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Video: antifa protesters scream at , block elderly woman

If a person (including old women using a walker) feel reasonable afraid for their life by an threatening mob, THAT WOMAN or ever a concerned bystander, has the right to decide whether or not your sorry ass lives to see the next morning.

Moral of the story, don't ever threaten the innocent.

Some people just deserve killing, those are prime examples. My question is where were the fucking police?


Who decides who is allowed to live?
Should we eliminate the police and the courts so you can kill whoever you want?

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You need to edit your post and move it out of my quote box. Thanks in advance.


I can’t.

If I could, I wouldn’t.

How about answering my questions instead.

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Wasn't talking to you dumb ass. Guess you're not smart enough to see someone else joined the conversation.


Go fuck yourself.

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Dude, communists have killed far more many people than White Supremacists have.

But the issue is about individual behavior. If some Kluxer fool did this to an old woman I am sure plenty of people would step in and straighten him out, but Antifa has protection through Soros money.

There is no "Antifa" here. This thread is propped up on a myth. NOWHERE did any of these three people --- whose actions were denounced by the body of protesters on their own "side" --- identify themselves as "Antifa" or indeed as anything at all. That term was entirely plugged in by a YouTube title and kneejerk pseudojournalism.... which you'll notice dances deftly around the label it affixes with "Antifa-like" and such.

Moreover, there is no such "thing" as Antifa. It's not an organization, as the use of the term as the acting subject of the sentence, desperately tries to imply, starting with the title of this thread. And if there were such a thing as an actor it would be irrelevant anyway since this is a protest in Canada by Canadians. Prove any of that wrong.

What's going on there is the deliberate misanthropic and opportunistic twisting of a real story into a fake one, for the purpose of stirring up a Two Minutes Hate visited upon an imaginary entity, in this case "Antifa", where such entiity does not even exist, that the masses may froth at the mouth into a lynch mob.

To wit:

If an Antifa scum was laying on the sidewalk bleeding out I would stop only to laugh at him and tell him I hope he enjoys the fires of Gehenna.

To wit:

These thugs are not rational human beings, they are rabid animals who should be put down like the rabid animals that they are.

Well dittoed, useful idiot.

To wit:

But hey lets not mark them as domestic terrorist SMDH

That is wrong. Period.

This is what your party has become.

Here's a clown who not only doesn't get that this is all in Canada, but doesn't even let that stop him from a desperate lunge to try to tie it to a political party that doesn't even exist in that country.

Look, here's another one:

Don't talk bad about Antifa. They're the best of the best of the Democratic party.

"Democratic party of Canada". Ya learn sump'm every day in this here joint.

To wit:

and people would rather stand around and film it than help that couple.

Probably those who were filming were also Antifa, they like to travel in packs....they are all cowards.

Bottom line, as always ---- anyone who salivates on command because a YouTube title told him to, without bothering to vet the background, is a fucking idiot, and for the mythologists bent on whipping up a mob mentality, quite the useful one.
Most people would say, killing is much worse than harassing.
It appears Little Trumpsters are so warped, that they think it’s better to be dead, than getting harassed. :2up:
Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2018

The guy that shot Gabby Giffords is a leftist.

Of course lefties commit murder, that’s not athe argument.
In my original post in this thread, I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of wanting to shoot someone who harassed someone, yet the poster I addresses has never stated much or anything regarding White Suprematist’s history of mass shooting. But he has no problem murders but problems with a group whose crimes list is child’s play by comparison.
The poster opinion is based on ideology and sans of reality.
Lets fix your lying bull shit claims of "white supremacists" being a scourge... In the 1930's the white supremacist were known as the KKK and they were all DEMOCRATS. The higharchy of the Klan was the Democratic National Committee. If you were not part of the KLAN you were not going anywhere in US politics.. With your inventing of ANTIFA you have just reinvented the KLAN which now includes professors at every major university and college preaching this hate and intolerance... Bravo fascist.. You still think they are a problem? You best take a good look in the mirror at who the problem is!

You need to keep up with reality
Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security, recently added White Suprematist to their list of threats to the United States.
Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats
Do you think they did it just for fun?
You are one uninformed individual.
Being cognizant of reality definitely isn’t your thing, is it?
Ever think of expanding your intellectual horizon? Probably not.
For you it’s much easier goose-stepping to a narrow ideology.
People like you are the real problem.
Also, I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton, I don’t vote for scum. I am an educated voter with morals.
You really are an ignorant of history piece of left wing shit...

Fuck Off fagot.. You have no morals.. You approve of Killing children and now your a step away from killing the elderly.... You are a piece of shit that needs to be flushed...

Sorry, oh narrow-minded one I don't subscribe to any ideology.
I love how you Little Trumpsters display your small minds, when you accuse anyone to the left of you as liberals/Democrats. There is another group of voters, who are also the the left of you but also to the right of liberal/Democrats. But small-minded ideologues are unable to to process that fact.
I am an Independent, which is the largest voting bloc in America. Secondly, I am. pro-life. Being pro-life for me, encompasses abortion and White Supremacy's mass murder based on bigotry.
I know you are unable to realize the real world, only because you have displayed your obsession to goose-stepping to an extremely very narrow ideology.
Dude, communists have killed far more many people than White Supremacists have.

But the issue is about individual behavior. If some Kluxer fool did this to an old woman I am sure plenty of people would step in and straighten him out, but Antifa has protection through Soros money.

There is no "Antifa" here. This thread is propped up on a myth. NOWHERE did any of these three people --- whose actions were denounced by the body of protesters on their own "side" --- identify themselves as "Antifa" or indeed as anything at all. That term was entirely plugged in by a YouTube title and kneejerk pseudojournalism.... which you'll notice dances deftly around the label it affixes with "Antifa-like" and such.

Moreover, there is no such "thing" as Antifa. It's not an organization, as the use of the term as the acting subject of the sentence, desperately tries to imply, starting with the title of this thread. And if there were such a thing as an actor it would be irrelevant anyway since this is a protest in Canada by Canadians. Prove any of that wrong.

What's going on there is the deliberate misanthropic and opportunistic twisting of a real story into a fake one, for the purpose of stirring up a Two Minutes Hate visited upon an imaginary entity, in this case "Antifa", where such entiity does not even exist, that the masses may froth at the mouth into a lynch mob.

To wit:

If an Antifa scum was laying on the sidewalk bleeding out I would stop only to laugh at him and tell him I hope he enjoys the fires of Gehenna.

To wit:

These thugs are not rational human beings, they are rabid animals who should be put down like the rabid animals that they are.

Well dittoed, useful idiot.

To wit:

But hey lets not mark them as domestic terrorist SMDH

That is wrong. Period.

This is what your party has become.

Here's a clown who not only doesn't get that this is all in Canada, but doesn't even let that stop him from a desperate lunge to try to tie it to a political party that doesn't even exist in that country.

Look, here's another one:

Don't talk bad about Antifa. They're the best of the best of the Democratic party.

"Democratic party of Canada". Ya learn sump'm every day in this here joint.

To wit:

and people would rather stand around and film it than help that couple.

Probably those who were filming were also Antifa, they like to travel in packs....they are all cowards.

Bottom line, as always ---- anyone who salivates on command because a YouTube title told him to, without bothering to vet the background, is a fucking idiot, and for the mythologists bent on whipping up a mob mentality, quite the useful one.

Punks like that are in America assaulting people daily. Nothing from liberals. But any other organization does anything you loons go ballistic.
The guy that shot Gabby Giffords is a leftist.

Of course lefties commit murder, that’s not athe argument.
In my original post in this thread, I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of wanting to shoot someone who harassed someone, yet the poster I addresses has never stated much or anything regarding White Suprematist’s history of mass shooting. But he has no problem murders but problems with a group whose crimes list is child’s play by comparison.
The poster opinion is based on ideology and sans of reality.
Lets fix your lying bull shit claims of "white supremacists" being a scourge... In the 1930's the white supremacist were known as the KKK and they were all DEMOCRATS. The higharchy of the Klan was the Democratic National Committee. If you were not part of the KLAN you were not going anywhere in US politics.. With your inventing of ANTIFA you have just reinvented the KLAN which now includes professors at every major university and college preaching this hate and intolerance... Bravo fascist.. You still think they are a problem? You best take a good look in the mirror at who the problem is!

You need to keep up with reality
Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security, recently added White Suprematist to their list of threats to the United States.
Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats
Do you think they did it just for fun?
You are one uninformed individual.
Being cognizant of reality definitely isn’t your thing, is it?
Ever think of expanding your intellectual horizon? Probably not.
For you it’s much easier goose-stepping to a narrow ideology.
People like you are the real problem.
Also, I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton, I don’t vote for scum. I am an educated voter with morals.
You really are an ignorant of history piece of left wing shit...

Fuck Off fagot.. You have no morals.. You approve of Killing children and now your a step away from killing the elderly.... You are a piece of shit that needs to be flushed...

Sorry, oh narrow-minded one I don't subscribe to any ideology.
I love how you Little Trumpsters display your small minds, when you accuse anyone to the left of you as liberals/Democrats. There is another group of voters, who are also the the left of you but also to the right of liberal/Democrats. But small-minded ideologues are unable to to process that fact.
I am an Independent, which is the largest voting bloc in America. Secondly, I am. pro-life. Being pro-life for me, encompasses abortion and White Supremacy's mass murder based on bigotry.
I know you are unable to realize the real world, only because you have displayed your obsession to goose-stepping to an extremely very narrow ideology.
democrats have enabled and defended the murder of over 50 million unborn children in this country........ and conservatives are not nazis !! how can you vote for any democrat if you are pro life !
what American muslim or hispanic American has Trump targeted ...... until he targets moronic homos you have nothing to worry about.
are you antifa bitch ........... i bet you are !!! I SHALL CALL YOU SHIVERSHITS THE COWARDLY NAZI !
I scrolled through all the comments before watching the video to see if any leftists would in ANY WAY defend these terrorists. Augustine came closest with his "eyeroll" reaction
Yeah. Absolute gutless prick. Apparently he thinks the furor is unwarranted, even old ladies with walkers shouldn't be immune from Antifa and their brand of criminal bullying.

Hopefully other posters won't let him forget his lack of humanity.
Amazingly, you have never stated that white suprematist, who have killed many humans, should be shot.
Your credibility and overall morals mean absolutely nothing.
Yes ANTIFA, isn’t a cool organization, but they look very passive compared to White Supremaist.
Amazingly you haven't noticed there are no white supremacists in Hamilton, Ontario when Antifa assembled
to bully, antagonize and push around citizens just trying to walk across the street.

But thanks for self identifying yourself as a complete moron and authoritarian dick sucker. How do you like your lowest rung on the ladder of human behavior?
Amazingly, you have never stated that white suprematist, who have killed many humans, should be shot.
Your credibility and overall morals mean absolutely nothing.
Yes ANTIFA, isn’t a cool organization, but they look very passive compared to White Supremaist.
Amazingly you haven't noticed there are no white supremacists in Hamilton, Ontario when Antifa assembled
to bully, antagonize and push around citizens just trying to walk across the street?

Once AGAIN --- there is no "Antifa" in Hamilton Ontario. See (most recently) post 202. So no, they did not.

Prove me wrong.

As for white supremacists in that city --- funny you should choose to step in that hole.

>> On Monday, Hamilton, Ontario police announced a “full investigation” into longtime Canadian white-nationalist figure Paul Fromm for allegedly uploading the Christchurch manifesto to the website of his white nationalist group, the Canadian Association for Free Expression. The manifesto, entitled “The Great Replacement” was originally posted online by Brenton Tarrant shortly before the March 15 mosque attacks—17,000 words that mix far-right tropes, trolling, and white nationalist ideology. <<​
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Don't talk bad about Antifa. They're the best of the best of the Democratic party.

Yyyyyyyeeeeeahhh ummmmmm........... the whole scene is in Canada. The OP saw a YouTube put up by unknown entities with a fake title and swallowed, hook line and sinker. And couldn't be bothered to vet it, because it tasted good.

Only YOU would stake a claim that this event DID NOT HAPPEN... Don't think you'll get anyone to take the bait..

I pointed out that this happened in Canada.. Had it happened here, with the hot political tensions we have, that event WOULD be the point of the spear to push back HARD against these brain dead savages... Normal folks would be taking action to make CERTAIN, these cretins don't act as shock troopers in their towns...
Don't talk bad about Antifa. They're the best of the best of the Democratic party.

Yyyyyyyeeeeeahhh ummmmmm........... the whole scene is in Canada. The OP saw a YouTube put up by unknown entities with a fake title and swallowed, hook line and sinker. And couldn't be bothered to vet it, because it tasted good.

Can't help Portland... They get what they deserve from their leftist city govt.. BUT --- Mr.. It didn't happen -- It's happening ALL the fucking time there and no one dares speak out.. WHERE is the law and police?

Go to 2:20 and tell me this is just OK....

Don't talk bad about Antifa. They're the best of the best of the Democratic party.

Yyyyyyyeeeeeahhh ummmmmm........... the whole scene is in Canada. The OP saw a YouTube put up by unknown entities with a fake title and swallowed, hook line and sinker. And couldn't be bothered to vet it, because it tasted good.

Only YOU would stake a claim that this event DID NOT HAPPEN... Don't think you'll get anyone to take the bait..

I pointed out that this happened in Canada.. Had it happened here, with the hot political tensions we have, that event WOULD be the point of the spear to push back HARD against these brain dead savages... Normal folks would be taking action to make CERTAIN, these cretins don't act as shock troopers in their towns...

That's a weird thing to say since NOWHERE did I suggest it DID NOT HAPPEN.

Yes you pointed out, as I did, that it happened in Canada. And you linked a source which quoted CBC, a source I hear every day, as saying the instigators were "Antifa" ---- which CBC never did say. And I pointed that out --- the fact that such association was completely made up by various media shit-stirrers bent on shit-stirring. And I gave several examples from right in this thread of said shit voluntarily stirring itself in a grand game of Telephone.

I also challenged anyone to prove me wrong, and no one did. End of story, fade to black, cue fat lady.

The moral, as it always was, is don't just ditto some wag because they toss out some suggestion-bait they pulled out of their ass --- make them prove it wasn't sourced from there. And again ...no one has. There are *WAY* too many wags just picking up a ball of emotional football and running with it, oblivious to the fact that they're running to the wrong goal line.
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Don't talk bad about Antifa. They're the best of the best of the Democratic party.

Yyyyyyyeeeeeahhh ummmmmm........... the whole scene is in Canada. The OP saw a YouTube put up by unknown entities with a fake title and swallowed, hook line and sinker. And couldn't be bothered to vet it, because it tasted good.

Can't help Portland... They get what they deserve from their leftist city govt.. BUT --- Mr.. It didn't happen -- It's happening ALL the fucking time there and no one dares speak out.. WHERE is the law and police?

Go to 2:20 and tell me this is just OK....

Once AGAIN I proffered no value judgment on "what was OK" aside from simple-ass critical thinking on the part of readers.

Also once again, Portland may be in two different states, but it has never been in Canada.
That's why your "2:20" is not in metric time. :eusa_shifty:

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