VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

Hitler was above all, a Socialist. Democrats bitterly refuse to acknowledge that because they know they themselves are Socialists too. This crowd of Democrat loons ate it up. This dude deserves some sort of award. He nailed it. Great entertainment. Big props to the OP for posting it. :thup:
Remember the cheers Obama got calling for a "civilian defense force" as large and well-armed as our Armed Forces? Do the letters "SS" ring any bells? Make no mistake, these Rats want total control of your lives and they almost got it through various schemes like nationalized healthcare.
Thread summary:

Trumpflakes are engaging in Nazi propaganda techniques ("the Jews are attacking good Germans, so our brownshirt tactics are justified!") to prove they're not Nazis.

Trumpflakes, you'll have to stop running exclusively from the fascist playbook before we stop pointing it out.

That's not the only condition. You'll also have to kick all the white supremacists out of your party, instead of sucking their asses with gusto.

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