Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?
How are they supposed to stop a burglar WITHOUT putting themselves in his path? :cuckoo:
Let the police do their job.
The police werent there, obviously. How stupid ARE you?
Did I say they were? :cuckoo:
If they werent there, how are they supposed to "do their job"? Your logic is terribly flawed.
That's what 911 is for. The two redneck murderers weren't in law enforcement.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...
These guys are trying to get us to believe they had no intention of stopping him.
So? Trying to stop somebody is not assault.

Going after somebody and try to take their gun away from him is very much assault.

What's equally clear is that McMichaels then went from the driver's side of the truck to the front of the truck. Why would he have done that if he had no interest in confronting the jogger?
He did. Irrelevant. Confronting is not assaulting.

The only person that you can tell is committing assault in this video is the dead guy.

You do know, that a shot rang out before the jogger got to the shooter right? What would you expect the jogger to do, once the first shot rang out?

And confronting with a loaded weapon in a vehicle, shooting from a public road, and pointing the loaded shotgun in the victims direction, is most definitely an attempt at assault

The video clearly shows the shooter has the gun pointed at the victim. That is indisputable.
These guys are trying to get us to believe they had no intention of stopping him.
So? Trying to stop somebody is not assault.

Going after somebody and try to take their gun away from him is very much assault.

What's equally clear is that McMichaels then went from the driver's side of the truck to the front of the truck. Why would he have done that if he had no interest in confronting the jogger?
He did. Irrelevant. Confronting is not assaulting.

The only person that you can tell is committing assault in this video is the dead guy.


We can't say, with any degree of certainty, what happened in front of the truck. The fact that they armed themselves and chased him down and tried to stop him, though, strongly suggests to any rational, non-racist that Travis McMichael put him self in a position where Arbery felt he needed to be in fear for his life. Struggling for the gun may well have been the only thing Arbery felt would help save his life.

What you claim to be irrelevant is actually an important factor to this case.

I'll say this for the retarded kids in the class: If you arm yourself and chase someone down and attempt to stop them, you cannot claim self defense. I believe the law in all 50 states would bear that out; even in Georgia.

Why did Travis McMichael confront Arbery with a shotgun if all he and his father wanted to do was talk to him?
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?
How are they supposed to stop a burglar WITHOUT putting themselves in his path? :cuckoo:
These guys are trying to get us to believe they had no intention of stopping him.

Admitting McMichael was trying to stop him makes him the aggressor and therefore opens him up to liability for the outcome of his actions, in this case murder.

Which is why some supporters of McMichael are trying to get us to believe that they were only following or just wanting to ask them questions, not arrest them.
If you are wanting to just ask questions, you don't break laws yourself with loaded firearms in a vehicle. And you don't point loaded shotguns at the one's you want to ask questions to.
These guys are trying to get us to believe they had no intention of stopping him.
So? Trying to stop somebody is not assault.

Going after somebody and try to take their gun away from him is very much assault.

What's equally clear is that McMichaels then went from the driver's side of the truck to the front of the truck. Why would he have done that if he had no interest in confronting the jogger?
He did. Irrelevant. Confronting is not assaulting.

The only person that you can tell is committing assault in this video is the dead guy.


We can't say, with any degree of certainty, what happened in front of the truck. The fact that they armed themselves and chased him down and tried to stop him, though, strongly suggests to any rational, non-racist that Travis McMichael put him self in a position where Arbery felt he needed to be in fear for his life. Struggling for the gun may well have been the only thing Arbery felt would help save his life.

What you claim to be irrelevant is actually an important factor to this case.

I'll say this for the retarded kids in the class: If you arm yourself and chase someone down and attempt to stop them, you cannot claim self defense. I believe the law in all 50 states would bear that out; even in Georgia.

Why did Travis McMichael confront Arbery with a shotgun if all he and his father wanted to do was talk to him?
It was his forward momentum running around the truck that only gave him a split second to decide. He was running very fast on the right side of the truck not giving himself enough time to think about what these two guys were up to. Right when he went around the truck, the first shot rang out. At that split second, Avery had to decide what to do. And he decided his only option was to try and get the gun from the shooter.
Arbery behaved in self defense.
Didn't look like it to me when he RAN AT McMichael. Sorry. That's a FACT you cannot escape. Not buying your bullshit.

Then you’re only considering a small fraction of the facts.

Why ignore the rest of the facts?
Like what?

It's not assault to approach someone. It's not assault to say "hey, we want to talk to you." It's not assault to be armed.

It IS assault to run at someone and try to take the item they are holding.

But is IS considered assault to point a weapon at someone, whether it's loaded or not.
No its not. Making up fake laws isnt going to score you any points here. Do better next time.
No, he is right, at least in Texas. Pointing an unloaded gun is still considered assault, but only when not justified or excused.

There is no evidence that anyone pointed a gun PRIOR to Arbery assaulting McMichael.

Wrong! The video is clear as a bell. The shotgun in the video was pointed straight at Arbery after the first shot rang out.
It's pretty clear he tried to grapple the guns. It makes zero sense that the citizen police would shoot a person just for a heck of it. Knowing how these cases usually go down in actual police situation, you can make a quite good guess. And the police is much less trigger happy than average citizen. That's probably why the robber was able to almost pull of what he was trying to accomplish.

Let's also not forget that every single time the media has tried to pull this fake shit off, they have been wrong. Preferring criminals over regular people might have something to do with it.
There is no fake shit. The video is clear as a bell.
McMichael created the situation which makes him the initial aggressor and can not claim self defense.

If you say "because he had a gun" BULLSHIT!!!!

The mere possession of a firearm is NOT aggression.

no one can say if McMichael moved across the front of the truck. That’s obscured in the video.
It's clear to everyone that Arbery ran at McMichael. You can't see where McMichael is when Arbery ran at him, but the first shot went off all the way over on the driver's side of the truck.

A loaded shotgun in a vehicle is illegal and implies aggression.
Not stupidity. Fear for his life. When three armed men are chasing you, what else would you conclude?
You certainly don't run 10 feet toward someone who is armed unless you're a stupid motherfucker. That's for goddamn certain.

What's really the issue here is that YOU want to condemn anyone who dares to arm themselves. You couldn't be more transparent.

It was less than ten feet. Watch the video. Arming themselves with loaded weapons in a vehicle is illegal. Shooting from a public road is illegal. None of your arguments will ever hold water.
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?
How are they supposed to stop a burglar WITHOUT putting themselves in his path? :cuckoo:
Let the police do their job.
The police werent there, obviously. How stupid ARE you?
Did I say they were? :cuckoo:
If they werent there, how are they supposed to "do their job"? Your logic is terribly flawed.
That's what 911 is for. The two redneck murderers weren't in law enforcement.
Youve never heard of a citizens arrest? Have you been living in a cave your whole life?
Based on the video, it does not appear that this “jogger“ made any attempt to reason with anybody.
He shouldn't have to if he doesn't want to. He cannot be compelled to stop and talk to them just because they want to talk. It's clear he ran around the passenger side of the truck to avoid Travis McMichael. Otherwise, why would he do it? McMichael can be seen running to the front of the truck, with his shotgun

These two idiots screwed up by trying to apprehend someone who appeared to be a burglary suspect. That mistake should not be considered murder. That’s the real issue.

Yes, that mistake should absolutely be considered murder, and it's good to see that's what's happening...
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?
How are they supposed to stop a burglar WITHOUT putting themselves in his path? :cuckoo:
These guys are trying to get us to believe they had no intention of stopping him.

Admitting McMichael was trying to stop him makes him the aggressor and therefore opens him up to liability for the outcome of his actions, in this case murder.

Which is why some supporters of McMichael are trying to get us to believe that they were only following or just wanting to ask them questions, not arrest them.
If you are wanting to just ask questions, you don't break laws yourself with loaded firearms in a vehicle. And you don't point loaded shotguns at the one's you want to ask questions to.
What evidence do you have of anyone pointing a gun at him before he attacked?
Self defense is not illegal. Arbery has a right to defend himself. He didn’t pick this fight. In fact, he attempted to run from it.
Self-defense requires fear of IMMINENT bodily injury or death. Where was that BEFORE he ran at McMichael?

I know what you're gonna say. They were armed. Bullshit. That's not enough.

It appears that he DID pick this fight. He could have just kept on running, rather than ATTACK McMichael, which the video CLEARLY shows.

He did NOT attempt to run from it. He ran AT McMichael. Deny it. I'll show you the video.

They were chasing him, attempting to cut him off, to intercept him. They put themselves in his path repeatedly. They shouted at him telling him to stop.

And they did so while brandishing firearms.

A rational person would find that to be a threatening situation. Do you disagree?
How are they supposed to stop a burglar WITHOUT putting themselves in his path? :cuckoo:
These guys are trying to get us to believe they had no intention of stopping him.

Admitting McMichael was trying to stop him makes him the aggressor and therefore opens him up to liability for the outcome of his actions, in this case murder.

Which is why some supporters of McMichael are trying to get us to believe that they were only following or just wanting to ask them questions, not arrest them.
If you are wanting to just ask questions, you don't break laws yourself with loaded firearms in a vehicle. And you don't point loaded shotguns at the one's you want to ask questions to.
What evidence do you have of anyone pointing a gun at him before he attacked?

Common sense would tell us that.

Clearly, you're not burdened by even a passing relationship with common sense...
Under Georgia law, it is a criminal trespass to knowingly and maliciously interfere with another person's use of personal property without consent. The mental components of "knowingly" and "maliciously" mean the act of interference must be intentional, as opposed to an involuntary act such as sneezing or an accident. The act must also be intended to interfere with the other person's enjoyment. If anyone intentionally damages another person's property and that damage exceeds $500 in value, this is also criminal trespass under Georgia law.
Not personal property so that doesn’t matter.

Georgia also defines criminal trespass in relation to real property. It is unlawful to enter someone's land or premises after having been warned by the owner not to or to remain on the property or premises after having been told to leave by the owner. It is also criminal trespass to enter a person's land or premises with the intent of committing any unlawful act. Georgia's criminal trespass law is written so that in addition to trespass on land, entering any kind of vehicle under circumstances that would constitute criminal trespass on land is also criminal trespass.
So, how does Georgia define breaking in entering?

Because they were chasing him, attempting to cut him off and intercept him and pulled their truck up to him specifically to stop him.
And that does not justify Arbery's aggression.

If you can’t see where McMichael is, then how can you say it’s clear that he never approached Arbery? You can’t. It’s not “clear”. It’s anything but.
You can't see him anywhere in the frame when Arbery RUNS AT HIM!!!!

The video confirms this was self defense, not aggression. The shot rang out at the point Avery was rounding the vehicle. The aggression is from those who were in possession of illegally loaded firearms.
McMichael created the situation which makes him the initial aggressor and can not claim self defense.

If you say "because he had a gun" BULLSHIT!!!!

The mere possession of a firearm is NOT aggression.

no one can say if McMichael moved across the front of the truck. That’s obscured in the video.
It's clear to everyone that Arbery ran at McMichael. You can't see where McMichael is when Arbery ran at him, but the first shot went off all the way over on the driver's side of the truck.

A loaded shotgun in a vehicle is illegal and implies aggression.
Show me.

You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

Having a loaded gun does not show aggression, you filthy motherfucker, shut your fucking hole. I’m sick of you gun grabbing motherfuckers saying that just having a gun is a criminal act. Go fuck yourself in your goddamn commie ass.

So, how does Georgia define breaking in entering?

Here's what you're refusing to wrap your head around: Even if Arbery were the biggest scumbag on the planet, and stole stuff from the construction site (which he didn't do), none of that could've entered into Travis McMichael's decision making process when it came to stopping Arbery. He hadn't seen the video...
Because they were chasing him, attempting to cut him off and intercept him and pulled their truck up to him specifically to stop him.
And that does not justify Arbery's aggression.

If you can’t see where McMichael is, then how can you say it’s clear that he never approached Arbery? You can’t. It’s not “clear”. It’s anything but.
You can't see him anywhere in the frame when Arbery RUNS AT HIM!!!!

The video confirms this was self defense, not aggression. The shot rang out at the point Avery was rounding the vehicle. The aggression is from those who were in possession of illegally loaded firearms.
Yeah, what part of the video do you see where the dead guy initially feared for his life? It’s not there. All you see is the black guy being aggressive toward a white dude. That’s what’s making you fucking pissed off. A white dude killed a black dude who deserved it.

Boo fucking who.

Guys having guns does not equal aggression, you gun-grabbing twat. Running at someone is. You can cry all you want. The black dude was the aggressor and deserved to die. Fuck him.

Show me.

You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

Having a loaded gun does not show aggression, you filthy motherfucker, shut your fucking hole. I’m sick of you gun grabbing motherfuckers saying that just having a gun is a criminal act. Go fuck yourself in your goddamn commie ass.

Whoops, someone need a diaper change?

Having a gun is not a criminal act. I know because I carry one, legally, every day. But if I were brandishing it, or using it to try to compel someone to, say, stop jogging actually qualifies as assault with a deadly weapon. I wouldn't even have to pull the trigger.

Even if we allow for the possibility that Travis and Gregory McMichael wanted to effect a citizens arrest (and there's really no evidence of that), they shoulder a great responsibility in choosing to do that. They had the guns, not Arbery.

The fact that they chased him down render the claims of self defense moot, since they instigated the entire incident. If they wanted to talk, they wouldn't have armed themselves before going after them. A first year law student could show that they intended to do hard to Arbery...

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