Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize ThemThe neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.

Nuland and Rubio spinng it like a top.

Rubio is a little weasel, too. I wonder who is fillling his coffer these days anyway.

The problematic for these two neo-nazis is the link to the Hamburg Institute for Tropical Medicine and its history. First of all, there is a fatal American virus that links to vectors of viruses in Crimea. Hamburg is a major world institute and was established first as a seafarer's medical installation. Furthermore, the Crimean vectors also have a latitude parameter.

1. The fatal American virus, vectored by a tick, is Heartland virus, which is a Phlebovirus of the Bhanjavirus serocomplex (Bhanjanagar, India). Bhanjanagar virus is found in Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Eastern Slovakia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Khirgizia, Nigeria, Senegal, Cameroon, Kenya, Somali, and Central Africa.

2. Phlebovirus

3. A connection can be made to the latitude parameter already posted for Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever mentioned in the Russian media at Kharkiv, and Phlebovirus latitude parameters. Note that there is a difference in Leishmaniasis in Russians, who suffer more from the dermal version than the visceral version:

Crimea / Phlebotomus Sandflies
'....Lysenko has reported that the northern limit of urban dermal leishmaniasis occurs at a latitude of 44 deg. N, to the south of the northern limit of sandflies. At this latitude the temperature allows at least one passage of the parasite through the vectors Phlebotomus papatasi and P. sergenti, during one season of transmission. In the USSR, sandflies occur in the Mediterranean (Caucasus and Crimea and Central Asian Republics, incl. Khirgizia and Kazakhstan). According to Dolmatova, they exist as far north as 48 deg. N latitude in Kazakhstan and Khirgizia in the USSR....Since sandflies breed in soil or litter, they are largely independent of surface water, their small size allows many microhabitats.'

Russian reports mention Black and Veatch linked to the Pentagon. This is the water engineering connection to the biolabs, especially for the Crimean drought of 2018, when Black and Veatch tried to divert attention away from drought in Crimea by flaunting. The Missouri Hyperloop in the media. The two fatalities of Heartland virus were in two states only, the Oklahoma case survived: Tennessee and Missouri.
Note that Obama was in office at the time that the first tick-borne Phlebovirus in the Western Hemisphere, Heartland virus, was discovered: Missouri, June 2009.
Tucker Carlson's take on Nuland is in the Russian media:

2022 marta 10 Izvestiya
' Tucker Carlson: " Poprobuiu ne ispol'zovat' v efire nenormativnuiu leksiku, chtoby opisat' nashu reaktsiiu: cheliusti popadali, skazhem tak.
I'll try not to use profanity on the air to describe our reaction: the jaws dropped, let's say so.

Pod prisiago na otkrytykh slushaniiakh komiteta Viktoria Nuland podverdila, chto rossiiskaia desinformatsiia, kotoruiu oni dniami nazyvali lozh'iu, teoriei zagovora, sumashestviem, v kotoroe amoral'no verit', na samom dele tselikom i polnost'iu pravda.
Under oath at an open committee hearing, Victoria Nuland confirmed that the Russian disinformation which they have been calling a lie for days, a conspiracy theory, crazy, which is immoral to believe, is in fact entirely and completely true."
It can be considered a glaring mistake for Black and Veatch, linked to the Pentagon, water-engineering experts, to divert attention away from the Crimean drought in 2018 while lipping off in the media about the Missouri Hyperloop. Vectors of important Crimean and Ukrainian pathogens as well as the pathogens themselves were being compromised by the drought and their genomes were mutating to adjust to it.

VK Kontakte
'....V realizatsii proektov prinimaet uchastie affilirovannaia s voennym vedomostvom kompaniia, v pervuiu ochered' Black and Veatch.
A company affiliated with the military department takes part in the implementation of projects, primarily Black and Veatch.'
The Russian website in post #27 has been bobby-trapped only within the last few days.
So much willful ignorance in one thread... it boggles the mind...
Following the Phleobovirus link to Obama's administration in Jun 2009 and the fatal cases of Heartland virus that month in Missour, the link is to a Phlebovirus causing severe fever with thrombocytopenia in China, Jun 2009. The map is here, and note that the already posted Chongqing Military University report for CCHF is a Province on the border of this Phlebovirus region:

If the URL does not function a smaller version is here:

2011 China: Fever with Thrombocytopenia Associated with a Novel Bunyavirus in China
'....In June 2009, a blood sample in heparin anti-coagulant was obtained on day 7 after onset of illness from a patient from Xinyang City in Henan Province.'

Xinyang City is at 32 deg. 08' 56" N latitude. Salehabad phlebovirus was isolated from a rural village in central Iran in 1959, 33 deg. 53' 53" N latitude. Little Rock, Arkansas is at 34 deg. 44' 10" N latitude, so following the cut-off point for Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever at Kharkiv, one would look for latitude counterparts to fatal Heartland Phlebovirus, first tick-borne Phlebovirus found in the Western Hemisphere (Jun 2009) in Missouri, St. Louis being 38 deg. 37' 38" N latitude.
We'll note that Fau Chi's testimony to the Senate, 2011 Ap 26, as the Mojiang miners were going into the hospital at Kunming, happens 5 days after the Chinese Phlebovirus report (2011 Ap 21). Fau mentions bird flu to the Senate, and current Russian reports for Ukraine biolabs mention two bird species implicated that migrate over Russia.
The Crimea water problems and sandlies link Ukrainian nationalists. Obama's Kenyan virus latitudes compare with Crimean sandfly latitudes. Ntepes Phlebovirus discovered in 2019 is 1 deg. 09' 60" N:

2019 Ap CDC / Ntepes, Kenya Phlebovirus
'....severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS)'

Heartland virus in Missouri vectored by a tick links to Beijing CDC's Yong-Zhen Zhang for other SFTS viruses in China. Zhang also attended Kunming Institute of Zoology, inking to the Australian virologist, Holmes, mention at Edward Hooper's AIDS Origins website.

Crimean drought in 2018 links to Ntepes drinking water, though no date is given for this report:

Drinking Water Finally Flows Out in Ntepes

2016 Oct 18 Ntepes is Sandy. Kenya Drought, Samburu County
Kenyan Ntepes sandflies were discovered in 2014, not 2019. The latitudes in comparison would prompt research in these viruses, even GOF research. The Ntepes chron links to Crimea:

2014 Russia-Ukraine Water Conflict
Oh wow, she told us what most people already knew.

It is why the Defense Threat Reduction Agency was created. To deal with these things after the fall of the USSR

No, you people were calling it a conspiracy theory a week ago.

Just like all these things you lied about:


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