Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize ThemThe neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S.

Since many Russian sailors are stationed in Crimea, the link is true to what the Russian media is saying: the biolabs link to Hamburg's Tropical Institute of Medicine, originally established for diseases of sailors.
Italian and Sicilian sandfly fever in Soviet troops in Afghanistan:

1989 The Etiology of Sandfly Fever in Soviet Servicemen in Afghanistan

1991 Rukha Fever, Afghanistan Natural Focus (Ochagovost'iu) of Sicilian and Neopolitan Sandfly Fever Viruses

1986-7 Afghanistan
'....differed slightly from the Sabin strain, completely different from the Toscana virus.'
Oh wow, she told us what most people already knew.

It is why the Defense Threat Reduction Agency was created. To deal with these things after the fall of the USSR
If that is true... that they are now peaceful research facilities... then why would we (the US Government) be "concerned" about Russian forces taking control of the research materials?

"Victoria Nuland: Ukraine has biological research facilities which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how we can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach."

Another Phlebovirus links to medical research and Russian MIGs:

Arumowot Phlebovirus was fist isolated in Jinja, Uganda, which is for the most part setting on the Equator at 0.25+ N latitude. Entebbe, famous for medical research including African Sleeping Sickness and Malaria, does set on the Equator, 58 miles west of the Arumowot virus.

'....Biomedical Research Hub: Uganda Virus Research Institute, International AIDS Vaccine Research, UK Medical Research Centre Laboratories, U.S. CDC and NIH.'

1976 Entebbe Raid
'....and 11 MIG fighters supplied to Uganda by the Soviet Union were destroyed....53 militants imprisoned in Israel, Kenya, West Germany....'
If that is true... that they are now peaceful research facilities... then why would we (the US Government) be "concerned" about Russian forces taking control of the research materials?

"Victoria Nuland: Ukraine has biological research facilities which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how we can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach."

Dilyana's video at timepoint 19:19 shows CCHF, a hemorrhagic virus. Timepoint 57:55 victims burned alive at Odessa at 59:00 other languages were banned in Ukraine. The phlebotomine connection to Tbilisi is this report that mentions the neighborhoods, so we're not surprised that a Pentagon-funded installation pops up in that city. Inventions for spreading toxic mosquitoes mentioned in the video also link here, and Dilyana can go into Vake and Mtatsminda to investigate:

Tbilisi: Phlebotomus / Leishmania infantum / Humans/Dogs
'....suburban communities of Vake and Mtatsminda districts of an active focus (Ru. ochagovost'iu) of visceral leishmaniasis, from 1990-2007 there was a resurgence of the disease....7.3% of 4,250 children were seropositive....Lemer reported on easteeren Georgia from 1942-1952, Phlebotomus chinensis balcanicus Newstead was a predominant species.

Dilyana can make the coronavirus connection via Sukhumi, Abkhazia:

CCHF in Dilyana's video links to the Sukhumi strain of simian hemorrhagic fever virus, first isolated in 1964 from two Rhesus research colonies, one in the U.S. and the other in Russia, precisely at the Sukhumi Primate Center.

Sukhumi Primate Center

(2018) Simian Hemorrhagic Fever "Sukhumi" Strain
As I mentioned previously, this is about what I expected from the Russians. A snow job dressed in scientific language.
Like any effective conspiracy theory, the Russian claim relies on some truths: Ukraine does maintain a network of biological labs dedicated to research into pathogens, and those labs have received funding and research support from the U.S.
But the labs are owned and operated by Ukraine, and the work is not secret. It’s part of an initiative called the Biological Threat Reduction Program that aims to reduce the likelihood of deadly outbreaks, whether natural or manmade. The U.S. efforts date back to work in the 1990s to dismantle the former Soviet Union’s program for weapons of mass destruction.

“The labs are not secret,” said Filippa Lentzos, a senior lecturer in science and international security at King’s College London, in an email to the Associated Press. “They are not being used in relation to bioweapons. This is all disinformation.
That hasn’t stopped the claim from being embraced by some on the far-right, by Fox News hosts, and by groups that push debunked claims that COVID-19 is a bioweapon created by the U.S.
We'll try to get this material to Dilyana as soon as possible, the toxic mosquitoes and the invention shown in Dilyana's video above, link to a mosquito shown on the Ukraine map. The lab at Kharkiv (Kar'kov) is shown, undoubtedly linked to CHHF and it's northernmost range.

Chernigov is shown on the map. The mosquito of interest (hereafter, MOI), is Aedes cataphylla. Kilochitskii's report from the Russian original:

'V stat'e predstavlenie rezultaty issledovanii mikrosporidii krovososushchikh komarov Aedes cataphylla za period c 1974 g., provedennykh v Kievskoi i Chernigovskoi oblastiakh Ukrainy.
This paper reports the results of studies on Microsporidia from bloodsucking mosquito, Aedes cataphylla for the period 1974, undertaken in the Kiev and Chernigov Provinces of the Ukraine.

Sporogoniia mikrosporidii proiskhodit v lichinkakh komarov oboego pola.
Sporogony of microsporidia takes place in the larvae of mosquitoes of both sexes.

Ekstensivnost' zarazheniia lichinok stadii IV sostavlaet 10%.
Infection extensiveness of stage IV larvae is 10%.'
(Kiloshitskii, P, Parazitologiia, May-Jun 1992, 26: 252-6)

MOI Aedes cataphylla, Montana

Microsporidian infection status of A. cataphylla in Montana is currently unknown.
They would have definitely maintained stocks of Aedes cataphylla somewhere in the Ukraine, because of CCHF in swine (wild boars) and swine also infected by a Nidovirus: Arterivirus, PRRSV. Since SARS-CoV-2 is also a Nidovirus, and it now infects U.S. deer, further evidence comes from the fact that MOI Aedes cataphylla is also vector of a Bunyavirus that causes encephalitis:

A. cataphylla / Snow Pools

1993: A. cataphylla / Jamestown Canyon Virus
'....Deer appear to be important amplifying hosts....'

Jamestown Canyon Encephalitis
'....probably endemic throughout the U.S.'
Jamestown Canyon virus has undergone recombination with a Wisconsin virus that was fatal for a young girl, La Crosse. This recombinant links to vaccines.

2012: Jamestown Canyon Virus / La Crosse Virus
' highly attenuated and does not cause disease even after intracerebral inoculation.'

So a Ukrainian Kiev-Chernigov vaccine could have existed since 2012, whose military would be immune to Jamestown Canyon encephalitis on the battlefield.
So far I don't see anything about bioweaponry...
Funny, I look at it and wonder the hell Fauci is hiding at.........he's been very very quiet--wonder where he has tens of millions or more hidden..........

"The revival of US government interest in germ warfare opened new opportunities. The US biodefense budget went from $137 million in 1997 to $14.5 billion for 2001–2004.(68)

Every agency with a colorable claim to a National Security function paddled out frantically to barrel the money tsunami. Between 2001 and 2014, the United States spent around $80 billion on biodefense. Since germ weaponry was still illegal, vaccines became a critical euphemism for the revival of the multibillion-dollar bioweapons industry. Pentagon sources told Science Magazine that the military was applying for “a sweeping overhaul of how the federal government develops vaccines to protect both the military and civilians.”(69){"
Jamestown Canyon virus would be cutting-edge research in Ukraine, the link to Afghanistan encephalitis is Powassan:

2019: Emerging Neuroinvasive Arboviruses
'....Jamestown Canyon....'

1989: Central European Encephalitis / Moldavia-Romanian Territory

Kabul: Royal Farm Virus
'....Powassan....Langat....Argas hermanii.'

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