losers being suckered out of their money by a bunch of liars who milk them for all they are worth. :lol: Couldn't happen to a nicer group of fucked up liars. Think a commercial changes the truth? Nope. Just like Mr. Jones' videos with "clear explosions" of non-explosives going off proves the non-explosives. :lol: Truthtard paranoia and delusions are getting worse I see.
So is unquestioning trust in what the United States government and the 9/11 commission had to say about what happened on that fateful day.

There's something awfully fishy about the entire happening. Such as jets being called off before the crash, the government knowing about the threat and doing nothing to stop it, and a massive airliner crashing into the pentagon. How can a terrorist, who only flew on flight simulators beforehand, manage to steer a metal behemoth right into the pentagon while flying parallel with the ground?

A lot of shit just doesn't add up.
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Don't bother with him, Bones. It truly is a waste. I'd like to have an intelligent discussion on the evidence here though. The best way to do that is ignore the shit flingers and only engage those pursuing truth and fact.
Ahhhh, truthtard losers being suckered out of their money by a bunch of liars who milk them for all they are worth. :lol: Couldn't happen to a nicer group of fucked up liars. Think a commercial changes the truth? Nope. Just like Mr. Jones' videos with "clear explosions" of non-explosives going off proves the non-explosives. :lol: Truthtard paranoia and delusions are getting worse I see.
So is unquestioning trust in what the United States government and the 9/11 commission had to say about what happened on that fateful day.
Who said I have unquestioning trust? More bullshit from someone who has no actual comeback.

Bones said:
There's something awfully fishy about the entire happening. Such as jets being called off before the crash
No jets were called off. Care to supply actual evidence?

Bones said:
the government knowing about the threat and doing nothing to stop it
Care to supply the evidence of the government knowing about the specific threat? That would make worldwide headlines if it were true. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Yet you silly truthtards still pretend it is true. :lol:

Bones said:
and a massive airliner crashing into the pentagon.
What's so hard about crashing an airliner into a building? That is easier than landing!

Bones said:
How can a terrorist, who only flew on flight simulators beforehand, manage to steer a metal behemoth right into the pentagon while flying parallel with the ground?
More bullshit from the truthtard camp. Hanjour had hundreds of hours of flight time. The simulator is where he practiced flying a commerical airliner.

Bones said:
A lot of shit just doesn't add up.
Unfortunately it is all YOUR shit that doesn't add up. Maybe if you started with the truth and not the truthtard lies you would see things add up.
What threat was known?

What could anyone have done about it?

Can you see any congress approving of measure like the Patriot act because there was a threat?

Please Bones, think for yourself on this.
I hope they get the new investigation and get everything out in the open, and if anyone is found at fualt I hope the full extent of the law comes down on them

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