'VICTORY': Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to Judicial Watch questions on emails

Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?

Because when she answered questions asked by Congress, she lied?????

That's for Congress to deal with. Not any Joe off the street.

It took any Joe, not Congress, to use the courts to stand up against DOMA. If they would rather look to a judge to make that determination, who is to forbid them that right? Obama can protect her as long as he is president, and even if she were to be the next president she could always face a majority vote by the house against her if the Republicans really wanted to push it.
One of the things that makes American great, Swim is that we citizens DO have the right to ask our governmental officials to explain their actions.

If you don't see the difference between asking a question, and interrogating under oath and obliged to answer by threat of being held in contempt of court, then you are even more bat-shit crazy than I've given you credit for thus far.
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?
Because she broke the law, violating the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

Because she broke the law by having an illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted personal server on which she kept highly classified information, which is also illegal.

Because she committed perjury.

Yeah, and? I say that you broke the law. Last night. With a prostitute. A prostitute who has trouble finding an acceptable public bathroom in North Carolina.

Now, answer my questions. Under oath. Let's get a judge over here to hold you in contempt if you don't comply.
One big difference - you have no proof, and it has not been PROVEN that I broke the law.

Comey has the proof and already testified under oath that Hillary committed perjury and broke the law - violating FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Despite all the liberal denial these have already been PROVEN.

I understand you are frustrated and pissed off these are facts and want to attack me instead of pour your anger out where it belongs - on Hillary. That, however, is YOUR problem, not mine.
you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...


You're asking him? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the debates are over and it's crystal clear his messiah is gone. Then you'll see allegations of incest from the right wing.

Can Hillary honestly debate anything of real substance? She can't even do a speech on the campaign trail without keeping her focus on what Trump has done, or how he is not the right man for the job. Best she can do is plagiarize Obama's talking points during his initial run for the White House with infrastructure spending, equal pay for women. Believe me, we have heard it all before while Obama had Pelosi and Reed with full control of the legislative branch. How bad does that really make the democrats look, if she has to bring it up again because they couldn't even take the time to fulfill that campaign promise?
Meanwhile, Trump lies about how much he owes to foreign governments.

Why cares about what Trump did in the past that MAY have involved foreign governments. Was he ever found to be in a government position that could provide a foreign national or government power with any favors or special treatment? Surely you're joking, I can't believe liberals are that unintelligent to even bring that up as a meaningful argument.
One big difference - you have no proof, and it has not been PROVEN that I broke the law.

Comey has the proof and already testified under oath that Hillary committed perjury and broke the law - violating FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Despite all the liberal denial these have already been PROVEN.

I understand you are frustrated and pissed off these are facts and want to attack me instead of pour your anger out where it belongs - on Hillary. That, however, is YOUR problem, not mine.
you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...

Yes, he did.
NO, he DID NOT....

No where did he testify under oath that Hillary clinton committed perjury.....NOT once, no where in his testimony did he ever say or accuse Hillary Clinton of committing perjury.

Yes, he did.

He was asked if Hillary turned over all documents LIKE SHE SAID UNDER OATH she had. Comey stated NO. That means she perjured herself.
Colin Powell turned over zero. Double standard.

There is a big difference between having a private email account and using a private server. Can you show me where Colin Powell deliberately and intentionally went against government security procedures / protocol that he was advised to follow?
One of the things that makes American great, Swim is that we citizens DO have the right to ask our governmental officials to explain their actions.

If you don't see the difference between asking a question, and interrogating under oath and obliged to answer by threat of being held in contempt of court, then you are even more bat-shit crazy than I've given you credit for thus far.

When people tend to lie...it helps if you can question them under oath. What's amusing to me is how HORRIFIED you are at the very idea of Hillary Clinton having to answer questions about how she conducted official business at the State Department. Why is that, Swim? Are you that frightened that she'll have to come clean with the American people?
One big difference - you have no proof, and it has not been PROVEN that I broke the law.

Comey has the proof and already testified under oath that Hillary committed perjury and broke the law - violating FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Despite all the liberal denial these have already been PROVEN.

I understand you are frustrated and pissed off these are facts and want to attack me instead of pour your anger out where it belongs - on Hillary. That, however, is YOUR problem, not mine.
you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...

Yes, he did.
NO, he DID NOT....

No where did he testify under oath that Hillary clinton committed perjury.....NOT once, no where in his testimony did he ever say or accuse Hillary Clinton of committing perjury.

Yes, he did.

He was asked if Hillary turned over all documents LIKE SHE SAID UNDER OATH she had. Comey stated NO. That means she perjured herself.
She testified that she turned over everything that was government related emails that were on her server....which was accurate.

What clinton did not know, is that when they upgraded the server to the new server, many emails went in to what Comey called "slackspace".

Clinton was not aware of this when she testified, that all emails that were on her server, were not all the emails....some, in the transfer, ended up in this "slackspace" of the new server so the lawyers she had do the search for government emails, would not have found what was in the "slackspace" that comey testified he had found.

That doesn't even come CLOSE to perjury.

having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true; or
in any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, willfully subscribes as true any material matter which he does not believe to be true;

is guilty of perjury and shall, except as otherwise expressly provided by law, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. This section is applicable whether the statement or subscription is made within or without the United States.

That's why she deleted 30,000 I'm sure.
Because she broke the law, violating the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

Because she broke the law by having an illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted personal server on which she kept highly classified information, which is also illegal.

Because she committed perjury.

Yeah, and? I say that you broke the law. Last night. With a prostitute. A prostitute who has trouble finding an acceptable public bathroom in North Carolina.

Now, answer my questions. Under oath. Let's get a judge over here to hold you in contempt if you don't comply.
One big difference - you have no proof, and it has not been PROVEN that I broke the law.

Comey has the proof and already testified under oath that Hillary committed perjury and broke the law - violating FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Despite all the liberal denial these have already been PROVEN.

I understand you are frustrated and pissed off these are facts and want to attack me instead of pour your anger out where it belongs - on Hillary. That, however, is YOUR problem, not mine.
you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...


You're asking him? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the debates are over and it's crystal clear his messiah is gone. Then you'll see allegations of incest from the right wing.

Can Hillary honestly debate anything of real substance?
I'm pretty sure substance is her strong suit compared to her opponent.

She can't even do a speech on the campaign trail without keeping her focus on what Trump has done, or how he is not the right man for the job.
Yet she's up in nearly every poll. The RCP average has her up by a substantial margin.

BTW; in Trump's speech at the end of the convention where he was supposed to thank the volunteers that put on the convention, he mentioned Ted Cruz's father....

Best she can do is plagiarize Obama's talking points during his initial run for the White House with infrastructure spending, equal pay for women. Believe me, we have heard it all before while Obama had Pelosi and Reed with full control of the legislative branch. How bad does that really make the democrats look, if she has to bring it up again because they couldn't even take the time to fulfill that campaign promise?

LLFPA was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Obamacare was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Stimulus was passed over the objections of the GOP.

And as a result, GM is alive, Osama is dead. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up.
And Gas is around 2 a gallon.
Yeah, and? I say that you broke the law. Last night. With a prostitute. A prostitute who has trouble finding an acceptable public bathroom in North Carolina.

Now, answer my questions. Under oath. Let's get a judge over here to hold you in contempt if you don't comply.
One big difference - you have no proof, and it has not been PROVEN that I broke the law.

Comey has the proof and already testified under oath that Hillary committed perjury and broke the law - violating FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Despite all the liberal denial these have already been PROVEN.

I understand you are frustrated and pissed off these are facts and want to attack me instead of pour your anger out where it belongs - on Hillary. That, however, is YOUR problem, not mine.
you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...


You're asking him? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the debates are over and it's crystal clear his messiah is gone. Then you'll see allegations of incest from the right wing.

Can Hillary honestly debate anything of real substance?
I'm pretty sure substance is her strong suit compared to her opponent.

She can't even do a speech on the campaign trail without keeping her focus on what Trump has done, or how he is not the right man for the job.
Yet she's up in nearly every poll. The RCP average has her up by a substantial margin.

BTW; in Trump's speech at the end of the convention where he was supposed to thank the volunteers that put on the convention, he mentioned Ted Cruz's father....

Best she can do is plagiarize Obama's talking points during his initial run for the White House with infrastructure spending, equal pay for women. Believe me, we have heard it all before while Obama had Pelosi and Reed with full control of the legislative branch. How bad does that really make the democrats look, if she has to bring it up again because they couldn't even take the time to fulfill that campaign promise?

LLFPA was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Obamacare was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Stimulus was passed over the objections of the GOP.

And as a result, GM is alive, Osama is dead. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up.
And Gas is around 2 a gallon.

Ford is alive as well. ISIS is worse than Osama could ever dream of. Are you claiming that Obama is responsible for unemployment being down, the stock market being up and gas costing around two dollars a gallon? I'd LOVE to hear what Obama policies led to those things happening!
AGAIN: Judge legally finds AGAINST Hillary:
Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to Judicial Watch questions on e-mails

'Nuff Said.
NOPE! The Judge ruled IN FAVOR of the Clinton team and allowed them to have her answer these questions in writing and under oath.

Those suing, requested that she testify under oath, IN PERSON.

Clinton's Lawyers won.
Any time that Hillary has to testify under oath it's a loss for her because she can't lie. I can't wait to see her do her little lawyer dance...you know...where she bends the truth so hard it's screaming for mercy but she doesn't "technically" lie! It's what the Clinton's do better than ANYONE!
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One big difference - you have no proof, and it has not been PROVEN that I broke the law.

Comey has the proof and already testified under oath that Hillary committed perjury and broke the law - violating FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Despite all the liberal denial these have already been PROVEN.

I understand you are frustrated and pissed off these are facts and want to attack me instead of pour your anger out where it belongs - on Hillary. That, however, is YOUR problem, not mine.
you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...


You're asking him? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the debates are over and it's crystal clear his messiah is gone. Then you'll see allegations of incest from the right wing.

Can Hillary honestly debate anything of real substance?
I'm pretty sure substance is her strong suit compared to her opponent.

She can't even do a speech on the campaign trail without keeping her focus on what Trump has done, or how he is not the right man for the job.
Yet she's up in nearly every poll. The RCP average has her up by a substantial margin.

BTW; in Trump's speech at the end of the convention where he was supposed to thank the volunteers that put on the convention, he mentioned Ted Cruz's father....

Best she can do is plagiarize Obama's talking points during his initial run for the White House with infrastructure spending, equal pay for women. Believe me, we have heard it all before while Obama had Pelosi and Reed with full control of the legislative branch. How bad does that really make the democrats look, if she has to bring it up again because they couldn't even take the time to fulfill that campaign promise?

LLFPA was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Obamacare was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Stimulus was passed over the objections of the GOP.

And as a result, GM is alive, Osama is dead. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up.
And Gas is around 2 a gallon.

Ford is alive as well. ISIS is worse than Osama could ever dream of. Are you claiming that Obama is responsible for unemployment being down, the stock market being up and gas costing around two dollars a gallon? I'd LOVE to hear what Obama policies led to those things happening!

Stability for one thing. When was the last time we had a debt ceiling showdown, government shutdown, etc....? Markets love stability. Not having boots on the ground in the ME in large numbers also keeps crisis situations from developing over there.

ISIS...well, compare the two. Al Queda performed attacks on US warships, synchronized bombings of our embassies in Africa and 9/11. ISIS does basically what Kleibold and Harris did in Columbine; attack soft targets with small arms and crude explosives. You're right; there is no comparing the two. Al Queda was much more dangerous. Thanks to President Bush and Obama, they are no longer much of a factor.

Your praising of ISIS is politically motivated and pretty sick.
you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...


You're asking him? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the debates are over and it's crystal clear his messiah is gone. Then you'll see allegations of incest from the right wing.

Can Hillary honestly debate anything of real substance?
I'm pretty sure substance is her strong suit compared to her opponent.

She can't even do a speech on the campaign trail without keeping her focus on what Trump has done, or how he is not the right man for the job.
Yet she's up in nearly every poll. The RCP average has her up by a substantial margin.

BTW; in Trump's speech at the end of the convention where he was supposed to thank the volunteers that put on the convention, he mentioned Ted Cruz's father....

Best she can do is plagiarize Obama's talking points during his initial run for the White House with infrastructure spending, equal pay for women. Believe me, we have heard it all before while Obama had Pelosi and Reed with full control of the legislative branch. How bad does that really make the democrats look, if she has to bring it up again because they couldn't even take the time to fulfill that campaign promise?

LLFPA was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Obamacare was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Stimulus was passed over the objections of the GOP.

And as a result, GM is alive, Osama is dead. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up.
And Gas is around 2 a gallon.

Ford is alive as well. ISIS is worse than Osama could ever dream of. Are you claiming that Obama is responsible for unemployment being down, the stock market being up and gas costing around two dollars a gallon? I'd LOVE to hear what Obama policies led to those things happening!

Stability for one thing. When was the last time we had a debt ceiling showdown, government shutdown, etc....? Markets love stability. Not having boots on the ground in the ME in large numbers also keeps crisis situations from developing over there.

ISIS...well, compare the two. Al Queda performed attacks on US warships, synchronized bombings of our embassies in Africa and 9/11. ISIS does basically what Kleibold and Harris did in Columbine; attack soft targets with small arms and crude explosives. You're right; there is no comparing the two. Al Queda was much more dangerous. Thanks to President Bush and Obama, they are no longer much of a factor.

Your praising of ISIS is politically motivated and pretty sick.

With all due respect...are you kidding me? ISIS has caused a mass migration of people out of the Middle East...literally causing millions to flee for their lives. But you compare them to the Columbine killers? That's one of the stupidest statements I've seen on here in YEARS!

And when did I praise ISIS? Is that what you call it when someone is honest about how powerful ISIS was allowed to become? We let them take over entire cities! We let them generate millions of dollars through the sale of captured oil! We gave them a propaganda field day that led to tens of thousands of new recruits joining up!
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you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...


You're asking him? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the debates are over and it's crystal clear his messiah is gone. Then you'll see allegations of incest from the right wing.

Can Hillary honestly debate anything of real substance?
I'm pretty sure substance is her strong suit compared to her opponent.

She can't even do a speech on the campaign trail without keeping her focus on what Trump has done, or how he is not the right man for the job.
Yet she's up in nearly every poll. The RCP average has her up by a substantial margin.

BTW; in Trump's speech at the end of the convention where he was supposed to thank the volunteers that put on the convention, he mentioned Ted Cruz's father....

Best she can do is plagiarize Obama's talking points during his initial run for the White House with infrastructure spending, equal pay for women. Believe me, we have heard it all before while Obama had Pelosi and Reed with full control of the legislative branch. How bad does that really make the democrats look, if she has to bring it up again because they couldn't even take the time to fulfill that campaign promise?

LLFPA was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Obamacare was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Stimulus was passed over the objections of the GOP.

And as a result, GM is alive, Osama is dead. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up.
And Gas is around 2 a gallon.

Ford is alive as well. ISIS is worse than Osama could ever dream of. Are you claiming that Obama is responsible for unemployment being down, the stock market being up and gas costing around two dollars a gallon? I'd LOVE to hear what Obama policies led to those things happening!

Stability for one thing. When was the last time we had a debt ceiling showdown, government shutdown, etc....? Markets love stability. Not having boots on the ground in the ME in large numbers also keeps crisis situations from developing over there.

ISIS...well, compare the two. Al Queda performed attacks on US warships, synchronized bombings of our embassies in Africa and 9/11. ISIS does basically what Kleibold and Harris did in Columbine; attack soft targets with small arms and crude explosives. You're right; there is no comparing the two. Al Queda was much more dangerous. Thanks to President Bush and Obama, they are no longer much of a factor.

Your praising of ISIS is politically motivated and pretty sick.

ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL = CIA trained mercenaries....it's a fucking fact....deal with it.
Do you not grasp that the pay for play thing that the Clinton's were doing IS what this was all about?

No, you dumb, fucking, moron. The subject is whether any Tom, Dick, or Harry has a constitutional right to interrogate another person with said person being under oath, just because you want to. Your obsession with Clinton has rendered you such an idiot that you do stupid things, like vote for Donald Trump. Fucking moron.

Yes, they do, dumbass. It's called a lawsuit. The plaintiff in a lawsuit has a right to interrogate the defendant. In the phase called "discovery," the plaintiff has the right to demand information from the defendant. It's a fundamental part of our legal system. Look it up.
Only a liberal can try to spin a court ordering a Liberal to relent to questioning as a 'victory' for the Liberal.

Yeah, and? I say that you broke the law. Last night. With a prostitute. A prostitute who has trouble finding an acceptable public bathroom in North Carolina.

Now, answer my questions. Under oath. Let's get a judge over here to hold you in contempt if you don't comply.
One big difference - you have no proof, and it has not been PROVEN that I broke the law.

Comey has the proof and already testified under oath that Hillary committed perjury and broke the law - violating FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Despite all the liberal denial these have already been PROVEN.

I understand you are frustrated and pissed off these are facts and want to attack me instead of pour your anger out where it belongs - on Hillary. That, however, is YOUR problem, not mine.
you are a LIAR

comey did not testify under oath that she committed perjury...


You're asking him? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the debates are over and it's crystal clear his messiah is gone. Then you'll see allegations of incest from the right wing.

Can Hillary honestly debate anything of real substance?
I'm pretty sure substance is her strong suit compared to her opponent.

She can't even do a speech on the campaign trail without keeping her focus on what Trump has done, or how he is not the right man for the job.
Yet she's up in nearly every poll. The RCP average has her up by a substantial margin.

BTW; in Trump's speech at the end of the convention where he was supposed to thank the volunteers that put on the convention, he mentioned Ted Cruz's father....

Best she can do is plagiarize Obama's talking points during his initial run for the White House with infrastructure spending, equal pay for women. Believe me, we have heard it all before while Obama had Pelosi and Reed with full control of the legislative branch. How bad does that really make the democrats look, if she has to bring it up again because they couldn't even take the time to fulfill that campaign promise?

LLFPA was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Obamacare was passed over the objections of the GOP.
Stimulus was passed over the objections of the GOP.

And as a result, GM is alive, Osama is dead. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up.
And Gas is around 2 a gallon.

Going back to your initial claim, I didn't see any reason that Trump is not qualified to run for president, according to the Constitution.

As far as Hillary, I don't see many issues of any real substance outside of criticizing Trump, I'm still waiting to see her approach on tackling the issues we face. The only thing she WILL say is that a War on Terrorism will not include US troops beyond being advisors to foreign forces. So apparently she does not have a lot of faith and trust in our military. So even though Democrats may believe the United States have the best trained military force in the world ... they are (according to their view) just not confident in our forces ablity to stand up and retake strongholds from terrorist groups. I'm sure Al Qeada and ISIS are laughing at how strong the United States military must be that Democrats believe they must stay home and be safe. Also... anyone familiar with a Clinton in the White House remembers Mogadishu, the Kohbar Towers bombing, those U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, as well as the USS Cole, Hillary herself has taken a similar stand abandoning American special forces, left to themselves in protecting an ambassador in Benghazi from groups of terrorists. Why would any veteran betray those special forces who tried to fight off their attackers by voting Hilkary into office? Mrs Clinton lacks the leadership boldness and spine to go after terrorists groups beyond that of simply observers to other troops willing to step up and fight our battles.

With respect to the unemployment rate, here is what the stimulus spending has resulted in an "Obama's economy":

Nearly half of U.S. workers consider themselves underemployed, report says
Three-quarters of those who label themselves as such say they're not working in a job that uses their education and training. One quarter say they are working part time but want full-time work.
Nearly half of U.S. workers consider themselves underemployed, report says

    • The unemployment rate for new college grads is 5.6 percent, compared with 5.5 percent in 2007.
    • Young high school grads have an unemployment rate of 17.9 percent, compared with 15.9 percent in 2007
    • for recent high-school graduates, about one-third are currently underemployed, compared with roughly 27 percent in 2007

    Young college grads are suffering from an underemployment rate of 12.6 percent, compared with 9.6 percent in 2007

    At the same time, many are entering the workforce with higher levels of debt, thanks to tuition fees that have increased far faster than median family income.
    • Recent grads who are "idled" -- neither enrolled in school nor employed -- is still higher than before the recession. For college grads, the rate is now almost 10 percent, compared with 8.4 percent in 2007.
    • About 15.5 percent of young high-school grads are now idled, compared with 13.7 percent in 2007.
    • People of color are especially hard-hit. Young black college grads have an unemployment rate of 9.4 percent, compared with 8.9 percent in April 2007.
    • Job quality has eroded. In 2001, almost 42 percent of new college grads found jobs with pensions. That declined to just over 29 percent in 2015

    Welcome to the job market, class of 2016: It still stinks
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