Video: 20-minute Passionate Bernie Senate Floor Speech On Climate Change: "Put The Planet Over Fossil Fuel Profits"

Thats the goal. but expecting it to happen right this second is unrealistic. You need to give humans time to invent the technologies needed to reduce pollution. No one has any shot at convincing me that I have to stop using gas to run my car, heat my home and give me electricity, while China keeps burning fuel and coal like its going out of style.
racial economic inequality hurts both the environment and the free market because it destroys the shared interest minorities have with contributing to the economy and caring for the planet
Thats the goal. but expecting it to happen right this second is unrealistic. You need to give humans time to invent the technologies needed to reduce pollution. No one has any shot at convincing me that I have to stop using gas to run my car, heat my home and give me electricity, while China keeps burning fuel and coal like its going out of style.
you're hopeless, bro. "me, me, me, my money" sound like a 4 year old, not 49 year old
hint #1: please learn the replace "me" (the spirit of self-interest) with "we" (solidarity with all the world's people and our planet)

hint #2: only GIRLY MEN like you blame the world's problems on "CHINA"
Until i see a sound argument for why i should stop using oil and living in the modern age, my mind wont be changed. None of the rest of you are going to stop using it, so why would I? Its real easy to talk the talk, but NO ONE walks the walk. Stop using your car, stop using electricity that is powered by fossil fuels and let me know how it works out. We already know how that works out, which is why none of us are going to do it.

I find all "the end is in 10 years" predictions to be dumb and wrong every single time. There is no "end". The world will change as it has always changed. No one is going to be living with dark skies and dead plants in 100 years.

Telling people to stop polluting isnt going to help anyone. That isnt climate activism. The only people who are actually making a difference, dont have a voice because they dont use electricity to power their computer. If you have the ability to tell people to stop polluting online, then YOU are polluting along with the rest of us.
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OK, I'm about to make you tap out like a b*tch like Diaz did to Ferguson...

The goal of economic policy should be to grow the good things that improve our well-being and environmental quality and reduce the bad things that harm humans and nature. To reorient the economy for these ends, we will need to achieve a more egalitarian distribution of wealth and power. Global climate change adds urgency to this task and creates historic opportunities for moving towards a greener more PROSPEROUS future.
to achieve a more egalitarian distribution of wealth and power.
Communism doesnt work....Never has never will. Want wealth and power, make something of yourself instead of bitching and moaning how life is unfair.
you're hopeless, bro. "me, me, me, my money" sound like a 4 year old, not 49 year old
Until i see a sound argument for why i should stop using oil and living in the modern age, my mind wont be changed. None of the rest of you are going to stop using it, so why would I? Its real easy to talk the talk, but NO ONE walks the walk. Stop using your car, stop using electricity that is powered by fossil fuels and let me know how it works out. We already know how that works out, which is why none of us are going to do it.

I find all "the end is in 10 years" predictions to be dumb and wrong every single time. There is no "end". The world will change as it has always changed. No one is going to be living with dark skies and dead plants in 100 years.

Telling people to stop polluting isnt going to help anyone. That isnt climate activism. The only people who are actually making a difference, dont have a voice because they dont use electricity to power their computer. If you have the ability to tell people to stop polluting online, then YOU are polluting.
ok i've been going easy on you because you're my bro and i don't want to embarrass you

let's get serious here:

average national income is not the same as the average person's well-being

the BP Oil Spill cost 90 billion dollars, added 300 dollars to the average person's income, but it damaged well-being

our excessive prison system costs 40 billion dollars, adds 140 dollars to income, but ends people's lives just because they smoke pot
ok i've been going easy on you because you're my bro and i don't want to embarrass you

let's get serious here:

average national income is not the same as the average person's well-being

the BP Oil Spill cost 90 billion dollars, added 300 dollars to the average person's income, but it damaged well-being

our excessive prison system costs 40 billion dollars, adds 140 dollars to income, but ends people's lives just because they smoke pot
That BP oil spill was TERRIBLE. Of course, imagine the world wide catastrophe if BP and the other oil companies didnt produce any oil. BILLIONS die within a couple months the moment we stop using oil. The power will go out, people will die from the cold, no one will have the ability to travel more than a few miles, no one will have food and the ensuing apocalyptic doom would swallow virtually all of mankind.

Humans in 2022 are not prepared for a world without electricity.
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That BP oil spill was TERRIBLE. Of course, imagine the world wide catastrophe if BP and the other oil companies didnt produce any oil. BILLIONS die within a couple months the moment we stop using oil. The power will go out, people will die from the cold, no one will have the ability to travel more than a few miles, no one will have food and an apocalyptic chaos would swallow virtually all of mankind.
and they say I'M the alarmist LOL

i think if this was in the octagon it would be scored a tie...i'm not convincing you and you're not convincing me...maybe we should just let it go?
That BP oil spill was TERRIBLE. Of course, imagine the world wide catastrophe if BP and the other oil companies didnt produce any oil. BILLIONS die within a couple months the moment we stop using oil. The power will go out, people will die from the cold, no one will have the ability to travel more than a few miles, no one will have food and the ensuing apocalyptic doom would swallow virtually all of mankind.

Humans in 2022 are not prepared for a world without electricity.
one last thing and then i'm done with this:

“All the modern things have always existed,
They’ve just been waiting,
To come out,
And multiply,
And take over,
It’s their turn now” - Bjork song from 1995

by the same logic, the replacement technology to "the modern things", which will guide us to an environmentally sound future is already here, we just have to find it and learn how to use it!
and they say I'M the alarmist LOL

i think if this was in the octagon it would be scored a tie...i'm not convincing you and you're not convincing me...maybe we should just let it go?
Am i wrong? Do you think human beings are capable of surviving in 2022 without electricity? You do realize that most of the worlds electricity comes from fossil fuels, right? We are DEAD without electricity. Can you hunt and forage for your food? Could you survive on hunting alone? Can you even make a fire without matches? Im going to assume that like the rest of us, the answer is no. We are fucking dead without electricity and the fossil fuels we burn to get it.
one last thing and then i'm done with this:

“All the modern things have always existed,
They’ve just been waiting,
To come out,
And multiply,
And take over,
It’s their turn now” - Bjork song from 1995

by the same logic, the replacement technology to "the modern things", which will guide us to an environmentally sound future is already here, we just have to find it and learn how to use it!
You stop using oil AFTER you invent this replacement technology, not before.
Am i wrong? Do you think human beings are capable of surviving in 2022 without electricity? You do realize that most of the worlds electricity comes from fossil fuels, right? We are DEAD without electricity. Can you hunt and forage for your food? Could you survive on hunting alone? Can you even make a fire without matches? Im going to assume that like the rest of us, the answer is no. We are fucking dead without electricity and the fossil fuels we burn to get it.
you're not're just weak at articulating your point... that's why i enjoy taking the opposite side so i can taunt you, that's all...i don't really have an actual opinion on climate...i read both sides of the debate and consider the pro's and con's, but i don't have a finite opinion...
you're not're just weak at articulating your point... that's why i enjoy taking the opposite side so i can taunt you, that's all...i don't really have an actual opinion on climate...i read both sides of the debate and consider the pro's and con's, but i don't have a finite opinion...
Lets get one thing straight... if your opinion differs from mine, its wrong. I am the authority on all matters.
The clock of climate change is ticking ever faster towards midnight. We are simply not reacting quickly enough and we cannot be anything less than courageous and revolutionary in our approach to tackling climate change...tell the fossil fuel industry the future of the planet is more important than their short-term profits

So, the manmade global warming doomsday meme is your major malfunction?

I should have guessed
Lets get one thing straight... if your opinion differs from mine, its wrong. I am the authority on all matters.
so we both fought hard, toe to toe, refused to give up an inch, but at the end of the day, we're still bros! you're still my bro, right?

so we both fought hard, toe to toe, refused to give up an inch, but at the end of the day, we're still bros! you're still my bro, right?

Well, theres 2 fights spoiled now. I was literally minutes away from watching it. Fuck it, I guess ill play video games instead. Mech Warrior 5 is calling me. :laugh:
He's a leftoid nutter.

In England, the new PM is reopening fracking. Reality trumps fantasy.

In Ontario, the change over to clean energy is creating lots of jobs, and providing financial stability to farmers. Health care costs in the cities went down when we stopped allowing coal fired plants because asthma visits to emergency were reduced, acid rain ended, buildings weren't being damaged.

People howled at the cost of the conversion, but we now have some of the cheapest electricity, not just in Canada, but in North America. In addition to the financial stability for farmers.

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