'VICTORY': Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to Judicial Watch questions on emails

"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.

"Judicial Watch will get Clinton under oath regarding the set-up of her outlaw server – something no other person, organization or agency has been ableto do, to date," he said.

“We believe it is a victory for law and order to get Hillary Clinton UNDER OATH answering questions about the server setup and why she did it,” he said."

Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to questions on private email use | Fox News

We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.
During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!

When people make "mistakes" often costly ones to their employers, they are not investigated or charged with criminal activity. Otherwise everyone in this nation would have spent some time in jail over them, including YOU. Why? Because there was no INTENT to do wrong.

And FBI director Comey pointed this out very clearly when asked about what a 4 star General and CIA director did in comparison to Hillary Clinton and why he was charged and she wasn't. That is if you've got the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a knat to get through a one page article. Something that isn't spoon fed to you from Reich wing talk show hosts.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

If everyone in this nation dealt with highly sensitive information and handled it the way that Hillary Clinton did...then YES...everyone in this nation including ME...would spend time in jail! We don't however...but Hillary does! As for her "INTENT"? She spent over a hundred thousand dollars to install those two private servers in her home even though the State Department would have given her official servers for ZERO dollars! She kept those servers secret and didn't provide Congressional investigators any of the emails that they contained voluntarily! It was only when the investigation into the Benghazi scandal revealed that Clinton wasn't conducting any of her official State Department communications through State Department servers and instead was using some mysterious set up based out of her home that it became public knowledge that Clinton had over sixty thousand emails on her private servers and hadn't turned ANY of them over to Congressional investigators! Not only hadn't she complied with Congress' request for her emails...she in fact had almost half of them professionally scrubbed from her servers. No intent to do wrong? Don't make me laugh!
"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.

"Judicial Watch will get Clinton under oath regarding the set-up of her outlaw server – something no other person, organization or agency has been ableto do, to date," he said.

“We believe it is a victory for law and order to get Hillary Clinton UNDER OATH answering questions about the server setup and why she did it,” he said."

Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to questions on private email use | Fox News

We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.
During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!

When people make "mistakes" often costly ones to their employers, they are not investigated or charged with criminal activity. Otherwise everyone in this nation would have spent some time in jail over them, including YOU. Why? Because there was no INTENT to do wrong.

And FBI director Comey pointed this out very clearly when asked about what a 4 star General and CIA director did in comparison to Hillary Clinton and why he was charged and she wasn't. That is if you've got the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a knat to get through a one page article. Something that isn't spoon fed to you from Reich wing talk show hosts.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

If everyone in this nation dealt with highly sensitive information and handled it the way that Hillary Clinton did...then YES...everyone in this nation including ME...would spend time in jail! We don't however...but Hillary does! As for her "INTENT"? She spent over a hundred thousand dollars to install those two private servers in her home even though the State Department would have given her official servers for ZERO dollars! She kept those servers secret and didn't provide Congressional investigators any of the emails that they contained voluntarily! It was only when the investigation into the Benghazi scandal revealed that Clinton wasn't conducting any of her official State Department communications through State Department servers and instead was using some mysterious set up based out of her home that it became public knowledge that Clinton had over sixty thousand emails on her private servers and hadn't turned ANY of them over to Congressional investigators! Not only hadn't she complied with Congress' request for her emails...she in fact had almost half of them professionally scrubbed from her servers. No intent to do wrong? Don't make me laugh!

Then you need to open up investigations into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails, both of whom were former Secretary's of State under G.W. Bush--as they have the same exact email issues, DUMB ASS.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.

"Judicial Watch will get Clinton under oath regarding the set-up of her outlaw server – something no other person, organization or agency has been ableto do, to date," he said.

“We believe it is a victory for law and order to get Hillary Clinton UNDER OATH answering questions about the server setup and why she did it,” he said."

Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to questions on private email use | Fox News

We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.
During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!

When people make "mistakes" often costly ones to their employers, they are not investigated or charged with criminal activity. Otherwise everyone in this nation would have spent some time in jail over them, including YOU. Why? Because there was no INTENT to do wrong.

And FBI director Comey pointed this out very clearly when asked about what a 4 star General and CIA director did in comparison to Hillary Clinton and why he was charged and she wasn't. That is if you've got the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a knat to get through a one page article. Something that isn't spoon fed to you from Reich wing talk show hosts.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

If everyone in this nation dealt with highly sensitive information and handled it the way that Hillary Clinton did...then YES...everyone in this nation including ME...would spend time in jail! We don't however...but Hillary does! As for her "INTENT"? She spent over a hundred thousand dollars to install those two private servers in her home even though the State Department would have given her official servers for ZERO dollars! She kept those servers secret and didn't provide Congressional investigators any of the emails that they contained voluntarily! It was only when the investigation into the Benghazi scandal revealed that Clinton wasn't conducting any of her official State Department communications through State Department servers and instead was using some mysterious set up based out of her home that it became public knowledge that Clinton had over sixty thousand emails on her private servers and hadn't turned ANY of them over to Congressional investigators! Not only hadn't she complied with Congress' request for her emails...she in fact had almost half of them professionally scrubbed from her servers. No intent to do wrong? Don't make me laugh!

Then you need to open up investigations into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails, both of whom were former Secretary's of State under G.W. Bush--as they have the same exact email issues, DUMB ASS.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

No you don't need to investigate these two. Powell used AOL for unclass e-mail.

Hillary used an illegal, unauthorized, e unencrypted server, illrgally placed multiple levels of classified information on the same server, illegally sent / received classified info, and perjured herself - all proven.
We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.

Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!

When people make "mistakes" often costly ones to their employers, they are not investigated or charged with criminal activity. Otherwise everyone in this nation would have spent some time in jail over them, including YOU. Why? Because there was no INTENT to do wrong.

And FBI director Comey pointed this out very clearly when asked about what a 4 star General and CIA director did in comparison to Hillary Clinton and why he was charged and she wasn't. That is if you've got the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a knat to get through a one page article. Something that isn't spoon fed to you from Reich wing talk show hosts.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

If everyone in this nation dealt with highly sensitive information and handled it the way that Hillary Clinton did...then YES...everyone in this nation including ME...would spend time in jail! We don't however...but Hillary does! As for her "INTENT"? She spent over a hundred thousand dollars to install those two private servers in her home even though the State Department would have given her official servers for ZERO dollars! She kept those servers secret and didn't provide Congressional investigators any of the emails that they contained voluntarily! It was only when the investigation into the Benghazi scandal revealed that Clinton wasn't conducting any of her official State Department communications through State Department servers and instead was using some mysterious set up based out of her home that it became public knowledge that Clinton had over sixty thousand emails on her private servers and hadn't turned ANY of them over to Congressional investigators! Not only hadn't she complied with Congress' request for her emails...she in fact had almost half of them professionally scrubbed from her servers. No intent to do wrong? Don't make me laugh!

Then you need to open up investigations into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails, both of whom were former Secretary's of State under G.W. Bush--as they have the same exact email issues, DUMB ASS.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

No you don't need to investigate these two. Powell used AOL for unclass e-mail.

Hillary used an illegal, unauthorized, e unencrypted server, illrgally placed multiple levels of classified information on the same server, illegally sent / received classified info, and perjured herself - all proven.

Colin Powell just admitted he used a non secure server. And he's obviously pissed off with what you people are doing over Hillary Clinton's emails.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

This case is OVER--the FBI has thoroughly investigated this Reich wing Dog & Pony show at the expense of the taxpayers of this country, and just like Benghazi, the more conspiracy theories you come up with the dumber you look. The more you mention it, the more credibility you lose. You've turned into a scorched earth investigation team that has come up with NOTHING.

It couldn't have been better stated than this:
Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy

You've cried WOLF too many times, no one is listening to you anymore.


It's hilarious that NaziCons seem to think Hillary can't pass a take-home test. Hilarious...

What's even funnier is how these Reich wing nut cases are going to respond to 3500 class action law suits that are due to be in court soon over Trump University.
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam

Trump university is deflection. Trump is not liable in any way what the business did. It's an LLC where he owned perhaps about half of it. Besides that we are not talking about anything very serious taking place... nothing more than a fine could possibly result.

Hillary is very much responsible for the illegal activities she has conducted.
"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.

"Judicial Watch will get Clinton under oath regarding the set-up of her outlaw server – something no other person, organization or agency has been ableto do, to date," he said.

“We believe it is a victory for law and order to get Hillary Clinton UNDER OATH answering questions about the server setup and why she did it,” he said."

Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to questions on private email use | Fox News

We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.
During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!

When people make "mistakes" often costly ones to their employers, they are not investigated or charged with criminal activity. Otherwise everyone in this nation would have spent some time in jail over them, including YOU. Why? Because there was no INTENT to do wrong.

And FBI director Comey pointed this out very clearly when asked about what a 4 star General and CIA director did in comparison to Hillary Clinton and why he was charged and she wasn't. That is if you've got the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a knat to get through a one page article. Something that isn't spoon fed to you from Reich wing talk show hosts.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

If everyone in this nation dealt with highly sensitive information and handled it the way that Hillary Clinton did...then YES...everyone in this nation including ME...would spend time in jail! We don't however...but Hillary does! As for her "INTENT"? She spent over a hundred thousand dollars to install those two private servers in her home even though the State Department would have given her official servers for ZERO dollars! She kept those servers secret and didn't provide Congressional investigators any of the emails that they contained voluntarily! It was only when the investigation into the Benghazi scandal revealed that Clinton wasn't conducting any of her official State Department communications through State Department servers and instead was using some mysterious set up based out of her home that it became public knowledge that Clinton had over sixty thousand emails on her private servers and hadn't turned ANY of them over to Congressional investigators! Not only hadn't she complied with Congress' request for her emails...she in fact had almost half of them professionally scrubbed from her servers. No intent to do wrong? Don't make me laugh!

Then you need to open up investigations into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails, both of whom were former Secretary's of State under G.W. Bush--as they have the same exact email issues, DUMB ASS.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts


Only the terminally gullible are fooled by this diversion. What Condi Rice and Colin Powell did bears no comparison to what Hillary did. of course, leftwing douche bags are great at playing the "everyone else does it" game, even when it's clear that no one else ever did it.
We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.

Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!

When people make "mistakes" often costly ones to their employers, they are not investigated or charged with criminal activity. Otherwise everyone in this nation would have spent some time in jail over them, including YOU. Why? Because there was no INTENT to do wrong.

And FBI director Comey pointed this out very clearly when asked about what a 4 star General and CIA director did in comparison to Hillary Clinton and why he was charged and she wasn't. That is if you've got the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a knat to get through a one page article. Something that isn't spoon fed to you from Reich wing talk show hosts.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

If everyone in this nation dealt with highly sensitive information and handled it the way that Hillary Clinton did...then YES...everyone in this nation including ME...would spend time in jail! We don't however...but Hillary does! As for her "INTENT"? She spent over a hundred thousand dollars to install those two private servers in her home even though the State Department would have given her official servers for ZERO dollars! She kept those servers secret and didn't provide Congressional investigators any of the emails that they contained voluntarily! It was only when the investigation into the Benghazi scandal revealed that Clinton wasn't conducting any of her official State Department communications through State Department servers and instead was using some mysterious set up based out of her home that it became public knowledge that Clinton had over sixty thousand emails on her private servers and hadn't turned ANY of them over to Congressional investigators! Not only hadn't she complied with Congress' request for her emails...she in fact had almost half of them professionally scrubbed from her servers. No intent to do wrong? Don't make me laugh!

Then you need to open up investigations into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails, both of whom were former Secretary's of State under G.W. Bush--as they have the same exact email issues, DUMB ASS.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts


Only the terminally gullible are fooled by this diversion. What Condi Rice and Colin Powell did bears no comparison to what Hillary did. of course, leftwing douche bags are great at playing the "everyone else does it" game, even when it's clear that no one else ever did it.

It's the hard left regressive way.

Listen to the far right cry as they see the email matter slip out of the public awareness.

Crying in amazement how you can want a p.o.s. like clinton in the white house.

Well you're going to be really crying on election night.

You wanted Trump--You OWN it now.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator



If you're so sure, about this, then you should put some serious money on betting. I'm not sure about the election results. I am sure that a clinton presidency will not be good for America. We will continue with the mass immigration from the third world like obama has done. Ask yourself how that in any way whatsoever helps America. Especially since muslims are the preferred brand of immigrant. Racism? Nope. Common sense. I follow the results of countries that have experienced the mass influx of muslims into their country. Also, we have many Americans in need, and mass unemployment. Shouldn't we consider our own people first?
Because when she answered questions asked by Congress, she lied?????

And? How does that give you, or me, or the homeless guy down the street any kind of right to question her under oath? And honestly, why the fuck do you or anyone else care? She's not going to be charged with anything. Get over it! The only thing you all are hoping for is an opportunity to create new charges out of something else.

For God's sake, what the fuck kind of bat shit crazy has the universe become!?!?! Conservatives are supposed to want to minimize government power and uphold the separation thereof. But all of a sudden any random citizen becomes a police officer and the courts are ordering oathbound interrogations being conducted by any Tom, Dick, or Harry, all because you hate Hillary Clinton so much that you're willing to throw away every one of your principles just so you can have an orgasm.
Because when she answered questions asked by Congress, she lied?????

And? How does that give you, or me, or the homeless guy down the street any kind of right to question her under oath? And honestly, why the fuck do you or anyone else care? She's not going to be charged with anything. Get over it! The only thing you all are hoping for is an opportunity to create new charges out of something else.

For God's sake, what the fuck kind of bat shit crazy has the universe become!?!?! Conservatives are supposed to want to minimize government power and uphold the separation thereof. But all of a sudden any random citizen becomes a police officer and the courts are ordering oathbound interrogations being conducted by any Tom, Dick, or Harry, all because you hate Hillary Clinton so much that you're willing to throw away every one of your principles just so you can have an orgasm.

I'm curious, Swim...do you think it's fine for a government official to use their office to exchange political favors for cash? Because that's exactly what Hillary Clinton DID when she was Secretary of State! Do you really have no problem with a "pay to play" Administration being in the White House for the next four years?
"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.

"Judicial Watch will get Clinton under oath regarding the set-up of her outlaw server – something no other person, organization or agency has been ableto do, to date," he said.

“We believe it is a victory for law and order to get Hillary Clinton UNDER OATH answering questions about the server setup and why she did it,” he said."

Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to questions on private email use | Fox News

We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.
During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!

When people make "mistakes" often costly ones to their employers, they are not investigated or charged with criminal activity. Otherwise everyone in this nation would have spent some time in jail over them, including YOU. Why? Because there was no INTENT to do wrong.

And FBI director Comey pointed this out very clearly when asked about what a 4 star General and CIA director did in comparison to Hillary Clinton and why he was charged and she wasn't. That is if you've got the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a knat to get through a one page article. Something that isn't spoon fed to you from Reich wing talk show hosts.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

If everyone in this nation dealt with highly sensitive information and handled it the way that Hillary Clinton did...then YES...everyone in this nation including ME...would spend time in jail! We don't however...but Hillary does! As for her "INTENT"? She spent over a hundred thousand dollars to install those two private servers in her home even though the State Department would have given her official servers for ZERO dollars! She kept those servers secret and didn't provide Congressional investigators any of the emails that they contained voluntarily! It was only when the investigation into the Benghazi scandal revealed that Clinton wasn't conducting any of her official State Department communications through State Department servers and instead was using some mysterious set up based out of her home that it became public knowledge that Clinton had over sixty thousand emails on her private servers and hadn't turned ANY of them over to Congressional investigators! Not only hadn't she complied with Congress' request for her emails...she in fact had almost half of them professionally scrubbed from her servers. No intent to do wrong? Don't make me laugh!

Then you need to open up investigations into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails, both of whom were former Secretary's of State under G.W. Bush--as they have the same exact email issues, DUMB ASS.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

The same exact email issues? First of all, Condi Rice didn't use emails and she certainly didn't use them in a "pay to play" scheme! Colin Powell was Secretary of State back when email communications were first becoming commonplace. He said he used an email account to try and bring his staff into the computer age not to hide information. Then there are the rules that have been put in place SINCE Colin Powell was Secretary of State that specifically prohibit what Hillary Clinton did...rules that Clinton signed off on and then completely ignored! Powell and Rice do not in any way have the same email issues as Hillary Clinton! That's a rather pathetic attempt by Clinton supporters to excuse what she did as "business as usual"!
AGAIN: Judge legally finds AGAINST Hillary:
Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to Judicial Watch questions on e-mails

'Nuff Said.
I'm curious, Swim...do you think it's fine for a government official to use their office to exchange political favors for cash?

If you are going to change subjects start a new thread.

Change subjects? Do you not grasp that the pay for play thing that the Clinton's were doing IS what this was all about? Hillary didn't drop a hundred grand out of her own pocket on those two private servers for shits and giggles...she did so because she didn't want how she was conducting "business" at the State Department to be scrutinized by Congress or the American people. This is a woman who is so cheap that she donated used underwear to charity for a tax write off but you think she spent a hundred grand on something that the State Department would have given her for free for no reason? Use your head, Swim...you're embarrassing yourself when you buy the line of bullshit that the Clinton's are spinning to try and gloss this over.
This email scandal is about one thing and one thing only...it's the Clinton's cashing in on the political power they wielded.

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