'VICTORY': Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to Judicial Watch questions on emails

Only in a liberal's demented mind can Hillary say under oath that she only used one server and one device, the Director of the FBI prove she used multiple of each proving she committed perjury under oath ... all of this be on video...and liberals claim that's not what happened...despite the video, the audio, the transcripts, etc...

Liberals have lost their damn minds...or have sold their souls.

I don't think she was under oath. Shouldn't matter since lying to the feds is a crime. At least, it was for martha stewart.

I think Comey's excuse for not charging her was that he felt she wasn't intelligent enough to know what she was doing was wrong? Yeah, so let's elect THAT person to be our next President! (eyeroll)
Only in a liberal's demented mind can Hillary say under oath that she only used one server and one device, the Director of the FBI prove she used multiple of each proving she committed perjury under oath ... all of this be on video...and liberals claim that's not what happened...despite the video, the audio, the transcripts, etc...

Liberals have lost their damn minds...or have sold their souls.

I don't think she was under oath. Shouldn't matter since lying to the feds is a crime. At least, it was for martha stewart.

I think Comey's excuse for not charging her was that he felt she wasn't intelligent enough to know what she was doing was wrong? Yeah, so let's elect THAT person to be our next President! (eyeroll)
Check the transcripts - Comey actually SAID Hillary is 'too unsophistic' to understand classifications....

TRANSLATION: Comey said she was too STUPID to comprehend the classification levels of the informayion she was sending and receiving...which makes her extremely dangerous when you're entrustin her withthis nation"s secrets.

IMO Comey did not recommend indictment because he knew it would be a waste of time as long as Obama and Lynch were there to ensure nothing happened.

Eric Holder broke the law - protected, no charges

Reid, Castro, Hillary: all broke the law - protected, no charges. The WH even had the balls to declare that Castro would not be charged becasue 'he is SORRY'. (Next time you find YOURSELF in trouble with the law tell them you're sorry & see how far that gets YOU!)
Only in a liberal's demented mind can Hillary say under oath that she only used one server and one device, the Director of the FBI prove she used multiple of each proving she committed perjury under oath ... all of this be on video...and liberals claim that's not what happened...despite the video, the audio, the transcripts, etc...

Liberals have lost their damn minds...or have sold their souls.

I don't think she was under oath. Shouldn't matter since lying to the feds is a crime. At least, it was for martha stewart.

I think Comey's excuse for not charging her was that he felt she wasn't intelligent enough to know what she was doing was wrong? Yeah, so let's elect THAT person to be our next President! (eyeroll)
Check the transcripts - Comey actually SAID Hillary is 'too unsophistic' to understand classifications....

TRANSLATION: Comey said she was too STUPID to comprehend the classification levels of the informayion she was sending and receiving...which makes her extremely dangerous when you're entrustin her withthis nation"s secrets.

IMO Comey did not recommend indictment because he knew it would be a waste of time as long as Obama and Lynch were there to ensure nothing happened.

Eric Holder broke the law - protected, no charges

Reid, Castro, Hillary: all broke the law - protected, no charges. The WH even had the balls to declare that Castro would not be charged becasue 'he is SORRY'. (Next time you find YOURSELF in trouble with the law tell them you're sorry & see how far that gets YOU!)

Let's not forget Lois Lerner! She used the power of the IRS to target the political enemies of the Obama White House. When Nixon only ASKED someone to do that and was rebuffed it was one of the major reasons he was going to be impeached.
When the Clintons were in the WH they, lie Barry, also used the IRS to target political enemies. SHE WILL DO IT AGAIN.
I think Comey's excuse for not charging her was that he felt she wasn't intelligent enough to know what she was doing was wrong? Yeah, so let's elect THAT person to be our next President! (eyeroll)

Yes, well, let any of us try to use that as an excuse in court and see how far that will get you.
I think Comey's excuse for not charging her was that he felt she wasn't intelligent enough to know what she was doing was wrong? Yeah, so let's elect THAT person to be our next President! (eyeroll)

Yes, well, let any of us try to use that as an excuse in court and see how far that will get you.

Generally speaking...if anyone OTHER than Hillary Clinton was found to be running classified intel through unsecure private servers hidden away at their house...they'd be facing jail time! If they deleted 30,000 of the emails on those servers to keep investigators from getting a look at them then they'd be facing serious jail time!
I never heard of Judicial Watch. Hopefully they won't drag their feet in getting questions to Hillary by end of September. If they drag it out to where her answers needn't come until after the election, I'll figure they're more of a joke than what they claim she is.
Don't worry. I know the group well. They probably already have the questions drawn up. It all depends on how fast the courts operate. Hillary will drag it out as long as possible, obviously. However, if she's not under oath, I don't see the point. She will just lie again.
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?

Because when she answered questions asked by Congress, she lied?????

We often talk about the protected class of people in our country: blacks, gays, minorities..... But the real protected class of people are running our government, and we're about frustrated.

Why do we hold our representatives to a lesser standard than the average citizen? Hillary lied about the Benghazi video, and she just walked away. The guy who made the video went to prison, and he had nothing to do with the attack. If anything, people who work for us should be held to a higher standard--not lower one.

Martha Stewart ended up in prison for five months because she lied to the FBI about inside trading tips. Our Congress has been getting inside trading tips for years, and they were never even asked to leave their position in government.

Congress has exempted itself from the insider trading laws. That seems blatantly unconstitutional to me, but the leftwing douche bags in here tell me the Supreme Court always interprets the Constitution correctly.
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?

Yea, Hillary and the left have had that same attitude, even when investigators wanted to question her. She thinks no one has a right to call her on her bullshit. She worked for us, or was supposed to be, as Sec. of State. Hell, yes, she needs to answer to us for anything she did, or didn't do, while she served. Why do you guys act like she is royalty and above laws?

You really are a stupid kvnt. I can't stand Clinton, and I'm definitely not part of whatever "you guys" group you seem to be talking about. See, you're problem is that you hate Clinton so much it colors everything you see, everything you hear, everything you [believe you] know. It doesn't matter if Hillary Clinton is Satan incarnate (and as a matter of fact my doubts that she's Satan incarnate have more to do with my doubts that Satan exists rather than doubts that Clinton would be a prime candidate for such a role), that doesn't give any old person a right to demand that they be able to interrogate her under oath and that she be compelled to answer any questions.

Being the defendant of a lawsuit gives them that right, you fucking douche bag.
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The ruling will be appealed. She won't have to answer them during her presidency, maybe later. Maybe.
nahhhh, it won't....

Clinton WON and got what she wanted, to answer the questions under oath and in writing vs the dog and pony show of in person.
If she can be charged with perjury, it's not a victory for her. If she doesn't answer the questions honestly, she'll Immediately be charged, and she sure as hell doesn't want to answer them honestly.
"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.

"Judicial Watch will get Clinton under oath regarding the set-up of her outlaw server – something no other person, organization or agency has been ableto do, to date," he said.

“We believe it is a victory for law and order to get Hillary Clinton UNDER OATH answering questions about the server setup and why she did it,” he said."

Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to questions on private email use | Fox News

We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.
During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com
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"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.

"Judicial Watch will get Clinton under oath regarding the set-up of her outlaw server – something no other person, organization or agency has been ableto do, to date," he said.

“We believe it is a victory for law and order to get Hillary Clinton UNDER OATH answering questions about the server setup and why she did it,” he said."

Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to questions on private email use | Fox News

We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.
During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!
"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.

"Judicial Watch will get Clinton under oath regarding the set-up of her outlaw server – something no other person, organization or agency has been ableto do, to date," he said.

“We believe it is a victory for law and order to get Hillary Clinton UNDER OATH answering questions about the server setup and why she did it,” he said."

Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to questions on private email use | Fox News

We already know that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department set up and maintained the server for her. Now one would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the State department would know that it didn't fit protocol. It's probably because he has set up servers for others without incident, until now. Of course the Senior IT staffer working at the State department received immunity from the FBI to save his own arse.

Furthermore COLIN POWELL blasted Republicans today with this statement.
During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

And we also know that Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same email issues as Hillary Clinton. They received documents that were marked classified long after they received them, as is what happened with Hillary Clinton.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

So I don't what VICTORY you're expecting to get out of a "written" answer sheet that has already been answered a thousand times--LOL IOW you're beating a dead horse again.

Which brings me to this conclusion.



And yet the Tea Party aka the Reich wing defended this 4 star general & CIA director with all the fervor they attack Hillary Clinton with.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Yeah, Hillary's a fucking genius all right! The excuse that Comey used for not charging her was that she was too stupid to know that what she was doing was wrong!

When people make "mistakes" often costly ones to their employers, they are not investigated or charged with criminal activity. Otherwise everyone in this nation would have spent some time in jail over them, including YOU. Why? Because there was no INTENT to do wrong.

And FBI director Comey pointed this out very clearly when asked about what a 4 star General and CIA director did in comparison to Hillary Clinton and why he was charged and she wasn't. That is if you've got the reading comprehension skills or the attention span of a knat to get through a one page article. Something that isn't spoon fed to you from Reich wing talk show hosts.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com
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You really are a stupid kvnt. I can't stand Clinton, and I'm definitely not part of whatever "you guys" group you seem to be talking about. See, you're problem is that you hate Clinton so much it colors everything you see, everything you hear, everything you [believe you] know. It doesn't matter if Hillary Clinton is Satan incarnate (and as a matter of fact my doubts that she's Satan incarnate have more to do with my doubts that Satan exists rather than doubts that Clinton would be a prime candidate for such a role), that doesn't give any old person a right to demand that they be able to interrogate her under oath and that she be compelled to answer any questions.

Why is it that some posters instantly resort to derogatory names for women and minorities? After reading the first sentence, it was obvious you had nothing of intelligence to say.
You really are a stupid kvnt. I can't stand Clinton, and I'm definitely not part of whatever "you guys" group you seem to be talking about. See, you're problem is that you hate Clinton so much it colors everything you see, everything you hear, everything you [believe you] know. It doesn't matter if Hillary Clinton is Satan incarnate (and as a matter of fact my doubts that she's Satan incarnate have more to do with my doubts that Satan exists rather than doubts that Clinton would be a prime candidate for such a role), that doesn't give any old person a right to demand that they be able to interrogate her under oath and that she be compelled to answer any questions.

Why is it that some posters instantly resort to derogatory names for women and minorities? After reading the first sentence, it was obvious you had nothing of intelligence to say.

What Trump supporter has anything intelligent to say? For the first time in 60 years Republicans are losing white educated voters. IOW--the "smarts has already left the Republican party--they're now Hillary Clinton voters."
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
Trump Is Losing to Hillary Among One Crucial Group of White Voters

In fact this one Trump focus group, will give you some kind of idea what you're dealing with--LOL

Which matches this assessment from a neuroscientist on the brain of a Trump supporter
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


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