Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

You’re kind of contradicting yourself here. Why wouldn’t I run towards an armed man if I’m supposed to ignore the fact that they’re armed?
How is that contradictory?

You don't run toward somebody who is armed and try to take his gun. But, just because he is armed, does not mean he is trying to murder you.

By that retarded logic, every cop is trying to murder anyone they come into contact with.

I wouldn’t care if they armed themselves if they hadnt done so in an attempt to form a posse to go after someone they had no business with.
Stupid? Yes. Murder? I am not so sure, given the context.

But if this was a string of burglaries they had been trying to resolve for a long period of time, you can't really blame civilians for being active.

I just don't think they should have attempted to approach him.


It seemed contradictory because you’re telling me its irrelevant but sought fit to say they shouldn’t run toward an ARMED man implying it is relevant. You’d didn’t say “and try to take his gun”. McMichael put themselves in his path. That was their choice.

Funnily enough no reports of burglaries in the two months preceding except for a stolen pistol with no eyewitnesses or evidence. I can blame citizens for abject stupidity for what they did. They made life changing decisions for all involved. This tragedy is on them.
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?
It's highly likely they planned to confront Arbery as many times as necessary until Arbery got frustrated enough to attack and then they knew they could shoot him, and in their minds, it would look like an accident. That is why the McMichaels had a friend videotaping.
So they knew the thug was stupid enough to attack them? That's what you're saying.
Not stupidity. Fear for his life. When three armed men are chasing you, what else would you conclude?
No, definitely stupidity. Darwin proved right once again.
And these two geniuses are responsible:
View attachment 334410
They are. One less thug. Good on them!
Unlike these two, he has no history of violence.
He does now. Watch the thug on the video. Just like the other dumbshits, Big Mike and Trayvon, he got himself killed. Idiots, all of 'em!
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Yeah, it's not our first rodeo.
Arbery behaved in self defense. If it wasn’t, the McMichael’s wouldn’t be sitting in jail right now.

Arbery had no history of violence. He was not a thug.
It seemed contradictory because you’re telling me its irrelevant but sought fit to say they shouldn’t run toward an ARMED man implying it is relevant. You’d didn’t say “and try to take his gun”. McMichael put themselves in his path. That was their choice.
You shouldn't run at a 300 pound muscle man either, but just because he is a beefcake does NOT make him an aggressor.

Do you see your bullshit logic now?

My initial gut feeling tells Me, AA was involved in some kind burglary, and maybe even was armed. He was caught, ditched his gun, might have even shot at the guys chasing after him, and then the result was that he was caught, tried to fight them off, and then got shot when he went for the other guys gun. He was a thief... maybe he didn't learn his lesson. And that's just what My gut is telling Me as an investigator. And you know how the Black community politicizes and mobilizes even when the evidence is clear that the Black criminal who is shot was threatening and firing with deadly force at Police Officers.

What happened to Ariel in Chicago is much worse.

There is no way you're an investigator based on the above.

I investigated insurance claims. Took statements, reviewed evidence, police reports. Decided on whether to pay or not.

And you base your decision whether or not to pay a claim on your gut rather than the evidence and/or the police reports?

I based My decision off of the evidence. "Evidence being gathered includes security surveillance video from the home under construction, as well as surveillance video from other homes in the neighborhood, Barnhill said." Source: Shooting death presents conflict of interest for local DA's office

How much of that footage have you seen?

I've seen some of the snapshots pulled from the video footage that are inconclusive and insufficient as a legal basis for running someone down who may or may not be the individual who committed the crime and was caught on tape. Most certainly not sufficient to identify him enough to effect a citizen's arrest.

The liability angle of attempting to effect a citizen arrest if you have the wrong person or if you don't do it properly is daunting which is why many people who work in public safety and security don't do this unless the offense happens right in front them and even still, that doesn't prevent the "victim" from trying to have them arrested and then subsequently suing them.
It's highly likely they planned to confront Arbery as many times as necessary until Arbery got frustrated enough to attack and then they knew they could shoot him, and in their minds, it would look like an accident. That is why the McMichaels had a friend videotaping.
So they knew the thug was stupid enough to attack them? That's what you're saying.
Not stupidity. Fear for his life. When three armed men are chasing you, what else would you conclude?
No, definitely stupidity. Darwin proved right once again.
And these two geniuses are responsible:
View attachment 334410
They are. One less thug. Good on them!
Unlike these two, he has no history of violence.
He does now. Watch the thug on the video. Just like the other dumbshits, Big Mike and Trayvon, he got himself killed. Idiots, all of 'em!
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Yeah, it's not our first rodeo.
Arbery behaved in self defense. If it wasn’t, the McMichael’s wouldn’t be sitting in jail right now.

Arbery had no history of violence. He was not a thug.
Yeah, and Big Mike and Trayvon weren't thugs either then.
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?

Who cares... a situation being threatening does not mean you get to grab someone's gun and attempt to shoot them. Further, it was a citizen arrest.
Arbery behaved in self defense.
Didn't look like it to me when he RAN AT McMichael. Sorry. That's a FACT you cannot escape. Not buying your bullshit.

Then you’re only considering a small fraction of the facts.

Why ignore the rest of the facts?
Like what?

It's not assault to approach someone. It's not assault to say "hey, we want to talk to you." It's not assault to be armed.

It IS assault to run at someone and try to take the item they are holding.

Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?

Who cares... a situation being threatening does not mean you get to grab someone's gun and attempt to shoot them. Further, it was a citizen arrest.
I am not big on the whole “citizens arrest” thing. We give authority to certain people to make arrests to the exclusion of others. That’s to prevent unnecessary violence in the absence of apparent authority. Some random individual of the street trying to arrest me may appear to me to be someone trying to rob me. That certainly does not give me the right to draw and fire, nor does it give him the right to draw and fire. It also doesn’t give anyone the right to attempt to take a weapon away from another.

Based on the video, it does not appear that this “jogger“ made any attempt to reason with anybody.

These two idiots screwed up by trying to apprehend someone who appeared to be a burglary suspect. That mistake should not be considered murder. That’s the real issue.

Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?

Who cares... a situation being threatening does not mean you get to grab someone's gun and attempt to shoot them. Further, it was a citizen arrest.
I am not big on the whole “citizens arrest” thing. We give authority to certain people to make arrests to the exclusion of others. That’s to prevent unnecessary violence in the absence of apparent authority. Some random individual of the street trying to arrest me may appear to me to be someone trying to rob me. That certainly does not give me the right to draw and fire, nor does it give him the right to draw and fire. It also doesn’t give anyone the right to attempt to take a weapon away from another.

Based on the video, it does not appear that this “jogger“ made any attempt to reason with anybody.

These two idiots screwed up by trying to apprehend someone who appeared to be a burglary suspect. That mistake should not be considered murder. That’s the real issue.


Well, if you had illegally entered a building maybe you would have a different perspective.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


So you know how a store or any other place that is private property can tell you that you can't have a weapon on their premises even if the state says you lawfully can? (you have a CCW or it's a open carry state)

If you walk into a place with your weapon holstered but it can be plainly seen and the property owners don't want you there, all they can do is ask you to leave. You haven't actually commited a crime just because you're on their property and they don't appreciate you being there. If however you refuse to leave, then you are committing a crime of trespass and one for which can be arrested thereby forcibly removed from their property.
So you know how a store or any other place that is private property can tell you that you can't have a weapon on their premises even if the state says you lawfully can? (you have a CCW or it's a open carry state)
In Texas, you have to post a huge sign that cites the statute and gives notice.

If you walk into a place with your weapon holstered but it can be plainly seen and the property owners don't want you there, all they can do is ask you to leave. You haven't actually commited a crime just because you're on their property and they don't appreciate you being there. If however you refuse to leave, then you are committing a crime of trespass and one for which can be arrested thereby forcibly removed from their property.
That's only for places open to the public. This is not one of those places.

Arbery behaved in self defense.
Didn't look like it to me when he RAN AT McMichael. Sorry. That's a FACT you cannot escape. Not buying your bullshit.

Then you’re only considering a small fraction of the facts.

Why ignore the rest of the facts?
Like what?

It's not assault to approach someone. It's not assault to say "hey, we want to talk to you." It's not assault to be armed.

It IS assault to run at someone and try to take the item they are holding.

But is IS considered assault to point a weapon at someone, whether it's loaded or not.
So you know how a store or any other place that is private property can tell you that you can't have a weapon on their premises even if the state says you lawfully can? (you have a CCW or it's a open carry state)
In Texas, you have to post a huge sign that cites the statute and gives notice.

If you walk into a place with your weapon holstered but it can be plainly seen and the property owners don't want you there, all they can do is ask you to leave. You haven't actually commited a crime just because you're on their property and they don't appreciate you being there. If however you refuse to leave, then you are committing a crime of trespass and one for which can be arrested thereby forcibly removed from their property.
That's only for places open to the public. This is not one of those places.

So stepping on someone's lawn is trespassing? Or pulling into their driveway to turn around?
My initial gut feeling tells Me, AA was involved in some kind burglary, and maybe even was armed. He was caught, ditched his gun, might have even shot at the guys chasing after him, and then the result was that he was caught, tried to fight them off, and then got shot when he went for the other guys gun. He was a thief... maybe he didn't learn his lesson. And that's just what My gut is telling Me as an investigator. And you know how the Black community politicizes and mobilizes even when the evidence is clear that the Black criminal who is shot was threatening and firing with deadly force at Police Officers.

What happened to Ariel in Chicago is much worse.

There is no way you're an investigator based on the above.

I investigated insurance claims. Took statements, reviewed evidence, police reports. Decided on whether to pay or not.

And you base your decision whether or not to pay a claim on your gut rather than the evidence and/or the police reports?

Here's some more additional evidence:

Could the quality of that video be worse?

But, even if it is Arbery, he was still chased down by the two armed men (who hadn't seen that video, btw) and killed. Arbery was unarmed. Because they chased him down and confronted him with a firearm, they can't claim self defense...

Because he grabbed the gun, he had a gun in his hand.


An unarmed man was chased down by two armed men. The unarmed man was shot and killed.

Because the white guys armed themselves and chased him, they can't claim self defense. They instigated the entire incident.

Your logic is almost as bad as another idiot here who proclaimed that, because the pickup got in front of Arbery, that Arbery was chasing the truck.

Use a little common sense...

Logic. AA had a gun in his hand. True statement. I'd stand on the side of the retired Police Officer, especially if he has a stellar racism free record, and maybe he was justly defending his home and neighborhood against a burglar? If he was a burglar, and was refusing to surrender before the police arrived, then going after that gun was a mighty big mistake. He might not have been shot if he didn't do that. But you gotta know what was going through McMichael's head if AA got a hold of that gun.

Your comments could not be more devoid of logic.

How did that gun get into his hands? Travis McMichael got out of the truck that he chased Arbery down in, got out and confronted Arbery. He didn't know Arbery from Adam. He just acted on what his father told him, and that's just not a valid defense.

Your logic is akin to you falling into a swimming pool and then blaming the guy who filled the pool for your being wet...

You have CLEARLY made up your mind despite what video evidence shows.

Do I need to walk you though the video again?

McMichael never approached Arbery on the passenger side of the truck. It was Arbery who ran around the right side of the truck, the darted toward McMichael. The shotgun goes off bad Arbery is pulling on it on the driver-side.

One could easily conclude, based on the video evidence, that Arbery unnecessarily escalated the incident. One could further conclude that his actions confirm guilt. His aggressive charge toward McMichael indicates that he was mad that he got caught. And no soft-looking fat little red-headed cracker was going to catch him. He was gonna take that shotgun and take out witnesses to his burglary.

I’m not saying that’s how it happened, but the video evidence supports that conclusion just as easily (if not more easily) than your unwarranted conclusion of murder.


McMichael created the situation which makes him the initial aggressor and can not claim self defense.

And no one can say if McMichael moved across the front of the truck. That’s obscured in the video.

Total bullshit, if you stop someone and he attacks you you have every right to defend yourself.

Let's not forget the "jogger" created the initial situation by robbing.

The repeat of the "gentle bear" episode... again. Every election year the lying leftists pull this off.

Where did the McMichael’s get the right to stop citizen?

They’re not cops.

You don't need to be a cop to initiate a citizens arrest. The fact that 911 got calls about suspicious behavior and we have two videos of him trespassing in a construction zone that he had no right to be in shows he had committed a crime and was running. Two heros stopped him and he made the mistake of trying to grab the gun. Him and Travvy can rot together.

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