'VICTORY': Judge orders Clinton to provide written answers to Judicial Watch questions on emails


The ruling will be appealed. She won't have to answer them during her presidency, maybe later. Maybe.

Judicial Watch is a joke. A bunch of rabid NaziCons.

Meet Judicial Watch, A Driving Force Behind The Clinton Email Story That Keeps Duping The Press
hows this then you paid, DNC poster?

Judge: Hillary Clinton Must Answer Written Questions in Email Suit

Who said I'm a "paid" poster? Do you believe everything you see on the Internet?
She will appeal and delay, as Comrade Trump is doing with Trump University. Just a bunch of hacks who know Comrade Trump is toast.

The ruling will be appealed. She won't have to answer them during her presidency, maybe later. Maybe.

Judicial Watch is a joke. A bunch of rabid NaziCons.

Meet Judicial Watch, A Driving Force Behind The Clinton Email Story That Keeps Duping The Press
LOL, Lakhota is so uninformed it's almost said, neocons in judicial watch......hahaha

Yeah, hahaha...

The People Who Taught You to Hate Hillary, Part I: Judicial Watch
LOL, Lakhota is so uninformed it's almost said, neocons in judicial watch......hahaha

Of course, anyone who doesn't nod in agreement with everything stated by liberals in government are immediately impugned, labeled and viciously attacked. If any media reports honestly on Obama or the Clintons, they are accused of being rightwing radicals. But then, these days, the left's definition of radical is telling the truth.
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?

Yea, Hillary and the left have had that same attitude, even when investigators wanted to question her. She thinks no one has a right to call her on her bullshit. She worked for us, or was supposed to be, as Sec. of State. Hell, yes, she needs to answer to us for anything she did, or didn't do, while she served. Why do you guys act like she is royalty and above laws?
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?
Because she broke the law, violating the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

Because she broke the law by having an illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted personal server on which she kept highly classified information, which is also illegal.

Because she committed perjury.
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?

Because when she answered questions asked by Congress, she lied?????

We often talk about the protected class of people in our country: blacks, gays, minorities..... But the real protected class of people are running our government, and we're about frustrated.

Why do we hold our representatives to a lesser standard than the average citizen? Hillary lied about the Benghazi video, and she just walked away. The guy who made the video went to prison, and he had nothing to do with the attack. If anything, people who work for us should be held to a higher standard--not lower one.

Martha Stewart ended up in prison for five months because she lied to the FBI about inside trading tips. Our Congress has been getting inside trading tips for years, and they were never even asked to leave their position in government.
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?

Yea, Hillary and the left have had that same attitude, even when investigators wanted to question her. She thinks no one has a right to call her on her bullshit. She worked for us, or was supposed to be, as Sec. of State. Hell, yes, she needs to answer to us for anything she did, or didn't do, while she served. Why do you guys act like she is royalty and above laws?

You really are a stupid kvnt. I can't stand Clinton, and I'm definitely not part of whatever "you guys" group you seem to be talking about. See, you're problem is that you hate Clinton so much it colors everything you see, everything you hear, everything you [believe you] know. It doesn't matter if Hillary Clinton is Satan incarnate (and as a matter of fact my doubts that she's Satan incarnate have more to do with my doubts that Satan exists rather than doubts that Clinton would be a prime candidate for such a role), that doesn't give any old person a right to demand that they be able to interrogate her under oath and that she be compelled to answer any questions.
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?
Because she broke the law, violating the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

Because she broke the law by having an illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted personal server on which she kept highly classified information, which is also illegal.

Because she committed perjury.

Yeah, and? I say that you broke the law. Last night. With a prostitute. A prostitute who has trouble finding an acceptable public bathroom in North Carolina.

Now, answer my questions. Under oath. Let's get a judge over here to hold you in contempt if you don't comply.
So, a crushing defeat for Judicial Watch and the other Stalinist Clinton-haters, who so very badly wanted to force Clinton to testify in person, in the hopes of getting some sort of out-of-context sound bite to lie about.

Trump-fans, naturally, are trying to spin the humiliation as a big win, even though the judge laid a serious smackdown on their kook conspiracy theory.

Judge won't order deposition of Clinton in email suit
"Judicial Watch’s argument that a deposition is preferable in this case because of the ability to ask follow-up questions is not persuasive," Sullivan wrote in his opinion. "Given the extensive public record related to the clintonemail.com system, a record which Judicial Watch has acknowledged, Judicial Watch will be able to anticipate many follow-up questions. For those follow-up questions that Judicial Watch is unable to anticipate, it can move this Court for permission to serve additional interrogatories."
Why the fuck does anyone have any right to demand she answer questions?
Because she broke the law, violating the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

Because she broke the law by having an illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted personal server on which she kept highly classified information, which is also illegal.

Because she committed perjury.

Yeah, and? I say that you broke the law. Last night. With a prostitute. A prostitute who has trouble finding an acceptable public bathroom in North Carolina.

Now, answer my questions. Under oath. Let's get a judge over here to hold you in contempt if you don't comply.
One big difference - you have no proof, and it has not been PROVEN that I broke the law.

Comey has the proof and already testified under oath that Hillary committed perjury and broke the law - violating FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Despite all the liberal denial these have already been PROVEN.

I understand you are frustrated and pissed off these are facts and want to attack me instead of pour your anger out where it belongs - on Hillary. That, however, is YOUR problem, not mine.

The ruling will be appealed. She won't have to answer them during her presidency, maybe later. Maybe.

Judicial Watch is a joke. A bunch of rabid NaziCons.

Meet Judicial Watch, A Driving Force Behind The Clinton Email Story That Keeps Duping The Press
hows this then you paid, DNC poster?

Judge: Hillary Clinton Must Answer Written Questions in Email Suit

Who said I'm a "paid" poster? Do you believe everything you see on the Internet?
No. We don't believe anything you says on the internetz.
"U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan issued the order as part of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The group had sought to question Clinton under oath and in person, but the judge ruled she would only have to answer questions in writing.
Prediction" more of the same butthurt wingnuts after Hillary Clinton walks away without being indicted.charged or fined

more of the same

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